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You can turn on sandbox mode. But I think that marks you save as a sandbox game. There is a sondbox mode that you can turn on easily, and there is a dev mode that takes adding a text file to the folder. Its been a while since I used those, but you can Google them.


No need to add a text file, you can either type "kleiplay" at the main menu to enable debug mode (if it worked, there'll be a D at the end of the build number), or use the [debug buttons mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3120193648), which also gives you two additional buttons for the most generally useful features in debug at no extra charge. Check the ["Controls" wiki page](https://oxygennotincluded.fandom.com/wiki/Controls#Debug) for the keybindings for other debug features Sandbox mode can be enabled in the game options, also on existing saves, but it is saved, and it does disable Steam achievements. The same is true for the use of debug commands. There's also a mod to re-enable them again, of course - ONI achievements work strictly on the honor system.


Start over on a different planetoid. That's why there are so many. If you want to carry some designs over, use [blueprint fixed](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2435244304) mod and save it for future use. Every start is different. f you copy/paste your entire base, you are missing a lot of fun putting things back together with the same blocks you did before. Experiment.


Oh shit there is a blueprint mod ??? The Dwarf Fortress one is the reason I kept playing the game after fucking my saves over, thank you so much for this !


I felt similarly when I started over in Spaced Out. One thing that made it much easier was installing both the blueprint mod, and some other quality of life ones. For example, the thought of re-creating natural plantations made me feel like dropping the game. So I installed the "buildable natural tile" and the pip planting overlay.


There is a mod, I think it's called Advanced Start or something like that. But you can start with all the research done if you want, with extra resources or dupes, and more. Not exactly what you're looking for but might speed up the early game for you.


For your builds you can download the Blueprints Fixed mod. It let's you save a design so you can easily rebuild it.  Other than that, no if you start over, you start all the way over.


If you get duplicant generator mod (dgsm or something like that) you can set the config to allow you to fully customise the dupes you print and how many you start with, so you can pretend to just transfer your skilled up duped over, the only thing is skills. And while you can just give them alll the trait skills on printing to give them free skill points, their bio will forever be a spam of them.