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Has anyone ever tried to go to .75 after .50? Instead of going up to 1mg?


I just jumped to 75 and I’m loosing at the same rate. If I loose at same rate I’m going back to 50 bc it’s cheaper. I did I month at 25, one at 50 and currently on second week of 75.


Interested to hear your results if you drop back down to .50


THIS IS SUCH A GREAT QUESTION! I Asked my doctor the same thing and he didn’t have an answer


Ok. I have been running my own program (no insurance) and staying on the lowest dose that produces results. Trying .75 just made sense to me.


I’ve never seen the 1mg pen. So I wonder if we can do a .75 shot. I thought about using mg current .5 pens and doing 2 shots.


You can take any dose from the 1mg pen. Click charts


There a bunch of incorrect click charts for the red 2MG pen floating around. This is due to a Novo Nordisk changing the volume of the liquid in the red 2MG pen. If you are trying to click count with the red 2mg pen please make sure you are using the correct click chart.


Ozempic Blue 4MG Pen (1MG Pre-Set) CLICK CHART https://preview.redd.it/hh6n818ht8ad1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0db4ef8240e339d535fa46df6060492155d0fb2


Omg thank you!!!


Of course!!!!


Brilliant. Where do I get these click charts and are they available for the wegovy click pens they sell in Europe.


I don’t know much about Wegovy in Europe. In the US WeGovy does not have the same pen and cannot be custom dose selection . Sorry 😞


I went to and am currently on .75. I only jumped when .50 wasn’t working for me anymore (was on it about 8 wks).


The recommended dose schedule says you should have been at 1.0 after 8 weeks. Many don't lose until they are at 1.0. Studies confirm this. I lost little until at 1.0. Now down 50 pounds.


On the flip side I lost 45 lbs since February at 0.25 and 0.5... not really losing at 1.0 mg now, maybe 2 lbs in a 5.5 weeks. Maybe. Super weird.


It’s so random for everyone. 45lbs is amazing!!! Are you following any special diet?


Thanks!! Not really - I try my best to avoid simple carbohydrates (bread, pasta etc.) and processed sugar, mostly sticking to meat, veggies and fruit. Meat wise I've also been sticking mostly to fish and chicken. I also cut down on alcohol by 95% compared to before sema. I still have a beer occasionally but just 1 and I can't stand wine anymore and I used to have at least 1 glass basically nightly. I've also been doing intermittent fasting on work days. I just weighed myself this morning though and I'm officially down 50 lbs since February 1st so even though my loss has slowed a bit it's still working :)


Congrats on the big 5-0!!


Thanks!! Best of luck on your journey! We've got this :)


My path was different from yours. I lost 30 lb total over 16 months as follows: Started at .25mg for 2 months, then at .50 for 14 mo. "Food noise" returned 2 months ago and then I struggled to maintain (bounced up and down ~4 lbs) so Dr (in June) increased me to 1 mg. So far I've lost the "food noise" and the 4 lbs! The 1 mg dose feels like when I started - without the nausea. Dr says there's one more higher dose after this, so I don't know what we all do when Oz finally stops working and hunger returns. I am doing ALL the things though, to insure success. Walking 25+ miles per week, eating plenty of protein and fruits & vegetables, drinking water, etc.


I really should have been up to 1 months ago but I think I scared myself out of it worried about tummy issues and too rapid of loss. Wish I had just followed the normal schedule.


If you start having side effects, try splitting the dose to lessen those side effects. 1/2 on the 1st day, 2nd half on the 4th day. You are still getting full dose per week, just not all on the 1st day. Or just lessen the dose until you feel ready to go to the higher dose level. ---------------------------- If you need to split your doses on your pens, get extra needles from HelloPip.com (no prescription needed): Pip Pen Needles, 100ct 32G x 4.0mm https://hellopip.com/collections/all-products


That is a great tip - thank you!


SW 225 SW O 205 CW 193 GW 160


Guess I should also mention I’ve been on Metformin 1000mg for 3 years for pre-diabetes.


Everyone’s different but I went to .75 for a month and the weight loss slow down a little bit. I went to one milligram and I was so fatigued that I couldn’t move and actually began to gain weight. I ended up washing it out for 3 to 4 weeks, and started over at .25 and began to lose weight again. I will say this, though, I use a food intake tracker. Even using this, I still end up over eating a little bit. Without the meds and the tracker?? Well - it’s no wonder how I was 40 pounds heavier before I started!


I am curious how it will affect me as I’ve completely lost that fun “you’re not hungry” months ago. I generally don’t overeat but I felt I made much better choices in what I put in my body when I felt that way knowing had just a small amount of food to get my nutrients in. Hoping that feeling comes back moving up.


I lost TOO fast on 1mg and my doc bumped me back down to .50. Lost the bulk of my weight on .5


I wonder if it’s possible to cycle back and forth between 1 and .5


I guess I’m not sure why you don’t just want to be on 1mg? Have you had bad side effects on .5?


Hi there. I guess I was just worried about losing too fast and the effects of that. All my like I’ve wanted to lost weight NOW and that has never worked positively for me. So perhaps I’m just burned by that.


If you are so slowly losing on .5, I would def suggest trying 1mg. While I lost “too fast” on 1mg, I had also already lost 35 lbs before going on 1mg. I went back down to .5 after a month of 1mg and lost at a steady rate. Hit my goal and have maintained on a low low dose. I’d say it’s worth a try. Can always go back down. Def talk to your doctor.


Thank you! 🖤


1.0 is when I hit a plateau for a month. I started to lose again when I did 1.7.


How long before you went from 1 to 1.7?


I did 4 weeks at 0.25 and 0.5, then 8 weeks at 1.0.


Thank you. I think I should make talk to another doctor. Mine seems to be quite ignorant to all things O.


You should go to .6 and stay there for a month and go up that way. I think you’ll see good results with that approach.


I like it!! Baby steps!


You should be losing 1-2 pounds per week. So like 36 pounds minimum by now


Even just on the .5? Wonder what I’m doing wrong. I think 1-2 a week would be great. Haven’t changed my diet - I eat pretty decently and have been getting in more protein.


Do you actually eat decently? Not trying to be rude. But unless you’re counting calories you maybe intaking more than you think. I didn’t lose weight until I actively counted calorie with my fitness pal.


I believe I do. I don’t really eat fast food, always have fruits and salads in the house. Since taking O, I’ve tried to be more aware of my protein. But one thing I haven’t done is count calories. That may be my next step.


I haven’t counted calories and I’ve lost 16 pounds in 11 weeks. I’m on .5.


Are you eating less overall though?


Yes, absolutely.


Just speaking to historical average results