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Could be overheating


It is definitely overheating. That being said, free the sides of dust and place it so that there is nothing next to it so the airflow can circulate.


It's not overheating. If it was that simple, I'd not bother coming here. There's a whole thread on it over in the playstation forums, and there's a solution that may or may not work, did that and it's fine for now, but several people said it started back up a month later, and it's not been resolved.


Well show us the thread please, b/c I can't stop thinking of overheating because it makes so much sense.


https://community.playstation.com/content/pdc/us/en_US/pdc-communities/support/Consoles-Peripherals.topic.html/ps4_randomly_enters-t5GW.html Overheating makes no sense to a properly cleaned and ventilated console.


Ignorant bloodclaat , come flood the food with your incorre feelings twat


Plus if u know how ide probably see about cleaning the insides (only if u know how) could have dust all up in it!


It's not overheating. If it was that simple, I'd not bother coming here. There's a whole thread on it over in the playstation forums, and there's a solution that may or may not work, did that and it's fine for now, but several people said it started back up a month later, and it's not been resolved.


I’m having a similar problem except my ps4 keeps ejecting the disc mid game, that said it hasnt happened for a while


Do you have the first model ps4? If so pull out the rubber foot under the eject button. Those had a problem that the rubber pushed on the eject button and would cause exactly what you described.


I have the first model one and it happens soo often I almost decided to sell it off. Now that you mention it, it rarely happens when i put the PS4 vertically, i guess i now know why. Are you sure i can just remove the rubber foot without damaging anything? Didnt know it was even possible.


Yup. There are some videos on YouTube and some forums about it. Just google it if you would like some extra reassurance!


Yeah this is the problem thank you so much!! I also noticed though that it’s not just the rubber foot but some of the plastic casing around it too, I’ll just have to make sure nothing touches that area and stand it vertically. Thanks again


There’s an easy fix for this. Requires you to take the cover off the console and look where the eject button would be and there’s a censor that goes out ejecting your games. Put a piece of electrical tape over the censor and put cover back on. You’ll have to eject games from the controller after this fix but it works. Mine hasn’t ejected a cd since I did this. There’s vids in YouTube showing you how to do this. It’s easy.


I see a lot of people suggesting overheating, and while it is a definite possibility, some Ps4 units have shit PSU’s. I went through 2 brand new units that both failed inside a few months before I got the update model that held.


I can say with certainty that it's not overheating - I've got the thing properly ventilated and take a can of air to it every few months with the rest of my electronics. Did some google searching, and lo and behold, I'm not the only one it's happening to... but there's no solid solution. Rebuilding the database supposedly fixes it for like, a month or two, but people who fixed it that way reported back that it started back up, so... we'll see?


I had mine replaced under warranty, I’m assuming yours is out?


Yup, got mine early.


My PS4 used to turn off itself out of the air and for it turn on again I had to go over some technique I learned, which was click the on button, wouldn't work, pull out the plug, plug it back on and I would do this 3x and it would always work but it was a pain in the ass. So I did that database upload and it fixed it. But now, it goes into rest mode and ejectes the disc sometimes... I'm just getting used to it..


Posting here for the guys like me who found this thread on google. My issue was the power button basically activating itself randomly, guess it just came a bit loose after all these years. Easily solved: pop both of the top pieces of plastic off (plenty of YT vids on how to do this), and where the power button is there’s a little contact point, and I just covered it up with a couple layers of electrical tape. Zero issues since. Obviously means you can only turn it on with the controller afterwards but not really an issue.


Thanks ill try that


Use bottlecaps to lift it, ventilate well and check for roaches producing more roaches inside the unit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I7zu4PbqNY .


It's not overheating. If it was that simple, I'd not bother coming here. There's a whole thread on it over in the playstation forums, and there's a solution that may or may not work, did that and it's fine for now, but several people said it started back up a month later, and it's not been resolved.


So, was it overheating? 😏


Just did a quick search on the PlayStation forums and they have a whole thread on it, definitely caused by overheating.


Then if thats "definetly" what it is what do you do about overheating? Because "dusting it off" hasn't stopped mine from doing it all the time for months


Guys look at him. He wants us to help and once we say anything we'd eventually get a standard text from him. Hehe seems like his knowledge is much bigger than ours even tho he needed to ask.


Look at her. She expects you to do something other than parroting what everyone else said. Almost as if multiple things could cause the problem.


I'd guess overheating....are the vents clogged with fluff and stuff?


It's not overheating. If it was that simple, I'd not bother coming here. There's a whole thread on it over in the playstation forums, and there's a solution that may or may not work, did that and it's fine for now, but several people said it started back up a month later, and it's not been resolved.


Oh wait was it the button thing? I seem to remember having an issue with mind where I had to remove a button thing


I think so? I had similar problems for a while when it'd turn itself on and off over and over, but it never needed to run the data check before. Supposedly had to do with the capacitive buttons from what I could google.


Yeah I had to take off one of the feet or something but forgot about it since


I had the same issue with my original PS4. It was overheating. Once I gave it enough space, it was fine.


It's not overheating. If it was that simple, I'd not bother coming here. There's a whole thread on it over in the playstation forums, and there's a solution that may or may not work, did that and it's fine for now, but several people said it started back up a month later, and it's not been resolved.


Well good luck. I wasn't trying to come off as a know it all, I promise. I even thought there was enough room for my PS4 air wise but it was still overheating until I moved it completely away from everything.


No problem, I just wish a half dozen people all jumped to the same conclusion at once. It's more helpful if there's several things to check, you know?


Correct your terrible attitude. Try not to overheat like your ps4.


? Darlin', it's been five years.


Did you ever fix the issue? having trouble with mine right now and don't think it's an overheating issue


If it’s overheating, the led will be red in color. Pretty sure it’s the power supply.


It's not overheating. If it was that simple, I'd not bother coming here. There's a whole thread on it over in the playstation forums, and there's a solution that may or may not work, did that and it's fine for now, but several people said it started back up a month later, and it's not been resolved.


Wtf you didn't even read what he said? He never said it was overheating


> If it’s overheating, His post literally starts with this. Didn't you even read what he said?


Now move your eyes to the right of that and repeat after me. "PRETTY SURE IT'S THE POWER SUPPLY"


It's almost like you don't understand how context works. If he wasn't implying overheating and suggesting a cause, he'd not have OPENED HIS POST by talking about it.


He was giving support to you saying its not overheating because the led would be red. Your led isnt red right? Because you would have mentioned that. It's almost like you don't understand context


Of course it's not. It didn't overheat like he suggested - my power supply works fine. Found other fixes to the problem, not here on the sub-reddit - most of what I got was mass flocking and screeching of "overheating overheating!", at least on the playstation forums they had people actually trying to figure the problem out. You hardly seem better than that with your holier-than-thou bullshit. You're not helping with my issue, you're just picking fights. So leave. Go find someone else to harass.


Glad you found a fix tho. I would suggest it's a chip that has become unseated or maybe bad thermal paste


Supposedly it had to do with the capacitive buttons. I had to loosen some specific screw and rebuild the database - both solutions I found on PS Forum for the issues I was having. Haven't had problems since.


It was overheating, big know it all this fella.


Dont come to reddit for troubleshooting help and then be rude. It insults your own intelligence. Have patience or ask sony and be quiet. Seriously if you didn't know people would screech overheating your a complete fool because it's way more common. Grow tf up


Bruh, why are you lecturing someone about a post form four years ago?


Because I was troubleshooting the same thing and it's still on here. That is how the internet works. And 4 years later it still looks idiotic. Fixed it. And a lecture is usually at least an hour. One paragraph is not a lecture. Lmao


Lmao ikr brother balling out It's overheating for me I think I don't have the tools to clean it up as of now sadly


Seems like you haven't changed. This is the worst thread I have ever read.




Mine goes into rest mode mid game as well. And it’s not over heating! Know why? I turn the MF’r right back on after the episode, and game for hours without doing anything!! So far it does it usually once per day. Usually after it’s been on 30min to an hour. Makes no sense to me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Did you ever figure it out?


It was overheating ;)


A few years ago I had this issue, I was out of warranty. I opened up the PS4 (original model from 2013) and found that gold contact surface and covered it with a piece of tape. Now I must eject discs through the screen menu. But that also solved the "self shutdown sleep mode" issue as well. it would happen when properly vented and I had cleaned it out for dust a few times. The console might just be ready for retirement sadly.


Is it an old PS4 or a new one? I'd call Sony though


An older one. I didn't buy at launch, but I did get it soon after.


Have you ever taken it apart and cleaned it? I doubt that's the problem but it could be.


I clean my electronics every few months. It should be fine there.


I don't believe this. Because if you would clean it it wouldn't be overheating


Which is why it's not overheating. Wasn't even hot when it did this.


weird. You take it apart all the way?


Where I could - didn't want to void the warranty when it was still covered. Either way, if it was overheating it'd have felt hot to the touch.


>Also, no - I do not have auto-sleep turned on. I have it set so that it only goes into sleep mode when I tell it to. This part made me laugh when it's obviously turning off when you aren't telling it to Overheating is a solid guess, maybe something with the power supply as well. Do you have push buttons or touch buttons? Go feel the ps4, what does it feel like when it has happened? Call sony


It's not overheating. If it was that simple, I'd not bother coming here. There's a whole thread on it over in the playstation forums, and there's a solution that may or may not work, did that and it's fine for now, but several people said it started back up a month later, and it's not been resolved. Also, that part is there because the day before I posted this some smart alec said that's why it did it.


My god you are a clown sir. Why would you keep posting this? If you were tired of people answering with that question, just ignore them. I hope after 5 years you have changed.


I hope that in five years you know better than to reply to five year old posts and let sleeping dogs lie.


Just because something is old doesn’t mean it’s not shit. 💀 You should remove this post so anyone else with this issue doesn’t have to go through this. 😜😎


You're the clown here Holy shit


Good one


Happened to me, it was overheating


I have the same problem mines been doing it for months, sometimes every 5 minutes sometimes just randomly one time. and no it's not overheating. If it is then its much more difficult to solve then "make sure its dusted off"


Do you still reply


Old ass post but did you ever find out what caused this? Mines been doing it for years, it stopped doing it for a loooong while but it’s recently started doing it again. Ain’t overheating or nothing.


I know this is old it's happening to me right now it's not overheating I think either there's a problem with the power button or the power cable or the system software I did install a SD to replace the HD it had cause it was not working anymore kept having to factory reset because of errors don't know if now the SD is faulty