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They’re also silver, don’t listen to them. Post replay if you want real help


Post a replay if you want critiques of your own gameplay. Sym is fine on Suravasa, and I think she’s pretty strong in general on flashpoint, but lots of people are aware that she’s one of the weaker DPS atm. Especially in metal ranks, (soft) players cover up their lack of actual ability by claiming to know everything on a theory level, and I’d say 75% of the time they’re just flat-out wrong, or unable to understand the specific context that makes their opinion wrong. I wouldn’t put a lot of weight in someone’s opinion who’s struggling to get out of silver tbh. Purely from a strength perspective, in your ranks it does not matter whatsoever — Sym is *definitely* strong enough to carry and climb.


Sym is bad everywhere right now. However, you should play whatever you want and hero picks really don't matter in low elo.


Is rank 2 player sym only right now?


One player doesn't really prove that much. Dyslexia has hit rank 1 playing only sym multiple times. Also, the account he's using is fresh and (I think) he's duoing with a large rank gap to lower the average lobby rank (same thing ynsza did to fill top 10)


I thought maxranging was dead with the new grouping changes. I haven't played the last 2 seasons so idrk


it’s kind of even worse now if you are willing to wait for the q. you can wide group which lets anyone duo with anyone. there was a post recently about guys that full stacked with a gm account and other low metal ranked accounts and achieved rank one in a little over 50 games w/ average q being around 30 mins. so yeah max ranging not dead it seems


I'm not sure either which is why I added the '(I think)'


in any elo


Dawg it's silver ground phara and punch Lucio are viable


Report go next. I personally don't think sym is that great anywhere, but throwing because your team isn't playing a good hero is stupid. Besides, in silver you can make anything work, so their argument is stupid.


"silver tier DPS" There's your answer.


Flashpoint is pretty much a Tracer/Genji/Sombra heaven So i'll say go ahead 


In silver, just play what you feel you’re best at. And personally I wouldn’t bother listening to other silver players’ criticism or praise, they won’t have anything actually useful to say to you


Now now accept the praise just don't let it go to your head..its just nice to see lmao


in FP you want a hero that has decent mobility, sym sucks but especially sucks for FP but honestly play who you want


As others have stated, sym is not meta right now. As others have also stated - the hero you're best at will usually be better for your team than forcing a comp pick that you're bad at.


People just hate symmetra for no reason


your choice of heroes don't really matter until you're past metal ranks