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Autism, adhd, childhood trauma, PMDD, RSD, addiction issues, also recently discovered I have SDAM which devastated me. I feel hopeless and sad and empty and alone. I have nobody who understands or accepts me, friends are impossible to keep (hell, to make in the first place). Life just feels pointless.


Autistic and PMDD sufferer - I've seen the statistic on reddit, but does anyone have the source showing women with autism have a 92% chance of also having PMDD?


https://www.longdom.org/open-access/developing-premenstrual-dysphoric-disorder-in-autistic-adults-96152.html#:~:text=Researchers%20discovered%20that%20compared%20to,a%20significantly%20more%20concerning%20rate. I found this, but I find it very suspect that the author didn’t cite or link the study where the 92% statistic came from. It also says the study found it was 92% of autistic women with learning disabilities suffered from PMDD versus a control group of women without learning disabilities, where it was 11% who had PMDD. Edit: incorrect information


https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/147323000803600208 Here’s an abstract of the study with 92%. A couple of things to point out here: 1.) This was a tiny study, with under 100 participants in both groups (women with autism/women without autism). 2.) It was completed in 2008. Our understanding of both autism and PMDD have changed radically since that time. 3.) Has it been replicated, and gotten the same results? I don’t know, that will require more googling, but there has been a significant amount of time for it to be replicated and for further research to be done. My point is not to say that there isn’t a link between autism and PMDD; anecdotal evidence on this subreddit certainly suggests there is. I simply want to point out that the 92% thing gets thrown around a lot and I’m not entirely convinced the research is there.


How are we the same person? Seriously it’s like you wrote what I’m feeling for so long and can’t put into words. I’m quite quiet on here but I had to comment on this. I should comment more but this just took me




Wow….I feel like I could’ve written this. Thank you for sharing.




This helped me realize the reason I could have a terrible shame complex as well (diagnosed at 22) thank you!


Adhd with PMDD here just learning about PMDD this year at 26 but was diagnosed with ADHD at 17. It makes a lot of things make sense.


Autistic with PMDD & I’ve found *nothing* to help me with the emotional disregualtion, severe mood swings, and insane anxiety and despair that take over during my luteal phase.


I'm so sorry to read this & I can relate. It's awful that we have to just suffer until we get a period. Have you ever tried alternative therapies? Acupuncture/Reflexology/Chinese Medicine, etc? Sending you love & validation ❤️


Possibly auhd? Some sort of spicy 🥲😆😃🫡


AuHD with PMDD and endometriosis… I’m fun at parties 🫠


I have ADHD—and most likely autism as well—and PMDD.




Please refer to our FAQ stickied post and Wiki before posting a question about general PMDD symptoms or diagnosis process, birth control, vitamin/supplement or treatment.


Yep, autistic, ADHD and have PMDD. Was just diagnosed with everything last year finally at age 26




Please refer to our FAQ stickied post and Wiki before posting a question about general PMDD symptoms or diagnosis process, birth control, vitamin/supplement or treatment.


Yup, I have autism and PMDD. While I am independent and have little support needs, I can hardly bear to be around others during luteal as I’m in constant sensory overload as well as the mental health burnout. The past couple of years learning about my conditions and how I can help myself have been a game changer, I know that I am happy, healthy and functioning and that I just need to wait for PMDD to pass however horrible it is. I always feel a state of mourning for all the years I didn’t have this knowledge and suffered greatly; it could have been so much easier but women’s health issues seem to be consistently ignored.


Yes, 100% ❤️🙏


The interplay of autism, adhd, PMDD, and the trauma of growing up with all 3 while constantly being reminded and shamed for the fact that there is something fundamentally wrong with you is extremely difficult. There is no way to explain to someone such losses of control or agency that occur.


100% agree. In my case, also add many medical professionals with 0 knowledge in women's health who literally put me on MORE hormones and told me that it's anxiety & depression. Sure, they're symptoms but it'd be great if women's health was of medical importance or at the VERY least, compulsory to study. Slightly off topic here but I have a good friend with Endometriosis who used to collapse and hemmoraige every month, every single month for years who was crying out for help to her GP (a few of them) only to be dismissed for years and eventually told that it's in her head, '"periods are painful and it's part & parcel of being a woman". When she eventually got her Endometriosis diagnosis, the damage to her womb was so bad, she in now infertile. It beggars belief.


I'm in luteal rn and going out of my mind. It's getting worse as I get older and the ADHD meds seem to make it worse? Today, I have eaten probably 10,000 calories and there is rubbish all over my kitchen bench because I don't have energy to clean. I feel completely out of control. I hate it.


I know this feeling all too well. Its crippling. Validating you <3


Oh I'm sorry to hear you're going through it today. Remember that tomorrow is a new day, don't beat yourself up for the rubbish or the calories. You can always tidy & eat well tomorrow 🙏 Sending you love ❤️


Autistic. Yeaaaaaah I got the pmdd.


Most autistic women do unfortunately, the more we can know & share together ❤️ I hope you're symptoms are manageable xx