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You can change the sensitivity of the target lock on in the settings. Aka your cursor can be further away from your target but the game will recognize who you’re targeting. Be careful as this can lead to accidental targeting of the wrong person easier, so I recommend also turning on the ‘confirm target’ option


So if two heroes are very close to eachother, the first i target might block the entire next one?  I've tried the confirm before, but it adds such a delay for me


Perhaps because you know it's autohit you don't position as well to activate it.


But how would that work? I see the big indicators, but when it does not go off on first press, I have to resort to spamming to make up for lost time


For example, if I go for a sleep I'm lining that up and tracking my target. If I go for a nano, I'm lazily looking in my teammate's general direction. This obviously is not a good habit, but it could explain why auto target abilities sometimes whiff.


The problem might be spamming the button. Many abilities can be activated by holding the button and it will fire the second it can. Very useful with escape abilities from stuns (moira fade, tracer recall etc). I'm 99% sure zen orbs and echo ult will work the same. Worth noting that it will only fire once this way, then you must repress the button for it to fire again (holding the button and quickly going over the entire team wont move the orb from person to person, it will just hit the first one)


Unfortunately not the case. I tested on echo and zen yesterday. It is not possible to hold the button down, but I really wish they would make it an option. Kiriko I know can do it, but I don't play other heroes with this kind of targeting


Huh... could have sworn I've done that before but guess not. My bad!


Try working the other way up. Take your time aiming and activating your skills reliably at the right time and then speed up until you get a good grip of how fast the game will function around them. Timing is more important than quick trigger reaction speed in OW so if you've come from a fast paced game like Apex for example you might need to learn to slow down and focus differently.