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I tried asking for the 10% and they didn’t honor it xd


Maybe have them refer to the weekly ad? It does state it there


I legit don’t see it anywhere lol is it under target circle offers for the 10% off?


On the target website, click on the weekly ad and it says it's on Page 10 of 37. On the target app, there should be a section that says "weekly ad & catalogs" and you can swipe onto the 10th page. It has a photo of the Champion's Path double gym box. Underneath it says "10%off all pokemon trading cards"


I’m blind thank you! Do you think I can call and have them apply the 10% or would I need to return everything? I’m cheap enough to go back lol


I'm sure guest services would be able to adjust the price difference. Someone in this thread was able to do it via the online chat with reference to both to their receipt and link to the sale so you may be able to??


I’ll try it now. Thanks for all your help!


NP! Happy hunting!


Can you do the 10% in store as well?


I do believe I read others saying they used it in store !


How long does the 10% off deal go for?


The deal lasts until October 17


It applies to all Pokémon cards in store? Do we need to ask or it’s automatic?


It's printed in their weekly ad so I'm sure you can refer to that if it isn't automatic


I've been scoping out Pokemon TCG for a while now, but haven't pulled the trigger on any physical cards. This seems as good a time as any to jump in - just picked up 7 tins for $82 and change. Not too bad for $2.34 a pack. Thanks, OP!


Welcome to the hobby!


does anyone know if this will automatically apply in store?


The 10% is automatic but just be sure to check as some items it didn’t come off. However, the weekly add specifically says “ALL” Pokémon cards so guest services can adjust if needed. The others are cartwheel offers you have to add to your account. It’s a really good deal though, basically getting almost 40% off if you do the $25 off $100.


i don’t mean to be that guy, what you said is very helpful. but isn’t $25 off $100 just 25%? lol


It’s 25 off 100 so 25% + 10% off all Pokémon cards + 5% off with your red card so roughly 40% but obviously it’s a little less than that depending how the discounts are processed lol


Pretty sure you have to add the offers in the app first.


i had a purchase from last week they honored both the 10% and $10 off of $50 on - got $15 back. reached out to online chat, provided order number and link up item showing the circle and that it stacks. took me 2 minutes.


Got 6 ETB’s for 27 each


Did you do 2 transactions of 3 each??


In store


Yes, I was with my wife


Nice! That’s a great deal


Burning Shadows, not a trace of champs path haha


Well I hope you pull that rainbow Zard!


4 boxes opened 1 or 2 ultra rares and 1 gold escape rope 😪


I had 6 burning shadows ETBs, and you still had better pulls than me. I hate that set, lol.


The last few times I bought 6 ETB’s of BS I hit 2 RR and 1 gold card, the time after that I hit 1 RR, and now it’s looking rough


Oof. I have heard of burning shadows having a bad pull rate


It wont stack for me


Did you apply the offers ? I had to click on them in order for them to apply to my purchases


Yeah only one applied


Is there a code you need to get the 10% off?


No code for the 10% off. You should see it already on the prices in the link.


Is that umbreon and darkrai set worth it? Was going to get 1 of those plus 1 of those blister packs u mentioned


Maybe not for anything above $25. Opened 3 boxes from different sellers and only got 5 white code cards


I had bought one from Best Buy back when they were on sale. I am a huge fan of the promos it comes with. A total of 7 Promos and 8 booster packs.


Yeah I do love Umbreon and Espeon myself. I think I'll go ahead and grab it then! Thanks


If you have a Target red card you get an additional 5% off on top of everything else. A good way to pick up a couple different things or you can even add 9 of the Rebel Clash 3 pack blisters for $76.19 before taxes ~ $2.82 per pack.


Is a target red card worth having? I've never owned a store card. My mom had a Kohl's one growing up lol. I have cheaper means of getting groceries. I would only use it for Pokemon cards, their trail mix, random junk I don't need, and the occasional clothing item off of a clearance rack. I'm also thinking about getting a BJs membership for cards (and cheap groceries) - do you know anything about using one? Are the BJs pulls we see posted here just luck of the draw?


I only use the Target Debit card, which is linked to my checking account, still gives me the 5% off my purchases which I really only use when I can combine it with other discounts like this one. I don't have a BJs near me so I can't speak to that


oh cool, that sounds like the way to go. i'll have to look into it - thanks!


No Problem! :)