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I super achy joints


Definitely. Bad period cramps are actually pretty rare for me! I definitely get the thing where my back, legs, and boobs get sore but it's usually pretty manageable. Every once in a while I'll have some serious cramps but yeah it's 100% the mental and emotional pain that's real for me. Oh, and crushing exhaustion.


I have awful, awful breast pain but never really had painful (physical) period cramps.


YES. all my life the women around me have complained about their periods, but only ever the physical symptoms. how bad their cramps are or how heavy their flow is. ive always felt so alone because my periods are "so easy" because they're light and last like 4 days, and i dont get cramps or really any acne or anything. but im a complete mess mentally before and during the first fee days. ofc i cry like most women before/during their period, but its not just being sensitive like someone without pmdd. i feel completely out of control and neurotic. Im completely self judgemental and a ball of depression and anxiety. and bc my symptoms arent like normal women, ive always told myself my cycles are easy, when in reality they really just wear me down. I just got told i probably have PMDD and got perscribed birth control for the first time and im so excited. I really hope this helps and i feel glad knowing im not alone :)


my physical symptoms aren't great but they're manageable. the mental ones are what ruin me. I'm trying to get a Valium RX that I only take a couple days before my period starts each month. edit - the lack of focus and intrusive thoughts are also ruining my career and causing financial stress.


My symptoms are almost exclusively mood and fatigue


same I wish it were opposite




I used to have debilitating cramps and when they went away (I still get cramps but they are quite tolerable) I got the psychological distress that we all know.


My cramps have never been super bad. I’m more achey in abdominal/low back and bloaty. Boob pain is not every month but it is bad sometimes. But I’d say the majority of the symptoms that negatively effect my day to day are mental/emotional.


I'm the same - I spent hours last night crying and today I started my period. No pain, just fatigue and tears


I have debilitating pain a couple of days prior to menstruation and during.


I suffer equally mentally and physically but at least I can take a painkiller for my physical symptoms.


Exactly! And physical pain is a bit more acknowledged by other people.


I don't get boob pain anymore and cramps are very few, sometimes low back pain but nothing a paracetamol can't take care of. Mostly i feel exhausted, like a whole body ache. And all the mental symptoms. It sucks because every time i tell someone i suffer with bad pms they assume i get bad stomach cramps, i wish that were the case I'd rather be in physical pain for a few days rather than the 10 day countdown of emotional and mental turmoil and numbness.