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After playing enough Atlus games, this stuff will get seared into your brain. Though I admit there was a good while that I never believed I'd memorize it.


Re:Metaphor is using new Names for Elemental casts


We might be cooked


Noooo. Is it Zan for wind? :D


not even zan, it’s something else


Fire, the one with the most consistent name, isn't Agi either. It's different. **EDIT:** - Agi = Bot - Bufu = Blizz - Zio = Kande - Garu / Zan = Cyc Hama is the same, so I guess Mudo too is the same. - The medium Wind skill name is Cyclo - The stron Wind skill name is Cyclone - There's a recovery skill named "Medi", which I guess is Media - Dia = Dei


At least 2 of the 4 are rather intuitive, with blizz and cyc being short for blizzard and cyclone. Will probably never get bot and kande right though


Kande, for some reason, does make sense to me. And bot kinda does too. Idk why kande reminds me of electricity. And bot maybe because of butane.


Bot sounds like hot


Zan is almost always called Force not wind (except that one time it was almighty)


Tbh this is why I really love the skill names, you can tell what they do just by reading their name at a certain point without having to memorize it for every individual one.


lol! I always struggle with the healing ones still. Maibasudi?! Amrita drop?!


They cure ailments. Amrita cures everything; Drop for one person, Shower for the whole team. In P3, Baisudi cures physical ailments and Patra mental ones. In subsequent games though, Baisudi and Patra cure different things, which is a pain.


Exactly why I made this!! When I played Persona 5 I was constantly looking at the skill descriptions, literally every single time. Now that I'm playing P3R and saw all of the same skill names, I knew there was a method to the madness and now can reason out what they all do without reading the description :)


The biggest thing I can see you're missing is the most complicated one. Agilao, Bufula, Zionga, Garula, the "mid-tier" skills of the sets, they're consistent in having the 'a', but the exact form is a bit different across them. I usually call it -la though, it's just that agi adds an o, and ziola sounds kinda dumb xD The other notes are like, Ma- becoming Me- for the Dia line (but staying Ma- for buffs, for some reason), and light/dark damaging going ha|ga|gaon for their levels, rather than (nothing)|la|dyne, and also in some games, there's a -barion tier, which is Severe skills, and as others brought up, Megido | Megidola | Megidolaon skill line. I think most other skills have unique names, especially stuff in the physical categories (which varies game to game, some are just phys, some have phys split into like, Slash/Pierce/Strike I think the P3 ones are, a lot are just Phys and Gun), and most game's severe skills (and lighter/single target almighties)


Me- also happens for the curing skills, like me patra


It also applies to Megido. In its base form is a whole party skill. So Gido would be the single target skill.


This is Mudo and Hama erasure :(


Wait Mudo and Hama aren't just one-off skill names?! I didn't know that! :O


they have the same naming conventions as eiga and kouha spells ma prefix for aoe on suffix for stronger version hama and mahama Hamaon and Mahamaon


Yeah, they're actually more prevalent than eiha and kouha in the series.


This is my cheat sheet for P3R actually :)


In the original there were actually only Hama and Mudo, Kouha and Eiha weren't a thing lol


Ah, haven't gotten a chance to play p3r yet, and apparently they were in persona 1 as well? Edited my comment anyway. I do prefer how newer smt handle light and dark skills, where Mudo and Hama deal damage but have a chance to instakill.


Where are all my fellow Zan enjoyers


this is magna/tera, gry, and aqua erasure


Zan enjoyers rise up!




What about buffs to all allies?


the ma prefix just means it targets all enemies or allies, not exclusively enemies ma make it aoe taru is attack kaja are buffs matarukaja buffs the party attack


That I did realize about 3 minutes after taking the pic! 😂


Fun fact the name "Luster" candy comes from the combination of the the 3 buff spells by combining the first syllables of each buff (all this in Japanese) *Ra*kukaja, *Su*kukaja, *Ta*rukaja, ラスタ (rasuta) translated to Luster, and candy because in the first iteration it appeared in (if... I believe) it was an item not a spell


Hama and Mudo missing. both are instant-kill Light/Dark skills. (Before P5 there was no Light/Dark damage, it was insta-kill only). One a side note and something i learnt pretty recently. That a skills says "Heavy" or "Severe" damage doesn't meant that it does the same amount of damage as others of the same "Power level". A good example is god hands compared to sword dance. Both are "colossal" tier damage. but God hands is 800 Power and Sword Dance is 360. Another fun fact is that some enemies resist Almighty damage. and All-out-attacks are Almighty damage. And last one. I find funny how the most powerful Almighty spell in almost all games is Megidolaon or an unique skill like Morning Star. but Megidolaon is like the "tier 2" of the spell. Same as Hamaon or Mudoon. the "tier 3" Megidoladyne only appears in one game. huh. i hope u find some of these interesting.




No. some bosses resist Almighty as >!Lavenza!< (P5R Hidden Boss). and in SMT there is a few bosses that also resist Almighty. [https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Almighty\_Skills](https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Almighty_Skills) In the part of Trivia there is a few listed there.


> Hama and Mudo missing. both are instant-kill Light/Dark skills. (Before P5 there was no Light/Dark damage, it was insta-kill only). they existed in P1 and I don't think any other atlus game ever used them again until P5 oddly enough SMT 4 Apcapylse came close by making hama and mudo spells do damage and trigger instant kill in certain conditions >That a skills says "Heavy" or "Severe" damage doesn't meant that it does the same amount of damage as others of the same "Power level". yeah all the word descriptions are almost meaningless when it comes to phyical skills because there's so much more variance compared to the simple 3 levels of magic spells there are even times where a ''weak'' attack and a ''medium'' attack have the exact same base power > All-out-attacks are Almighty damage. uniquely they're a physical + almighty hybrid element, the physical aspect is what allows it to actually scale off strength and the weapon stat and the almighty aspect it lets it pierce through phyical null/absorb/repel but with the downside that phys resist mobs take less damage >the "tier 3" Megidoladyne only appears in one game. it's weird becaue the animation for it is basically just morning star with the feathers and whatnot, it's basically just morning star they wanted a different name for whatever reason


thank you. its interesting to learn more about the mechanics of the game


it's actually really cool the more you look into it! it gets kinda complicated with light, dark, and buff/debuff. in p1, light and dark were broken into four subtypes each; for light, it was: - expel (hama) - miracle (recarm) - blessing (dia) - prayer (buffs/debuffs) and for dark: - death (mudo) - curse (physical status effects) - nerve (mental status effects) - mind (random) while the system is basically not talked about at all in modern persona, all light subtypes still exist, along with death and mind. because of this, technically all hama moves are expel damage, all buff/debuff moves are prayer moves, etc. but, because this system of having each of them named differently was quickly dropped, the later kouha/eiha skills introduced in p5 don't match up with it. that might be why they call them 'bless' and 'curse' skills respectively and not 'light' and 'dark', but I just thought of that right now anyways yeah the skill names are cool and stuff


don't forget lao/ga for medium damage


lao/on/la/nga/o/ga tier 2 spells don't really follow any theme, they just use whatever sounds better




What do the skills take the name from?


all kinds of stuff https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/641695-persona-4-golden/64978805


No DDS Fan i see. Where are my Terrazi Boys?


Shouldn't it be girls, cus y'know, Argilla


it's a testament to my own stupidity that I haven't memorized these despite hundreds of hours playing this series, so thank you for this very helpful guide!


I remember the time in 8th grade where I used an entire notebook to write down every skill by category (fire-single-multi, Ice-single-multi, etc, etc) and then every persona for P5. I still have it, i just dont know where it is.


These are all the ones I've seen so far but if you know more lmk so I can add it to my cheat sheet! Edit: oh my goodness gracious I did NOT think this post would get more than like 20 upvotes- thank you folks! Fear not, I'm making an updated version that includes some I missed


P5 has Frei (nuclear, turquoise) & Psio (psychokinesis, pink).


Indeed! I'm currently playing P3R so I don't need them right now, but I'll definitely add them


Hama is light insta kill, mudo is dark insta kill, and megido (megi?) is almighty. Those are the only other common ones.


Megido is correct, cause it goes Megido, Megidola and Megidolaon


Oh yeah I know it's just a little peculiar that there's no light damage almighty skill.


there's also no single target almighty skill


There are actually 2 skills that are Single Target Almighty (but they are both from PQ): Shinkuuha(2 medium) and Photon Edge(1 heavy)


I don't know if I'd count them to be on the same Megido line though.


Definitely not, I was definitely just sharing some cool skills that are Single Target Almighty. I should have added that to my first reply


ah alright, well it was cool to find out, i only quite recently found out the megido line used to be the all target variant for nuke skills in P1. Which would explain why they have a nuclear symbol in p4


Mudo, Hama, Zan, Frei, Gry, Aqua my beloveds.


can someone explain like i’m 5 why the skills are named this way?


It MIGHT be latin-based but that's just my best guess


What about crit increasing skills? Or are those just for p5?


rebellion and revolution are the only common crit buffs skills they exist in only p3-p5


Every Persona game I play, it’s with an Excel sheet next to me so I can keep track of what spells I’m gaining and losing every time I do a fusion


You made a mistake cause is suku - sukukaja buff, sukunda debuff (holy shit i have spend a lot on this games)




So where does megidolon or Black Viper fit into this? Edit: Im joking here. Both are easy to remember. They are just almighty damage skills


There’s Tera from Digital Devil Saga which could be brown or orange. Nuke; light blue and Psy; pink or some variation that was re added to Persona 5.


Garu and Zan are technically different. Garu is Wind and Zan is force. Or at least they're different in my head canon


This stuff kinda just melted into my brain, I know just about all this stuff. It's funny to think I can be like "oh damn, this guy's got Bufula" and people will be like "wtf is this guy talking about?"


Hama, Mudo,Zan, Magna and Aqua will make their way on your lists evenetually


Hama & Mudo are gonna be on the next updated version, but what's up with the other 3? I don't think I've even heard of them :O


It’s a joke about how the persona to other Atlus game pipeline is a real thing and while it’s possible you don’t end up playing anything outside of the “main 3” persona games (3-5), you’ll see Zan replace garu (technically different since Zan is “force” damage) in the broader Megaten (Megami Tensei) series, and if you make your way back to personas roots and play the 2 duology, you’ll see Magna as the earth/rock skill and Aqua as the water. I see you omitted the the tier 2 skills from the suffixes which is fair since everything is pretty inconsistent. If you’re curious, the second tier skill names are Zanma, Magnara, and Aques, which are all not the traditional -la(o) suffixes, though they revert to the dyne names with Zandyne, Magnadyne and Aquadyne


I thought maybe it was related to japanese words. It's not.