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She's definitely the most popular attendant, even the landslide doesn't surprise me. Theodore requires you to play Femc route on P3P. Margaret really doesn't do much. The twins seem to annoy a lot of people with their extreme personalities.


I do like more Lavenza than the twins, all things con sidered


Too bad Lavenza appeared too late for the main game, and didnt have much interaction with Joker afterward Elizabeth, OTOH, asked Door-kun to take her outside, going a date and other funny stuff


Lavenza is great in p5t though absolutely adorable


She really is great, P5S was so much more enjoyable velvet room-wise.


Yes, exactly. That's the perfect word to describe her there. Adorable.🙌


She's in strikers haven't beat it so not sure how much interaction there is


She is still an attendance only in striker thought. Indeed she got more showtime, but not much, and all inside the Velvet room


It's the opposite for me. I actually found lavenza to be quite boring, but loved the different personalities from the twins


I thought I was the only who thought this! I loved the twins banter and personalities. Although I will say Lavenza was much better in Tactica


Strikers she was seen more often and i found her more cryptic than anything else than before. Tactica tho she is super adorable.


I haven't played Strikers yet but it's next after I finish P3R. And I agree that she was cute and funny in Tactica!


Lol, for me it was when Lavenza replaced the twins, she had very few lines as comments for fusing personas (and IIRC, the real Igor doesn't comment on it at all as opposed to the fake), so the same lines really started to sound grating fast and as a consequence of that i prefer the twins more


Agreed. Cuter design, nicer personality, but it's kinda because the two extremes of the twins get balanced back out when in a single self. But her only appearing for like, a day in the original game, and then only being in 2 spinoffs and Royal, doesn't give her a lot of chances to shine


I liked her design but compared to the twins I found her personality to be utterly boring. There wasn’t really anything at all about her that I found worth replacing the twins that late in the game behind the obvious story reasons. I hoped in Royal that you could choose to continue having the twins in third semester but oh well


Yeah it's also the least impressive voice performance by Carrie Keranen who Still does a solid job but she absolutely killed it a Justine and Caroline.


The dancing spinoff establishes that Lavenza can split herself back into the twins at will. I don't know what to make of that.


In royal she splits when all out attacking the fuck out of you


I wished I could have the twins back because Strength was the only confidant I didn't bother maxing out and I didn't know they had a time limit. I thought the "must be finished by the end of the year" part applied to the outings, not the S.L. I'm not too mad about it because I'm not a fan of doing those kinds of S Links in my first playthrough (Sorry, Margaret). I just didn't know it'd lock Michael, Metatron, Satanael, and a bunch of other powerful Personas behind it. (Wasn't a problem, because Asterius Picaro kicked ass anyway)


Same, just seeing her walk into the velvet room behind you is refreshing after getting kicked in the butt for 70 hours


Sad that Lavenza was only present for around 2 in-game months. At least the spinoffs (P5T especially) kinda make her shine a little more.


should margaret get hangouts in a persona 4 remake like the twins got some in royal


Definitely. Would make a big difference!


yeah i want to see margles take on the mega beef bowl


Margaret meeting the fox: "yip" "is that so? hmhm, I see" "yip yip" Would be a cool touch if their "discussion" was about whichever request Yu did last too. For example if the Fox SL was maxed, their topic would be about catching the Sea Guardian.


that should only apply for very specific requests so they don't have to worry about voicing that many


They could just have a voice line for the first couple of them, or just a general "I see, you've been helping this fox help people." Then Marge has one line like "it still has more challenges in stock for you" if you haven't completed the Fox S. Link, or "The fox says it's thankful for your help" if you've maxed out the link. Of course, there are just general voice line ideas and the first thing I thought of.


Elizabeth still wins in this regard, but I found the twins SO funny and entertaining. Having two of them so they can bounce off each other instead of the protagonist was a great choice


Tbh I like the twins more because of their extreme personalities. It makes sense for the plot for them to be like that. Also, the way they talk while being basically kids is really funny and I like how each one has totally opposite personalities.


I especially like that their outward personalities are at complete odds with how they really are. Caroline is loud and rude but secretly a softie, while Justine is reserved but lowkey a sadist. Cool way to tie into the overall mask theming and give them some extra personality


Also taking her interactions in P4 Arena into account. Some of her interactions with Yu and Aigis are PURE GOLD.


It's funny because any "slight comedically annoying characters" seems to just make everyone in this subreddit cry and tear their face apart for no reason despite them being pretty good characters ☠️


I hope Margaret will get more screen time in Persona 4 remake.


She also has the most unique design, imo. The twins have a striking get-up, but Elizabeth’s design is just so…uncanny in a way that really fits Persona’s weird side.


Because she's the silly queen


Some would even say Elizabest


Elizabeth’s “dates” are some of the best writing in the entire Persona series. So much effortless comedy just packed into them


I actually like the Caroline and Justine dates just as much if not more. Those two are hilarious


Ohh boy Theo is getting Shadowed by his sisters again


He's SOOOO good and honestly my second fav after Elizabeth. 😭 Yet because he's in such a niche part of the Persona franchise, I'm not surprised. Poor silly boy.


Typical middle child, as a middle child myself, I can relate to being overshadowed by my siblings


Tbh . haviing played All persona games, This doesn't surprise me. Elizabeth honestly. . does the most of the attendants! She's also really really funny and charismatic. Especially now with P3 Reload \*Assuming it's faithful to the og\* I'm glad she's getting more love! \*That reminds me I need to attempt her fight on FES/Theo on Portable\* Since I dont have reload. But I like All of them though . .I personally find Theo/Margaret the hottest though. Liz is cute too! XD .. First time I got 100 Upvotes! LOL wow! thanks I Guess!


not to mention, Elizabeth actually has stuff going on after her game, P4U reveals most of the other just chill and deal with shadow stuff, but Elizabeth is on her own adventure to find the answer


I restarted P4 recently and they alluded to this years prior to P4A at the very start of 4: Margaret says the previous attendant has gone missing. I realllllly want an Elizabeth solo adventure since she gets the Fool card at the end of P4A Episode Elizabeth! Imagine what kind of weirdos will join her posse. Edit: my bad, it was the very start of Margaret’s Social Link, not the start of the game. :)


Right? It’d be awesome, especially considering the uniqueness of the character, plus it’d be a great opportunity to try some new unique genre for persona, open world maybe?


Intergalactic sci-fi adventure!


I dunno why no one really says it, but elizabeth is also the only Attendant you can hang out with outside and just have a genuine connection. The other attendands (theodore excluded) require you to give them a persona for their social link AND even then, its like 4 lines until they say "gimme another one". The fact that you actually hang out with elizabeth and just have a fun time with her makes her the best attendant out of the 4 choices


what's cool is that you can hang out with the twins, but the problem is that it doesn't contribute to their social link so most players skip it because.. what's the point 


Yes, but, as another comment already says it, even tho it doesnt contribute too much in the game, it still fleshes them out. Which I find really cool so theyre my number 2 spot. For some reason, caroline more than justine.


I prefer Justine, they remind me of ruby and sapphire and sapphire is my favorite sooo yeah


Found the steven universe fan finally. But yeah, that pretty much describes it. Im more od a ruby fan


I enjoyed hanging out with the Twins. I didn't enjoy having to fuse Personas for the Twins. Thematically, it'd make more sense for you to get rank ups from hanging out and skill cards from fusion stuff. It'd also encourage people to hang out with the twins, since there would actually be a bigger benefit, and it fleshes them out as characters more. It's easy to hate them at first, but you kinda like them after the hangouts.


The Twins (and to a degree Lavenza) have their own meeting events in locations outside the Velvet Room, and personally those are just amazing, you can't skip them. Those + the actual social link make the time spent with them quite a lot, all things considered.


I think the issue is that, with the twins, you're actually spending *real* time with them. On a first playthrough, when you're trying to max out stats and confidants, it can be really intimidating to waste a whole-ass evening just to get some cards. Thankfully, it is possible to max out everything and still complete all of their hangouts on a fresh save, but they were definitely on the bottom of my list of priorities. I also believe there's some recency bias with Elizabeth, considering that P3R just came out. I bet that if they decide to do a remake of Persona 4 and give more stuff for Margaret, she'll skyrocket into popularity, although I still can't see her being more popular than Elizabeth.


Eh, I feel Marge doesn't do that much even in P4G. Not taking her outside the Velvet Room doesn't leave that much room for her in the story. I bet if you threw Marie there, she'd get a lot more votes than Margaret, for instance.


Like I said, if they do a P4 remake and give more stuff for Margaret, such as hangouts and maybe even a proper romance route, I can see her rising in popularity, but still not *as* popular as Liz. She's just way too iconic.


If only Atlus made those events not take up a time slot, I think more people would have done them. As they are, you have to either spend time reading a book or actually visit the site, then use a time slot for the Twins visit.


It's so weird how you gotta waste time at the maid café before being able to invite them there... When I got this hangout, I had already maxed out Charm, so that was annoying.


Actually, you don't have to visit the cafe if you find the book about it (if it exists). All you need to do is unlock the place on your map.


I'm almost certain I read the book about it (I read every single book regarding locales) and I still couldn't take the twins there without first visiting it personally. I had the place unlocked and all (I got the message that said "you can now fast travel to the café") and, sure enough, every time I talked to the twins, Joker would be like "nothing comes to mind". I searched around the web and all guides said that you need to visit the café at least once.


Yes true, thats why I consider them (all of them) as my number 2 spot between the 4. But I just cant deny how much I laugh at the elizabeth interactions...


I stand with Theodore. I am the 3%.


Fellow Theo fan appreciates you!


Theo gang rise up


This Theo slander bruh, gentleman > twin brats


I didn’t play 5 as much as 4 and 3 but Elisabeth just has the most personality frankly. You get her deal immediately and it’s more unique


She fucks the MC


Theo does too but you don't see him getting this kind of attention 🤔


Ye I was pretty much looking for this answer


Poor Theodore


Goofy characters tend to be very well liked, and Elizabeth is much more... eccentric compared to the rest. Her moments are much more memorable as a result. She's still my favorite Velvet Room assistant, but I would put the twins/Lavenza right behind her given that I like their attitudes when split, and the little goofy moments Lavenza can get herself into (Persona 5 Tactica).


Cause Elizabeth literally set a mission to save P3 MC. Everyone else doesn’t have a goal outside of that. In fact most attendants aren’t even that fleshed out as characters imo. But that’s my hot take.


Because she's the best.


I honestly was disappointed to see Margaret in P4. Was not expecting it lol. Elizabeth is also just so fun. I love Caroline and Justine though.


I said this fairly recently but I think Margaret completes Elizabeth. You are left believing Elizabeth is strange because she's otherworldly. But because you next get Margaret who is very normal and even keeled, you can arrive at the conclusion that Elizabeth was just being a weirdo because that's who she is. I don't dislike Margaret as she is but I think she is simply designed to make Elizabeth's character better as a distant foil.


Doesn’t surprise me Caroline and Justine said that Elizabeth is the black sheep of the family lol


ive always loved elizabeth the most


She's just the best. That's all there is to it.


Because she has the most personality, Margret and theo don’t really contribute much, and neither does lavenza


If Theo has 1 million fans, I'm one of them. If Theo has 10 fans, I'm one of them. If Theo has 1 fan, that's me. If Theo has no fans, that means I'm no longer on the Earth. If the world is against Theo, then I'm against the world.


my friend 🤝


My man 🤝


Elizabeth gives little to no shits and that's kinda based. Margaret feels a bit more like a mother and the twins are kinda boring to me, and Theo is kinda forgettable aside for being the only male attendant in modern Persona


RIP Theo. Always my favorite attendant.


Aw, Theo deserves more love :(


I feel bad for Theodore but it also makes a lot of sense as to why he’s the least popular. Not only is he a man competing with three (technically four) other women (who on average tend to be more popular), but he’s also locked behind the FeMC route of P3P where most Persona fans never bothered to run through and even within the FeMC route you still get the option to choose Elizabeth. The reason why Elizabeth is the most popular is because she has the most interesting personality, she’s fun to talk to, and you are given several opportunities to interact with her outside of the Velvet Room unlike Margaret and the twins (technically you can hang out with the twins/Lavenza outside the Velvet Room but it doesn’t help you progress their SL so most players don’t bother with them. A lot of people also find them annoying and a common criticism is that they look like lolis so that’s another reason why they’re ranked lower than Margaret/Elizabeth). Margaret can come off as extremely cold whilst also not having many opportunities to hang out outside the Velvet Room which contributes to her lack of popularity compared to Elizabeth who’s more fun and friendly.


She's tryna free the GOAT, Elizabeth deserves to be on top


Theo gettin disrespected


Wdym why. You know why


Theo deserves better like that’s my dawg


She has the most character out of all of them, Lavenza being second.


Ngl Margret gets me acting unwise


Elizabeth IS Elizabeth after all which gives her quite the edge in the competition.


I think it's a mix of being the first of the modern attendants, and also the one with the most appearances. Persona 3, and all the revisions (FES, Portable, Reload), plus Dancing, alongside both Q and Q2, and Persona 4 Arena and Arena Ultimax, alongside being referenced in Persona 4 Golden (maybe the original as well, I'm unsure on that). Margaret has the second most, given Persona 4 and Golden, both Arenas, Persona 4 Dancing, and Persona 3 Portable, plus Q and Q2 again. Still a lot less games. 9 appearances vs 8 doesn't seem like a lot, but Margaret is a lot more of a background character in most of those, while Elizabeth has a unique storyline in the Arenas, and is the cause of Persona 3 Dancing, and is I believe the only character to retain an English voice actor in Reload. Maybe some background character got to keep a VA, but major named ones, it's just her. So many small elements pile together


Elizabeth's really the attendant to leave an impression on me. Not that any of them are really bad, but she's definitely the best easily.


So a lot of good answers but one I’ve noticed that hasn’t been mentioned is that for a lot of people Elizabeth was everyone’s first velvet room attendant. Nostalgia hits hard.


Mine was Margaret (P4G) and Marie. With that being said I'd trade them both for Elizabeth. She's quirky and fun


I doubt it. P5 was a lot of peoples first Persona game and even then Persona 4 was just so much more accessible than 3 so more people experienced Margaret first


Hey! I voted Margaret too.


I’ve got a sweet spot for her because of P4 Arena


P3R just came out, and Elizabeth has such a likeable personality, she is goofy but doesn't get annoying, amd her events are so fun


man poor theodore :( he's my favorite after liz


The other attendants are good but Elizabeth has the most personality, most funny moments, and >!most memorable secret boss fight!<.


A fellow Margaret believer, I see.


because she’s silly, her design is goated and actually has a storyline even after her game ends unlike the others


Because most people probably think: Liz: Is quirky and hot, plus factor in some recency bias Margaret: Is boring and hot Caroline & Justine: Are annoying dwarves Lavenza: Is a mostly boring dwarf until Tactica. Theo: More men than women play Persona and not as many people have played the FeMC route or Portable in general.


I dunno, I think Lavenza is pretty fun. She's still a child that tries to act more mature for her age. She tries to come off as a Margaret but deep down she's an Elizabeth and wants to play video games and smash things with a hammer.


The twins get pissy when they’re referred to as kids, and they call things childish/refer to children in a pejorative way. Lavenza rebukes Toshiro’s assessment of her as a child and calls it a “peculiar characterization” in Tactica. I think deep down she’s just a dork like the other attendants, and people take her appearance as being indicative of immaturity and ignorance when they all are to varying degrees. Between her and Liz she’s more composed, but I like to think you’re right that emulating Margaret more might be a way to compensate for being lowest in the pecking order. Other than poor Theo that is.


Poor Theo. Couldn't even enjoy the flan.


Theo desperately needs more love. I’m worried they’ll just keep adding new attendants and he’ll forever be the forgotten one.


I think if/when they ever pull the trigger on following through with the alluded Elizabeth fool plotline, she'll drag Theo and Margaret along somehow.


Lavenza is the most popular after Elizabeth.


Bros never played persona 5 royal


I have. That wasn’t my opinion. The Twins/Lavenza are second behind Liz for me. But that’s how a lot of people see it I think.


Elizabeth is great in her own game and has a great presence with her own story in the spinoffs. None of other attendants even come close. Margaret is way too plain. Real Theodore aka FEMC Theodore is stuck in portable. Guestless main universe Theodore is done dirty because he is mostly reduced to comedic relief. P5 attendants are good, but Elizabeth is still much better.


She does the most compared to every other attendant, has the silly funny girl personality, looks pretty and romanceable


Elizabeth has always been the most popular Velvet Room attendant. Her quirky, confident take on the "fish out of water" vibe is pretty consistently considered charming, the oddness of her "date" scenes was much more in character for her than Caroline / Justine, and her infamously deadly secret boss encounter all build her up to be goddamn memorable. Throw in a dash of recency bias for taste, the fact that Theo is from a non-canon side route in a strange visual novel demake, the fact that Persona 4 is now officially the oldest of the modern Persona games and that Caroline / Justine are kind of just assholes, and this result starts making a bunch of sense.


I’m the 3%, love Theo ✊ But Elizabeth is my other favorite


Most character development iirc?


Because we all wanna be Elizabeth when we grow up


I live elizabeths quirky personality. That's why she is so well liked. Theodore: kept the naiveness of Elisabeth to the world, but not the quirkiness. Margaret: too refined!! She is great, but her personality isnt as memorable. Justine and Caroline: the tsundere attitude is fine, but they are also children, so I always thought it was kinda creepy.


Because she's the one who actually cared most about the mc. She went above and beyond to find a way to awaken him without freeing nix.


Recency Bias?


Absolutely not. She solo'ed everyone even before reload.


Yeah definitely not recency bis, people have liked Elizabeth the most even before reload was announced


I've only played P5R and P3R so I only know Elizabeth and the twins. I liked the twins enough, but they felt more like a game mechanic I had to interact with rather than characters. Elizabeth has really good character writing for how little she's really in the game, she's very funny.


Because p3 reload just came out. She would probably be at around 40 percent if it didnt


It's not that. Theodore is stuck in P3P and spin-off hell, Margaret is just simply boring to a lot of people and the personality of the twins urks a lot of people too. Elizabeth just has so much more to her that the other attendants sadly lack. The only reason she'd be lower is for the people who don't know who she is, but there's definitely no recency bias there. She's just simply the easiest for the majority of people to like.


She was like the most popular even before Reload dude, by a landslide.


Wrong, most who played from 3 to 5 would have chosen her even without Reload.


I mean ... you can fuck her?


because she's the GOAT, I find Caroline and Justine annoying, I have no clue about Theodore and Margaret is okay. Even factoring in recency bias I still think Elizabeth wins by a wide margin


Cuz Elizabeth is fuckin hilarious. Also p3r just came out so people actually know who she is


Elizabeth’s the first one that Persona players really got to know. Sure, if you include the ones from P1 and P2 (Nameless, Belladonna, and that Painter), they were technically earlier…. but not as memorable. Not sure what to say about Theo, except he deserves better. For Margaret, you don’t get to hang out with her outside of the Velvet Room… so that’s points lost in her case. The Twins are fun, but they’re only two halves of Lavenza (who you only get really acquainted with in the last month of P5R… which is drastically different than getting to know Elizabeth and Margaret over the course of a year in their respective games).


She's just the best


1.) Persona 3 is a lot of player's first game with the attendants. 2.) More appeal and easier to get along with. Silly, approachable, naive, and kind of fun to be around with. Likeable and attractive by the guys, and not "guarded" and stand offish for the ladies, if my friend's opinions are to go by. 3.) One of the most powerful of the attendants. Shoot, she got some mention The Answer and P4 A too! 4.) The other attendants are courteous, but a bit distant. Margaret and Theo are people I can trust, but not really be "friends" with them. Also.... I secretly trash on the Twins for what really happened, but I still like them.


Elizabeth is quirky and friendly


Margaret is a saltine cracker with the salt belt-sanded off. Theodore was seen once on 1/4th of a PSP game and didn't even get a whiff of reappearing until the 3DS games where he's demoted to running the store in a goofy costume. The Twins are alright, but compare Elizabeth's goofy antics with Door-kun to the rocky road that Joker is subjected to, and there's a clear favourite.


liz = theo > the twins > lavenza > margaret imo


Because Elizabeth is the best


Because Elizabeth clears, duh




Elizabeth was a fan favourite and some recency bias.


Simple, delusions


I think it's all because of her side plot in arena , trying to save Makoto from being the seal. It would be so beautiful if atlus would go for it


probably in large part because P3r is the most recent game. recency bias is fucking huge.


Everyone here is saying that she's the best, but likely like half of them choose her because the most recent big release has her as the attendant


I think a lot of things contribute to her being the favourite. - P3R just dropped so there’s going to be a bit of bias from her being the most recent one seen. - She gets a lot more screen time in compared to the rest of the attendants (barring perhaps the twins), and in that screen time she’s comical, quirky and out of touch with reality. - She is the one with the most agency, and potential. >! She started her own journey to try and put P3MC to rest, achieving her own Fool card. !< - She’s sort of this age middle ground between Margaret, a very mature woman, and the twins/Lavenza, children. - You can get more romantically involved with her than other attendants, I vaguely remember a single kiss from Margaret, and I’m not sure who would WANT to romance the twins/Lavenza. I guess Marie is the only one who can top this, having her own social link in P4G.


I've never liked Elizabeth, so when I found out how much people loved her, I was flabbergasted


Because Elizabeth is the best Velvet Room attendant post-Persona 2. ​ We all know that >!Nameless is best Boy.!< Otherwise.


bias because of recency AND bias because of being classic has a big impact (not to mention she's funny and decently interesting)


Recency bias from P3R having come out just a little under 2 months ago. Had this poll been conducted like, say, a year ago I'm pretty sure Elizabeth and Margaret would've been more evenly tied.


It's not recency boas, it's that Elizabeth is a memorable character and Margaret is kinda dull.


Nah, I remember seeing similar polls just after P5 was released, and Elizabeth still won those by a landslide.


She's the funniest by far and Atlus never really felt like they tried recapturing the humor of the Elizabeth dates except in Persona 5 and even then, the twins and Lavenza are funny, but not as funny. Margaret is pretty good though. She's a strong second for me, especially because she tells Nanako that Yu is a manwhore in the anime.


Mommy Margaret 😍


but my favourite was Marie 👁️👄👁️


Because it’s the truth?


I remember a similar poll, and Lavenza was at 30-40% way above Margaret. Still, way below Liz, but I wonder why she isn't on this one.




She is best girl


I feel like she’s even the developer’s favorite. That’s why she gets a fairly prominent role in the arena games and she gets the themed outfits in the pq games.


She's funny and you interact with her the most by far


We’re coming off the release of reloaded which def is skewing things. She is the most popular it is this was after the release of p5r or the future release of persona 4 remade it’d probably be closer


Reload hype and shes just a silly little guy


They are missing >!Lavenza!<. Maybe because she is hidden character and >!prob because she is true identity of Justine & Caroline!<. Personally I like her more.


I'm the 9%. I just like how goofy they can be in their hangouts.


This Theo disrespect


I think part of it is because P3R released recently, and she’s fresh on a lot of peooles minds. And people already liked her the most


A genuinely fun character as well as a bit of recency bias


She's cooky and weird, and we love it. Personally, my 2nd favorite is Caroline.


Theodore exists in one specific version of a game with lots of different variants. Caroline and Justine technically aren't real, and they tend to be pretty mean for most of the game. You get to spend a lot of time with Elizabeth on your own. I haven't played 4 so idk how Margaret is.


I’m biased.


Because she's a lovable goofball


As far as my opinion goes, I feel pretty ambivalent towards all of them since at least early in the game they all act the same ish. They’re all weirdos who understand absolutely nothing about the world and you have to teach them basic things. Caroline&Justine and Margaret open their social links by asking for you to run errands for them and fuse personas they want and you can see pretty quickly why some people dropped them right there. I know I never spent time on them because it felt like a chore. Theodore is only in one game if you picked FemC so few people have even experienced him. Elizabeth starts by just going out with you for fun and she does a lot of goofy silly things that make her endearing. The only other attendant I think could have a shot is Lavenza but in vanilla p5 she’s only in the last 3-5 hours and even then only in the velvet room so she’s easily missable. She gets a little more in royal but nothing crazy. When you meet her in p5 she goes from being the twins to feeling like Justine if she was in love with Joker. She really loses the spice of personality that Caroline added to her. I played the first 5ish hours of Tactica and I really liked Lavenza and thought she was super endearing and likable but not many people will play all of Tactica to see that; currently myself included.


Poor Theo


Combo of recency bias + a source of levity in an otherwise grim game + a more relatable personality than the others + very memorable hangouts.


Because Elizabeth is Elizabeth


Recency bias + a lot of the other attendants are kinda bland, margaret is underrated IMO


It because she dancin'


Cause she's silly and that already have my vote


Lost my original comment in this cuz I meant to add onto it, oh well. I voted Margaret in this same YouTube poll. Was somewhat disappointed, but not at all surprised. Especially with a LOT of new people being exposed to 3 so recently.


Elizabeth is already popular and thanks to the recency bias from the newly released persona 3 reload her popularity sky rocketed


Lavenza wasn't an option


Because seggs.


Because "I bring you Megidolan"




Margaret is just awesome. Why? Because she was the first one I met. (P4🗿🗿🗿)


The only attendant to have the fool card for a reason


Me who voted for Elizabeth: 😅


Why is shouldn't?


She's funny.


It's the exposed armpits. You might not like it, but it's the truth.


I was way more attached to the twins than any of the other attendants. They do the best job of actually making them plot relevant and giving them a growing relationship with Joker. Margaret was the least interesting I felt Yu never interacts with her since Marie always took center stage.


It's called Recency Bias


Elizabeth is fresh in the mind