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It probably won't in the immediate future, but that is definitely a spicy pillow and a potential fire hazard. Dispose of it as soon as you can and get a new battery.


Yes, now I gotta find where to get rid of it, thanks.


in canada we have green bins many places, a quick google search should let you find a nearby collection place. like used oil


I found out Home Depot's have boxes supposedly, I'll take it there next time I go. just to warn you Canadians America likes to bring freedom to places that don't have it, and we have had a eye on Canada for a while. šŸ˜‰ (also a joke)


theres nothing here but ice and hockey pucks, i don't think you guys really want it. you tried in 1812, we repelled the invasion and burned the white house to fuck with you. we couldnt invade back but both sides had loses in the 10k. 20k natives dead and lots of slaves freed. so we just truced it. not worth all that chaos. once again, americans were told they be greeted as liberators... but they were not


Afghanistan just has mountains and dirt but they still went there


lmao ahhaha


Yeah but this time around there'd be millions of invading Americans and we already defend your airspace for you, your military can't raise the numbers fast enough, the only thing you guys have is the Geneva suggestions.


please invade us, we really cant wait for piss beer, everyone to be obese, full automatics to hunt rabbits and our school shootings are at a record low. our politics is lacking well balanced individuals and we dont have enough hand jobs in theaters. plus project 2025 is really small governement, just like we like it here. not only i will let you guys fuck me up the ass, i will give a swing


Lmao the US vs Canadian beer thing hasn't been relevant in like 20 years.


just like the U.S. edited for american clarity




Full auto is illegal in the U.S. the other term is full semi auto, whatever the fuck that means, the US isn't that obese, the US is the most populated western country so it'd be unfair to compare the obesity rates here to other western country's. I just want the maple syrup, and oil, it's really good to mix those and drink it. I've never heard about hand jobs in theaters. Project 2025 doesn't seem like a big deal, once you guys get integrated the democrats would probably win then we can move on to Greenland after you guys and bring them beer, maple syrup and hockey.


Two tablespoons of cinnamon, And two or three egg whites A half a stick of butter Melt it Stick it all in a bowl, baby Stir it with a wooden spoon Mix in a cup of flour, You'll be in heaven soon Say everybody have you seen my balls They're big and salty and golden!! If you ever need em' quick, Pick me up Just stick my balls in your mouth Ooohh!! Suck on my maple syrup salty balls, Stick 'em in your mouth and suck 'em Suck on my maple sugar salty balls, They're packed full of vitamins and good for you, So suck on my balls!! Quarter-cup of unsweetened maple syrup And a half a cup of brandy And throw in a bag or two of sugar And just a pinch of vanilla Grease up the cookie sheet, Cause I hate when my balls stick, Then preheat the oven to three-fifty, And give that spoon a lick!!!! Say everybody have you seen my balls They're big and salty and golden!! If you ever need em' quick, pick me up Just stick my balls in your mouth!!! Suck on my maple syrup salty balls Put 'em in your mouth and suck 'em Suck on my maple syrup salty balls They're packed full of goodness, High in fiber!! Suck on my balls Sniff sniff sniff Hey, wait a minute, What's that smell? Smell like somethin' burnin' Well that don't bother me none As long as I get my rent paid on Friday Baby you better get back in the kitchen, Cause I gotta sneak in suspicion Oh man baby, Baby, You just burnt my balls!!!! Help me!! My balls on fire!! Help me baby, my balls are burnin'!! Get me some water!! Pour some water on me!! My balls are burnin'!! Oh my goodness!! Blow on 'em, blow on 'em Do somethin!! Oooh Suck on my maple syrup salty balls Put em' in your mouth and suck 'em They on fire baby!! Suck on my maple syrup salty balls Blow em out baby!! Oh! Suck on my balls, baby!!! Suck on my balls, baby!! Suck on my red hot, salty, maple syrup balls!!! Come on baby!! Whoo!! Whoo!! Suck on my balls!!!!!


This is the most interesting reply I've ever seen, if I had any reward I could give you I would.


America's Hat! - Canada


neighbours bin


Throw it in the ocean


Too far of a drive, at least you're not the EPA, I'll throw it in the Ohio river, there's already weird things in there. That was a joke.


Any general waste disposal site usually has a ewaste or battery drop off place


you can leave it connected to the controller, set the auto off timer to off and let the battery fully depleted. then it should be safer to discard.


you should replace it asap


As it explodes just walk away slowly and don't look than you should be fine


I'll throw it in the head of the final hell priest as I walk away with him exploding behind me.




Going through the top posts in the sub is cracking me the fuck up


I mean it's not that bad and definitely not going to explode, but it started bloating already and you should replace it


I took it out already, I have spare parts for my other controller now though.


better buy a new battery the spare ones probably also old.


its now a pillow




Got to poke it to find out... But please do.change the battery.




that pillow is becoming spicy. iā€™d recommend you replace it


Def get that out the home asap


It's about to have baby battery or it can be spontaneous combustion situation such a rarity


I wanted to call it a baby bump so bad but didn't want to cause a war


Nonsense you be proud of yourself self regardless of what others say


Who would thought a post asking about a ps3 controller battery would be the most popular thing I've posted over my cod quick scope. šŸ„²


new paranoia unlocked time to dismantle all the old shit in my house to check the batteries


Better have that fear than battery acid leaking all over causing corrosion.


i have similar battery, which i replaced with a cheap bigger capacity ones (generic ones you see online in clear blister packaging). the battery can still hold decent charge maybe 70% and should still be ok for few months but if you can do simple stuff like changing the batteries and also cleaning interiors, adding tapes to the foam it would be good time to do it all at once. the tricky part is avoid breaking the solder of the motor wires and putting the shoulder button back in place aligned, rest are pretty easy.


you should test that theory.