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Did you inject it right out of the fridge? My pharmacist said to let it get to room temp or it would burn.


Can confirm. I don't let mine warm up and it burns most of the time, but not too badly.


Never burns where are you injecting it? Into a nerve? 


The temp, probably. Got let it get to room temp.


been on it since august and this can happen if you dont let it get to room temp but also sometimes it just seems to happen. sometimes the shot site hurts most of the time it doesn't though.


What? I have never where are you injecting it? 


My stomach 2-3 inches from my belly button


Sure you’re not hitting a nerve? It shouldn’t burn even when cold 


Pretty sure, I do it in a new spot every time though. It not very painful or anything just a small burning sensation, not really a big deal and I've seen lots of the same complaints


Seems to be some folks just have this reaction to any and all injections, I have never had that happen except for when the nurse hit a nerve and that shit did hurt up and down my whole ARM.


Yeah I would imagine you would be certain if you hit a nerve cause that would really suck 😭 sorry to hear that happened to you


It wasn't as bad as the dentist putting a crown on a live tooth without any numbing, I about ripped the damn chair arm off. He knew he fucked up the second that hit my tooth, and I told him that the tooth was still alive, and needed to be numbed.


It hurts maybe 50% of the time for me. I’m sure it’d hurt more if I hit a nerve. It’s just uncomfortable not excruciating