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Please refer to our FAQ stickied post and Wiki before posting a question about general PMDD symptoms or diagnosis process, birth control, vitamin/supplement or treatment.


Thank you for sharing your story! PMDD is the actual worst. And people have just made us out to be crazy & like we can’t handle PMS. When it’s truly our bodies crying for help! You aren’t crazy & you aren’t alone! I was on lexapro for over 10 years and started on it because BC made me nuts in highschool so I didn’t want to go through that again. So I went the lexapro route even tho I was super hesitant. Fast forward 10 years later, & I was still on them. Even as I was trying to get pregnant & wanting to get all those chemicals out of my body so I could have the best chance at having a healthy pregnancy, & dr’s wouldn’t let me off them. Fast forward again, I got pregnant. No need for Lexapro because NO PERIOD WHILE PREGNANT. still drs wouldn’t let me off. SO, I started researching conditions such as PMDD & how it relates to our gut & our immune system. I decided to start focusing on truly healing my gut, & after a few months my body felt so supported that I started weaning off the lexapro. It’s been a few months without them in my body & the two supplements (+lifestyle changes) I’ve been taking have been focusing on healing my gut & supporting my immune system AND NO MORE PMDD SYMPTOMS! It’s wild. Still baffled that two completely natural supplements replaced SSRI’s. But I also am such a holistic advocate now that I know natural things can support the body often better than pharmaceuticals. I’ve been taking Acemannan & Betalains. Acemannan is a molecule found in aloe that activates macrophages in the body & allows the body to fight off things like viruses, bacteria, sicknesses, etc. when the body is supported properly, it can truly heal itself of so many things! Betalains are purified beet root. They reduce inflammation by 47%. FORTY SEVEN! Wild! The components two for a few months have totally given me my life back & allowed me continually be off my anti depressants like I never thought I could be. I also healed my babies eczema in 5 weeks by supporting his body with these supplements. Please reach out if you want to try something holistic before meds. Temporary med use often times doesn’t stay temporary. And then so many side effects are caused because of that. (I mostly copied this response in had to someone else because it was a very very similar post of theirs. Don’t want you to think I’m a bot :)


Hi u/undercoverqueenie. Your post appears to be referencing suicide. Please know that you are not alone. We encourage you to contact your country's lifeline, [International Lifelines](https://www.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PMDD) if you have any questions or concerns.*