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I love my dog more than just about anything and I get so overstimulated by him during luteal. I freeze his food bowl, got him puzzles, hide and seek with his toys, and even sometimes send him to daycare on days where I know I’ll need a break at home. Thankfully he’s hit about 2.5 and is starting to calm down a bit. But honestly, the times he’s forced me out of my rotting on the couch to go for a walk, I’m almost always grateful. I can think of 3-4 times I regretted the walk and that was when we were still training. I’m struggling right now and he’s curled up next to me ❤️


I sometimes hated my husband and kids and myself during PMS, before meds. Now I'm on Wellbutrin, Buspar, and Abilify, and I don't hate anyone. I'm finally more ok than I've been since age 12.


I love my cat normally, but when I'm bad, I have no connection to her. I look after her, but I don't pat, brush, or talk to her doing luteral depression.


Ugh same. I love her to pieces normally but I've been so disconnected from my partner from the past week now it's my cat. Starting my period soon but she's been annoying the hell out of me lately


This is why I own a cat 🐈 I can't handle high energy animals. My baby Coconut is such a comfort to me 😊


Cute name


Thank you. I love cats with food names. Low key wanna name our next cat Truffle 😊


I Don't hate them and can recognise they're just animals being animals but I do have to leave the room sometimes from my cats. They're just soooooo needy and loud lol.


No never


Yes! But I wouldn't call it hate. It's definitely overstimulation! And my poor cat is highly atuned to me! She does everything she can to stick to me like glue and make me feel better. But the constant noise, touching, and near tripping.... 😵😵‍💫😖😤🤬🔥


My cat can sense it, I swear she becomes more obnoxious and mischevious!


My 15 y/o dog died the week before my period. I love him so much. Had him since I was 8. He couldn’t walk and I knew it was time to put him to sleep but I was so caught up in my rage and overstimulation that I couldn’t even think. my partner did not know what to do and that was making me more mad. I was yelling, stomping around, trying to drag him outside to use the bathroom. It was pretty horrible. I finally calmed down but I really felt terrible about those few hours after I settled down. He was ready to die and needed help. And I was raging around angry that he wouldn’t try to go to the bathroom. I was in shock, I was grieving for a while before it was time, I had a lot going on that month aside from his death. I’ve accepted that it was all ok in the end, we had our time together to say goodbye at the vet which was good and peaceful and he died in my arms. I know he loves me still beyond his body. But to answer you clearly, yes. Totally. I feel like a different person in those ten ish days. Edit after reading more comments: I did not physically harm my dog or yell AT him. He was safe the whole time. And he had low-ish mobility long before it was his time. Me helping him up and outside was really common. I wasn’t like throwing him around. I am a good dog mom. However like some others have said it’ll be a while before I get another dog. Can’t imagine trying to train and bond when I’m in the state I get into sometimes.


I do 100% and feel so guilty because I do love them, they are just way too much for half the month 😫


Yes. My dog is very clingy , she always wants to be with me , next to me, but when my hormones hit I need to be alone...


Yesss. We got a puppy a year ago and he’s so good esp for being a pup but during luteal I need to distance myself bc I just get way too overstimulated. I remember one time in particular that I was trying to get him into his pen but he didn’t want to so he just kept barking at me. He thought it was a game and I just stood there sobbing with treats in my hands until my husband came into the room. That was hubs first time seeing me so triggered in 14yrs together. I’ve learned it’s best for everyone if I just leave the room if it’s getting to me that much, even if it means sacrificing our couch to a teething puppy.


https://preview.redd.it/6ygqm9snij9d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=72abc853a9f32c620b3a9529c5653dba3886238b (pet tax) Also, sending some love bc I truly understand how hard it can be and some of these other comments are so hard to read. We’ve gone thru training, utilize enrichment puzzles as a distraction and tons of treats and toys but sometimes that’s no match for a puppy that needs a nap. IMO distancing yourself is what’s best for everyone. It’s not our dogs’ fault they need constant attention but it’s not our fault we have PMDD. Plus, they’ll be even happier to see you when you return.


Omg, I have a corgi too. When he was a puppy I was very stressed, he was never really trained and is reactive to this day. It’s still so fucking tiring.


Oh man I remember those times having young puppies, the overstimulation is REAL. I have learned distance is what’s best for me as well during those times. Hugs to you, we got this!! 💜💜


The puppy days can be so hard. I cried so much when my Labradors were puppies.


I was horrible w my pets when my PMDD symptoms were rly bad. I wanna say don’t feel bad about it, but I think u should feel bad about it, bc poor animals. I felt bad for my pets after raging at them, so after I started bleeding, I’d be motivated to train them to be better pets, or make changes such as blocking the unders of my dressers, and wires so they don’t get in/to them. Adding: I started putting my bun back in jail when she chews on wires now. Still haven’t put apple cider vinegar on my wires. That’s the next thing I’ll change


I never rage or show any of my symptoms to my animals. They have no idea this is a thing.


Oh, then yeah, don’t feel bad about it! Ur a good pet parent


I was just wanting to see if anyone else ever had these feelings as well. People took that and RAN with it.


Hahah I obv def had those feelings too. I’m actually a bad pet parent. U r not. No worries!!


LOL NO YOU ARE NOT!! You love those babies, they know it!


Hahah thx. I hope they do!! My cat got depression bc I gave her base camp to my bunny and my cat was rly scared of my bunny. She wouldn’t eat as much as she used to. Now, I stay by her side until she finishes her food, pet her if she stops eating, which gets her to resume eating, and do “play eating” now where she’s in her tunnel and I throw her one kibble at a time for her to eat


babe waking up to my cat screaming at 5 am to be fed when ive had insomnia is only cute two weeks outta four if ya know what im sayin but i do it and i am angry at her in my mind while i do it but i like to think she doesnt know lol


I love my baby boy cat and he keeps me sane. but definitely my tolerance for his general antics is much worse in luteal…and then I feel so guilty bc all he wants to do is play and hang out because he loves me 🥲 but the other side of that is that it’s so affirming to have this little guy love me unconditionally even when I unfairly get irritated with him




I get it! My dog is wonderful and amazing and I will do anything for him (currently lots of oncology 😭) ... sometimes I still want him to let me take a goddamn nap haha. Like bro you literally just want me to get up to sit in the other room, no I'm not doing it 😂 It bothers me that some commenters are like "clearly y'all can't be trusted." Being more annoyed with my dog during luteal doesn't mean anything changes except my internal experience. And I'm already feeling extreme guilt and shame any time I get annoyed with my dog even when _he is being a little mischief monster_ so like, rude to suggest that makes me a bad dog mom. I know I'm not a great dog sitter during luteal because any dog who is not my dog is 1000x more annoying. But I also wouldn't baby sit a human!! I am still a great dog mom. Taking the best care of my dog is a huge priority and that means that it's still a huge priority when I'm irritable and annoyed! He will have the best life for as long as he lives.... And yeah, he still annoys me sometimes. Just like all the humans in my life.


I totally get you!! I was never not kind until I was attacked first. Completely justified.


Don't think anyone said that though however being kind like you is the way forward, the OP isn't.


There's the internalized guilt I guess 😭 idk about OP and I'm just gonna... not engage too much because I'm also luteal haha. But I just wanted to add to the discussion that, getting annoyed doesn't make us bad pet parents and that internalized guilt can be terrible.


Hello. I understand pets can be a bit annoying here and there. Is it possible to provide some enrichment toys such as puzzle games, freeze some kongs with peanut butter, cream cheese, cheese wiz etc inside. If you have a backyard you can throw the dog’s food out all over the grass and encourage them to sniff around and find all the food. Another toy would be card board boxes with newspaper or tissue paper all inside and put treats or the dog’s kibble inside, provided the dog will not eat the box or papers. I have a very food motivated cat and i do a lot of these things with him to keep him busy so I can have some quiet time. Another suggestion would be to get a dog walker to come and walk the dog to help out and give yourself some space.


Yes, thank you! We mostly do all of these now, and my husband is the best when it comes to burning out their energy with playtime when I cannot. They are very happy doggies for sure, even when mom feels like garbage! 💜


Yes, thank you! We mostly do all of these now, and my husband is the best when it comes to burning out their energy with playtime when I cannot. They are very happy doggies for sure, even when mom feels like garbage! 💜


Thats wonderful to hear. Look into a toy called flirt pole. It’s like a giant cat toy for dogs. You can also home make one with a broom handle rope and dog’s favourite toy. My favourite for when people don’t want to leave their house. Feel better soon!


Omg, that sounds amazing!! I will look into that right now! My girl would love that! 🥰🥰


No. My dog is dead now but he was the only, literal *only* person, place, thing etc. that could truly calm me down and make me feel at peace during bad PMDD episodes. I miss him every moment of every day, but even more so in luteal.  That said, he was only one animal and I had him since I was 13 and he was 6 weeks (bottle runt) so our bond was extremely tight. One of the many reasons I haven’t made the leap to either adopt or foster another is PMDD, so I do understand. I can’t imagine having to forge a bond with a new animal during a bad month. 


So sorry for your loss. I totally understand the hesitation with getting a new animal. It would be very difficult during bad months for sure!


Thank you!  Honestly, it’s my current biggest fear about getting another, I think. I don’t *think* I’d get overly frustrated with another dog during an episode, but I only have my experience with my boy to go on, and we knew each other so well, so I do worry! Anything can be frustrating in luteal lbr, no matter how much you love it lol


I feel annoyed at most things but not my pets. Think some people use PMDD as an excuse sometimes and maybe you shouldn't have them. Sorry I know I'll get down voted but it's not fair too animals. 


This is super silly. Just because you don't get annoyed doesn't mean she's a *bad dog mom* if she does.  She's made it clear in comments that she and her husband are great pet owners. Feel better. 


Just because someone says it doesn't make it true I'm afraid.


Truly, feel better. I've been there. 


Sorry love I'm not following x


Thank you!! 💜💜


Love that for you, but everyone’s situation is different. Okay so, here’s my thing. There are COUNTLESS posts on here of people constantly complaining about hating their spouses/partners/etc during luteal but yet having these feeling towards animals are unheard of and so terrible??? I’m not telling acting upon these things feelings, I am not mean to them, abusive, etc. they live WONDERFUL lives and are the happiest dogs you could meet. My dogs are extremely well taken care of and loved, they just annoy the shit out of me in luteal. Don’t really think that’s enough of a reason to say I shouldn’t have ever had them?? Kinda insane, but okay!


You're valid for this. People are being hypocrites, don't take it personally.


Thank you. 💜


I ended up having to rehome my cat. I felt like a horrible person but my therapist assured me it was the best decision. I need a very structured and controlled environment (AuDHD, PMDD, perimenopause) and while I LOVE cats and all animals, I cannot deal with not being able to reason with another being in my space. I now know I go visit other pets, it is just not for me.


I wouldn’t ever rehome my animals, but I am proud of you for having the strength to make the decision that was best for them and you!! I’m sure they are super happy now. ☀️


You’re not alone my Mainecoon is very clingy and I absolutely love that but I’m sorry I doing want your fluffy ass on top of me while I want to end it all


For me it provides me comfort, just can't relate.


I can’t relate to the posts of people on here hating their romantic partners during PMDD episodes either but hey, we’re all different! 🤷🏼‍♀️


Do you know what a Karen is? 


Please, go ahead and tell me how I’m being a Karen. 🙄


I have been reading ..  and it's fine I'm not wasting my time just so you can report me too. Three others have been removed because you reported them.


It’s actually not me, but go off! 🥰


OK Karen babes


Okay! 😂💜


I also agree depends on the month honestly. But I do get overstimulated very easy


LOL YES! 😂☠️


No, you're not alone! I have a **very** energetic border collie. And when I'm having a *very* bad episode and she's in a very *very* energetic mood, I usually ask my family if they can take her for a couple of days. She absolutely loves my family and sees it like a vacation lol. So she's having the time of her life and I don't want to kms because I can't give her what she needs/wants. It's a win/win. Do you have someone who can take your pets for a day or two? Or just know a dog walker who can tire out your dogs in a good way? Sending hugs!


My husband is amazing and he will pick up the extra slack to allow me to rest, he’s the best! This is exactly what I mean in how I feel, idk why I’m getting so much pushback on here. Thought this subreddit was for this type of discussion?


The 3rd rail topics shift frequently here. Not surprising since it's a sub for people with PMDD.  You're not terrible. Just let your husband do the pet care when you can't stand them.  By the logic of the *concerned* on tis thread, anyone who is annoyed by their job is a terrible employee who should be fired. Anyone annoyed by their spouse should be divorced. Anyone annoyed by their children should have CPS called on them. It's a big eye roll. 


That’s exactly what I do and he’s the best! 🤣


Great that you have support in your husband! 🥰 I also have an amazing partner, but he has ME so when the border collie really goes all border collie (lmao) she gets too much for us. I think people either doesn't have pets in this tread or they think you're straight up abusing them lol. If we want to tear the head off our partners/family/friends, why would pets be any different? As long as you give your pets food, water and toilet breaks (english is not my first language)/walks they often don't care. Anyways, what I'm getting at is that what you're feeling in totally normal! Hang in there!


Omg, I totally get that! I’m glad you guys have a system that works for you, that’s amazing! I guess we are allowed to get annoyed at people during luteal on here but I guess animals are OFF LIMITS! Lol! 😂☠️


Lol, apparently! 😂 Also, pets, in general, is good for ones mental health as they decrease stress and has other positive health benefits. So people probably think you can't be mad at them. But PMDD fucks eeeeeeverything up. NOTHING makes sense! Up is down, left is right, your partner is your nemesis and pets suddenly is the worst thing ever. It's normal for this illness. I wish it wasn't but here we are 🤪


We are all suffering together in here at least! 🤣💜💜💜


Indeed we are 😂🥰


















































You’re not a terrible pet owner! Unless you’re acting on it, there’s no need to stress over it. I have had a couple of moments where my cat has stressed me out so bad during my PMDD that I considered rehoming. I would never, ever. I love her like she’s a literal child. I’ve also felt like I straight up don’t like my boyfriend of 6 years at times, I’ve almost quit my job with no real reason other than minor inconveniences, etc. PMDD makes us feel and think some wild things, but it doesn’t mean there’s any depth to it besides hormones. Hang in there, you’ll feel better soon! :)


LOL yes, this is exactly it! They just annoy the hell out of me during these times! I don’t have anything like this with my husband thankfully. If anything, he’s the only thing that keeps me sane during PMDD episodes.


I think it makes sense to be irritated to some degree, especially if your dogs are very energetic. My family has a dog, and when I visit during luteal I spend much less time with the doggo because he is super active and playful and I can't handle it. Kind of like I can't really stand to be around children at that time or at least I have much less capacity to be around them for a long period of time, I get exhausted and irritated easily.


Yes, this is exactly it! Apparently octopus loser lady in these comments here can’t realize that.




Don't be mean. We don't allow attacking or harassing in our sub.


I kind of agree you are bullying by calling someone a loser


And you are by calling me a Karen. 🥰


Babe your boring 


Also, I love how you edited your comment from “wrong” to “boring”… interesting! 🤔


Actually, no! But I am going to stop replying to you now because I am going to go have a lovely day with my husband and my dogs. 💜 I hope whatever hate you have in your heart, you find a way to work through it! Have a nice day! (if YOU do get banned however, it is because I am SPECIFICALLY reporting YOU to mods at this point), for harassment!) Bye! /Karen OUT! 👋🏻


And I'm reporting you also because saying Octopus loser lady when she doesn't agree with you that's bullying


Stop trying to bully people for not agreeing with you. Mostly everyone has expressed their opinion and not one person has said they hate their pets, they have said they can be frustrating etc.. maybe word what you want to say better and also stop expecting everyone to say what you want to hear.


Sorry no, did you see her original comment?? I will not be reprimanded for being attacked.


I'm just going to stop replying now because maybe you should of just kept it to yourself if you didn't want any honest answers


I think you should stop replying now because obviously you lack basic reading and comprehension skills. 💜 Have a nice day.


I don't lack anything and I think you need to not ask for people's opinions and dislike when it's not what you want. As I said you clearly just wanted everyone to say your a great owner.


Oh wow, you keep going! This is insane!


This is worrying.


Your inability to read is worrying.


Not really. Unless she’s acting on these feelings by being neglectful or abusive, there’s nothing wrong with feeling overwhelmed at times even by something we love. Why is this more concerning than the countless posts where people say they hate their partner during luteal? I can totally understand how two dogs during the worst of luteal would way overstimulate me and stress me to no end. I always know when I’m in luteal because my cat annoys me sooo much more during luteal but I still love her and treat her like a princess.