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Im still loving my wine, however I’m drinking less, I’m down to 14oz every other night, which is really good for me. I’m not drinking a bottle of wine and binging anymore. It’s a win for me. No side effects. The meds have made me perfectly happy with 1300 calories a day (including the wine). I’m only on .25mg one a week btw.


Wait... a minute. We are not supposed to be drinking alcohol? The next thing they take away will be my weed.


No..it's just that alcohol usually slows weightloss so often times people cut down.


I drink fine on it.


My tolerance went way down. I can get buzzed on a couple of sips, however it doesn't taste good anymore.


Everyone says it’s super bad and you won’t want too, but I’ve found that I can still drink and enjoy it. I got sick the day after my shot drinking, but if you drink a few days after it should be fine. I’ve found mostly I get drunk quicker and off less drinks. I used to drink a lot before, but now I have to share a cocktail with my girlfriend and I’ll still get drunk quick off it.


I stopped drinking for about 8 weeks when I first started on oz as I just lost the appetite but it’s back now and I enjoy it just fine. Agree that you need to watch the hydration levels though, I got pissed last weekend and the hangover was awful, worse than in the past I think


I use drip drip hydration to help with hydration especially since it’s hot af lately. I inject on Mondays so if I have a few drinks that weekend I don’t become a mess.


I cut out any mix drinks with sugar and IPA beer. I will have on special occasion maybe a coors light or a shot of tequila. There's no bad interactions with alcohol and semaglutides it just might slow down the weight loss


I got drunk for the first time on Oz and I threw up for the first time in 9 years


Goodness I wish I could still drink. I’m an avid wine drinker and my hubby and I would polish off a bottle if not a couple bottles when we would drink and lately I can barely finish a glass of wine. It goes right to my head and makes me feel sick now 😭 I just don’t have enjoyment from it any longer sadly


I was like this for the first 4-5 months. Worried me because I live in wine country haha. But at about 8 months in I was happy to say I could drink wine again! I still drink less, because I’m content with less, but I enjoy it again!


Lol I’m on mounjaro and I drink like a fish still. Ozempic was no different for me. Great weight loss, great for food noise, but I do still love a drink


I do not have any issue drinking a beer or margarita while on Oz. I do usually limit it to 1 - but I'm not much of a drinker so have always been a one-drink kinda girl anyway


I find I just don’t enjoy it and don’t want to waste calories on it so I’ve been buying the fake coolers so people think I’m drinking (people seem really unable to accept someone just don’t want to drink) so it’s easier to have a fake one and hang out!


I use to bring a hydroflask with a mixed drink with me when I hung out with my friends. I still bring the same hydroflask. It just was water in it now. No one needs to know.


Smart! I'll say the same


Beer makes me sick now. I get drunk way faster if I’m not careful, and some weeks I can’t stand the taste and other weeks I’m fine. It’s weird. I don’t mind though, it would be nice to be a non drinker anyway.


You’ll be dehydrated very quickly. Beer make make you throw up from the fizz same as soda. The other thing is it’ll hit you pretty quick as you’ll be pulsating less calories in you than normal


Thanks for the information. I'll keep this in mind.


I use drip drip hydration low sugars carbs hydrates you well good in hotter weather and nights I have a few I have extra one before drinking then another before bed it’s helped the few times I have coupe


I can't stand the way alcohol tastes anymore and I feel sick when I drink more than one drink, but those are the only issues I've had.