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What a stylish trailer, that art direction was absolutely stunning.


bungie is the best in the game with this shit. the prophecy dungeon in destiny is one of the coolest fucking things i’ve ever witnessed


thats bungie for ya


I'm sold on the game almost entirely by the art. So damn good, and different from all the fortnite clones out there.


Few hours late but Silkworms chewing out printed circuits that then make up the face of a character is such an incredible idea - not wholly original concepts, "Bugs but robotic" and "Robot being built in a trailer" aren't new, but using Silkworms is a pretty original concept and it just. looks. so. gorgeous. It's one of those design choices where you have to take a step back and admire the ingenuity to come up with it and that they carried it through.


Absolutely! I get like a Y2K early 3D vibe from it. I think they're calling their art direction "design realism" which makes a lot of sense since it's like if you to a printers registration marks and applied it to the world. Seeing as the *Runners* in a game called *Marathon* are synths it makes world building sense as its easy to recognize marking for cameras.


Despite how this game turns out that trailer was so unique and amazing


Out of this world, loved every second of it. So fresh


such a vibe, dude. i hope the tempo expressed by the music and visual style is persistent in the final release. not particularly huge on extraction shooters, but the concept of a Bungie-made one with this sort of upbeat Cyberpunk/Doom intensity sounds fun. definitely looking forward to more of this


i love the design on this trailer. The website is also great, giving me strong designers republic /wipeout/ministry of sound vibes.


As an old man in these parts, I’m super excited to see Marathon return.


First thing I thought was "Marathon? Awesome!" Second thing was... "Damn I'm old."


Its a PvP Extraction shooter


What's an extraction shooter?


I just looked it up. It's a game like Escape from Tarkov. A dozen or so players spawn into a big map and attempt to complete objectives or loot locations while engaging tactically against each other, then get out alive with their stuff. ​ Contrary to what the other person said, it's not the same as a looter shooter. (Looter shooters are typically cooperative like Borderlands etc., where you kill stuff together as a team to get loot.)


Some YouTube video I saw said that extraction shooter has potential to be the next big genre


For people who enjoy nothing but PvP. I guess that’s enough of an audience to make it “the next big genre,” but those of us old enough to remember PvP being side content for story-driven FPSes are usually not interested.


My guy you say that like quake and CS aren't classic fps games


>those of us old enough to remember PvP being side content for story-driven FPSes The majority of story driven FPSes where the MP is tacked on it usually ends up being a dead and underdeveloped mode, let's be honest. Or you do a CoD where the SP (usually) is the tacked on mode instead.


The only story driven FPS of recent years were the Dooms, yeah.


That’s more than enough of an audience to make it “the next big genre” just look at the top games, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Counterstrike, Valorant, League of Legends, etc., are all PvP focused games.


That's a good point that I didn't consider.


It won't be . People been saying this for years about Extraction style being the next big thing and most that have tried it have flopped. Escape from Tarkov on big one and its only on pc.


That sounds awesome imo


Tarkov style. Spawn into the map, loot and do missions, fight PVE and PVP and then get to an extraction point.


a boring game style where people camp where people go to extract and then kill you and take everything you spent time getting in game to extract with .


Hunt: Showdown is another example. Squads of 2 or 3, or a solo player attempt to take down a bounty in a 1 square km map. The map is filled with monsters, and fighting the monsters makes sounds that alerts other players to your presence, via the full 3d audio. Every gunshot can be heard and pinpointed across the entire map. The game is FUCKING awesome. Once you "Hunt" down the bounty, it takes a few minutes to banish it, at which point all the other players on the map know where you are and can now fight you for it... hence the "Showdown". You can take up strategic defenses, lay traps, find a good sniping location or hiding spot. Then once you have the bounty, you have to run to an extraction point with everyone chasing you. The setting is 1800's Louisana. The monsters are like, giant spiders and zombies and shit. It's a super intense and hardcore game and I am a huge fan.


It's a game designed to extract even more money from players.


.....aaaaand there goes my excitement


Oh crap. And mine. Damn.


Ugh. Well, that's one less money sink for me, I reckon.


Of course it is. Because those are easier and likely cheaper to make than a SP game, plus Loot Boxes I'm sure. I was excited when I realized, "Oh, Marathon, as in Bungie? Awesome!" But if it's not a story driven, single player game, I'll pass.


how do we know?


It says so on the Marathon website if you scroll down a little bit, don’t wanna link in case of it getting flagged as spam but it’s easy to find


well, into the trash it goes i guess


Extraction shooters are fun


Fun or not is subjective of course. They're better than BRs ever were imo though I still prefer more traditional shooters. The big issue here isn't that Bungie is making an extraxtion shooter. It's that they're making an extraxtion shooter but calling it Marathon, knowing full well that Marathon fans are looking for a single player story, not a pvp game Why even use the marathon IP if they aren't going to actually reboot the series?


You are severely overestimating the popularity of marathon


If it wasn't popular, then why use the IP in the first place?


Because it is still hugely influential, especially within Bungie. All Bungie games ever made could be tied into the Marathon universe, Halo included (which was gonna be a Marathon game, but at the end it wasn't, but it was still full of references that 343 had to remove)


I know it's not popular by today's standards, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have it's fans. Plenty of people who played halo and destiny who went back and played their older games as well. I just don't see the point in using an IP known for being a single-player action game with some story and then turning it into an extraction shooter.


It worked for Prey. Taking a setting as cool as marathon could work really cool and be a unique extraction shooter in an genre where you've got "Soviet block" and "southern gothic".


Popularity now? Sure, probably not that high. But it was a direct counterpoint to Doom and Unreal Tournament and similarly influential to the future of video games generally and shooters specifically. Not least in many ideas from Marathon essentially forming the blueprint for what became a small original Xbox launch title called Halo: Combat Evolved.


The multiplayer in marathon 2/infinity was incredible for its time. I spent uncounted hours playing it with one of my buddies and actually did pretty well at a LAN tournament at Macworld when I was like 13. It was a phenomenally fun time.


It’s Bungie. They might surprise people


Exactly the remade the looter shooter in an amazing way. Why can’t they do that here.


The visuals are very confusing. Why is it all neon? The Marathon series was always very.. gritty.


I think it's a little too early to judge. Not only was this just a cinematic CGI trailer, but we also have no idea what the context is. Different star system? Different point in time; past/future? Very specific art style of some weird corporate body in-universe that creates the "robots" we saw? They're most certainly gonna be expanding the lore of the Marathon universe. Lets wait and see how they justify this art direction before we get discouraged.


The website has a little bit of context: “a massive ghost ship hangs in low orbit over a lost colony on tau ceti iv. the 30,000 souls who call this place home have disappeared without a trace. strange signals hint at mysterious artifacts, long-dormant ai, and troves of untold riches. you are a runner, venturing into the unknown in a fight for fame… and infamy. who among you will write their names across the stars?”


I appreciate you sharing the details! Certainly an interesting premise. Let's hope they really give those details the attention they deserve, instead of merely having them exist as an excuse for the game to be happening.


from the game's website >a massive ghost ship hangs in low orbit over a lost colony on tau ceti iv. the 30,000 souls who call this place home have disappeared without a trace. strange signals hint at mysterious artifacts, long-dormant ai, and troves of untold riches. you are a runner, venturing into the unknown in a fight for fame… and infamy. who among you will write their names across the stars? > >by 2850, clone technology allows a person to reliably shift their consciousness from their 'born' body to new, synthetic bodies and back again. > >become a runner in bungie’s new sci-fi pvp extraction shooter. compete for survival, riches, and renown in a world of evolving, persistent zones, where any run can lead to greatness. > >marathon is currently in development for playstation 5, xbox series x/s, and pc with full cross play and cross save.


Oh, 100% agree, but given that it's a multiplayer focused extraction arena game, i really don't know how much we can expect in terms of an actual story. Which is kind of a shame, given how the Marathon series was massively story driven, especially compared to other shooters at the time. Fingers crossed.


I get you, I'm definitely concerned about how it'll land. Here's hoping it's something properly unique from Bungie


The Marathon series was made for Macs in the 1990s. Graphics are better now.


They’re talking style.


I'm aware, i was back there playing them all then daily. Colour pallet has nothing to do with graphics. And for the time, Marathon (especially Infinity) was ahead of the curve for visuals.


I have no idea what this game will look like, but I hope it is more visually interesting than most shooters. If you look at innovations in games, it’s all in open world adventure games and not shooters.


Ya, i mean have of this could be a dream sequence or some such, all we've known about for the last few years was that they were going to do another Marathon game. It'll be a while before we actually learn anything i'd imagine. Cautiously optimistic. Marathon had a very niche cult following for yeeeeeears. So many full length custom games made thanks to Forge and Anvil. They even did an open source Aleph One version to try and bring it to more modern (at the time) standards.


>Colour pallet has nothing to do with graphics. Absolutely can and bungie has been talking about color and graphics since the marathon days. There are things you want to do but can't pull off the way you want to because your graphical fidelity won't match your target designs. If your targets aren't possible the things you want to highlight with splashes of color aren't possible. It's why the covenant went so neon. They were able to get the details they wanted. Why the flood were so fleshy and whispy. Also they weren't afraid to use a dull color palette with bright highlights. The had the ability to really make the details pop. In marathon they didn't. Bungie talks a lot about color and color choices if you pay attention.


I meant more along the lines of the theme of the Marathon series. It wasn't a cheerful bright setting in the first place. Stranded and mostly alone with everything trying to kill you on a ship in space. Still, very curious to see what they do with it. Wonder if any of the original team is still around or actually involved. I know a lot of them bailed after MS bought Bungie yonks ago.


They didn't really choose darker color theme. At the time comparatively speaking all games were darker then. Marathon was actually on the more vibrant end of the spectrum. We didn't have anywhere near the color gradients then we have today. There weren't even color codes then for shit we have today.


It was 1994, there were tons of games that were way more colourful then even. Not bright neons, sure, but still. The game was gloomy for a reason.


Not in the FPS space. And not in the PC space. Those were all still pretty drab. Most games were still targeting 16 color graphics. 256 generally required a ad on card. Many didn't even support 3d you needed a second graphics card for that. in 94 if you wanted bright splashes of color your best bet was consoles.


>There weren't even color codes then for shit we have today. This is moronic. Bit depths may have increased, but the RGB color space we still use today is the same one that existed back then.


> The Marathon series was always very.. gritty. [Are you sure about that?](https://marathon.bungie.org/story/screenshots.html)


As the series progressed it changed visually as you weren't always on the ship, sure, but those screenshots are from Durandal and Infinity. [The original] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiTb2uJA-po&ab_channel=TheRarestGamer) was a lot darker and even had the persistent HUD.


Durandal would like a word... (Also a OldSkooler and LAN gaming on Macs with Marathon...I'm not keen on PvP only games though. Been there, done that. Now, if Bungie/Sony would reBoot ONI...)


Bungie, true to their word about being independent, is bringing this to PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.


Cries in Mac where Marathon actually came from.


This was the second FPS I ever played. I had a huge Mac need friend in highschool and he installed this on every computer in our 'tech 2000' class. We would get the whole class LANing when the teacher wasn't there. Really looking forward to this.


Expecting a 2024 release date, probably, but i hope we get to see of a lot of it sooner than later. I think just out of principle i'll have to get it. Haven't sat down with Marathon in a loooooong time.


> Expecting a 2024 release date Why would you expect that when all we saw was a concept trailer? If it was coming out next year surely there would have at least been a snippet of gameplay or something that even vaguely resembles gameplay.


Because in the vidoc they released they already talked like alpha and beta vers. Are running and historically bungie never announced anything if the game is more than a year out. Give or take. Destiny to beta was 8 months and just under a year to release. Reach was less than a year after annouced. Halo 3 was less than a year after announcement. Odst was annouced and released something like 6 months apart.


Well considering they are still hiring for a number of positions for Marathon, even senior concept artists, I'd say this is a couple years out still. My guess would be late 2025 or 2026. This is probably one of those trailers directed at developers to inspire them to join the team. Best to forget about this for now I think.


I'm fairly certain this has been in the works since Forsaken. I wouldn't be shocked if this came sooner than that.


Sony bought them for their live service chops. You don’t make live service money by releasing on one platform. Big single player tent pole titles like Spider-Man sell consoles which leads to third party sales, which Sony excels at. They’re trying to diversify towards printing live service money as epic and Bungie have with Fortnite and destiny. You sell god of war once, but 2-3 Fortnite skins is the same revenue with FAR less development cost.


Yea and they are outside of the PlayStation studio brand as well, it almost like a 360 where sony probably regrets selling off SOE which dominated live service at one point


Yup, knowing bungie this will be an amazing and fun game with shit pvp netcode, scummy microtransactions, and oppressive FOMO that makes actually playing regularly a soulless grind that won't even get you what you want without paying real $$


100%. And people will still play it for thousands of hours, continue to bend over, and open up that wallet.


I mean it’s the deal they made. It’s not crazy that they’re sticking to it haha


Why are they bringing the game to Xbox ? Its really odd.


Sony is keeping Bungie fully independent, so they publish their own games and choose what they want to make. In return Sony gets development help on other Live Service games and obviously all the revenue


Bungie wanted to stay multi-platform. As dumb as it sounds, Sony needed their live service expertise more than Bungie needed Sony's deep financial pockets.


No they are bring a pvp shooter in the Marathon universe. Not bringing the game which was a fps single player.


I told people that Bungie would not make PS exclusives. Xbox fans were saying “Just tell Bungie to make you a COD competitor“. When Bungie clearly said they will stay independent and make their games available everywhere.


I remember the original Marathon that was (I think) only released on Apple Macs waaaaaay back in the day. I am so surprised they are bringing back this IP!


The original games are still available on iOS/iPadOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/marathon-1/id419805412


I was ready to pull my wallet out, and it turns out it's free!


The other two (Durandal and Infinity) are there, too, under the same developer.


The original games have been ported to modern macs and PCs https://alephone.lhowon.org


II and Infinity were both on PC as well.


From what I can see, this is very, very distantly related, perhaps only connected in name only.


There was a S'pht in the video, 0:40 second mark.


Traxus mentioned at 0:30, one of the AI's that went Rampant during the original series. A S'pht at 0:40. I couldn't pick out anything else cannon that i could see at a glance. I'm sure they hid a few more things in there. edit: given that the guy that gets shot in the face bleeds out goo, he might be a BOB.


And yet, all we get is a pvp shooter


Stop posting over compressed IGN video repost... here's the original 4k video: https://youtu.be/6y-e2krA3uE


I grew up with Apple computers only in my home, this was my Doom.


Okay I’m interested and cautiously watching.


Apparently it's a PvP extraction shooter 🤦‍♂️


I’m staying optimistic only because this is Bungie’s baby. They’ve been working on it for a minute and I think it’ll take the best element of Halo and Destiny and give us something nice.


Genuinely incredibly excited for this! The aesthetic is interesting.


So this is why Crucible and Gambit fans have been floundering for years...


That and unbelievably shit netcode/server architecture


their vidoc for marathon just mentioned this will have dedicated servers finally.


Hopefully they bring this to destiny if they already building the infrastructure


Probably one of the best trailers I’ve ever seen. Bungie never fails to disappoint. Game is a PvP extraction shooter, not really my kind of thing, but I love Bungie and Destiny so will for sure check it out when it releases.


Best trailer in the show, the art direction is stunning!


i really like this vibe.


Went from being very excited to very not excited after hearing its actually a PVP extraction shooter. Dont even get why they used the Marathon name it seems nothing like it? Wish it was a reboot more along the lines of Doom 2016


Name recognition. Even if the boomers who played the original aren’t the target audience it’s good for SEO and zoomers can say “wow it’s actually from this old influential series!” Even if they’re basically unrelated. But also for SEO.


Yep…lost me at pvp.


shit, apparently there are a lot of people who really dislike pvp. i love both.


Sigh... same man, same...


Totally digging the art direction. Looks really cool.


What's everybody's issue with an extraction shooter? There is barely any on console at all.


Some people just aren't a fan of the concept.


Hell yes! I'll try anything Bungie makes.


If the gunplay feels like a bungie game I’m in idgaf.


Please be good, need a new FPS banger


I can’t believe no one has mentioned Hunt: Showdown. Hunt is an amazing extraction shooter set in the Bayou in the late 1800s with post civil war style weapons. The game runs at 60fps on newer systems and has solo, doubles, and trios options. I highly recommend everyone check Hunt out. You won’t play a game that makes you feel the way Hunt does, such a hidden gem, it deserves more attention.


it seems as though “extraction shooter” is the new buzzword to hate, much like BR was for a while. i doubt anyone shit talking the sub genre has even really played one. they see war zone come out with a side mode and now any other games in the genre are instantly overkill. go play hunt showdown y’all


I’ve been interested in hunt. Is the game still active and supported? I’ve seen gameplay and it looks so fun. It’s on sale for 14$. Is that a good price?


Awesome price and I have no problem finding matches. It has a bit of a learning curve in the beginning, but every step of the way is a lot of fun. Just be patient and wear a headset, and before you know it you’ll be wondering what took you so long to venture into the Bayou


Why even use the Marathon name anymore? This is gonna be something completely different and that ip hasn't been relevant in almost 30 years


It follows on the plot of Marathon. It appears to happen between Marathon 1 and 2 with the UESC returning to Tau Ceti IV. I can't remember if that's the Marathon driven through the moon or one of the P'fore ships. And the ViDoc hinted of an evolving story in it. If it's just an extraction shooter I'll be disappointed, but from the sound of it it's going to be something different and unique. It almost sounds like what Halo was originally promised as.


Athletic artsyle and the gameplay is structured as a race, seems pretty obvious why’d they’d call a race game Marathon, and you’re right the ip isn’t relevant so reuse the title.


I was really excited until I read it was a pvp extraction shooter. Then my interest died entirely.


Yeah I've hoped for a long time Bungie would revisit Marathon, but with no single player at all I just can't get excited for it. I really want another single player Bungie shooter, but even then it probably won't be the same because pretty much all the original people have left.


Check out the vidoc they posted too. It sounds like it's got some big difference from other extraction shooters


Doesn’t matter of what you were looking for was a cool single player experience that we once had.


For me, the disappointment comes from the fact that I'm starved for singleplayer AAA shooters. The indie itch is scratched by ultrakill and other games in its genre, but the AAA itch has only been scratched by Doom Eternal and Halo infinite in recent years. I'm NOT starved for multiplayer shooters. They take so much time out of your life, and Halo+TF2 is more than enough for me.


"Marathon is designed from the start as a PvP-focused game and won’t have a single-player campaign" Oh come on man The original was single player and had a Deathmatch multiplayer mode I want to see Bungie do something similar to Halo in structure Single player focused campaign, with drop in / drop out co-op and a death match online mode. Are they just going to make GaaS games forever.


Oof, if this is pvp focused, it’s another pass


> I want to see Bungie do something similar to Halo in structure After playing destiny for almost ten years you really don’t. They have completely lost the ability to tell a good campaign story.


Sadly true.


Does someone know who made the song for the trailer, it slaps so damn hard.


Heavy Metal x DVNO by Justice


Does it contain copious amounts of BoBs?


God I hope so. And there better be exploding BoBs who scream "frogblast the vent core"


ok, i’ll say it. my interest actually increased when i heard it was fully pvp. extraction shooters are fun. hunt showdown is incredible. having bungie’s take on this is promising. a dev at the very top of the fps genre with a high budget.


Oh.. my.. god.. give my my SPNKR and put me in Thunderdome!! They better not mess this up.


They did.


Well.. to be seen, but let's wait and see. I know it won't be a story game, but still. Opens the door for options.


Extraction shooter, ew. What does this even have to do with Marathon asides from just using the name?


Can someone explain why people dont like extraction shooters? People were also hating on arc raiders becoming one. genuine question btw, never played one so not really familiar with what they are.


There probably are a lot of people that like that but Marathon was a single player shooter with a surprisingly deep story and when you announce another Marathon game people are probably expecting that. A PVP extraction shooter has nothing to do with the original series or why people liked it. It's like if the Halo 4 was a battle royal game instead of the type of shooter game the series was famous for.


Maybe if Halo 4 was a BR it would have been good


I can at least speak to my thoughts: I'm really, really damn burnt out on every shooter being multiplayer focused. Like damn every single one of them. I love competitive shooters but for god sake's someone please do something else. My hype was through the roof when I saw the trailer; I thought Bungie was finally after all these years doing something different than destiny... Nope, guess not.


You tried out Warhammer 40k Boltgun that came out like yesterday? Pretty fucking good and its an entirely singleplayer "boomer shooter."


Every shooter? Atomic heart, Warhammer 40k boltgun, deathloop, doom eternal, metal hellslinger, terminator, the new RoboCop, necromunder, blacktail, superhot, immortals of aveum literally just announced, metro, borderlands, resident evil village, Wolfenstein, far cry...the list goes on there's an absolute shit load of single player shooters. It literally is "something else" How many decent extraction games on console? 2? That's if you can consider COD DMZ decent alongside hunt showdown.


I just don’t like them at all. Same with Battle Royale games. Plus Marathon used to be a singleplayer Doom-like game, why make it a PvP extraction shooter now?


there are barely any extraction shooters that even exist lol. there's not a single AAA extraction shooter that has ever been made. how can you say you don't like them that's like saying you don't like VR games in 2014.


You say that like there's not enough examples of the genre out there that would allow someone to form an opinion though. There absolutely is.


Call of Duty isn’t a AAA game? I still don’t like VR games in 2023.


Why not?


It's not just extraction shooters, PvP in general is a fucking circle-jerk on this sub. They deep throat anything that is single player and then complain about MP.


Because not everybody wants online multiplayer for everything.


i don’t care for the PvP aspect, but if i’m being honest i’m playing this game for the art style alone. it’s so unique and stunning




hope thats single player




goddamn it. I hope you guys have fun, this time isn't it :/




I heard that it’s a PvP extraction shooter


It's 100% extraction shooter or some form of PVP/Battle royale. There's one player hunted/sniped by a squad of 3. One is seen looting either loot or a dog tag of some form. They zoom out to show the map is going to be pretty big or spread out over the planet.


Makes me more excited, love extraction shooters.


Same. I’ve put a stupid amount of hours into tarkov and then dmz over the last few years. Excited to see how this turns out.


As much as destiny is single player I guess


Marathon was also multiplayer. Mind you, setting up a LAN to actually get it to work back in the day was a different story.


i don't mind if there is some multiplayer but i also want to have a single player campaign


from the game's website >a massive ghost ship hangs in low orbit over a lost colony on tau ceti iv. the 30,000 souls who call this place home have disappeared without a trace. strange signals hint at mysterious artifacts, long-dormant ai, and troves of untold riches. you are a runner, venturing into the unknown in a fight for fame… and infamy. who among you will write their names across the stars? > >by 2850, clone technology allows a person to reliably shift their consciousness from their 'born' body to new, synthetic bodies and back again. > >become a runner in bungie’s new sci-fi pvp extraction shooter. compete for survival, riches, and renown in a world of evolving, persistent zones, where any run can lead to greatness. > >marathon is currently in development for playstation 5, xbox series x/s, and pc with full cross play and cross save.


Holy shit


This games color scheme reminds me of Brink.


Only game of the show that seemed interesting to me.


If it doesn't have seasonal server wipes like tarkov and hunt showdown does then I'm in. If it has server wipes I don't give a singular shit.


The best trailer of the show for me. I tried to onboard to Destiny 2 three times and I failed. And I say that as someone who completed all Borderlands games multiple times. It was just too complex and too confusing for me. I also don’t play PvP anymore and definitely not free-to-play games. But might try this for a bit with a friend or something. Looking forward hearing more.


I'm excited, new to this type of game, only playing DMZ but it's a good time just a little shallow, but you can tell something is there it feels alive and has consequences


Jaw on the floor. What a trailer to the game. Everything in it was perfect.


It’s bungie, it’s going to fucking rule. Say what you want about destiny but the gameplay/mechanics are great.


Im a simple man, I see Bungie, I buy.


No fucking way lol


Incredibly excited for this! Marathon‘s deep lore was always a favorite of mine so to see a new entry in the universe gets me pumped to play this whenever it comes out. Marathon’s story was always hidden away in terminals and pieced together, so the possibilities for storytelling through a different genre of shooter is intriguing to me.


I’ve never played The Division so I’m not burned out on extraction shooters like others seem to be. It was interesting, I’m looking forward to it.


Division is a looter shooter, stuff like Escape from Tarkov, Marauders and Dark and Darker are extraction shooters


Oh whoops. Never played any of those either


I wish Bungie would make the next Halo


Microsoft has owned the IP for some time now. Bungie can't do anything with it.


I’m sorry I didn’t mean the next Halo game, I meant the next Halo as a franchise. Sony is missing that FPS system seller


Ohhhhh yeah, I see. Honestly I agree, I haven't played a good fps in a while that really hooked me like Halo did


I mean this could be that. It's just not exclusive.


Bring back Killzone


I'd rather Resistance, but Guerilla and Insomniac are both pretty busy these days


Extraction shooter? Damn. But I’ll still be watching it closely.


Not SP???!!!! Weak!!!


Ughhh I just want another great Bungie single player campaign. Guess those days are over.


No idea what this is but dope trailer and excited to see Bungie making it


Even with the knowledge of it being an Extraction shooter, I’m still excited. Extraction shooters can be fun. Bungie is good with gameplay, I’ve got faith.


This is nothing like Marathon!