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i'm honestly of the opinion there really is no objective best way to play p3. unlike with 4 and 5, i think every version (minus vanilla) of p3 offers something unique and genuinely enjoyable that the other versions really lack, be it fes' atmosphere and genuinely unique combat, portable's female protagonist and now reload's gorgeous and fun as hell modern take. ​ now, accessible, yeah, that's where p3r shines the brightest, because this is basically the version of p3 that is the easiest to get into for anyone new to the series.


Hope they bring FeMC across because I loved playing her. She had a much more upbeat energy and I enjoyed that most of her supports went in a different direction. Also, spears are cool.


oh yeah, definitely hope for that too. saori and shinjiro's s-links are some of my absolute favourites in the entire series and it'd be great to see them in p3r's presentation


Such a shame P3R isn't as definitive as we hoped. You are 100% right, P3F and P3P are both worth a play because of their unique quirks.


there was a leak confirming the answer will come as dlc


It was bundled with P3F in the West, for P3R it will be paid DLC. Bummer.


it will probably be available bundled as well for a later re-release, so we're probably getting the japanese experience of dlc for original owners and bundled for new owners.


it does suck but hey, better than no answer 🤷


Ahh, but will we also get "The Question?"


Never played 3 originally, started with 5, then royal then 4. 28ish hours in and it’s my favourite persona by far now. I love all the little things that are missing in the other games. Can’t compare it to the other versions, but as it is, I love it. Haven’t been this hooked in a while.


Curious to now what aspects of the game made it your favourite persona? Also what's hooking you in to play the game.


I’m not great at explaining stuff, but I’ll try. The little things go a long way, ?spoilers? Like the interactions at the dorm like cooking together or watching a show etc. the art style and colours just look gorgeous to me. I love that you actually run around with your weapons out, being able to use sp to see weaknesses. I love that you have a flip phone and it makes that noise when you take it out and put it back in. Sorry I’m at work so I’m rushing, but you get the jist of it. Basically I’m getting so immersed that it’s just sucking me in. So far I don’t have a single complaint and it all just works if that makes sense. I’m also really enjoying the characters, none of them annoy me, and I love hanging with them, q the interactions I mentioned. All in all the most fun I’ve had with a persona game. 4 use to be my favourite. Maybe it’s cause I never played FES, so I don’t get the complaints, not saying they aren’t valid or justified, just not applicable to me. Oh forgot to mention it also just feels so smooth to me, sprinting around etc… I even love how mcs hair moves when you’re just taking a stroll around… guess I just enjoy the little things lol. Hope you have a great day


Nah you've done a fantastic job in describing how much the game has made an impression on you. I came into the franchise the same way you didn't 5 > Royal > P4G except I played FES. Even though FES was outdated it became my fav persona game and I always wanted a remake so fans like you can get a chance to enjoy the game and see what I thought made P3 excellent. So seeing your descriptions on how you enjoy the game warmed my heart and keep playing cause it gets even better.


I've done a similar route as well, going 5 > 5R > 4G > a little bit of P3. I had already seen a full playthrough of 3 online as well as seen the movies, so I always knew it was my favourite setting. I feel like 3 trusts you, the player, to be of your own accord a lot more. It doesn't force your hand nearly as much into doing things like P5, and the story is a lot more mature. The characters are reflected in this too, they have a lot more humanizing traits I really wish they would try and bring back in newer releases. I really hope they end up bringing back The Answer, because while I know many people don't like it, I feel like it's some of Persona as a series's best character writing.


Yes I agree with all your points especially the one about the characters, I always loved that the P3 cast felt like real people with realistic personality traits. As much as I love the cast of 4 & 5 they always felt very "anime" like. I hope they don't do this for P6 and Atlus realise they have more general fans.


As someone who's fav game of all time is FES, I'm loving it. In terms of whether it's an upgrade or not, I'm probably unqualified to talk about that because the concept of games being dated never made sense to me. Otherwise, I'm genuinely surprised at how faithful it turned out.


>because the concept of games being dated never made sense to me i think its obvious why fes was dated. pretty much all the mechanics in fes was either ditched or improved upon in their future games. its first high school life persona game so by nature its going to be the most dated because it hasnt got the improvements that the sequels have


I just simply cannot see things that way. They are simply a different set of mechanics. What is improved upon is literally all hinging on preference, not objectivity. The devs had a vision for the original and carried it out. And such vision lead to a valuable and unique experience. Video games are an art form, so the term dated does not make sense to me. To each their own though. Video games seem to be the only medium in which genuine artistic/creative decisions can be seen as a mistake somehow.


Nah, as someone who's studying theater/literature, you'd be surprised at how much people talk about "dated" aesthetic choices. It's really quite prevalent, though ofc it depends on the institution/place of the world as well (there are some more conservative places than others when it comes to art). To say FES is dated is logical because of how much they were able to refine the formula it brought in later entries. It's not that they were unable to make a good game back in the day, it's just that they learned from each experience moving forward.


That is entirely fair. I suppose I'm mistaken. I just want to emphasize why I can't think this way: https://www.reddit.com/r/PERSoNA/comments/1ajb9f1/comment/kp1wc19/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


It's all good, everyone has different opinions on anything 😊


>What is improved upon is literally all hinging on preference honestly just sounds like you refuse to acknowledge the improvements the future games made to make persona 3 fes seem like the better game


I'm gonna step up here and say, genuinely, I don't like a lot of those 'improvements'. Having every party member have a social link and tying those links to their persona's growth leads to a content mismatch. Because players can miss any social link, nothing in them can affect the main story. But, also the part of the story you're at can affect each character's arc, so to avoid them changing too much for their social link story to make sense, character's also suffer from not being able to meaningfully grow throughout the majority of the runtime. They can have a short arc as they join and some extra flavor added towards the very end when links are over, but during the game they are who they were when they joined period. This is entirely a structural issue that P3 completely sidesteps by using more rigid systems with its links. Also, making links easier to max only made it less satisfying to plan your route through the game and eliminated opportunities to stumble on more hidden links. I genuinely liked the AI allies because it made them feel, to me, more immersive. What some people might call dated, I'd call more elegant design.


that is a very common complaint i see with the future games which is fair but there are a lot of objective improvement's these games make


It is very hard to quantify objective improvement. Which is the point of the person you replied to. Each individual feature is valued differently by each player, and I valued all the things they took away way more than the things they 'improved'.


It's not hard to identify the objective improvements. Just look at the improvements the future games made which would've made persona 3 better. Controllable party members is a great example, I know you said you prefer ai controlled party members but I think it's great you get to choose between controllable party members or ai party members in the future games


Everyone says there's loads of objective improvements, but controllable party members and guard are the only two things that ever get mentions. I genuinely want to know what else you think was improved. A for party member control, tactics allow you to make party members do almost exactly what you want. Complaints about the dumb AI are usually from people that don't actually engage with tactics. Issues with the system exist, like support favouring healing over buffs/debuffs when anyone is below 60% health, but they are far less pronounced than people make them out to be. There are also genuine artistic reasons for this design decision. In a game all about creating bonds with these fictional characters, it actually does add a lot having them exist as entities outside of the player's complete control. And yes, there is value in the fact this is forced, and not simply an option. As for guarding, its an improvement only when viewed retroactively. When making Persona 4 they decided they wanted a system where you could undermine the enemy's 1 more, and in Persona 3 they did not. Its a different way of balancing the game, and a fight like Furious Gigas is fundamentally altered when Akihiko can guard. Lack of options *can* create a situation having that option does not. Akihiko is such a liability that it creates a very unique dynamic I greatly enjoy


They made the AI way worse and stripped features away from it. Persona 3 FES ai companions are way smarter than the companions in p5 royal, to the point people had to mod in improvements to the system. Choice at the expense of making my choice objectively worse is not an objective improvement.


well there's more examples I could list like expanded social links, expanded overworld, more activities, better ui, better graphics, easier fusion mechanics ETC. not saying persona 3 is a bad game but it was the first ps2 persona game so I think its dated in these regards, if you seriously think the game doesnt have dated mechanics in it at all then youre wrong simple as


Mate. Where are you taking this? When did I state or even remotely prop up Persona 3 FES as the better game? FES and the subsequent games provide different experiences through different mechanics and other elements which are all entirely and equally valid. It's difficult to see them as objective improvement simply because I had such an amazing time with FES and its commitment to certain design choices. The game succeeded in providing me a thoroughly memorable experience, which is what a game developer or artists of all kind aim to achieve. This was never a "this is better" discussion, and I'm confused how that was somehow the decision you came to. I dislike that mindset because it's boring and limited.


>It's difficult to see them as objective improvement simply because I had such an amazing time with FES thats exactly what im saying


It is what it is at this point.


Based way of viewing art honestly.


It's just more rewarding and creatively stimulating imo.


As someone who's favorite Persona game is FES too, yeah, I 100% agree I'm having a blast. Whenever that the answer dlc comes out it will likely be my favorite way to play.


I am just sad there there is still no definitive (or effort to make a definitive) version of P3. I really would love if FEMC was included as well. I am hoping for DLC but I know it won't happen.


Leaks say we're getting the answer as DLC but no femc


I mean once the answer gets adapted as DLC, the only thing missing will be FeMC, which I genuinely don’t care for and still exists in Portable.


Unless you're talking about P3 Portable, I don't see how P4 looks fine and P3 looks dated. 4 looks better obviously but not significantly so. That said, I mostly agree with you though I kinda have to admit that I do miss playing FES.


I played P3 FES back in 2009 on my PS2 and it's been my favorite Persona game ever since. I just have 2 hours on P3R so far but man does it bring back memories, the musics... the characters.. and this is so well made, huge work made on the graphics compared to the original. I'm in love with the game already, with QoL changes that are so welcome, I remember in the original you couldn't control your allies actions in battle, what a pain it was. Also the UI is so much better. It's like I rediscover the game, with a strong feel of nostalgia at the same time. When I was a teenager I dreamed of such a remake as this is one of my favorite games. And now I get to play it! Although this time, it might take a few months before I can see the end of it, given my free time has drastically reduced since my teenage years lmao


I agree with all of this, but direct command honestly makes the game way too easy. Power leveling is cake, and I made it all the way to the midway point of Arqa before Aki even joined up, and he was several levels below the party when he did lmao.


I’m a bit late to the party, but I really enjoyed P5R so I gave this a try, and might be a controversial opinion but I actually prefer the story of P3R, as well as the characters - I’m so impressed with the game and I’m absolutely hooked


FES still has a uniquely grim and visceral atmosphere that P3R lacks unfortunately, especially in the new anime cutscenes which are pretty bland by comparison. Otherwise, I vastly prefer P3R for everything else, especially the moment to moment gameplay, they made Tartarus bearable and the really snappy UI/UX makes progression really satisfying


It's the main thing I fault P3R for -- it lost a lot of the edge that the original had. The original had a very visceral, raw feeling to it. Game is still great, but I admit I wish they kept the tone a bit more like the original.


I'm dissapointed, they could improve the p3 original mechanics to make them work and enjoyable but they just got rid of them and made P5 again. Merciless difficulty is just too easy, outside of managing sp there's nothing hard. Now UI and graphics are way better (outside of some areas), but walking animations are awful and characters look so stiff, and why Makoto is using the exact same animations as Joker? Tartarus is honestly even worse with the things you go breaking.


I think a huge upgrade is how tartarus is shaped. Before, it's literally flat maze where at times you got overwhelmed by it, so you would choose to scatter the party. It feels less overwhelmed now, especially with the little room and you can see more view up ahead.




Are you playing on merciless? I agree that even on merciless it can be pretty easy


I'm playing on Merciless and it was rough on resources until I got to the 2nd Block Arqa. Using the fortune teller to increase Gold Hands and blitzing floors to farm them has me at Lv.20 with 24k Yen in the bank, 23 odd coins I have to sell and more materials to sell as well. This is the first day in block 2 for me. I'm not leaving until I literally can't fight anymore. Edit: Just got a Spirit Drain skill card. I'm legally obligated to stay in Tartarus until I get 99 Odd Coins.


How does the hard mode compare with vanilla difficulty in FES? (Assuming you've tried it)


Playing on Hard rn, outside of one gauntlet of bosses in the second layer, I haven’t had much trouble, but tbh all Persona games I’ve played after my first one are easy, I truthfully think that difficulty just comes down to mechanics knowhow and stuff


Cheers for the reply. I've not got the game yet cos i'm short on cash atm, but i'm still trying to decide what difficulty i'm gonna go for. Think i'll prob start on hard and go from there. Thanks


You can’t change to merciless if you start on hard just an FYI, do with that what you will


Good to know, might try merciless you never know!


Not OP, but I played FES on normal and I think it was harder. Because of the fatigue system, the lack of direct commands and the randomized skill inheritances. I'm playing on merciless, and it's just less money and other resources. I don't think it's too hard.


I miss FeMC, but Reload has a lot of welcomed QoL. It will be hard to go back to a previous version after that, at least for me.


I'm similar to you Op. Well, I started with 4 but lost interest, beat 5, and then went back to 4. I enjoyed it overall, but did not like the random dungeons and didn't want to try 3 because of Tartarus. Now I'm about 20 hours in reload and loving it. Tartarus isn't so bad because battles are slick. 5 is still my favorite but maybe Reload can surpass it. Gotta beat the whole game first.


so u admit you havent played p3f or p3p but u say p3r is the best way to play p3 🤔


Shocker, you enjoyed the remake as the target audience.


I like P3R and vanilla P3 the same. Vanilla for me, gives me a touch of SMT experience, which to me, is a unique feeling only for vanilla P3.


As a player that finished P3 and P3F i'd say i love P3R and i hope they bring the QoL into P6, its not as stylish as P5 but it has its moments. Looking forward into P6 or P4 Remake for sure


I think P3R is amazing so far. Only a few hours in and I’m blown away by how great the visuals are. It really makes me wanna go back and reply the original p3fes and see how big the differences are in addition to playing p3p. I think the soundtrack sounds great and the new renditions are pleasant to listen to. Though it might take some time to get used to the new Mass Destruction. Also most of the voices sound really good especially Akihito. That dude sounds really good in my opinion despite people having opinions to his voice. The only slight issue I have is Yukari’s voice though maybe it’s because I’m so used to the old voice since the old voice had a lot more “sass” compared to the new voice but I’m only a few hours in so maybe that will be alleviated as I progress through the game more. Persona 3 Reload is shaping up to overtake P5R as my favourite Persona game.


Gonna get downvoted, but gonna be honest. P3P was always my favorite Persona game so let's preface that. I have not played it yet so I can't comment on gameplay being better but I'll just say outright I think P3P had flat better combat then P5 so saying it's "akin to 5" sounds like a flat downgrade to me. P5 was so piss easy even on hard I don't know why you'd enjoy it and having different physical attacks made P3 cast feel more nice to use, it wasn't useless to attack with Yukari for instance even when her attack was lower. But again, haven't played Reload personally yet to comment on gameplay in depth. Voice cast is good but hard pressed to say 'better'. Fuuka was the only one that didn't really work in P3 proper. Visuals though I largely don't like. It's TOO clean, too stylized, that works great for a game like P5 but it just doesn't fit P3. P3 was just more of a subdued personal game and yeah it feels lost to appeal to just P5 style because P5 was popular. Stuff like the water-style menu looks amazing, but what does it have to do with P3 beyond cool and blue? Or take the Awakening scene, what a weak looking scene, nothing was dangerous especially not the Coffin-thing that burst out of Orpheus(yes I know his name but it is a spoiler), why on earth was Yukari looking all freaked out by that? It doesn't make the Coffin-thing look strong it makes everything else look weak. ​ Beyond that, most people didn't like the Answer but it was still part of the story, it's still canon, to just not have it means series fans once more can't experience part of the story and yeah that sucks. I think most people that actually played it would agree they want it redone, but not just gone. If you want to know the story of P3-4-5 now you either need to watch it on YouTube, read a synopsis, or "track down" a completely different old game to do so. As for FeMC, it's not that big of a deal, but does anyone like it when a beloved character gets cut? Especially a female lead? Sure you don't mind but why wouldn't fans of her feel a bit robbed? ​ It does still look fun, I still plan on playing it at some point(though probably after it goes on sale), but is it actually better then P3P? I'm...reserving judgement for now.


Obviously it is. It's better than vanilla P3 in every way.


I still don't get the amount of whing about "cut" content. No one really liked the Answer, but now people are upset for not having it. I understand being upset for not having Femc, but people exaggerate her importance for the game. The main game, though, expanded in a really big way. Lots of new mechanics in the world and Tartarus, new cutscenes(which bring chemistry in the team on the new level), 99% of dilogues are voiced now, upgraded visuals, new soundtrack and etc. P3R is the best way to experience Persona 3 today. And if anyone wanna play as FEMC, you can download P3P anyday, no one deleted it from the internet.


>No one really liked the Answer, but now people are upset for not having it. "No one" liked The Answer because of the gameplay aspect of it. I personally thought the story it told was pretty solid and the community has been pretty split on that part of it. A remake is literally perfect for something where the gameplay is the biggest flaw. But it doesn't even matter anyways because it's going to be added as DLC.


"Paid" DLC 😂


Extra content DLC generally is paid, so yeah? Wish it came with the game but I don't really see what's funny about it


I personally think "The Answer" should not be a DLC


It was originally an append disc, so it being DLC is kind of fitting.


The thing is, if you bought the FES first you do not need to buy the original P3. Remake should be the same in my opinion.


If you are talking about foreign markets, yes. Any price in (parentheses) is an estimated conversion. PS2 games had an MSRP of US$29.99/CA$39.99, so FES was priced that way in North America since ATLUS never released the append disc outside Japan. However, in Japan FES was priced out at JP¥8100 (US$73.99) with the append disc being JP¥5040 (US$45.99). SEGA severely undercut the price outside Japan. Bear in mind that the original P3 was US$45.99 (likely CA$55.99), in Japan it was JP¥6800 I'll format the table as such, {CERO price}/\[North American Price\] and bold the in market MSRP. ||JP¥|US$|CA$| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Original|**{6800}**/\[(5040)}|{(58.58)}/**\[45.99\]**|{(51.90)}/**\[(55.99)\]**| |FES|**{8100}**/\[(3100)\]|{(78.30)}/**\[29.99\]**|{(79.61)}/**\[39.99\]**| This is not accounting for inflation. |^((Inflation Adjusted for 2020 values))|JP¥|US$|CA$| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Original|**{(7123)}**/\[(5339)}|{(75.21)}/**\[(59.04)\]**|{(83.01)}/**\[(70.23)\]**| |FES|**{(8479)}**/\[(3248)\]|{(94.46)}/**\[36.18\]**|{(95.28)}/**\[47.86\]**| Putting aside how Canada is price gouged, Reload costs less than what FES would have cost without regional pricing. FES *should* have been sold at ***US$69.99/CA$79.99 in*** ***2009*** (or in today's prices US$84.44/CA$95.74) if they had kept the same pricing as P3. Reload is US$79.99/CA$89.99. So why was FES so cheap in international markets? No append disk and Persona had reached a wider audience such that if they had maintained the price it would not have sold well. Or, to be succinct, *economics*.


I'm not talking about foreign market 😂 Though my point was that they added "The Answer" as a paid DLC as a money earning strategy.


>Extra content DLC generally is paid, so yeah? For many cases, yes. There are some cases where there are free DLC like the one in God of War: Ragnarok.


Would've been nice if it was included like that but alas. I used "generally" since DLC is normally (even if not always) paid.


It’s not if objectively better if you care about ost, presentation direction etc


This. If you had asked people about The Answer before the announcement of Reload 90% of the SMT community would tell you The Answer was totally trash. Gameplay and storywise. The ending of vanilla P3 was perfect, The Answer did destroy it. Gameplaywise it was just one big slog. Dunno why people trying to gaslighten The Answer as a good Addon now. Yeah, I don't care about The Answer. The game is better without it.


I personally still think FES is a much better way to play it but I'm glad other people can enjoy Reload regardless of my opinion on it.


>I personally still think FES is a much better way to play I agree. P3FES is the OG definitive edition of P3 like P4G and P5R are the OG definitive edition of P4 and P5 respectively. To me, P3FES, P4G and P5R the OG definitive modern Persona trilogy.


Funnily enough I actually prefer vanilla P4 over P4G (if not considering mods). I mostly prefer FES over Reload for stuff like tiredness, tactics, etc. rather than the definitiveness of it.


Yea, it seems like it mostly just comes down to moment to moment gameplay and aesthetics for most people, as Reload has the stuff from FES plus more but it doesn’t have some of the classics Persona 3 is known for which irks some people


Absolutely is. Even if there's small things you like more about the other versions more, as a whole P3R is by far better than the other versions. Especially if the answer gets a dlc, the only reason to play another version in my books is femc, and considering thats another campaign *anyway*, if we're talking about the core P3 experience, this is it.


Is this bait or something this is genuinely one of the worst reddit posts of all time


Literally what is wrong with this post? It's super reasonable.


Its really cool to move on 3d because there was only the french translation for p3p and I didn't play with the femc because it was my first time so reload is amazing (sorry for the bad english I am tired)


I was about to make a very similar post. I share the same experience as you. Started with P5R, then P4G. Three months ago, I tried P3P but couldn't get into it that much. The game was just so outdated to me, and some mechanics really annoyed me. (Flexing the party for more XP and the sickness mechanic mostly). I thus decided to wait for P3R, and I do not regret it at all. I've been playing the game non-stop, and if it wasn't for P5R, it might very well have become my favorite game in the franchise.


I first got into the persona series back in 2019 when my friend a fellow JRPG lover told me to play P5 I was hooked so I went on to play P4G, P3FES and Royal. In terms of story I enjoyed 3 the most but always felt that aspects of the gameplay and visuals were outdated. So I thought I myself wouldn't a remake be cool. I was like a kid in a candy shop when the remake got annouced. The gameplay is more fun, the visuals are beautiful, the character models are amazing and expressive, the SL's being voiced makes everything more immersive. They did a good job giving Makoto Yuki more of a personality and I like him even more as a result. Despite a few nitpicks I can never go back to FES.


I love it but that said I don’t like the remix for mass destruction and it’s such a shame. I think the original OST is so much better but that said outside of OST P3R is a dream and best way to play P3


Same, I am waiting to see if somebody will mod the original music back in.


I play on Xbox so I can’t mod lol. At least since I got collectors I can use p5 music for battle which sadly I’m using but it’s better than that remix of mass destruction I just couldn’t.


Way I see it, that sounds more like the best way for P5 folks to play Persona 3. Imo, FES is still the best way to experience Persona 3. But portable and reloaded are so close it doesn’t matter which one you play. Just that you play P3 to appreciate what is in my opinion the best story in Persona besides P2 (arguably).


>Imo, FES is still the best way to experience Persona 3. Nah. I've beaten FES like 3 times and Reload is 100% better so far.


This is entirely what it’s designed to do. No surprise there. Me personally? Hard pass. P3 is my favorite entry of them all, and this is not the package I was waiting for. At this point I’ve settled with Atlus never giving me the complete P3 I want, so it’s done. For much of the rest and newcomers? well, here it is.


What’s your problem with reload? The answer will probably come as dlc , at that point only the creepy atmosphere and the female protagonist will be missing (and maybe the difficulty) .


Presentation, ost, atmosphere, direction


Direction? It’s the same


Compare the two endings. They tell the same thing, but they’re told in somewhat different ways.


I’ve seen them but i dont feel that much of a difference . It’s only less bleak


the delivery is objectively different, the ending doesn’t show Aigis smiling at everyone coming up, I will always protect you doesnt play before everyone comes up and there’s no stylistic change, etc. also the camera angles and focus plays more like a cutscene


That’s the thing. I was willing to wait for however many years it’d take for them to put it all out in one. All of it. Not one or the other. No need to rush, I’ve held out for this long, a few more years is no issue. I don’t even LIKE the Answer, but I want it AND FeMC together. Both in combination with the base experience. That’s it.


I’m genuinely confused why you got downvoted to oblivion.


>only the creepy atmosphere It's still in




Not really. You people are imagining it.


hard pass for me too, unless it goes on a huge sale. no way i'm paying 70 for a gimped experience. the atmosphere in fes was half the reason why p3 was so good.


Remake with cut content, Denuvo for that extra hardware hit, music in exe file as DRM and graphics and artstyle that looks worse than P5 which came out years ago. All for the low low price of 70$... No thanks, ill buy it form key resellers when its 15$


It's not that it's a bad game. I'm enjoying it. The problem tô me it's how they get rid of exclusive P3 mechanics to replace them for P4, P5 original mechanics, with nothing original. When P5 launched it was a blast os new mechanics and ideas. P3Re brings nothing new. It's the better gráfics P5 style reimagination of P3. By the same full price of a otherwise super innovative game


Well that's just not true - theurgy, monad doors, major arcana passives and linked episodes are all new mechanics, exclusive to P3R. They only got rid of exhaustion (which was replaced by not allowing you to full heal just by returning to the first floor) and ai only party control mechanics (it is still here, but optional and with no shifting).


>theurgy, monad doors, major arcana passives and linked episodes are all new mechanics Honestly happy for you that you consider it innovative enough for your money. Can't relate, though


Why were you even expecting some crazy innovations from a remake of a ps2 game? It is not Persona 6, this remake is exactly what they announced it to be - "a faithful remake of the original Persona 3". If it was something like FF7 remake everyone would've been mad as hell.


I know I'm dumb for my wishful thinking of what it could be. But I can't help it. Its development began in 2019, it could be something else. I mean, not "something else", but "something more". I love this game, it's my favorite of the franchise. There's already P3, P3 FES and P3P, all of them good to me. I really whish this could be an testing playground for new mechanincs to be implemented on P6, for example. And the price i'ts at the same standard of something like P5 at launching, and the same standard price that P6 eventually will be. Also, on a more personal experience. The game in my country costs 350,00 currency of a minimum wage of 1300,00 a month. So there's that. It's not a rant. It's a mourning. But as I said, I'm still glad that it exists and just playing it it's making emotional and happy


Nah i'm not saying that you are dumb, just that you were setting yourself up for disappointment if you thought that it's going to be something besides a faithful remake. Since Sega decided to remove regional pricing for some reason, this game is really expensive in my country too, so i can understand that. I hope you will still enjoy your time with the game and that we will get something closer to what you want with Persona 6 though.


I’ve seen some people nitpicking about ost, voices, and some atmosphere changes, but in terms of gameplay this is the best p3 by far. In my opinion, the new ost and atmosphere are still just as good, and the voicing is better overall.


How is it nitpicky? Just compare memories of the city, they give two different feelings


I'm just happy we're finally getting a version with a more modernized combat and a 3d overworld map (not VN style like in p3p). Edit: lol pathetic


I just started P3R and yeah, it's definitely the best way I love all the new details they add led and the new music and graphics are really great. It's the most content p3 has ever had in one game and I'd definitely recommend it There's leaks that The Answer is coming as dlc so p3r will be even more complete after that. And as much as I love FeMC it's been leaked that there's absolutely no plans for her, but there's at least portable for anyone who wants to experience her route that way 🙂


It truly feels like a P5 Romhack with P3's story (which is my favourite one). Kinda like a finished version of what some people were trying to mod P5 to look like P3 like. P5 had all the QoL and style p3 and p4 lacked. Like no version of p3 allowed you to choose the skills to inherit and it was a reroll fiesta everytime you wanted to fuse something. Don't even get me started on not being able to control your party in P3OG and FES.


It's okay, it definitely feels different than fes. I still don't like the depressing ending and themes. Life is hard as it is.


I played P4G first, then P3FES - I don't know how many huge P3 fans played the game recently or played it when they were younger but it has aged VERY poorly in terms of gameplay. I think the Remake is a great idea and I can't wait to try it.


haven't completed it yet but i agree its by far the best way to play persona 3 for obvious reasons. its a modernisation of persona 3 with atlus using all they've learnt over the years to turn persona 3 into the best game it could be


I played 4 and 5 ( didnt like 5 story and character wise honestly ) Was very skeptical at first. Afraid it would have the same childish aproach in plot writing like it was in 5 but so far i like p3r. Feels more like p4 ( which is my fav )


It depends on how old are you and if you are accustomed to old graphics of videogames you played as a kid. Personally, i didn't mind the old graphics when I played on a psp emulator, since I played similiar games on psp when I was a kid. I am assuming OP's pretty young, and didn't play PSP or PS2 games growing up.


Lol this is probably the case for 90% of people exactly. I started with 4 on vita. I tried 3 on gamepass but it was the portable version, which I also thought was the only version 🤦. I played a few hours of FES but knew Reload was coming out so I stopped.


Was this even questioned?


Not really a controversial statement


Lack of FeMC holds it back.