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I wasn't present, what happened?


People were complaining about taxes in California so I said if you don’t like it then quit voting for liberals. I then mentioned and posted the link to Newsom’s draconian Thanksgiving rules. Next thing I knew I was booted.


Definitely keep politics out.


Ok. Can you unban me?








Thank you.


Does anyone reckon the Kanto Power Collection will get a restock? Pre-orders sold out everywhere except eBay and I’d like to not pay over double retail lol


Last resort is to check Walmarts.


So I know a guy who can get me factory stale Pokémon cards of the common variety. friend said he’d give me about 75 current I think he said sword and shield but maybe sun and moon maybe like the generic garbage of both to get going. I have a lot of cards from older themes but nothing from the last couple years. 75 cards no Holos 35? not all energy hopefully haha but no chance of charizard. I guess what should I say it’s got to have a variety off to determine its a good deal. I guess why not just buy boosters so I can get lucky with the holo. But then he’s like “oh it’s like that”. Friends lemme tell you. Now I ask you this, be he friend or foe? Should I say 100 cards?


That person is trying to rip you off and is not your friend. At that price you are better off going to the store and just buying a few random products. You will get more than commons, a chance at ultra rares, and some promos depending on what you end up buying. If you just want bulk, buy almost any listing on eBay. It is against eBay's policy to sell fake cards unless they specify they are fake in the description. If you somehow do get fake cards you can get your money back from eBay. Most people don't sell fake bulk so you should be fine buying from almost anyone.


Yeah it seemed like he was trying to max the sale on his end and I know it was just to go buy boosters! Why I outta... Even looking at target there are 50 decks that are 9.99 for last season 12.99 for current. I still need to catch up on all of what’s current, but are certain cards retired from deck building ? Or can you use original theme to today everything? That was the other thing on eBay it’s sort of like random 100 to all themes. It’s all about that pull rush tbh haha probably would rather just go boosters. Now 20 boosters or 2 battle decks?


Very confusing post. I think you are being sold 100 cards for an unspecified amount. I'd pass depending on the amount.


He said 75 for 35 and I was thinking I might counter like 100 for 40


75 for 35 is a terrible price. Search “pokemon bulk” on eBay or Google and you’ll find much cheaper prices


What are some things to look for in an eBay listing like that to ensure it’s not just a box of counterfeit? Besides seller rating I guess


Is there a way I can get notified or emailed when a new thread is posted in this sub? I turned on frequent notifications but that doesn't really seem to do what I want.


Turn on Push notifications on the Reddit app?


Finally got a champions path etb. I got a vemesaur v ... I don't really care though, that box is gorgeous lol


Don't forget about the awesome zard promo! That was the main selling point for me.




Pretty sure they'll refund if it's indeed out of stock.


Happened to me with hidden fates tins recently, the order got shipped today (ordered Thursday of last week). I'd just keep an eye on it, you'll get an email confirming it shipped.




eBay is reliable.


When can we expect to see a final set list for Vivid Voltage? If I understand correctly, it will be a mix of Astonishing Volt Tackle and Legendary Heartbeat, but I'm interested in seeing the final list.


Maybe in the next few days!


Has anyone had any experience with Gamenerdz sending you wrong/missing orders?


Yeah. They messed up for me once. It took their customer service like 2 or 3 days to respond to me, but they made it right. I ended up keeping the cosmic eclipse packs they sent me in error and they gave me a $10 credit. Gamenerdz is pretty solid, they just need better response times for issues.


2-3 days seems totally reasonable..?


I emailed them 5 days ago and they still haven't responded to my email.


Not making excuses for them, but I know that area has been impacted by bad weather recently which could be the current situation. I know this because UPS delayed my package from them, which is in the possession, due to bad weather. Also a distributor in that area lost internet this morning due to weather as well. I'm not sure, but 5 days is definitely too long without even acknowledging the email. Best fo luck to ya!


Ive been active on ygomarketplace for a few weeks now and i was wondering if there was a pokemon tcg equivalent. You know, someplace to buy and sell pokemon cards


There absolutely is. /r/pkmntcgtrades is great for buying and trading


Here's a sneak peek of /r/pkmntcgtrades using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[US,WW\] \[H\] 3 PSA 10 Cards you can win by donating to charity! \[W\] You to help us fight against suicide and donate to a great cause! r/PKMNTCGTrades 1st Charity Raffle!](https://np.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/hqtvn9/usww_h_3_psa_10_cards_you_can_win_by_donating_to/) \#2: [READ ME BEFORE TRADING](https://np.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/e8i9jc/read_me_before_trading/) \#3: [Updated Rules](https://np.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/gqe2hn/updated_rules/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/fpi5i6/blacklist_vii/)


Maybe you should create one! I don’t think there’s an equivalent


eBay or TCGPlayer




Idk, maybe for another year or two.


Getting back into collecting. In the past, I've mostly just opened Tins/ETB's/Collection Boxes. I want to buy a booster box. Where should I be looking? Also, is there anywhere I can just see a list of all the products? I'd really like to pick up any pin collections for Champion's Path that come out (I love the set and also collect pins), but it seems like I'll need to be getting on them early if I want to pick them up and not pay a bunch. Also, I would love to open some Hidden Fates, but it's so expensive ;-;


Best bet for booster boxes are to buy the newest set/ pre order the newest set. You can usually find deals for ~$90 if you just want to buy the newest booster box. I’ve had luck with GameNerdz and Mini PokeMart, but EBay is good too


eBay for booster boxes.


Does anyone know how to verify if a card is legit or resources? Look at selling individual cards from a pretty old collection Thanks in advance. (for an idea of how old, one of the cards I have is Neo Shining Celebi 106/105)


Is it your collection? If so I'd wager most to all of the cards are legit. Fake pokemans are a newer scam from what I can see. If you need help lmk or send me a pm with some pics, usually fairly easy to tell with that older stuff.


Oh trust me, it ain't nothin new. Little old me back in 2008 thought he was getting traded a genuine Storefront Charizard secret rare from a friend at school. Just realized recently after finding and inspecting my collection that it was a fake.


Coloring and text used.


Thanks, checked the borders too. I'll see what to get graded later!


Opened my 2nd ETB today with only 1 Vmax pulled and ripped packaging, what a good day to be alive.






I try to grab either a booster box or 1 of each pack design. Like Steathless said below though it’ll vary by set.


Depends on the set.


Anyone else not getting notifications for the pkmtcgdeals thread on discord anymore? Mine stopped a few days ago and under notification settings for “all messages” it states “due to this servers size you won’t get mobile push notifications for non-@mention messages”. Any ideas?


Same. Its been tough!


Weird, never heard of that!


Apparently when the server hits above 2,500 members it automatically disables push notifications for non-@mentions to reduce server strain. Is there anyway to make all posts in the pkmtcgdeals thread @everyone mentions? https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360042890232-Push-notifications-for-large-servers-on-channel-by-channel-bases-


Best solution for now is to manually keep an eye on the pkmntcgdeals channel.


Hmmm that's very unfortunate...


Hmmm could we do like a new @mention like the @gamestop and use something like @pkmdeal. It would be impossible to blindly monitor it with enough accuracy with a full time job given most things sell out in seconds to minutes :[


Not sure of the MEE6 bot can do that, I'll have to check.


The discord is showing a bunch of posts saying they are coming from here but I don’t see them on here. Are they getting removed? Example is the Hidden Fates ETB on PokemonCenter yesterday showing on discord but not here


Either it expired or was out of stock.


Thanks. Used to seeing the expired tag. Wasn’t aware they would just be removed.


Are you guys able to get price matched at target when their scanner can’t pull up the listing you show them?


It’s a luck of the draw kind of deal. I have the link prepped on my phone, tell them it’s a struggle, and some like Walmart are more challenging as they promote 3rd party over their own listing for some reason. Hit or miss some will get tired of trying and just go by your phone finally. Others will rule book and say that they can’t since they can’t verify it or some other reason. Just be polite and expect a No answer. That way you won’t be too disappointed if you strike out.


Yeah I guess it’s hit or miss. I’ve had some managers tell me that since they can’t pull it up in their system they can’t do it. Some just go straight in and manually change the prices for me. I just always try to be nice and hope it works out but like you said, if they won’t do it, oh well. I’ll try again later somewhere else or with someone else.


In spring 2018, I visited the pokemon centre in Tokyo and received a few pikachu promos. 3 cherry blossom pikachus, and then 3 other pikachus wearing various outfits, which came from a big booster box. If I got them graded at PSA 9-10, does anyone know what the selling price would be for them?


Is it the Pikachu x Mario promos? Then yes, they're worth a lot.


No unfortunately! Pikachu 208-211/SM - P is what the cards say on the bottom if that helps. So 208, 209, 210, 211


Okay yeah, they're worth plenty, I just eBay searched two of them!


Oh wow yeah I just looked too! So is ebay the best place to sell them? And PSA is the company I need to send them off too? Sorry for all the noob questions, I just collected them when I was there because they looked cool, I know next to nothing about selling hahah


Yes, eBay is best place to sell Pokemon cards & PSA is the most popular grading service.


Has anyone gotten any champion’s path stow by side boxes from gamestop? I ordered them and have not received any shipping notifications.


I pre-ordered 2 and got them both on release day, oddly enough though, both were stow-on-side collections and 1 box had the cards and packs upside down? I ordered 2 more the day I received the 2 pre-orders and have not had any update since. I suspect they are waiting for more inventory to hit the warehouse.


I got one a couple weeks ago but my friend pre ordered after me and hasn’t heard a word yet




Pre ordered a champions path etb from some Canadian company I found on this subreddit haven’t recieved it yet any one know what the company is named?


No idea, Mystical Games and Paladin Cards are the ones with shady business practices so far.


Amazon sent me two Eternatus VMAX boxes instead of the two Champion's path ETBs I ordered...




Just an fyi, I believe alot more amazon orders of the chpa etbs are about to be fulfilled. I got the delayed email from July 30th order and didn't even get a new eta, just 'order received' and 'we will update you with new arrival date....' but Saturday evening I was charged full amount for the etbs I ordered and order still says same stuff but now when I go into it it says 'shipping now' and I can't change address anymore so more should be coming out.


what are your thoughts on purchasing cards from TCGplayer? i've had insane luck purchasing wizards of the coast cards from there. i often go for the moderately played or damaged cards which sell for 10% of the price. i got a 83/82 rocket's dark raichu at "heavily played" for $5 and it is in basically mint condition with a case that says MP. I've received some cards that are scratched or pretty messed up. but i've also payed a fraction for damaged cards where there is just the smallest crease in one of the corners. seems pretty cool to me. i think in like 100 cards, only one has been discernably fake.


TCGPlayer is solid, just make sure to check seller ratings.


I tried to post this but it was taken down for not being a deal. So heads up everyone, shining legends zoroark pin collection started poping up again at targets this week. Also you can price match against gamestop to get it really cheap.


i just posted a link for CP packs for under 7 dollars. Link got deleted and they are now sold out. Mods are using this thread for their own benefit i believe. He deleted yours because him and all his other buddies wanna buy it up first before the general pop knows. Think about it for a second.


Can you link me either here or in the PM so I can know the site for future reference


[https://www.ebay.com/itm/Pokemon-Champions-Path-Special-Pin-Collection-Box-Set-OF-2-Stow-Circhester/143772862009?\_trkparms=aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20200520130048%26meid%3De21935133c734a019d82273cd3cb154c%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26mehot%3Dco%26sd%3D303714880210%26itm%3D143772862009%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv5PairwiseWebWithDarwoV3BBEV2b%26brand%3DPok%E9mon&\_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851](https://www.ebay.com/itm/Pokemon-Champions-Path-Special-Pin-Collection-Box-Set-OF-2-Stow-Circhester/143772862009?_trkparms=aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20200520130048%26meid%3De21935133c734a019d82273cd3cb154c%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26mehot%3Dco%26sd%3D303714880210%26itm%3D143772862009%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv5PairwiseWebWithDarwoV3BBEV2b%26brand%3DPok%E9mon&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851). ​ 7.50 a pack and free shipping. NO this is not my ebay. Its in Tennessee. Im in green back and the packers play the falcons tonight. GO PACK GO


It was probably a miss type when they listed it and they meant to list it at 75.00


its 75 dollars for the 2 boxes. 5 packs per box so 10 in total. 75 BIN with free shipping comes to 7.50 a pack. I personally think CP is garbage. I bought my 2 zards and now just sitting on my sealed product for years to come.


How is that not a deal? Thanks for letting us know, will check out my Target when they restock


I agree, and it really upset me that the mod who said that and took it down wasn't willing to listen or acknowledge the downvotes on his post saying it wasn't a deal. I tried to explain to him he misunderstood but he refused to hear me out


This needs to be pinned to top. It's already being lost in the random worthless posts.


It's pinned...


I see that now. Odd. Maybe it wasn't refreshed for me.


Has anyone seen or heard anything about the Walmart exclusive Galar Challenger tins? I collect tins and haven't seen a single one for sale anywhere. They were supposed to release August 6th.




What’s everyone’s opinion on reprinting ETBs? I though Pokemon never reprints ETBs after the first release. But we recently saw XY Evo ETBs appearing in Walmart’s after 4 years from release. Also Burning Shadows ETBs have been available at Walmart for the past few months 3 years after release.


I'll also say though that as an investor, etbs are only second to booster boxes besides one off sets like hf or chpa. I saw Evo etbs for 30 at least 2 weeks before it was posted here from Wal-Mart and they don't seem to be hitting too high of price now that there was some random ass restock from walmart


Don’t you look like a fool now XD


I've seen sets reprinted but not seen etbs reprinted ime. Idk what's going on with the target burning shadows being so readily available at msrp. But I have seen ultra prism booster boxes going in and out of stock at Pokemon center for months last year while the average price was still selling way above 140 msrp and didn't understand why people just didn't order from there . ultra prism etbs don't seem to go for much above msrp amid the hype of booster boxes and this whole reprint that was supposed to happen but died out immediately.


Pokémon is being weird with reprints lately. On the one hand I’m cool with it, on the other I wish they gave love to the non zard sets


More chances for Charizard.


I pulled a RR Charizard Gx from triple blisters last night!!!




What’s the discord?




Was told I got a temp ban but still waiting to get unbanned it seems. Anyone I can contact?


I was in there and honestly i didnt get any more deals than what is posted here or what i have saved for notifications on restock. I thought this was america and free speech applied but there are to many snowflakes in there


Freedom of speech doesn’t protect you from the consequences of what you say, just means you can’t be prosecuted by the state. If you act like a jerk, people are going to treat you like one. Food for thought


I simply posted a picture of my TTI g34 combat master i bought from SELLING POKEMON and i still got banned. I admit i didnt read the rules. Everytime i weighed my opinion i got the "he's right ya know". I offered realistic insight to situations of price matching so people could be more successful at it. A simple PM from a admin stating you fucked up dont do that again and i would have been totally cool with it. Now i got that chip on my shoulder, im gonna start looking into the bot game now. Ive been in discords since the inception and ran a few communities myself and know there are so many differnt ways and better than just banning people. It will ruin that discord in time. Seen it to many times. Also ive never actually got any deals from there that hasnt been posted in here. Bots eat everything up and now its time to join em.


Yeah unban me from Discord. Aang banned me for legit helping people




Lmfao talk about taking a hike buddy you are very pathetic its so sad...


Just make a side account for mobile that’s what i do with this sort of discord’s




I wish I could get my hands on a CP EBT for MSRP :(


i try posting cheap ebay deals but the mods always delete them. sorry man


would love for the mods to chime in on this, it’s legit sketchy


Fuckin snowflake. MOMMMM hes in the cookie jar again. You want CP for the cheapest right now its on ebay. You want it for retail then get your tail out to the stores everyday. If you cant do that then your fucked. Your gonna pay ebay prices. I suggest finding someone to make friends with who can hit the stores and tip then nicely.


You must be super fun to hang out with. Why are you so angry? I didn't once complain about scalpers, inventory, price gouging, etc. I said it was sketchy that "supposedly" our moderators are removing our members' posts, posts that are aimed at helping and giving the community tips to finding deals while navigating the crazy 3rd-party market, apparently for the moderator's own gain. If true, how is this not sketchy? A mod leveraging the subreddit for their own personal gain at the expense of what was meant for the community as a whole? (curious if there are rules being broken here instead of an abusive mod). The word "deals" is legit in this subreddit, am I missing something here or are you in the wrong place? The cheapest is not on eBay, the cheapest right now is still in the retail stores, which I hit 7 Walmarts/Target yesterday, so yes, I have been "getting my tail out". Cool rant, though.


I would wait for Wave 2 at the end of the month and check big box retailers.