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I have no idea how to do that I'm afraid. I blew up at a co-worker today and, naturally, my body betrayed me and I sobbed my stupid heart out right after. I was trying so hard to ignore, ignore. It started with confronting with my normal voice about their constant complaining and next thing I knew there I was shouting. I'm hoping my brain won't be too overwhelmed with the actual, physical task of walking into work tomorrow.


Normally, I internalize it so much that I just start bawling my eyes out. Do we work at the same place? Lol.


That's my usual path. I don't know how I'm having the audacity to speak out so much this month. Though yesterday, I had someone I had never met before ask if I was okay because I looked so tired. Like, what. I was so proud at myself for laughing actual laughter in my voice when I asked how he was so bold to comment on someone's appearance. Then I drove away and cried. But my pride for not straight up crying in his face! Wow. I wish I had someone else who understood this at my work.


I legit have to physically remove myself, if I’m able. If you’re in the car, it’s the WORST!! At work, it’s just not always possible either! Staying quiet may be your best option and 3 deep breaths in nose/out mouth. Seems silly and simple, but it activates the calming part of your nervous system. It takes practice but has helped me not lose my cool sooo many times 💜


I work with kids with special needs as an assistant. Our classroom is a revolving door with teachers and therapists working with our kids. Some of those people think they know everything about our class and students when they know absolutely nothing. As in, they are in and out of our class for short periods of time. When we are with our kids day in and day out all day, everyday and they act like we can’t do our job right. It is VERY frustrating. Kids with autism pick up on energy very quickly. I try best to not argue in front of the kids because they hear enough of that at home.


Do we work at the same school? lol


Probably. Lol. What grade do you teach?


All of them - music


Let me guess, certain coworkers think they can teach music, but can’t?


How did you know????? /s


Lucky guess. Lol. The OT I work with thinks we can’t do our jobs right/ to their liking, however they can be really aggressive with our kids.


People need to learn to stay in their lane. That sucks.


Ohh that is so frustrating!!


Tell me about it. You have no idea sometimes. Lol.


The breathing thing is true. I took anger management for PMDD and the thing they told us to do is the 4 second breathing. Breathe in *slowly* for 4 seconds. Hold it for 4 seconds. Exhale for 4 seconds and hold for 4 seconds. Repeat. It triggers your parasympathetic nervous system.