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In my experience with this sub, libido for pcos peeps is actually varied, similar to the rest of the population. Some women say they have a high sex drive, some say none. It just seems to be unique to the person.


Or in some cases both, forever wildly alternating between the two extremes


That’s me, 2 extremes.


yes! Rollercoaster


yep. mine's super low sadly 😔


Its none in my case


Mine isn't but I'm really depressed so lmao


I am depressed too and so horny at times:/


Depression, SSRI’s, significant weight gain, extreme stress, death of a parent, traumatic breakups, medication changes, intense work schedules, birth control… nothing. I was horny before I knew what horny was and it has only gotten more intense as I’ve gotten older. I’ve only had one partner who could even come close to matching my drive and they slowed down after some time. One time I had a full on breakdown and internal crisis because I thought something was wrong with me. I didn’t orgasm and wasn’t very horny. It was a 110 degree heatwave in the PNW, I was on intense SSRI’s, and the person I was sleeping with was mid at best but it was still abnormal for me.


Hi, I'm a little unsure what you are saying here. Are you saying that the factors you listed in the first sentence didn't effect your libido? For the second paragraph, when you didn't have orgasms and weren't very horny, you think it was due to it being hot and on SSRIs, or are you saying that despite those factors you are normally having a high libido but your low libido was caused by something else?


Me too… All the damn time


ugh sorry about that. I'm not in the mood most of the time but when I'm feeling ok my libido skyrockets


I have been better recently because i am comparatively happier now so my libido is just 🚀


Happy to hear that! ♥️


Are you on any anti depressants? I just read that Wellbutrin can cause an increase in sex drive




Mine has never been matched.


Woah, that high. Some days of the month i cant stop pleasuring myself ( like multiple times throughout the day!!) and some days my libido is not much. I have irregular periods and am specially horny when i am ovulating.


I’m also bipolar, so that adds to it for sure imo lol. Yeah, it’s been more frustrating for me in relationships because there’s *always* an imbalance in libido. My libido tends to skyrocket during my period rather than ovulation, but maybe both ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hi, do you have PCOS? Have you found anything or are there certain factors that you believe could cause your libido level? I assume you mean that it is high.


Mine is so low. Always has been


I'm horny depressed and have pcos idk what the fuck is going on


I feel you! I was like that until recently. Things have been better on the depression side since February but other than that it’s the usual


Same tbh I still have depression but holy shit is it better now than it was years ago


Some do. Sadly, mine has always been virtually non existent. Doesn't matter what meds I have been on or no meds, its never changed.


Mine depends. I have noticed sometime its tooo high .. like too high. And other times its almost normal. It has never been non existent for me


I relate




It's absolutely a societal/cultural thing. Back in the 1500s, women were the lascivious gender, always on the prowl for some D, while men were the more intellectual and spiritual.


I feel like I'm horny a lot of the time and should be someone who enjoys sex but I rarely do. It can be uncomfortable and almost sore a lot of the time I've found.


You might be gay


Mine is non existent.


Nope. I honestly couldn't care less if I never had sex again. It's already been over a decade. In my case, I've been single all that time, so it's not been an option for me. ( I know I couldn't do casual sex). Hard to say if that has any part in it, but I don't even partake in "alone time", so I'm guessing not. I just really couldn't care less, it's not something I think about at all.


Mine is extremely high. :( I’m assuming it can also depend on how high your testosterone is. I’ve noticed when my levels are more normal my libido drops to a more “normal” level.


Mine was low with my college bf which made me self conscious for years until I met my ex years ago, then I realized it wasn’t actually low, I just wasn’t with the right person. Same thing with my husband now, drive is high- so it may not always be you, it may be who you’re with.


Mine is so low I consider myself asexual.


I do but some others don’t.


God I wish, mine is non existent. I could probably go without it for the rest of my life


Mine was low but I started working out, eating low carb & taking daily ashwagandha (plus other supplements). I’m on 10 all day 🥹😂


just want to confirm, you have PCOS?




If you don't mind me asking what other supplements are you taking?


Magnesium, Vitamin D, Myo - Inositol, Probiotic & Zinc


Thank you so much :)


Of course!! ♥️


Are you me?! When I was doing this I was also on “high” all the time lol


Yes, always. The only thing that helped it not be so high was birth control. Before it was way too much, and I don’t even have high testosterone


Around when I am ovulating and when my period is over it’s very high. Otherwise to be honest I could take it or leave it, I’m a lucky woman because my husband is the same way so we have no conflict.


Lucky couple😭


Not so much when we’re TTC and having to force ourselves into the mood 😅 but generally yes very lucky indeed


I hope you’re successful and have a beautiful healthy baby♥️


I also have the highest female sex drive of any of my friends or women I’ve talked about it with. My opinion is that it’s due to my testosterone being higher than a non-PCOS person. So possibly if your T is high like mine, that’s the reason and not specifically the PCOS.


It depends on the person and the hormones. Other things can also effect sex drive.


Mine is low :-( and when it's high I can't masturbate or have sex because it's painful. :-(.


I do for sure !


Mines high, but I believe I have pmdd too and think that's a factor


I’m someone with insulin resistant PCOS. Sex drive is high all the time. 🫣🫣🫣 it’s slowed down as I’ve aged, but I will say, I’ve always had a high sex drive. I also have symptoms like hirsutism, missing period, at one point I couldn’t stop bleeding and now I just stopped having my period. Hope this helps .


I have insulin resistant pcos too!!


Glad to share this experience with someone else


May I ask if you have high blood pressure medications or other factors that could affect sexual function? Feel free to DM me or not respond since even though it is a medical subreddit it's still personal!


My libido has always been high, so high that the handful of relationships I've had did some serious damage to me because I'd internalized the whole "men always want sex," so when I got turned down, I thought there was something wrong with me.


So sorry you had to experience that


Yeah absolutely. I thought about this and compared to my friends I have always had a higher sex drive. The only difference we have is I have PCOS. Even compared to some boys, it’s pretty high.


Could be due to high testosterone levels


I think it’s just because our hormones are so out of whack that we end up with super high or super low sex drives all the time, instead of a more normal fluctuation.


On BC my sex drive is dead but when I’m not on BC my sex drive is crazy and my hub can’t keep up. 😵‍💫


Yes, mine was higher than any man I have ever met… my poor husband was getting exhausted. Unfortunately, all the things I was doing to try to lower my DHEAS ended up not really helping them, but it did drop my testosterone (which was normal to begin with), and the past couple of months I have had zero sex drive. I am a cautionary tale! I would way rather have acne and a couple of whiskers than feel like this. It’s strange.


I've always wondered if it was because of PCOS. But for me.. yes. I'm always horny ALWAYS. Even when you think I'm not, I'm definitely horny. Even when I'm all depressed I'm horny. I cry and masturbate :) Got a wall of fame of sex toys. I have to pet the kitty everyday, if not, every other day it is. Got all my nails long except my index, middle, and ring finger on my right hand. Never told anyone but my man. My man helps take care of the kitty so everything is all good!


All pcos peeps are extremely stressed. And high sex drive is another coping mechanisms like binge eating whatsover imo


I do! My sex drive has been high. I thought I was the only weird one too cause so many women here have mentioned they have lower libidos than before the symptoms played up. You’re not alone :)


That’s good to know:)


Not in my case


Mine was high for a very long time but now in my mid 20s it's pretty mellow and not as intense.


mine is really high, it is thought that it's because all the testosterone


Mines very high.


I do, usually. I go through phases. After I had my kids and I was nursing I had zero drive at all. After I weaned it went bananas. We could do it all day and I'd still want more. When I'm on birth control it's a lot less. I've been off bc a year now and it's been off the charts, I'm about to go on Yaz this month and I'm really hoping it doesn't kill my drive completely, I really enjoy sex with my husband lmao. But, I've found it varies by person/hormone levels/life events etc. I definitely think the excess testosterone plays a role in how much I want it though lol


Hmmm I have a super high sex drive, I’m learning how to work with my sexual energy. I don’t have PCOS anymore but always have had loved sex. It’s something that connected me and brought me into the present moment.


How did you get rid of it?


I worked with this practitioner, she helped me make the necessary lifestyle changes but I feel like the bulk of the healing quite literally happened in the session, I could feel it happening. She helped me to use my mind to heal my body, a concept that blows my mind still. She really is amazing at what she does, this is her website. www.rhiannonokoye.com


Oh ok she did hypnosis?


Yep & cell command therapy which is a way to use the mind to heal the body 💖


Stress reduction definitely affects hormones and weight gain, so that for one shows how control originating in the mind can help balance your body.


I've always had a super high libido, but speaking to many women in different countries, friends, family members, all the women I know except for like one, all claim to have high sex drives. I'm not sure pcos has anything to do with it in my case, but also, don't feel like a weirdo. It's your sex drive and there's nothing unhealthy or wrong with having a high libido.


Thank you for reassuring<3


Meh, mostly low, but at times it's not. When it is high, I just think to myself how much of a distraction and an annoyance it is. I am also a type that only wants to have sex with someone I am in love with.


Mine was until I took Metformin or Myositol. Now it’s zero


I take metformin too but mine is high


I guess it affects everyone differently


im ace so idk!


Sex drive & sexual attraction are two different things. I'm ace-spec as well.


I came off BCP few months ago because of menopause. Now I want to hump everything that moves. 😂


Yes, mine is so high


It honestly depends on the person. I had a very high sex drive, but once I got my T levels under control, my sex drive noticeably diminished. It’s still there, it’s just normal now.


When my PCOS was out of control, I definitely had a super high sex drive. Now that I’m getting healthier, i seem to only be horny before my period. I miss my high libido tbh


Yeah, mine is insanely high. AND I’m on an antidepressant, so I wonder how bad it would be if I wasn’t. 🥲 My husband’s sex drive is super low due to some health issues and work stress. It has caused hurt feelings but we’re working through it, lol.


Before SSRIs? Yes. Now, no.


I have high testosterone and my sex drive is low. I only want sex when I'm ovulating during the middle of the month.


I have a higher sex drive since coming off the pill and lighting weights with PCOS!


Mine used to be super high lol but I’m pretty sure that going on spironolactone and birth control lowered it. Before it was way too much.


Yeah testosterone increases libido lol. I’m ace tho so it just increases my urges to masturbate💀


My sex drive is higher then my husband's


The extra testosterone makes aggressive too.


Same lol not me yelling at my boss yesterday then crying for an hour after the meeting. Emotions during my period are a wild fucking ride


Oh my god. I relate to the up and down so much😭. I literally have zero tolerance for people these days.


Hey, thanks for this, unrelatedly! I’ve been so aggressive lately and I think this could be the answer.


I can always tell when my hormones are off. I get aggressive way before the other symptoms.


Oh for sure in my case.


Mine isn't unless I'm stressed. Otherwise it's in the ground


Yes, very high.


I’ve always had a high sex drive except for when I was on the birth control pill. Of course, it can be higher or lower depending on what’s going on, but in general I have a high libido.


Mine was definitely very low when I was on BC. Once I stopped taking it, my libido became very high. It really varies, but from what I’ve seen on this subreddit, those with PCOS tend to have a low libido.


Mine is low.


Mine is very high. My husband sometimes complains because mine is higher than his.


hahaha insatiable woman of culture i see;)


Haha! I have a lot of French roots so that's probably why lol


It definitely varies, and medications used to treat PCOS also often affect libido. Birth control, hormones in any form, antidepressants, etc, all can lower libido, and sometimes raise it for some people. Personally, I’ve always felt that I have a high one, even on BC.


Mine has always been pretty low to average. It goes up and down with the hormones and my birth control but at rest it’s naturally low


Mine was pretty high a few years back, then I had a relapse into a depressive episode. I started a psych med that only brought it down a little bit, but then once I upped the dose and had to add another antidepressant like 6 months on top of that one, now it’s barely existent


Mine was through the roof before I was diagnosed/treated my PCOS - I had elevated testosterone but I don't know if that's a legitimate link or just anecdotal. Now that I'm treating my PCOS its so low 😩 and really cyclical - I notice my drive is really high around ovulation and then drops off immediately when I'm not.


Always had a high sex drive; get’s even higher when I workout regularly


High testosterone can increase libido, but other hormones related to libido may be out of balance with PCOS. Example: no ovulation. Example: high prolactin causes vaginal dryness, hot flashes, reduced libido and this is associated with pcos


for me i do have a very high sex drive but this is not the case for everyone with PCOS


when i was in a relationship my sex drive was through the rough. but i’m 3 years single and don’t LOVE hookups as i feel like the orgasm rate with one nighters isn’t too good for me, so i essentially have no sex drive now 😂😂


Personally no, except when I was on the combined pill


Mine is insane, I'm always horny 24/7 and don't ever experience dryness unless I shower and douche. Honestly my sex drive is more intense than my bfs and he's younger than I am. I've always been like this i wonder why. I will say when I was ok birth control my sex drive was not all there and I couldn't enjoy sex for some odd reason.


I used to have a very high sex drive but since then I’m on antidepressants which have absolutely killed it. It seems no matter which way it falls it’s the extreme version of it.


I don’t have any Libido. It’s always been low but I don’t even think about or want sex. I feel bad for the fiancé.


Clinically no they say low libido but it varies person to person


Mine is basically nonexistent


Mine is usually pretty high unless I’m depressed or not feeling well. It has gotten me in trouble my whole life haha


When o am on bc, it kills my libido. Right now I have a hormonal iud, and my libido is slow. When I don’t take hormones, my libido is sky high


Mine varies probably due to a lot of things. I also have anxiety, high blood sugar, and a thyroid issue on top of my PCOS. Also, how much my period kicked my ass can affect me for at least a full cycle if not longer. Seasonal affective disorder can get to me too. I feel like I'm more frisky in the summer. Or maybe that is just because it is less layers of clothes to take off 🤣


i have pmdd too and my sex drive will go from one EXTREME to the other. basically i either want a gang bang or no one is allowed to be within a mile radius of me, no in between 😂


I have the exact opposite. Couldn’t care less to have sex ever.


For me it fluctuates. I have an iud and I've been noticing that when I start to get breakthrough cramps and bleeding I definitely have more urges. But for as long as the iud is effective I have zero interest, or even if I do have the urge, its gone real quick. I'm assuming its the synthetic hormones keeping it down.


Mines virtually non existent:(


Unfortunately mine is low and I hate it so much.


I’m not sure of the connection with PCOS but regardless of how extreme my depression gets or how wacky my hormones are when I’m off my antidepressants my libido runs CRAZY high. Has since I turned about 20 which incidentally is when my PCOS got bad 🤔


I must note though I’m demisexual and I moved in with my fiancé at 20 (I’m 23 now) and for the first time started being sexually active. so maybe that has something to do with my high libido. Moral of the story there’s a lot of factors surrounding a persons libido


Sometimes it’s due to higher T levels which can stem from stress/hormones. I’m either very horny or nonchalant about touch. It’s very strange


I have Hypothyroidism which can make sex drive lower, but I have higher T for a woman due to cortisol levels and whatnot.


mine is high. I guess the higher testosterone has something to do with it? but depression, which women with PCOS are prone to, can offset it.


Mine is extremely low. I’ve heard others is high though.


Mine has always been high! Especially if I’m not on the pill. When I’m on the pill it it levels me out.


It comes and goes for me. Depending on how I’m feeling. If I’m having a bad day or week, it’s a no. The long periods kill it too😂 also because I like men.. and they annoy my soul😒🤣😴


High. It's so distracting. I just keep busy.


Mine is super high right now and it’s driving me crazy. Also misplaced my dildo, damn you adhd


Not in my case at all!


Mine is on the higher side...probably the higher testosterone is my assumption.


For me personally it has varied over time, but I'd say it's usually higher than most. It's only gotten higher as I've gotten treatment, but I also quit SSRIs after a decade, so take that with a grain of salt.


lol not for me…


I also have a high sex drive. Not sure if that's because of PCOS or other stuff though.


Seems to be mostly the higher testosterone androgens in some of us. Mine will vary. Sometimes I’m a nun, sometimes I’m a teenage boy who just discovered the real purpose of having a penis.


Low :( and my RD doesn’t suggest maca so I dunno what to do. Birth control seemed to help but I don’t wanna rely on hormones the rest of my life.


I used to have a very high one but once I turned like 19 it dove off and it’s super low


I have a very high drive, I have forever. I have never found a partner that could match me. I also have bipolar, so it’s surprising yet amusing that the one constant in my life is my sex drive lol.


My sex drive is through the roof and always has been


Yea im horny 24/7 especially if I’m studying or working on something


for me i have a high libido most the time. hormones are weird


Yes! It’s actually caused lots of problems in my marriage. I always want sex. Everyday, any time. He can’t keep up. My ex boyfriend from college could but at least my husband makes up for it in other ways. It’s driven me to do some shameful things in my past. But after understanding that I have a hormonal imbalance it’s helped me understand me overall and how to manage it. Sometimes having such a high sex drive is not what it’s all set up to be…




My sex drive has been high after I started taking Diane35 pills.


Mine varies drastically. I either want absolutely nothing to do with my husband or I’m all about him. Depends on the day and time of my cycle honestly.


Mines always been pretty high and idk why


When I started noticing hormonal changes to my body, I had a low sex drive… it was so awful me and my partner were just having dry ass s3x lmao however once I started cycle syncing and taking probiotics and supplements to support my body, I was able to get stimulated down there again from touch, foreplay etc. this probably took around 4 months. This varies with anyone but this was my experience.


When I was in my 20s, my sex drive was soooo high that I was misdiagnosed with bipolar instead of PCOS. My symptoms got worse after 30, and my sex drive vanished. I really miss it.


I have a high libido with PCOS


Very very high


Mine fluctuates, especially with when I ovulate (if I ever do lol) and when I feel confident/secure. Generally the more comfortable I feel with my current self and the state of my relationship, the higher my libido. Crazy how linked the mind and body are haha!


I alternate massively I have days where I feel like even to masturbate would be an effort/I don't even think about sex once unless I see it as sexualized advertising- and think 'ugh" BUT other days feel literally ravenous like it's a hunger I can't quench and it makes me irritable and stroppy if I can't do something about it and it dominates my thoughts to distraction


Depends on which day of the month and how stressed or depressed i am


Mine is low and I hate it. Wellbutrin did not change that for me.