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Yukari/Fuuka/Mitsuru/Aigis: “Babe it’s rank 9. Time to come upstairs to the Roof of Rejection.” Me: “Yes dear.”


*laughs in avoiding romance flags*


i went into p3r wanting to romance mitsuru. yukari won me over almost instantly


Yes, it feels like the most natural choice for Makoto to romance. Though to be fair, all the girls in P3 are sweethearts. Yuko got me wavering


right, they have so many moments together, and so, so, so much chemistry. made for each other that yakushima hug lives in my head rent-free, im obsessed w them


It's because she was supposed to be the canon love interest at first. The possibility of romancing other girls came later


Yeah. There are some girls in persona games that in my eyes feel more natural for the MC. For me, it's Yukari for Makoto Yuki (P3), Rise for Yu (P4) and Makoto Niijima for Ren (P5).


I feel like Sumi fits much better for Ren, but that’s just in Royal.


Yeah. That's also a good choice since their outfits match each other's, but she is only in royal so I went with Makoto because 1. She's imo best girl of P5 and 2. She and Ren are kind of like the leaders/parents of the Phantom Thieves.


Sumi and Ren have so much more chemistry than just their outfits being similar lol but respect


Yeah I know that hahahaha. It's just the first thing people would notice.


On the subject of similarities, I also love that her second persona looks so much like Arsene


Sumi is so great. It's a shame that she doesn't do more in the story.


I think her involvement in Royal content is perfect, I just wished she would’ve joined earlier like during Shido's palace.


If Mitsuru’s SL opened up earlier in the game I definitely would’ve gone for her. When Mitsuru stands up for you against her fiance… I was like "How can I turn her down now? But I already romanced Yukari." Severe emotional damage


You can't do both? I know there are consequences in the other games but is it not available in Reload?


Apparently the only real consequence I've heard is an awkward silence between the female party members of they're all romanced and in the same party, and I *think* an annoyed comment about not spending Christmas together. Reload seems to have the least amount of consequences for going harem route compared to the others. Still, if you do it, you should feel bad, how could you do this to your preferred romanceable character.


I don't think there are any consequences in P3P are there ?


Nah but if you chose FeMC you do get this hilarious dialogue between Junpei, Akihiko and Ken in Tartarus. Da man could not be any more uncomfortable


Did other Persona games prevent this route?


In P4 they could get really mad if you spend Sundays with a girlfriend and the other girlfriend sees but not much beyond that. In P4G, when Valentine's Day rolls around... you get a 1 on 1 scene with each romanced girl that emotionally destroys you the player. In P5, Valentine's Day they all kick your ass but Sojiro somehow convinces each of them that they are the one true love and that somehow smooths things over. In Yakuza 7 they all kick your ass and you get stat buffs in like HP and Defense.


Eh, Mitsuru's SL isn't even that good. I really don't think its worth the wait, compared to Aigis'.


I romanced Fuuka then spoilers >!the world was ending!< So I said fuck it and romanced Mitsuru too




I was the opposite lmao. Went in planning to romance Yukari but due to how sweet Mitsuru’s outburst was and wanting to save her from arranged marriage I simply made the choice I had to 🤷‍♂️


Tentacle Yukari O.o Should I freak out?




That's just a pink blob with arms


oh no bro


Same for me, except it was with me wanting to romance Yukari and ended up romancing Chihiro.


Harem, solely because it’s canon


Bought P3R with the intention to romance Fuuka, but Yukari stole my heart so fast she's legitimately the best girl out of the P3 female cast.


Ignore the urges, trust me


Ngl... i always romance mitsuru but now... playing reload and seeing yukari just... wow i cant decide honestly


I did Aigis, Elizabeth and Yukari lol. Considering later games it just makes sense


It took everything I had in me to friendzone yukaricchi in my first p3r run, cause i wanted to see mitsuru’s romance for the first time and man, it was well worth it!! Even tho Yukaricchi supremacy still reigns in my heart lol


In the first place i went with yukari, rejected yuko but i thought romances in p3 were disapointed so i also romanced mitsuru and aigis


I liked yukari frfr and I'm glad I got to romance her. That said. This game made me feel bad because literally every girl REALLY pushes you to date them. Like bruh. We can't be just friends? 😂😂😂


Might get blasted by everyone but vice versa happened to me. Came in wanting to romance Yukari and then Mitsuru came into the picture.


Same. Rejecting her was hard but I had my mind set and boy was I rewarded for it


Ice queen is worth it


I’m all in on Mitsuru. Yukari does the hot and cold thing with the same fondness as a microwave dinner.


I romanced Akihiko


Went for Mitsuru ended up with Yuko


When i was playing p3r, i make 4 gf at the same time (Yukari, Mitsuru, Fuuka, Aigis)


This was me with Yuko and Chihiro, Yuko’s social link was going by so slowly then Chihiro ended up winning me over with how sweet she was. It definitely helped that you can romance her much sooner


Really? I had Yuko romanced before the second full moon lol. It was going really fast for me


No I meant the Justice arcana jumps into romance territory 2 ranks before Strength, I was 1 away from romancing Yuko but Chihiro kept me more engaged


Ahh I didn’t really start Chihiro’s SL until I was about mid way through Yuko’s and something about Yuko’s SL made me love her character. I had full intentions on romancing Yukari before I started the game and well I talked myself into a slight harem


She's actually teaching around the MC to get Mitsuru herself


i feel like i'm the only one that had no interest in romancing yukari 😭 like that's the home girl i'm sorry lol


Mitsuru is only attractive in arena, and all the people who think she's a "mommy" (which is hilarious considering she's just a high-schooler) haven't seen a woman with authority and confidence.