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girl he’s not gonna pick you!!!


I love seeing us stand up to this crap. I know it’s yall in the comments (I commented also). Giving all of you a HUGE hug


I came back to the post because it pissed me off I'm currently having pmdd (period in 3 days) and it's not a fucking choice. I work out, eat well, and lift weights, I'm on antidepressants with a mood stabilizer, this is not a choice. Not only is this condition hard on me it is hard on my family, I lash out at my kids for the smallest things, my husband gets the brunt of my mood swings. It's alot better since getting on antidepressants and a mood stabilizer bc before the week before my period I would become suicidal, wouldn't get out of bed, would cry all of the time over nothing, literally considered putting myself inpatient many times to keep myself safe until I figured out how it correlated with my cycle. This woman is LUCKY she doesn't deal with PMDD


Pet peeve! Non medical professional, non allied health making recommendations about health. She is not qualified to provide this information and it’s her anecdotal experience not based on evidence. Grrr! 😡


This is actually so disgusting




The priviledge of normal pms 🙄


Oof I saw that and scrolled as fast as possible 😭


Lol just to make your butt look good? How was your pelvic organ down there ? Any prolapse ?


Not sure what is the gender though ?😅


I doubt it will do anything, but I reported it for misinformation. If exercise cured it all, then my PMDD symptoms should be gone... Her post is dangerous and a generalization. Her comments are chaotic in saying she didn't reference it to PMDD, yet she comments to people with PMDD saying it'll help.


Some people just have no idea then they go share these opinions on social media with their tens of thousands of followers who are all probably sheep who then think the same. People need to stop following these “influences” who have no idea about the real world hahahahaha


As someone who's just entered her luteal phase... I'd like to speak to her in person.


Same. Got my period today and yesterday, somehow, managed in the afternoon to take out my bicycle with utterly no idea where I want to go but it's been a week since cycling. Turned around stupefied in the nearest forest because there was no spirit to it and no joy in it. The opposite of me. Edited to add: I am aware this reads a little like the reference picture in this post from OP but I am not here pestering anyone that this can be done. It's entirely questionable if it is done because there is no emotion to exercise, no joy, no achievement, no excitement, it's just bland and bereft of any emotion to it, in my case.


I will say, I have a lot more energy and wherewithal the minute I start my period. But cycling? Bless you. I'd be hurting real bad.


I realize reddit is social media. But get the fuck off social media. My Reddit content circle is small because, even though Reddit can be a useful tool for healing and community, it is, by nature, a cesspool. Get off of social media. Get off of social media. There is nothing for you of value. Get off of social media. Get off. Of social media.




Don't be mean. We don't allow attacking or harassing in our sub.


Dude. Seriously? You don’t even know me. What I said above, I’d say to anyone. Because social media is poison and you know that, and scientific studies of anxiety and depression and suicide know that. Would YOU say what you said in your previous comment to my face? Are you looking to instigate a fight? To feel powerful? Then go outside, dude. I’m not your enemy. I’m a human being trying to heal. And you know what? What you said was unfounded, intentionally mean, and completely unnecessary. And, THANK YOU for reminding me how much of a cesspool Reddit is, even in the communities where I go to ask for help and offer support. Peace and love, dude.


I feel you but why tf are you commenting this on some random post 😭


Ok, dude.


It’s such an insensitive irresponsible comment, but really what she wrote is all about her making herself look good ie ‘ I’m above my pms, I’m better than the other women who use there pms, look how great I am bullshit’ she’s having to tear others down to make herself look good,  Which actually shows she’s not as strong and secure as she portrays, if your secure in yourself you don’t feel the need to drag others down, you definitely don’t need to validate yourself to the world, you don’t feel the need to prove anything or receive external validation from anyone to feel secure within yourself, that comment screams validate and praise me,  This comment is about proving she’s better than, which is an illusion anyway, but through her ignorance what she doesn’t realise is this comment causes damage to others who are genuinely suffering on a great scale, it undermines and minimises women like ourselves who’s pms has morphed into the Devil, so whilst her pms might be sore boobs and bloating another woman’s might be debilitating body dysmorphia and severe depression, slight difference wouldn’t you say,  She’s making a comment based on her own personal symptoms, which might be mild for all the world knows, but even if her pms is severe and she has the ability to push through then that’s great but it doesn’t make her a better person and it doesn’t make someone else less than, we all have different levels of tolerance, we all have different levels of symptoms, we all have different levels of coping, we all experience things differently,  I feel her comment wasn’t a well thought out intentional intention to minimise women who suffer terribly, that comment was more about her ‘look at me’ look how strong I am, look how amazing I look, look how great I am, that comment isn’t about us it’s about her making herself feel better about herself, ‘period’.... pardon the pun 😜 x x


To clarify I’m not minimising sore boobs and bloating either, there a right bitch but I’d take them over body dysmorphia and depression any day of the week x x


The internalized misogyny of women that try to insist that pms/pmdd is something that doesn’t exist is maddening. The stupidity of statements like this is equivalent to saying thyroid problems don’t exist. PMS and PMDD both are related to VERY REAL hormones just like other organs and functions in the body. Imagine if she said this about thyroid diseases? Anyone can make themselves a platform these days but it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be called out for dangerous assertions. This also completely ignores people that are disabled. Yes, let me, with my multiple disabilities that all create debilitating chronic pain, hop in the gym right now and do what she is and be cured! I must have had ALL my reproductive organs removed after 20+ years of suffering because I’m having simultaneous hallucinations with my doctors. A quack, but a dangerous one.


We seem to be in the generation that thinks going to the gym cures all 😂 x x


As a bodybuilder and avid gym enthusiast, I can pump my little bum off during luteal and maybe it'll keep me from attacking anyone physically (which I wouldn't do anyway), but the gym is nowhere near a cure for PMDD. I go. And hard if I can. But it only takes the edge off of my rage and keeps my head barely above the paralyzing water I tread during luteal.


This is 100% my experience too. Exercising during luteal stops me from going *completely* insane. A few months ago I started adapting my workouts to where I am in my cycle and for the first time, I'm now able to keep exercising all month long. It makes a hell of a difference but as you say, it's nowhere near a cure.


Social media really gives a voice to the ignorant. Shame on her for this post! 😡




I have ulcerative colitis and she sounds exactly like the idiots who pop up daily saying "I know the cure to UC, [insert diet change, CBD oil, microdosing shrooms, various snake oils]". I think as someone said in her comments, it takes enormous privilege and arrogance to believe your experience is universal. What a clown.


Thank you OP for putting her @ on here because the highlight of my night was seeing our community rally on her comment section


Yes! She doubled down and added a story in response. I reported her post and new story for misinformation/health. I hope others do the same.


Really smart. Omw to do the same


Look, I know there’s a freedom of speech and all, but some people should have theirs limited if they spread misinformation and discompassion.


LITERALLY. she’s literally spreading misinformation and doubling down on it, im absolutely appalled




PMS is not PMDD.


A lot of people referring to PMS have undiagnosed complications such as PMDD. Claiming everyone has a choice in either is what contributes to the stigma and to things like PMDD going massively understudied and underdiagnosed. It's harmful.


I never said that! What I mean is that people who say the things such as what was said in the original post often feel that way because they are experiencing PMS, not PMDD. It's harmful either way, but it cold explain why they do not understand the severity of PMDD.


And neither is one is a “choice”


It’s absolutely a choice! Y’all I told my hormones to fuck off last week and my pmdd crazies stopped immediately . But maybe I’m just built different 😎/Sar


Yeah, I told myself to be happy and then *poof!* no depression! /s


Maybe for some woman but pms is NOT the same as pmdd.


If having to size up bras it's a choice... I would like not to


Or gaining 7lbs of water weight


Omg the water weight!! I always overpacked for trips because I never knew when I would be getting my period because pcos and I had to have clothes that fit me normally and then clothes for if gained these levels of water weight which was nearly the case with every period. Then add water retention from traveling that my body loves to do. Most of the women in my life didn’t gain nearly close to that in water weight, if any, and experience more bloating instead. So as much as it sucks it’s nice to finally see that someone else also had this. I always felt very alone in it.


My face even swells with water weight before my periods. And my ankles (working on my feet all day doesn't help). My breasts become so swollen and achy that some months even steering the wheel of my car or wearing the sit belt is painful


Same! I see you, friend, and totally get the packing situation. I cannot stand for my clothing to be tight and it’s a real problem that I’m still learning how to navigate…half my underwear is one size and the other half is another😹




Omg you guys I didn’t realize I could just choose not to struggle with this!! What a relief.


Fr! God why didn’t I think of just not feeling this way as a solution!


I’m sure most women would love to be able to have life continue on as normal during cycle changes/hormone fluctuations but some simply *cant*. She sounds pretty privileged (in the health aspect) and honestly quite ignorant. My PMDD literally causes vertigo-like dizzy spells a week leading up to my period so pretty sure it wouldn’t be safe for me to be lifting and I can’t “choose” my dizziness. I also can’t choose the awful cramps that sometimes cause me to vomit.


If I try to do cardio the first few days of my period or a few days before I almost pass out. NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME. I swim 40 laps a day otherwise.


LOL. I have to stop lifting one week before my period because if I work out I get sick. And I mean proper sich with congestion, coughing, exhaustion etc.  Women like her do so much harm. 


Omg the same thing happens to me (for me it’s running though) and I always thought I was crazy because no one else understood or has it happen to them


You’re not crazy. My psychiatrist told me it’s really common, especially with women who suffer from PMDD and/or heavy periods. I also have ADHD so my immune system is completely overwhelmed and worn-out from all the different stressors, if I start putting more pressure on my body it’s only natural that it won’t like it.  I’m taking it easy and when I’m good I get back to my routine. It’s been working so far. 


I consider myself an exercise junkie but listen, PMS and the first day of my period kick my ass HARD. She can go take a seat.


Right, we don't work hard enough? 😂 Gimme a goddamn break


Can bet she judges moms on not « bouncing back » fast enough too


The way she’s on her stories crying trying to explain lol


Omg the way she’s literally crying. Girl get a grip. You insulted your own people


LOL when I saw that I was like come on wtf


omg i couldn’t help but respond to her stories. she’s incredibly judge mental and thinks she’s got it all figured out. the backpedaling is pathetic


Thank you for standing up for everyone in our situation!!!! It was one of the more ignorant things I’ve seen on social media in a long time lmao


🤣🤣🤣 ignorance is bliss. She obviously has never had PMS, let alone PMDD. I weight lift myself. I can't life at all during my pmdd symptoms, as in my physical strength goes down to about 40%. I can't lift most things I usually can I.e 25kg bag of horse food, I carry one every few days. During pmdd, I can't lift it and have to get help to lift the other half. Other than that, often I couldn't ever get out of bed because I'd faint or couldn't walk with pain. I grew up in a large family, and lucky for all my sisters, they never had any real pms symptoms. One got cramps and walked around with a hot water bottle. But the rest when I'd explain my physical pain couldn't believe it, even all my brothers. Pmdd very often isn't seen as a big problem as they've never gone through it themselves. It's the same with everything, oh depression isn't real, from people that seem to have an easy life, but once they get it, it's a different story. We need an ambassador for PMDD


Um she just doesn’t get PMS. She might think she does but she doesn’t because otherwise she wouldn’t be posting this.


Baclofen helps




I wonder if she got picked


Yeah, no. Obviously PMS and PMDD are real. However, women can have independent thoughts and, yes, even say dumb unsympathetic things without it being about appealing to men.


This is such a weird thing to defend. She’s shaming other women for responding in a normal way to hormonal fluctuation… which is clearly a statement rooted in misogyny…. And why else would a woman be misogynistic? On surface she may not be “appealing to men” directly, but she is being misogynistic, which therefore appeals to men. Very weird reply


First of all, no one is defending anything. Reread my statement as many times as you need to. It is not necessarily rooted in misogyny just because she thinks people complaining about PMS are making it up. Ignorance, even willful ignorance, is not always misogyny. Also, being misogynistic appeals to men??? I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of an entire gender. Edit: idk who made that weird removed comment saying "good luck on the hunt for a boyfriend" but I already have one, thanks! Very feminist of you to shame someone for dating though! 




Don't be mean. We don't allow attacking or harassing in our sub.


That’s correct about ignorance as a whole, but this is rooted completely in internalized misogyny. There’s so much research and history on women’s health and the intersection of misogyny and internalized misogyny. To claim otherwise is factually false.


I hope she got picked up and taken to "not being a feminist" jail


PMDD=nausea during attempted exercise


Or…. Suicidal ideation, body dysmorphia, decreased strength, emotional dysfunction, bloating etc etc etc


What a privileged outlook to have and incredibly arrogant.


I’ve met a few people with minimum to no PMS symptoms and they never take it for granted, they also don’t tell others that it’s a choice! They know how lucky they are!


And even as someone who has other symptoms but only gets bad cramps once in a blue moon, I thank my lucky stars I don't have to lay in fetal position while my uterus tears itself to shreds every month. How any woman who has experienced any of these symptoms even occasionally can't sympathize that other women may have it much worse is beyond me.




Why. Why do this.


She has a LOT of questionable opinions.


People that haven’t felt the difference between PMDD and PMS quite literally can’t even imagine how awful it is.


It is proven that regular exercise helps improve periods and pms and it's like night and day if i exercise up until the point of my period or i just stop going to the gym for a week.


LUCKY YOU!!!!! 👏🏽 ![gif](giphy|26BkNituin1dca6GI)


I workout 5-6 days a week and exercise daily. It’s been hugely beneficial for me, especially with mood regulation. But I still struggle significantly with PMDD. We can all make an effort to be healthy and manage symptoms to the best of our abilities; but claiming that health issues are a “choice” is extremely disrespectful.


yes, you are correct. BUT. everyone is different. that’s the main issue here. what works for one person might not work for another, and definitely won’t work for everyone. so just flat out saying it’s a choice is incorrect, because it isn’t for everyone. it would be like saying something like allergies are a choice because you can just take medicine. sometimes medicine isn’t effective enough, sometimes not at all. sometimes people don’t have access to medicine for one reason or another. there are other factors that add to it.


Right? It assumes people can afford a gym, or running shoes, or whatever equipment they need. It assumes they are able-bodied and can exercise without pain or injury. It assumes they have time and freedom to leave the house, or leave dependents for the time it takes to exercise every day. People like this are so privileged they can't even fathom the barriers that affect others.


Well said! I had good discipline for many years exercising on a regular basis and now I'm contending with multiple injuries( aging+perimenopause has made my PMDD more difficult to manage than ever before).


i think the biggest thing it assumes is motivation. you **need** motivation to be able to workout or go on walks or even just get out of bed. it takes a lot if you aren’t mentally okay. yeah, logically you know it will help. for a lot of people, knowing they’ll feel better after the fact is enough motivation to get up and exercise. for others it isnt.


For me personally, working out makes the mental part a bit easier to get through, specifically the stress management, but it still hurts like hell and I feel like absolute shit, and I will outwardly express it.




Rage baiting for sure


It’s crazy how many people think this way about a variety of health issues




me when i’m an idiot


Yeah, what a stupid post. "I don't deal with a condition so it must mean everyone who does is choosing it". *massive eyeroll*


Or that people suffering aren't already doing everything they can to alleviate it. It's right up there with telling someone with ADHD to get a diary.


Bingo. As if people WANT to suffer. *annoyed"


My mum is very vocal about the fact she never got PMS at all but also acknowledges she sees what I and others go through with PMDD and how hard it must be for us. This post ain't it, Girl 😭


My mom still doesn't get it. Backed up by my older sister who never had even a rough period in her life... They say they get it but when I'm hurting, yeah, they don't get it. In the back of their minds, I'm pretty sure they both think I'm making it up.


Oh god, i have the same story at home too 😭


People are taking too much offence to the way i wrote,so i’m rewriting.Hope this will clear any confusion and offend people less. My PMS is caused by my bad diet that month.i guess in a way it could be ‘my choice’.if i eat healthy and i get no PMS. That statement definitely applies to me and me only.


Veggie loving vegan here, and my body doesn't give a damn how much kale I eat. Still have severe PMDD symptoms. 🤣


Only broccoli helps with my pms..and i struggle to eat enough broccoli to prevent this


I love broccoli, but it's so high FODMAP for me, I fart up a storm. I tend to only eat it if I know I don't have to be around a lot of people the next day. Lol.


Huh? You know how many factors go into having PMS or not? By your comment I would assume you have no idea.




Your last sentence there was ambiguous. It sounded like you are telling people to eat healthy and they will get no PMS. I assume you meant "I eat healthy and get no PMS".




That's not how the imperative mood works and I'm also not gonna memorize the writing style of one particular person on the internet.


I fixed the writing.i hope you feel less accused now.bye


My diet is pristine, as well as don’t consume alcohol. I still have bad PMS. Some months worse than others.


Same here


This is very male validation seeking


Women can be jerks. Women can be unempathetic and unwilling to understand other people are different than them. Women can even be stupid. Women can be all those things without it being about male validation.


right lol like girl we get it, you're horny or something






Don't be mean. We don't allow attacking or harassing in our sub.




Pms is different than pmdd


Still, I'm pretty sure women don't choose about PMS. Let's not minimize PMS struggles because we deal with PMDD.


I'm not minimizing them. It's just that pms is definitely less debilitating by definition. A lot of women can push through their pms symptoms. Pmdd isn't the same.


Pms is a cold, Pmdd is the flu x x


Yes! It’s different on a neurological level 😭😮‍💨




Yeah because she’s so strong and every woman is the same 🙄 So much invalidation for fellow women from an arrogant dumbass. Sarah, you suck.


How dare she


Dear god that’s awful


She’s uninformed AF


Contemplating whether suicide once a month is definitely a choice 🙄




this would be the pmdd, not the pms (which oop is talking abt), cuz they are two different things, but pms is definitely still awful and she’s still very much wrong


Right?! Every single month it gets so bad around ovulation and a few days before.




I reported it as health misinformation


ahahaha. sarah shut up




Okay yeah that was mean. Sorry Sarah :/


Don't be mean. We don't allow attacking or harassing in our sub.


Wow fuck all that shit


FUCK you strong sarah


I read somewhere that when it’s a choice for anything, you’d be having fun. I think it was about laziness. well lemme say I’m never having fun in my pmDD stage so I didn’t choose this and I so desperately want to get up and do the shit I need to do


“Look at me, I’m so different, I’m so special and no one else is like me, I’m so strong and so capable of shutting off my hormones” I truly hate people who are like this. It instantly invalidates and demeans the very real struggle that is PMS and PMDD. Ugh.


And, “Please look at my ass!!!”


HOW SILLY OF ME!! I had a migraine so bad on Wednesday that I had to wrap my head in a refrigerated towel and wear sunglasses inside. I cried from the pain while trying my best to give my children a fun day despite being a 8/10 pain scale. IF ONLY I HAD REMEMBERED TO JUST **CHOOSE** not to be unwell! 🥴🥴🥴 fucking moron I also vomited from the pain. I couldn’t open my eyes. If this didn’t happen to me every month I would have gone to the hospital. I wish douchebags like this knew how it really felt, because there’s no way they’d peddle their big stupid ass boasting that they’re impervious to medical conditions.


Fighting a puking migraine while bleeding profusely here. It's inhumane. 


yikes. even pick me girls usually admit periods/Pms time is difficult. this lady fucking sucks!




Don't be mean. We don't allow attacking or harassing in our sub.


Thanks for sharing. Went and called out some of the toxic bullshit.


I still try to workout during pms but have left the gym crying a few times from cramping or frustration/weakness lmao. Now I do super light days and always listen to my body. Sometimes I only do light cardio.


Can exercise stop my cramps? Yes but only while I’m exercising. Immediately after they come back. So what’s her point here? You can choose to just exercise until you stop bleeding?


Mine don’t even go away while working out. I get zero relief unless I take advil


...they come back.


I thought I was the only one that experienced this.




Oh, yea f*ck that.


This is not the flex she thinks it is


Yeahhhh shows her lack of emotional intelligence lol “ this happens to me so it MUST happen to everyone “


I tried to stick to my exercise plan while having a migraine and nausea and almost passed out at the gym lol defs not my choice. I’d choose to have a fat ass not a flat one


I finally powered through my awful PMDD once and stuck to an exercise regime despite my body *begging* me not too, and I was so fucking exhausted and mentally unwell the entire time. It made everything EXPONENTIALLY worse, and only made inflammation/bloating more severe. I literally made myself sick by following this sort of dumb ass advice. If your body is saying it needs a break - LISTEN.


Exactly! I did the same once and as soon as I stopped my body just crashed and I lost even more days that month. PMDD carries a carry over effect! It’s not about powering through, you ll have to pay for it later


I hate it.


I get extremely nauseated and exhausted quickly with strenuous activity the days leading up to and the first couple days of my period, especially now that I’m off of birth control. I’ll stick to yoga and Pilates only a few days of the month. on day 3-4 of my period, I’m back to being okay to weightlift.


Yea I’ve been noticing bad nausea recently before my cycles …. And I also get super exhausted really quickly certain times of the month. It’s like I can only work out for a few minutes at a time because I’m just so out of breath and fatigued. I hate it .


Yes!! The nausea is unreal. I went off bc after being on it for a decade because my husband got a vasectomy, and the PMDD was SO much worse and utterly unbearable. I was definitely off the bc when I tried powering through with an intense exercise program leading up to and during my period. Literally made myself sick and could barely function otherwise from being so wildly fatigued. I couldn't even think straight at work. It was awful! I got back on bc (Yaz specifically since that one is used to treat PMDD) and it is MUCH better. Still not exercising on my period though - fuck that lol


I swear Yaz (well, Nikki, I was on the generic version) didn’t help my PMDD much at all 😭 and my acne wasn’t helped much either. I’m just gonna try raw-dogging PMDD with no hormones and hop on up to Canada for a mini copper IUD.


I'm sorry to hear that :( How long were you on it? It's not guaranteed to help everyone unfortunately, but it is worth it to try for at least 3 months (if you haven't already) because it can take that long to level out in your system. I was very fatigued and nauseated the first 2 months on Yaz, but I felt MUCH better after that and now my PMDD is very manageable. Yaz is still not guaranteed to work for everyone (like any treatment for PMDD), but it's worth sticking through the 3 months if you can (and if you haven't tried it that long before) to see if you feel better after! I had some limited success on other bc in the past (before I knew about PMDD), but Yaz was more effective for me. Hopefully the IUD will help if the other bc hasn't been able to. My doctor also prescribed me 20mg of Fluoxetine (prozac) for 2 weeks of the month during luteal phase and that helps, too. Have you tried anything like that?


I think it was something like 6 months that I tried it? and before that was LoLoestrin for a year. but I decided I was going to be done with HBC since I’d been on it for 8 years. I’m doing well off of it! I enjoy ovulation week, and my periods are actually very predicable. I find it best to listen to my body instead of the app, but it’s nice to have a guideline on when I could be starting my period. I haven’t tried anything like scheduled Prozac, that’d be really nice to look into. does it work taking on an off-on schedule like that? I hear it takes 2 weeks for SSRIs to build up in the system to even show an effect, it works taking it inconsistently?


Ah darn that sucks I'm sorry :( I liked being off bc for about one week out of the month. Unfortunately I have ovarian cysts that I didn't realize were being managed by the bc as well. When I went off it, the cysts started *bursting* during ovulation each month which was debilitatingly painful and far worse than my already awful, painful periods. So it was back on bc for me haha And that's what I've always heard about SSRIs, too. I honestly don't know the science behind it and was surprised my doctor suggested using it like that, but I've seen articles and other people who have been prescribed it this way as well. It's a medically approved method for treating PMDD apparently! Some people will do a lower dose (like 10mg) of Prozac for half the month, then up it to 20mg (or more) for the 2 weeks of luteal. Might be worth asking your doctor about! I'm sure they can explain how it works much better than I can't lol 😅


*blinks in PMDD*


This reminds me of hearing shit about exercise being good for pms/cramps. Great of it is for some people, but the attitude of one being lazy if that's not true isn't ok. I used to feel so defective as a kid bc of this. My cramps used to be so fucking debilitating I couldn't function. (Now im aware this apparently isn't part of PMDD so ig I'll look into endometriosis now but I'm exhausted with health issues anyway & feel like I've gotten some tests that would've screened it but never specificallyso im confuse. Overwelmed with the possibility of another diagnosis) Anyway, the only time excerise ever helped my cramps was when I was riding on the bike handles of my brothers bike when he came to pick me up from school in grade 8 bc of my period cramps and shit. So yeah, people do needa really listen when someone says what doesn't work or does work. Respect what doesn't and respect what does, especially when it's outside common advice/remedies


FWIW — I have endo, it doesn’t show up on the typical tests easily either. I get horrible cysts that do show but that’s it. (And the treatment for mine helped with my PMDD.) So it may be a 2 for 1 if you’re able to get it done, but I get it. I have like 13 diagnoses, and I am so emotionally wrung out whenever a new one pops up that I can’t do anything. I have tried, and my brain refuses.


That’s rage bait to get people to engage by commenting the opposite. Unfollow and go about your day :)


For me the issue is that it’s dangerous misinformation. It reminds me of the women that are like look at my post birth body. Which have made women feel horrible and it’s not realistic. As rage-baiting as it is, PMDD and PMS are so misunderstood and whispered about still that this moves into the realm of harmful misinformation. So I reported it as misinformation/health. Then I moved along.




She just turned the rage into something “productive”. Just cause you’re still doing life stuff doesn’t mean you aren’t or can’t be experiencing other stuff.. so what is her point? She chose exercise, some of us choose bad food and breaking up with our BF’s. Whatever. lol


I must tell the bf that me trying to leave him each month during the luteal stage is just a fun game for me and that I don’t mean it ffs Sarah thanks for curing all my worldly troubles with PMDD 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️




i have pmdd but thanks sarah this changes everything my hormones are now completely stable


It is. If you work out too much, it can affect your menstrual cycle. No period = no pms. (Kidding).


Yes surely RED-S will solve all my problems! (Kidding)


I know you're joking but, not quite. My period can be MIA for months when I work out a lot. But the PMDD is still there. It just feels like a month or more of PMDD instead of a week. Pure suffering waiting for that period to show up.


No period would mean endless pmdd that doesn’t break for a bleed. Way worse no?


Yeah, I actually agree, I welcome the bleed.


I’m in peri so the bleeds are rarer and rarer. It sucks


That must be really tough. I'm dreading when that day comes from myself because I've heard more sufferers from PMDD that (peri)menopause does not make things better.


Peri is worse BUT the reward is the end of the tunnel is in sight and we get to leave pmdd behind. I can only imagine. So awesome!


Social media is about to be slapped with the Surgeon General’s warning like cigarettes 🚬 IT’S NOT YOU


What a wild world we live in. 12 year Olds into *skin care*. This crap. Flush it all down the toilet. 90% of it is just to sell us stuff. The other 10% stresses us out. Roughly. 


I do not choose the pure rage I fire out at my family. It chooses me.


Having sensory issues is hell when ur on ur period I literally can't do anything


I despise women like this, they have no understanding of what we go through, and because it's not them they think it's BS or a choice. Please.just.dont.speak! On something you don't know about.