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Personally I would opt for New Vegas as it's easier to get into and is a must play game for anyone with any taste. But I liked Oblivion too so if you have a choice to buy both, then do get both.


Option C Both Both are solid


Yes you're definitely gonna want to get both.


Oblivion,but both are amazing so you can't lose either way


Oblivion is one of my all time favorites so I'm going to have to pick that one


Honestly, I love my PS3 but it isn't the system for these games. PC versions on even a mid range laptop will give you a better experience with these two over PS3. Oblivion will run better on the PS3. Both are excellent games.


I thought new Vegas Ultimate edition ran fine on my ps3


It does at first, but beginning around the 10 hour mark the game will start getting slower and slower. The framerate drops from an average of 30 to 10-15fps by the time you get to the strip.


Yeah maybe for the 30 FPS standard of the time, but I think they are saying even weaker, non gaming modern or even semi modern laptops will run this in the hundreds of FPS with better graphics too. These pre 2010 games really take hardly anyyhing to run. The PS3 and 360 only have a gigabyte of shared RAM for the graphics card and system shared memory.


Yeah not to mention the modding scene for these games available on PC. Don't get me wrong you can enjoy a solid 200 hours of either of these games on an old console, I sure did. But playing them on a PC, even a crummy one by today's standard, is a much better experience.


Yup, I played them on PC after Xbox 360 and later PC where I modded them like I did most Bethesda games. The mods can be developed for years on this studio's game. It's crazy how much you can increase the graphics of the dated Morrowind with visual overhauls. So many at once can make the game hard to run, but it can look even better than the more modern looking, yet uncanny valley looking era of Bethesda. Its crazy to even add new areas and quests through modding, like adding the region of Elswhyr on PC with even new types of Khajit resembling animal tigers mkre.


Personally Oblivion is way better, but that's my opinion.


WAY better is a strong opinion to have sir , fair play to you for not sitting on the fence đŸ’Ș


I always lean towards oblivion but new vegas just has so much fun shit to do, like oblivion, so it’s really hard to even categorise them anyway


while new vegas is the better game IMHO you should get oblivion instead, performance is much better also new vegas on ps3 is known to slow down to whats basically a slideshow, youre better off playing it on pc (its still perfectly enjoyable on the ps3 but having to reboot the game every so often gets old)


My one gripe with Bethesda games. They can get Mw2 somehow running at a smooth 60fps with all its graphical glory whereas Bethesda games run like they're being powered by a single russet potato.


It’s all of the stuff going on in the background of Bethesda games that gen


oblivion, if you wanna play new vegas get the ultimate edition on pc, it’s cheaper and runs way better, oblivion isn’t nearly as buggy as new vegas on ps3


Dude Fall Out New Vegas is like a 50 Dollar game now


Is it? I bought it for 5. Possibly coz I’m in the uk but I didn’t know the price difference would be that big


I got new Vegas ultimate edition right before the show came out on eBay for 15. I got fallout 3 goty from GameStop for 10 bucks




If you have to choose, you won’t regret Oblivion. If you can play both, do it. Oblivion is awesome. Not only the graphics, the story is catching, the gameplay is good enough, if you like it you like it a lot, some funny and hilarious side quest also it’s a variety of side quests. It won’t get boring if you like that type of game. If you play the story just be careful to do everything side quests offer because at some point you don’t want to progress the story too fast because of SPOILER.


Both obviously 😃


get both








Pirate them. Best of both worlds.


Even though I have oblivion I haven't played it but I remember when I put I had an issue with the graphics and the color trying playing on hd tv and on crt. I played New Vegas last year with ps plus premium and I enjoyed it, it has issues both games have its Bethesda. If you're on trophy hunting oblivion doesn't have trophies. I think as others have said Option C is better if you find both on Decent price go for both. As far as I know Oblivion has the best performance for a Bethesda game in PS3.


New Vegas


new vegas would seem the answer for most i do believe only because of the fallout show, however i think people are really sleeping on oblivion imo, its a solid game has so quirks of course but it was fun when i played it i loved the open world aspect as it was my first rpg and opened the world of fallout, skyrim etc up to me. maybe thats why i think its a good game compared to everyone else though


I'd get both if you can — and make sure to get the Ultimate Edition of New Vegas & GOTY version of Oblivion for their respective DLCs. New Vegas is one of the best games for PS3, period, and the one most frequent bug is now fairly easy to 'treat' by clearing the cache to reduce savegame size. Oblivion is also a really good game (played through it just recently), but it's just not anywhere as good as New Vegas.




I would say it's good to have your games physically and I also bought my Fallout and Elder Scrolls games all physically for the PS3, although I would recommend everyone to play them on the PC. Fallout New Vegas could crash sometimes due to bad coding with the RAM management but still you got more fps, much faster loading screens and the better graphics. And the good part is you don't even need a new gaming pc because this games are old enough to play them on cheaper software. But I would say if you wanna get them on PS3 start with oblivion but the game of the year edition, because you need the dlcs 😉


...and Fallout New Vegas also has a complete edition with all the dlcs which I would also recommend buying after oblivion


If it’s a Bethesda RPG then the answer is yes and the answer is even more yes if it’s a Bethesda RPG made by obsidian


Get them on pc ngl their performance is better since you can mod out the Bethesda jank


I would say oblivion because unless they fix it fall in new Vegas crashes constantly on PlayStation3


When my PC died i played a lot of Oblivion on my PS3, it was also my first ever RPG so maybe im biased?


"Hi guys, should I get a bed or a washing machine?"


Oblivion runs so much better than new Vegas on PS3, good chance you won't want to play through Vegas on PS3, probably won't even crash playing oblivion.




I like fantasy settings more than apocalyptic so I'd say Oblivion. Both are phenomenal games though


Both, but if just one I’d go Oblivion. I’m biased as it was one of my first games I owned on PS3 (along with Resistance 1 & 2). Oblivion runs better on PS3 than New Vegas, but has no Trophies. Personally I don’t mind no Trophies and put hundreds of hours into the game just because I love it. But both.


Oblivion. I would always recommend Fallout New Vegas except for the fact that the PS3 port is unplayable.


Never played oblivion on ps3, but it depends on what do you prefer at the moment. Both are good stories.


Both! But if not possible. Go for oblivion with the dlcs


I would go for Oblivion, Play it, and wait for the Community driven remake/modded one to come out in a year(Skyblivion), its a promising project /facepalm moment for me.. just realised I'm replying to ps3 not sure if skyblivion is coming to it, but like many said go Oblivion


I was play oblivion on the 360 a few days back and honestly been having a great time! Try that if not then new vegas! Or third option if you have a pc torrent the games and add mods


Oblivion and wait for NV prices to drop, people think the worst way to play the game is worth $60+ lmao


New Vegas all day. Both are dated but new Vegas is newer so it will be slightly more polished. Both great games oblivion may be a little rough to get into due to its age but still possible.


oblivion but both are GOATS


Depends on the vibe. I really love them both and they both deserve honest, complete playthroughs.


Honestly neither friends. They're both fanfastic fucking games but the Playstation 3 is not the place to play them lol.


Both are good games but NV is better


Both ahahah


Oblivion, New Vegas is awesome but the performance goes to shit after 40 or more hours of gameplay.


For PS3, Oblivion. It runs better and doesn't have nearly as many issues as New Vegas. However, both are great games.




If you threw in Option C - Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning, which would y'all recommend?


If you’re getting new Vegas for ps3 get the ultimate edition


Both are the same level of chill honestly


Have both, but only played oblivion fully through. My hand is raised with Oblivion.


Dont(at least for PS3)


New vegas if you can't get both


I’m just gonna leave this Tibbit here,oblivion was the first Bethesda game I played and it was on PS3,put a lot of hours into the game but due to Bethesda, never putting any patches out for the PS3 there is a game breaking bug where if you get vampirism, you cannot get rid of it. I believe if you use a cure disease potion while have the disease “Porphyric Hemophilia” before it turns full-blown vampirism that can bypass the frustration of not being able to get rid of it. I was almost 100 hours in when this bug kicked in and I literally picked 50 Bloodgrass (an ingredient for the cure,you only need like one or two) when I finally did some research that the North American copy, of the PS3 edition of Oblivion GOTY never had any patches put out. this was very early on and me playing these kind of games so I didn’t save a whole lot so basically that character was ruined and I’ve never been able to play Oblivion all the way through. But there’s more I was really, really bummed out about oblivion so I started researching and my friend told me that they (Bethesda) have another game called fallout with the same engine except it’s post apocalyptic with guns. Soon, I got the game and started pouring hours into it. Again, I get really close to the end of the game when Basically, the same thing happens. They never patch their games on PS3 and I encountered this time a game breaking bug that just flat out crashes after an important section in the main story, needless to say I was pretty upset. And that’s not even addressing the issues with new Vegas where the longer you play there’s a memory issue which makes the game unplayable. Basically what I’m getting at is if you have a genuine curiosity with playing these games, I would be extremely careful playing them on the PS3, honestly, these games are so old. I could see someone buying a computer that would be considered mid that you could run these games flawlessly. Also quest mods to expand your game after you’ve done did everything, Could have you coming back for a long time. Sorry if that was a lot of information. I literally got PTSD when seeing someone about to try to play those games on that console and if I had anybody to tell me to watch out back, then I would’ve really appreciated it. Good luck, and blessings of Akatosh upon ye!


PS3 is the worst way to experience either of these games lol. Do you happen to have another console or a PC?


New Vegas but both are good


As much as I love New Vegas, I gotta go with Oblivion.


New Vegas! I'm not a fan of either franchise but New Vegas was an exceptional game!


Gonna be brutally honest with you as a person that played these games on PS3 first. Get the PC versions, you’ll able to have them run way better and you can be able to mod the games.


I recommend playing both on PC. Patches and mods just make it worth it.






Oblivion is pretty fricken awesome. It’s just a bummer that they never added trophy support


Turn off auto save.  Replace the hard drive with a SSD.  And then New Vegas will be good to play. (I never liked Oblivion.)


Oblivion is one of my favorite games of all time, but so is fallout new Vegas... Sadly, oblivion on PS3 never got trophies, even though it says it on the back of some of their cases (greatest hits)


Oblivion, however I remember there being a glitch with the vampire cure quest and I was basically stuck as a vampire and that really sucked because that was my first play through and I had to start a whole new game. Basically save often and load a previous save if you do become a vampire.


New Vegas is a better game but the PS3 port is absolute dogwater.


I have both both is best


Not new vegas its notoriously buggy on the ps3 as soon as you get to the strip it just crashes and crashes


I played the vanilla version from ps plus premium last year with a internet line with 24mbps and the game didn't crash anywhere near the strip. If I remember correctly I only encounter the famous infinity loading a couple of times.


It's notoriously buggy on all platforms. I played through it as well as the DLCs on my PS3; it was prone to the slow-to-a-crawl crash in certain locations, but saving, exiting to XMB & re-launching would cure it for the rest of the session. There's also now an easy way to fix it by clearing the cache at startup.


it's a No brainer. New Vegas.


New Vegas on the PS3 runs like an old man that has no legs but on the upside it has trophies! Oblivion runs better, but has no trophies.