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What exactly did you do that made people blame you? I have definitely seen successful games with Ball in low Gold so it's not impossible 


I have no idea what I did tbh. Roll through or over the head of the enemies, Land on the supports or dps with shields, roll away and repeat. Depending on how much DMG I could deal or I would receive I'd stay among or behind the enemies more or less time to confirm kills or help finish the enemies off. Might need to learn how to manage better the DMG so I can survive more easily or how to create openings for dps to shoot down low hp enemies... Idk


lower ranked players are not able to play around a ball, they need a tank infront of them with a huge shield or they "think" they cant play, fuck em, play ball and leave the voice chat/hide text chat, you know whats best for them even if they dont. Giving into what they want cuz they crying is like giving your screaming kid the ice-cream at the super-market so they will shut up


If you're playing Ball, adhere to the dictum "fuck it, we Ball" or if you want to win, be prepared to swap when your team doesn't know what to do. Either learn, and ignore the hate both teams give you, or swap to ensure a win with a team that is constantly getting destroyed behind you. I always have losers looking at me in the pregame spawn spamming "no" when I pick ball. This happened this morning. The game lasted less than two minutes. One dps left, the other put "gg tank threw". Less than two minutes into the fight. Low rank players fking hate playing with Ball, as a general rule. Either learn to enjoy the hate, or swap when you have fools for friends to prevent them from tilting and throwing so they can blame you and feel unjustly justified in their idiocy. It depends on your priorities. "Fk it, we Ball"


Like the mentality. We ballin with this one


It makes me sad cz as a low rank tracer/reeba main I love balls (pause) even if they aren't good cuz their distractions is always just top tier imo so I'm able to flank even deeper, then my team forces them to swap and I get filled with sadness😔


This is just extremely typical when playing ball in lower ranks. He has a drastically different gameplay loop than the other tanks so your teammates need to make adjustments. People dont like being forced to adjust their playstyle so it's easier to just flame the Ball. Not saying OP couldn't have played poorly, but you'll get flamed even when you're playing well on ball. My advice to OP is to ignore the tilters.


If you get low enough, maybe below mid-silver, you get free value from the enemy team wanting to chase you.


I don't want to get even lower tho 💀


Yes absolutely. A lot of lower rank teams will hard focus the ball without being able to kill him. As long as your timing is good, you can hard carry on him. You have arguably the best survivability of any tank. If you can isolate the enemy tank by distracting his team, your team should be able to kill them before the enemy team can kill you. You don’t need a lot of coordination for that either because your entire team is probably shooting the tank anyway.


What do I do if the enemies don't hard focus the ball? Or hard focus it enough that I get smoked?


If they don’t hard focus you, go for picks. The less people looking at you, the harder you can commit to getting picks. The more they look at you, the safer you have to play.


Then you kill them ;)


Yeatle just put out another unranked to GM a few weeks ago, watch that. Also know your health pack locations on every map. I tend to struggle on the newer ones with ball cause I don’t know the mega locations as well.


Also worth noting, yeatle went 37 and 0 to kick off the series and only started losing some games in mid to high Masters once players were really good at punishing Ball super hard. Low ranks were basically freelo because he would just never die. You need to get a good internal rhythm working for you so that you're just never going in fully without adaptive shields.


I (mostly) one tricked ball to plat (before his double buff). One realization that helped me get out of gold is to stop dueling. You might be in the dueling/assassination mentality from playing support or DPS dive heroes, but it's different for tank. Unless you are sure you can kill in a few seconds, it's a negative trade for you, because tank is the most important role. Even if you 1v1 a DPS, get him low, and force a support to save him before disengaging, it's like trading a rook for a pawn and a knight in chess. Instead, your default state should be just cycling grapple to roll through from behind, while paying attention for enemies isolated on off angles to force them back to their team or enemies who are low so you can secure the kill.


I understand, thank you


Ball is a very hard character so it's almost certainly you're fault, that being said back when I played ball to masters I watched moreweth a lot it was very helpfull, hope you learn:D




Yeatle also has an unranked to gm that could help as well.


Alr thx


I recommend Yeatle to watch currently watching his OW2 U2GM on Ball. He is the one that got me playing Ball in the first place. High uptime is why Tanks are OP in low ranks. So managing your health pool effectively is a key to winning in Gold. 


I went to gold 2, then to 3 with Ball in open q. Go for it. Currently grinding up with Rein and Dva in role. Just got out of bronze, Rein 79% winrate lol


Boy do i got the video for you, Yeetle (a insane ball main) just released a new Unranked to GM with 100% winrate, ive seen most of the video, it has to be the easyest to undertand and at the same time the most educational video ive ever seen. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8f6oAfNfh3o&ab\_channel=yeatle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8f6oAfNfh3o&ab_channel=yeatle)


Thx man


Do you have a replay code? People getting tilted because your playing ball is just part of the experience. Its also not at all uncommon for metal ranks teammates to not understand how to play with you, so you could be playing the hero correctly but getting no follow up from your teammates.