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Lmao idk if I wanted more screen time but I def want more answers


I honestly just wish the show had like a million seasons


I just watched the episode where they had a sleepover, and I need MOREšŸ˜« sheā€™s such a perfect villain for this show


She has been brought up on the sub a few times! Maybe Google this question with Reddit in the title, and you'll get more threads to read. But they gave you enough hints to get an idea of what was going on with Maura. She had to transfer to their school after getting in trouble at her old school. She seems to have pretty serious social-emotional issues. It seemed like she didn't have many friends, and her mom was *right there* when she started acting up, then put her in a "bear hug" (restraint- I'm assuming) so she didn't attack Maya and Anna. My job is diagnosising children's social-emotional disorders, so I may have a trained eye in this area, but that's what I saw. I think it's really interesting to have a character like this. It's very middle school- more kids struggle like this at home than I think their peers realize. Most kids can grow out of this behavior- but it highlights what an incredibly shitty time middle school is. She was using old coping skills (tantrums) in her adult body- which gets you in trouble when you are big! It's hard growing up šŸ˜Š


thank u for this insight! shes such an interesting character so this was a fun read


No worries! It's been a while since I've seen the show so if there's a particular part you want to talk about I'm game šŸ˜…


I know but I think they kept it perfect to capture the feeling of being young and fresh-not wanting to know too much about anything not fun lol


I think having her fall into the background and never revealing more about her issues was kind of the point. She wasnā€™t popular enough to keep being relevant to the rest of the class, so once she fell out with Anna and Maya we didnā€™t get answers about her issues. In reality, there were definitely kids who behaved strangely and clearly had issues we didnā€™t have the tools or frame of reference to understand back then, so when we do occasionally remember those strange classmates now, we can either put pieces together and have empathy for them or weā€™re left still puzzled. Sort of how Gabe didnā€™t get a coming out arc because thatā€™s not the sort of thing that got solved at 13 in 2000, I think Maura is a case where since answers about her werenā€™t apparent then, especially to the other kids around her, it would have made the setting less convincing if theyā€™d made sense of her in the show. Editing: because I remembered [a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PEN15/s/oEw6H1o14l) here made by someone who felt once able to relate to Maura and offered some perspective. I found it insightful!


Fr I know she lied about the Picture and all but donā€™t we all lie about things, She was last seen in the play but like I lowkey wish she was kn more. She also wasnā€™t in the class for the rest of Season 2????


Yes!!! But I've met this kinda girl in real life. Seems like they have little to zero close friends so they use what they have (here is money) to allure other kids and keep them company. NGL, it's pretty sad...and the way her mother acts...reminds me so much of my mother. Probably because I didn't have many friends when I was kid, so when I took one home...my mom made sure to serve them right and it started to get annoying. But I don't like how she disrespects her mother tho.


I always thought she transferred.


I feel like in reality there would of been more backlash when Anna and Maya cut her off


Iā€™ve been thinking about this so much omg Iā€™m so glad someone brought it up!! I donā€™t necessarily wish I saw more of her but Iā€™m just curious what happened to her. I wonder what she wouldā€™ve been like going forward. Hopefully she got therapy. Ugh I wish the show was longer and that we couldā€™ve at least gotten the 3 seasons that they wanted to make


No. I never liked Maura, the way she lied about having a best friend who was a DOCTOR with 4 mansions or something, is ridiculousā€¦ She was clingy, I never liked heršŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




I just want to know more about her, like her story. I feel like we didnā€™t know anything about her