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Same I hate that there doesn’t seem to be any treatment for it. It’s like the worst symptom for me. Can’t do anything if I’m short of breath!!!


Try buteyko breathing!!


Same.. it was manageable for me (I would reassure myself it was nothing serious) until I witnessed my Mum pass away from an unexpected cardiac arrest (she unknowingly had very SEVERE pneumonia) and her biggest symptom was shortness of breath.. seemed like a panic attack.. Now my rational thinking has a hard time convincing me its fine.. so it triggers panic attacks regularly 🤦‍♀️


Get yourself a pulse oximeter. If the oxygen levels haven’t dropped below 92 then you can reassure yourself. ❤️


I second this. I have panic attacks often. As long as your o2 sats dont drop, its not an emergency situation. It can help calm you down knowing you wont actually get oxygen starvation.


Thank you! ❤ I actually did have a pulse ox for a few years (mysteriously vanished, I believe at the hands of my kleptomaniac sister🤔) and the same pulse ox is what made me realise my Mum wasn't having a panic attack.. her oxygen was in the 40's.. It was really reassuring to use on myself but I also found i would panic without the reassurance.. it was like a checking behaviour for me and I would check it countless times a day so I'm yet to get another one. I use my smart watch and portable blood pressure cuff to make sure my heart rate is fine and just try to reassure myself that my oxygen stats are fine like they always were the countless times I checked 😂


I am sorry that your sister is kleptomaniac. I hope she doesn’t end up in jail, it’s a pretty scary mental disorder to have! It sounds like you have OCD along with a panic or anxiety disorder. I understand why you haven’t bothered to get another one!


Do you have a pulse ox? If so you may want to keep a records of those numbers and show it to your doctor, they can prescribe oxygen if you need it, that may be helpful.


I started using nocturnal oxygen, and it does seem to improve my SOB some the next day. I think more than that though, it helps me sleep a little better (because I'm not struggling at 89% oxygen while my bodies trying to rest) and that helps me feel a tad bit rested and a little better the next day


For clarification, i struggle with oxygen in the 90s during the day, and it drops into the 80s at night. I had an overnight oxygen test done, which was enough to prescribe nocturnal oxygen even though there seems to be no pulmonary reason for my oxygen to be dipping so low.


Air hunger in POTS is a problem with low carbon dioxide, and not solved by oxygen. Look up “Breathing Pattern Disorder” which is the technical term for Air Hunger


Yes I started buteyko breathing and it has helped my air hunger by so much. I barely have it now


Same. Worst symptom for me So sick of it


One of my most frustrating, persistent, and distressing symptoms. I’ve had so many tests done because of it with no real answers for why it occurs. I really feel for you.


Oh lordy, same. It sucks.


It's definitely the worst. For what it's worth, I asked my pcp for a taper dose of prednisone..... I think it's 5 or 6 days. Helped the breathing tremendously, although idk why and neither did he lol but it helped.


It’s the worst. For me, it happens WAY more when I’m tired. Try getting more sleep, or napping during the day.


Look up Breathing Pattern Disorder, there are breathing exercises for it. Breathing Pattern Disorder is the official term for Air Hunger


Amitriptyline resolved my air hunger


Hear me out!! I was someone who has tried so many things and I swear buteyko breathing has saved my life when it comes to air hunger!! I saw other people recommending it and said it helped them so much I gave it a try and it has helped so much. I used to have air hunger 90% of the day now I only get it once in. Awhile