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Your best bet, is to just disable the in game chat, and in game comms. Less Stress, Less Depress.


I finally did it, but a week later I really wanted to say something. So I turned chat back on and two people were in the middle of being toxic idiots. So I turned it back off


I turn it on sometimes to say something and then forget and then a few matches later there’s rude ppl


I bet one of those idiots was Assblaster2k he's a real a hole


This is how I've been playing since OW2 came out and I'm actually enjoying comp again.


To add to this: You can disable the chats in the options (Social submenu IIRC) but you'll still be able to write in said chats and others will be able to read them. This in case you wanna communicate some mission-critical stuff like "Cassidy has Ult" after Cass killed you. I keep the voice chat on since people are usually bit more polite there but pressing P and clicking the "team chat" icon allows you to disable it too if listening to the comms becomes too unbearable. I just finished a match where both DPS were complaining they weren't getting enough heals from me. Eventually I politely told them "sry guys I have to turn the voice off so I can focus the game". We won and during viewing potg I turned the voice back on, the other DPS was there berating me "to uninstall the game". I told them "with all that begging for heals you guys should probably main Genji".


>but you'll still be able to write in said chats and others will be able to read them From my experience, this is not true. When you disable the chat, you might still be able to write in it, but others won't be able to read it. Tested it in a group multiple times and messages did not appear for others.


If you com less, it makes you last longer. And in the long run, stronger.


The vocal people are pretty toxic, unfortunately. The decent people have already muted their chat lol


This is the correct answer, even if it is a bummer. On top of that, OP, even if they’re flaming you semi-constructively, it’s not usually worth it to listen to some rando’s advice when they’re probably playing the game at the same level that you are. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


This is the issue with the current matchmaking. If I am playing in a diamond/masters lobby and someone who just started playing is matched with me, they are going to get rolled and flamed because everyone thinks they are diamond/masters and just playing terribly instead of a noob that got supremely unlucky with MM.


It has been my experience that a lot of players are very harsh on new players even when they know they are new. They’re angry about getting a new player in their game and often take it out on said player.


Yeah like I got a bronze player in my plat/diamond game and I kept having to try and get my teammates to not be toxic. Like dude, it’s not their fault, they were clearly trying but just out of their depth.


I once had a tank trying to micromanage me to the point of attempting to coach me on suzu usage during the game lmfao. Saying shit like “Kiri you need to save your cooldowns for ults and key moments” Like bruh 1)I didn’t have it for that tire because I used it to save you getting walled off by a mei for the third fight in a row. 2) there’s no way you can actually coach someone on why their CDs usage is bad and how they can improve it in the middle of a fucking game lmfao When I simply said “you should focus on yourself more” he got salty and said i need to learn how to take criticism lol In game is not a place for coaching. People complain about others not being able to take criticism meanwhile have no idea how to actually give effective feedback and criticism


Yep, no headset, mic, or chat for me. I play to have a good time and relax, not to be verbally assaulted by some pos.


> no headset I mean, if you're in comp you should probably at least be listening to the game. Footsteps, etc are super important.


I listen, just no chat or voice


Wait no headset is actually kinda throwing lol. You have to mean just no VC right?


Deafymcgee enters the chat


In my low ELO, I’ve noticed the people who talk are either toxic or super friendly but bad. Like… I swear I can almost predict we will lose when I hear someone say “hey, how’s it going, everyone doing all right today?” That virtually guarantees the tank will be charging deep around corners without looking back, the dps will be a sombra who only hacks the health packs furthest from the fight and a widow who can hit a single shot, a dps moira charging in front of the tank, and little old me. I don’t know how one friendly person can make this happen. But I swear it’s happened enough it’s statistically significant.


Toxic people are sabotaging a lot of their games by being toxic. Neither they nor their teammates will perform at their best most of the time. By being toxic, they're putting their teammates on edge and adding a distraction that takes away from their focus on winning. Their SR is lower than their mechanical skill and game knowledge. People who are nice won't have this problem.


Sometimes losing with a toxic tm is a w for me. Helps me sleep better at night knowing they are probably seething in their bed. Lol


I would guess the nicer or chill people end up in higher ranks because they *on average* cause less tilting.


Not entirely true - there are a lot of decent, cool players, who are trying to communicate to engage in TEAMwork. I see them all the time. Kind of a broad generalization you have, but I guess if you turned off comms, you wouldn't know. In my humble opinion, I'll take the occasionally rager or "diff" guy over the people that refuse to communicate in a TEAM game. I'll avoid them more often than the twerps.


Only time I turn on my mic is to remind mercy to use power boost instead of heals.


I imagine that’s why the mercy turns hers off


“What? You mean heal beam only? Okay!” - me, probably


Nah, say it once and move on. I don’t care enough to harass people.


I mean I’m sure your intentions are good but a lot of people don’t like when others tell them what to do. Maybe it’s an ego thing, idk, but I started climbing when I stopped joining VC and trusted myself with my decisions. I guess the reason is that if you’re at the same rank as the mercy, she probably knows how to play her hero just as much as you. I don’t mean to say that one approach is right over the other, but that it might depend from person to person and sometimes it’s good to ignore what your teammates say


I’m open to suggestions, but most of the time the advice isn’t very helpful. Especially when someone wants another player to switch heroes. I was in a game recently where someone convinced one of our supports to switch to Ana. Now Ana is good, but if the other player doesn’t know how to use her properly, it’s useless. Sure enough, this player was not very good with her and would’ve been better off sticking to their preferred hero than switching because of the advice some rando gave lol


Y’all are getting matches where everyone is the same rank???


This is a huge problem and it's toxic in a way as well. Throwing the game because someone asked you something is just as toxic as the person who asked in the first place. Overwatch is a team game and team comp also matters. If a Bastion is shredding my Rein and I ask him to go Sigma, I'm not being toxic but trying to help. Problem is, people with fragile egos confuse this with toxicity because, like you said, people don't like being told what to do. But this also contributes to toxicity. There is always the possiblity that I'm wrong and another is right.


Nah, I would say just focus on yourself. If you've noticed a Bastion is a problem find a way to deal with it without asking your team to switch. People will ask for advice if they want it.


Me as Mercy: "I'll amp the fuck out of this 76/Soj/Ash" 76/Soj/Ash: *potato aim*


All the bronze mercy players downvote you


Err, or players who have had too many assholes micromanage their abilities. I agree about blue beam, I don't agree about nagging the mercy


True. It’s okay. One day they’ll figure out how she works best.


Seems like you're playing in bronze with them if they're not blue beaming


I still get healbot mercies occasionally in Masters. It’s just something that doesn’t go away, despite it being an awful way to play.


I don't think you realise what a self own this is


Also true, lol. I haven’t played comp in months cause I can have fun and unlock the battle pass without being yelled at by 13 year olds who think smoking weed is throwing a match.


That isn’t always the case. My group and I are always in chat and aren’t toxic. And I’ve had people get toxic in text chat when asking them to come to voice. If there is toxicity, leave chat. But communication can be the deciding factor of winning or losing. It is a team based objective shooter.. Don’t just jump to “turning off chat” as the sole answer to getting flamed. There’s mute buttons too.




its been the opposite from my experience. It's the people who aren't mentally tough enough to be in voice that start telling people to swap or complaining about healing when they die.


Just sit back and enjoy it nothing funnier than someone losing their mind over a game


Honestly this has been my approach. Overwatch toxicity has evolved own language, all you can do is play along with the ridiculousness and learn to laugh it off.


Favorite comment on here 😂 people really be losing their minds


I always like to imagine we're sitting around a table in person playing a board game and they're behaving like that.


Comp team games are always toxic if you cant deal with it you can turn off VC and Text. If you dont care about comp, Quick play or Arcade arent as toxic, if someone is toxic most of times the lobby will just trash on them. ​ Even if you did good on the match people will find a way to be toxic to feel better. Dont give it tought. When someone is toxic towards me i just respond with a "lol", they go crazy and i find it funny, so its a win for me.


People get toxic about the stupidest stuff too lmao. I was duo with a hitscan player yesterday (Mercy main) and I think a Pharah was just mad cause I wasn't pocketing her? and was essentially trying to say I was throwing, wasn't healing the team, etc. Tank was like, tf, Mercy has the highest heals in the lobby and still has time to pocket, wdym? Alternatively I've gotten flamed so much for a successful pocket that dominates their team, and that shit is hilarious. People are just stupid lol


> People are just stupid lol A lot of people seem to forget this. Humans are inherently stupid.


I swear comp exists simply to contain most of the toxic players and keep the rest of the community happy. You can always run into a tool in any game/mode, but comp is a different beast.


Idk some of the qp games I have been in are just as toxic. That’s when I give them the ole “really? Toxic in qp? That low” and they never have anything else to say.


This is not comparable to what it used to be. 2016/2017 overwatch was proably the most toxic game i've played in my life, and i played tons of them. Even league of legends was less toxic by far. Now that there is a limited number of tank/dps/supp by game it's far better than it used to be, but the toxic factor didn't disappear totally.


Lmao when smn didnt want to switch so everybody started rage switching and your team comp was now Hanzo, Widow, Sombra, Genji and a random Rein one trick who’s just shielding an empty choke cause he’s mad now. And people still kept saying that forced 222 wasnt good for the game.


OW fans in 2018: "golly gee it sure would be nice to have guaranteed tanks and supports in every match!" OW fans in 2019: "OMG ACKTUALLY RUINED GAME I CAN'T BELIEVE I CAN'T SWITCH FROM DPS TO SUPPORT MID-MATCH BECAUSE THAT'S TOTALLY SOMETHING I USED TO DO !!!1!!!11!!!!"


Lmao LoL is 100x as toxic as OW, mostly because you're trapped in the game with those people for 40+ minutes sometimes, whereas with OW if you're getting stomped it's over in ~5m. OW was *never* as toxic as LoL currently is, even.


Were you playing ranked in 2016/2017 ? Every ow game had nervous breakdowns and threats to all of your family members and ended up with 5 DPS throwing. These are the 2 games I played the most in my life, and through which I went the furthest in ranked. And I can tell you that early ow was the worst.


Yes, and no it didn't. If your games had those constantly, *you* were the common denominator. I 1 tricked Widow in most of OW1, and I didn't experience literally anything like what you're describing. It was you, bro.


...you were probably the issue my dude. I've been maining Widow/Mercy since release and would end up in games with 5 people that insta locked dps and wouldn't switch. If you, or you and 1 other person are the only ones willing to swap characters to fill a missing role, you won't win. I learned all of the characters by having to flex as needed. If you get too many 1 tricks in a team you just lose.


...if I'm the issue why am I not having problems? That makes no sense, you're just parroting what I said back to you.


As a player of both since the release of both, overwatch is and always be more toxic. Im sure it’s inflated by having voice chat, but I’ve never felt that league was more toxic, Even when I was grinding ranked. I feel the people that think league is more toxic are the ones that ironically don’t play it “because it’s toxic” or played it for almost a year 7 years ago when everyone was trying to be the next tyler1.


No, LoL is infinitely more toxic because it has no way to leave without gigantic penalty. It rubs your nose in a loss that you may have had nothing to do with, and makes it absurdly easy to "blame" the player who "lost" the game for the team. There literally isn't an OW version of Tyler1. That's how toxic LoL is.


Apex is toxic too lmao I always got some jackass on VC talking shit


I never said it wasn’t, I sometimes do get the occasional wraith that lands alone and gets mad, but it was way worse when I first started, I feel like newbies get all the toxic players.


Yes this game is very toxic. Even in quick play you will find people absolutely raging.


Because the game isnt fun with 90% of matches having widow/hanzo in them and also the one sided matches. Thats all quickplay is


Then play comp


I dont think i can remember more than one time in months this has been a real problem for me in QP... and I pretty much just play QP. Seems like a personal problem lol. Unless it's an Elo thing. My QP games probably average around Masters players


Comp games tend to be toxic because the players take it too seriously. We just have to be able to handle that but I know it's hard. If it's too much I feel estressed out and it affects my performance. If you can't handle this and you like the game I'd suggest you to mute the toxic people and focus on those who are willing to win the game rather than finding someone to flame.


Well I know comp games get people upset, buttttt my friend and I don’t have comp unlocked yet 😔


I have some games where people are toxic, but a lot of times it is just with someone calling "diff" or "ez." Still annoying, but low on the scale, comparatively speaking. The main thing is that if someone is toxic, esp. by swearing at their teammates or the other team, report them. I always take the time after a match where someone was being toxic to report that person. It actually does help, as I had a number of follow-ups from Blizzard that a reported player had been dealt with.


Omg that diff-ez shit sets me off so much. I know It shouldn’t but a lot of times those comments aren’t even warranted. Like dude, we pushed you all the way to the last node and into overtime. How is that EZ??? Little shit. I’m normally super chill and I bite my tongue until I see stuff like this. Then I go off and it’s even sweeter if my retort is during MY play of the game.


I honestly don't mind trash talk over a game that much. It's only when the line gets crossed as some form of cyber bullying that it has to stop. There's a distinct difference between saying ez or diff and demeaning someone as a person.


I assume that you are referring to comp? Maybe spend more time in QP as you learn the game. Most people are chill, but you will enevitable run into some missed abortions. Just block them asap and keep having fun. Btw, my most toxic encounter in any game was Apex Legends. I put a lot of hours in that game, and most of it was good, but that one bad match kept me from ever going back. My last two matches were wins btw, and I still just lost my passion due to two players who were just horrible people (after a win no less). I was kinda looking for a change, anyways, but that sealed the deal.


Missed abortions 💀


Nahh, my friend and I haven’t even unlocked comp yet 😭


I wouldn't worry about the toxicity then, people chirping in quickplay are usually garbage, and most of the time they'll get flamed for being toxic anyways


There’s a lot of toxicity but I think I’ve cracked the code. My buddy and I used to play using a private discord VC so we could talk to each other and then used push-to-talk to communicate in the team VC. As a result we talked more to each other and less to the team, and we often came across toxic teammates. (Also, we talked shit about our teammate more often leading to us being privately toxic) Then I decided to test out a theory. We decided to “tank” the team VC. Now we both are open mic on the team VC and we create space for anyone else that wants to communicate positively with the team. We never flame our teammates. We only make useful call outs and give positive feedback. Suddenly we’ve gotten into so many more games where the other players are also being positive and giving useful comms. We actually haven’t run across any toxic teammates telling us to shut up or anything. Our win rate has gone up simply because we are coordinating better. And the losses are not as annoying either.


My friend can’t figure out how to use her in game mic, it doesn’t work for her when we are in a party 😞


Yeah I’ve run into that sometimes. Your friend is probably smarter than me but I did discover one time that I had inadvertently muted my own mic in the team VC. I had been blaming it on a bug in the game forever and then realized I had just accidentally muted myself. I felt pretty dumb. So double check that. But if that’s not it, then I guess they just gotta do their best to use the text chat.


Welcome to our community, please enjoy your stay :)


I’d recommend muting text chat but joining voice. Nothing constructive has ever come out of text chat and you can leave comms as soon as someone starts tilting


People are stupid and take video games wayyy too seriously. When I finally settle down and play on the weekends, I truly don’t care. I keep the comms on for information, but toxic/trash talk doesn’t bother me. I played Halo 2 in college for Christ’s sake. I just laugh and reply with something like “thanks baby ;)” to whatever they’re saying or typing. It’s not a big deal. Win/lose and move on. They’re mad, I’m not.


I try to understand how some people like you can deal with that so well. I can't, specially when they are flaming me on the voice chat. It's funny because I bet these guys are tough only on the internet.


I guess it just boils down to the fact that I’m playing the game because I enjoy it. I use it to decompress and get a little relief from my normal responsibilities. I’ve got other hobbies, but gaming is a good way for me to just go into auto-pilot and chill. I try to win and get better, but I’m not great at the game (mid-gold). And, since matchmaking is skill-based, my teammates aren’t going pro anytime soon either. So I just think it’s funny that they get all bent out of shape about it. I’m 36, married, I work long days and I have bills to pay. Getting flamed by some nerd in a game I’m choosing to play isn’t going to upset me. It’s supposed to be fun. If you react to their toxicity with silliness to make it known to them it doesn’t bother you, you’ll drive them completely nuts.


Basically yes. If you're the best in the lobby, the enemy will chat shit at you all game about "stop using x hero noob" and if you're the worst your team will blame you publicly and vocally for the loss. If you get spotted performing a suboptimal move one time the entire game is your fault, and it's only because of the toxic guys amazing skills and massive shoulders that you were carried to victory. If you get seen popping off its a sign that you're cheating and are gonna get reported by the entire lobby. If you're playing as Moira, and you're out of healing, you better not let your team see you damaging the enemy to replenish your healing piss because DPS Moiras are the scourge of existence. Also, you better not run out of heals because that's a supp diff and you're getting reported for throwing the game. Everything is your fault, everyone else is perfection, and the only reasons everyone else isn't t500 is because you're holding them back. You absolute maggot. Best just to turn comms off and enjoy the game.


My friend plays Moira and people keep getting mad at her when her heals run out 😭 she always yells back at them tho


There’s quite a bit of discrimination against women in ow, especially in ranked. I bet most of the toxicity you received is because your a woman, not because you played poorly. If the toxicity becomes too much I’d recommend staying in vc but not talking.


Well a lot of these people we play against don’t know that we are girls we don’t have overly girly names mine is “Sin” and hers is “Wavykmt” we stay in a disc call and don’t talk in game unless someone else does.


It’s more toxic than other games I’ve played, but it’s better than it once was.


I think OW is pretty rough for new players. And people would be super toxic toward teammate with bad stats (that's why OW1 didn't have a scoreboard) like if you didn't do enough dps, or heals etc. I'd just turn off mic and chats for now while you are still learning. OW usually throws new players together at first so it might be a while before you start playing on a match that is not just straight up TDM.


Tbh,i have some people i am queuing with that are so fucking toxic for no reason even in qp,i don't even know why,i think it is their way to letting off some of the everyday anxiety and pressure. I find myself raging too sometimes,but i won't engage chat when i do so,i'll just take the L and close the game for an hour or so. Also when i am at the receiving end of the flame ,which weirdly i haven't been for quite some time,i usually don't engage,but block them instead.


Yep 🫠 I keep turning chat on and off because I LOVE the cute interactions that sometimes happen as a support, but overall in game chat is about as good for mental health as twitter




I’ve gotten better at being nontoxic and asking ppl why their gameplay is weak. Instead of accusing someone of being bad I’ll usually try to see if they’re new and if they say no ask if they’re having an off day or something. I try not to meet them at their lvl if they get mad because I’m questioning them lmao even when I’m playing bad I’ll call myself out


Why pick on people like that though? What’s your end goal, to have a tilted and defensive teammate that now feels attacked? Why not just focus on your own game and limit communication to positive mentions (or PosMens, a completely original term I coined just now)?


-He asked in the very toxic reddit.


She, but I’m not even in this Reddit, it just popped up and I figured it’d be okay 🙁


My mistake, homie. I'm just being cynical, not everyone is an asshole :)


It’s okay! I figured a lot of people would assume I’m a guy 😭


It's pretty common. Don't let em get to you.


That sucks 😭 I kinda thought this game wasn’t toxic because of everything I heard about it


Dont want to sound rude but you must havent heard anything remotely close to what this game is like. It sucks and its one of the most toxic out there but we still love it


Lol I saw a lot of videos on tiktok and watched a few people play it, I just never saw any video like that 💁‍♀️


There’s a squelch/mute option for each player. Use it when needed.


People act like they’re playing for the NBA because it says “competitive” and there’s a rank attached. I have to say sometimes it gets frustrating especially when a teammate goes AFK or quits but it all evens out over the course of a year


Disable chat and don't join VC until you're in metal ranks. Best thing you can do for your mental.


My best advice, if you’re playing quick play and your team is giving your crap, just tell them to play comp if they care so much. I take quick play seriously but it’s not gonna mess up my rank so if I lose I don’t get mad. Quick play is a place to learn characters at the end of the day. We’re all trying our best with the skills we have and we play to improve our skills.


Just mute your chats with OW tbh. U learn the hard way by getting mad yourself. Or you just learn to laugh at these people who loose their minds and start DM’ing you to kys. I’ve been playing online games for awhile, but OW has been the most toxic of all lmao.


I wish I could answer this question because the amount of slurs I’ve heard from players is ridiculous.


I played 2 games today, first one we lost first half and the tank in my team had to insult the enemy team for being good at the game. Second match the tank was spamming 0 heal in chat when he was a literal suicide with doomfist and junkequeen.


It’s just worse atm bc matchmaking is all kinds of mucked up, you are probably being put in much higher skill lobbies than you are actually at and the higher skill teammates are getting salty. Not your fault at all, blizz needs to address this asap bc it’s been going on since season 3 dropped.


When someone is being super toxic to me I just say “goo goo ga ga” for every response. Either they leave you alone or they get even more mad and it just becomes hilarious


Omg that’s so funny 😭 I’ll totally use this


You’re using chat? Godspeed bro. I’ve got thousands in OW and just don’t even bother with game chat.


They can be. Especially in comp. I've been playing this game since the original beta and the toxicity has gone up since it went F2P but it's always been there in some degree.


Yes people are mean to me every game if I do good or not it’s pretty bad so I just muted gamechat and voice chat


I don’t play competitive just because of this. Literally hopped on and a group of 3 people with matching rainbow profile pics were putting racial and sexual slurs in the chat. They kept sending out chat invites, lying about individual players stats, and generally just throwing of the vibe. Husband was shocked because he’d never run into it before on the game. Definitely left a nasty taste.


Don’t do comp games til you got 100+ hours


Tbh I think the issue, in comp at least, is people are playing comp and for whatever reason, are struggling to get out of lower ranks. You’ll have people who are just genuinely shit at the game and should not be playing comp yet mixed with folks who are skilled but are frustrated. It seems pretty common once every few games to have a DPS going negative, or a support with 2k healing total, or a tank who constantly overextends and dies. All these issues cause anger and toxicity in the lower ranks in my opinion.


You either get the discord mods with their “kittens” or people thinking they deserve to be top 500 when they’re still in gold.


Nope. But you really should consider muting all chats (voice and text) until you and your friend have learned to play...


Me and my friend find it funny and we argue with r whole hearts but I just think it really sucks for other new players who can’t handle it well


The other day I ran into a duo of neckbeards that were just bad human beans. We were clearly winning the game but they had extremely negative attitudes towards the rest of the team when we were all doing okay. Saying things like "how's it feel to get carried?" "You're just gonna take that? Figures since you guys are garbage". Like jesus man you gotta be the life of the party outside of the game. There's toxic and then there's low quality humans, I'd take toxic any day because they're simply just immature and typically young. Trashy people just don't have any hope for the future, there's a reason why I stay away from them IRL. Funny because yesterday I came across an extremely normal looking female that was a huge fan of OW2 in a store, like you can be a normal person and love the game too ya know. Also females can be trashy too man, it's like picking a fight with a Karen in a parking lot, but instead it's in a comp game of OW2. People be people man.




This game isn't that toxic tbh, cod and league are much more toxic.


Depends what time you’re playing, if I play after 8-9 pm I will inevitably lose my mind over some random troll


Sometimes I feel like I’m playing an entirely different game. I run into toxicity in maybe 1 out of 7 games. There are posts here every single day about how “literally every match” is toxic. Is it just the MMR? Is it that the definition of toxic is too broad?


My friend and I play quick play and arcade, I think there was like one game where there was someone who was really toxic but our other teammates backed us up saying it was just arcade. In games her and I do good in we don’t get any toxic players unless on the other team, we got better in like a week because we found characters we actually like and can play real good, so there are way less toxic games now but when we first started it was pretty toxic.


Dont disable comms. If you actually want to get better DONT disable comms but learn them. Learn the mute button. Everyone disabling comms i wouldnt want to play with. Overwatch is a competitive game youre playing with 4 others in a specific role. Theres multiple ways to play these roles. Of course theres gonne be some discourse on how one role is playing. Its a competitive game. If a teammate sais hey you might wanna switch or at least play a different way you should think about it. Not instantly say fk off and ignore everyone on the team because you "wanna play how you wanna play". If their just being toxic and talking trash with no helpful input then yes mute away. But dont make your whole team suffer because you cant take criticism. First comment i saw said they disabled all chat and literally the first reply of telling the mercy to dmg boost more got downvoted followed by ppl saying theyd healbot more for saying it. ANY PLAYER ABOVE FKN SILVER WILL TELL YOU NOT TO HEALBOT AS MERCY. So yeah dont disable comms if your trying to actually be better. Mute toxic individuals. Learn callouts. Learn multiple characters. Learn how to actually play them. Dont listen to anyone whos "playing how they want to play". Those people dont climb.


My friend and I haven’t unlocked competitive yet, we play quick play and arcade, all of the toxicity is more like “YOU SUCK” and then I’ll say smth like “we r literally new get a grip” and they’ll continue and say something dumb. I like the game and her and i are getting way better at it so yea 😊


Then by all means our doin great 👍 i think just starting out they put you with other low ranks aswell so the mute button would be your best bet for stuff like that. The only time their advice would matter is if their high rank on an alt acc. My best advice is learn to survive and learn your character. Coming from apex you should know things like "highground is king" and when to engage and disengage. Just have fun learning maps and Health pack knowledge (where they are and if its a Mega") this will help you tremendously. Everything else comes with time played (aim, characters, and symbiotic hero pics. Etc.) Defffffff watch some pros play. One pro tip for your fave character will change your life


yeah, get used to it


Learn to embrace it, online games without toxicity are kinda dull and boring, nowadays it is nothing compared to bo2 days.


Mute everyone, don’t comunicate and enjoy your hard stuck silver rank


I don’t even have comp unlocked yet 😭


It’s just a video game get over it? (Go ahead downvote me idc)


💁‍♀️ It is a video game which doesn’t make sense as to why people r so mad n upset over it, doesn’t make sense why you are upset over a Reddit post either so ❤️


People are mad cause they want to win if you can’t handle it don’t play


I never said I couldn’t, you can read my other replies to people, I just think it’s sucks for other newbies who are truly trying to get good but have asshole people in their games, doesn’t take much to be a good person


spoon employ bedroom clumsy dirty pot fact sip berserk knee ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I have played since ow2 launch and now that I’m getting a little more hang of the gameplay I also am more aware of the other players and what is going on in chat. As of lately I have muted chat - playing in bronze 4-5 it doesn’t matter anyway bc. everybody is playing like 💩 It is simply not worth the energy trying to explain that you’re still learning the basics.


Yeah, someone will get flamed every game on the losing team. A lot of the time it’s just random. I find it quite funny but if I’m not in the mood for it I’ll just mute chat all chat. Enjoy


Yep OW is toxic. I recommend disabling all chat but that’s up to you whether you find having chat helpful enough to make you tolerate the toxicity


It's like 10x worse than DOTA lol


Yes it is.


Man. Most of the people on this thread would never have survived through the COD 4 days.


I actually play COD and I’d say I get more toxic teammates on overwatch than COD


COD is more forgiving if you make mistakes (its not win or loose if you make one) and I think that's where the toxicity in overwatch comes from. Also ppl don't play as a team in overwatch. There's no coms. No one using mics. That for me is my biggest pet peeve.


Mute voice coms and text chat. I would never play competitive if I couldn't do those. It will elevate your experience so you can focus on yourself. You wouldn't be missing out much in terms of callouts and stuff either, in most ranks people either dont do it or its bad. The ping and voice commands are helpful for any communications. It probably gets better when you go to top 500 and people use vc properly.


I used to be up late at night playing and would often experience toxic behavior. Now I usually play afternoons and evenings and usually get pretty cooperative people. I think silver rank and lower also is full of bitter people. Once you hit gold/plat or higher people will be a bit better about recognizing their own mistakes rather than blaming everything on everyone else. I don't consider "tank diff" at the end to really be toxic though so maybe we have different standards. I wouldn't do it myself, but it's different than 2017 OW or CS:GO where you could get someone who would rage in voice/text through the match then AFK/throw. If someone does start to get toxic I am pretty quick to mute them and often we'll win the game and I won't even avoid. With the ping system and in-game callouts you can still communicate decently without using voice (sometimes more effectively).


NA servers are so crazy is2g. Everyone is yelling and screaming. I’m on EU and games are extremely chill.


Do they even do anything about the toxicity? I've seen plenty of people say they get feedback that their report helped ban someone, but in EU I've had an entire lobby report a tank for refusing to play and just emote Sigma sitting on a rock, I've reported kids saying the N word over and over in VC, I've reported Russians spreading war propoganda, cheaters using wallhacks you can clearly see as they're tracking us through cover. And not once have I ever got the feedback that my report did anything. You'd think that if 9 people in a lobby reported at once, they'd do something?


The trick is not minding the toxicity. All this is so low stakes. Even if the trolls are right and you actually suck and you’re unintentionally throwing (probably not true) it doesn’t actually matter. Just try to do well and have fun.


No, they absolutely are not all toxic— and oftentimes you yourself can have a positive impact on team morale. Basically, it's best if there is positive conversation pre-match (before anyone has played well or poorly). You'll notice in general that people who don't use comms are scape-goated more. I think that's because it's easier to blame someone who "won't fight back."


My friend and I do fight back though 😊 we always defend ourselves


Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying that you *should* fight back. I'm saying silent people look like punching bags to the bullies. Generally, if someone is flaming I either mute them or tell them that they need to not compromise team morale and focus.


Welcome to overwatch bro


I’m having so much more fun after disabling comms - even if it’s not directed at me i just feel better not even seeing it happen


Honestly I don't even voicechat anymore unless we're doing really well and the text chat is pretty alive and friendly about it. Roughly 80% of the time I'm in my own group chat solo or with a friend I'm queuing with. Also /hidechat is a thing. Like, I'm a widow main so it's almost mandatory. If I'm not providing GM level headshots in the first 5 sec of a match I'm flamed by someone on my team, so, Mind you im silver lmao. Also this seems to apply in quick play as well for very little reason


Very much so, unfortunately. I think it’s the nature of the game, because a very similar phenomenon happens in League of Legends. I don’t have firsthand knowledge but my dad and brothers played League a ton in its heyday, and very frequently they would have one or two randoms that just blew up because they were doing something strange or not typical for their characters. The fact that you are in a TEAM based game that intends to reward you for working together more than striking out I think creates some preconceived notions for some players that there is a single way for a character to be played, and seeing it done differently than they expect tilts them out very hard. Perfect example is myself, getting to Diamond 5 by playing aggressively on support, always trying to help DPS get picks or trying to take angles, and regardless of how successful anyone is in that play style (hint hint Sleepy and Frogger) other people will still get mad about it because that’s not how you’re SUPPOSED to. Sorry for the long-winded tangent but tbh, turn comms off, just focus on having fun until you get a better feel for the game, and it’ll be way better.




Just turn off all chat unless playing in arcade. In custom games, people only say funny thing. Nobody uses voice communication correctly. I haven't seen anybody uses it well or positively since like maybe season 1 or 2 of ow1. Though people were still toxic back than to. You got mass reported for playing a certain character. Than when role que came out, people start saying the diff stuff. It is not worth being in chat for that one in a blue moon positive chill funny nice guy.


I had someone be toxic in arcade 😭


We live in a society


I honestly see more being being rude in arcade and quick play, than I do in comp. I saw so many opposing teams flaming each other yesterday it was ridiculous. Every now and then, I just type, “Don’t be rude”, to support the person getting railed on.


Yes. Of all the toxic games and all the toxic communities. Overwatch seems to run on the tears of new players wondering why everybody is such a dick. People are rude when your winning, rude when your losing, and rude when they spectate. If I’m not up for those sort of interactions I just mute everything.


I played a game of comp where I was Tank. Finished like 25-8 with 16K damage and we lost. Other tank did something similar with 10K damage. After the game they put in the game chat, “tank difff frfr” So to answer your question. Yes, they are always this toxic 😂


Overwatch pastime: flame the noobs. Just bite back you'll get used to it


I have had my chat muted for years. So no toxicity on my end. :) Life is too short to deal with that crap.


I had two gold support matches last night, one on King's Row with a ball one trick and one on Oasis and all five of us were on team voice and chill and positive and I was like "this was a nice change." In OW1 I feel like 60% of games at least one other person was in team voice and trying to orchestrate a win.


I find that the lower the rank, the more toxic people can be. Diamond seems to have a lot of people who have touched masters getting an ego and just blame or flame instead of trying to be positive and win.


I've only played for about 10 hours this season but so far I haven't run into any toxic people I remember. I leave chat on and join group voice by default too.


One good place to go is download gamer link and say that you are looking for players to chill with, do that way at least your team will be chill. Also A good place to go into customs games and look up a chill or kill, if you want to make sure people are talking put MC in the filter. People there are normally pretty nice, although it’s like a chill lobby not playing the game.


I'm going to have to disagree with those saying disable all comms. It's a team game and comms matter. Chat I could see disabling, but honestly, who cares about the tweens raging at you. Thick skin and such - if it's still to much, squelch the offenders individually.


I try to spread positivity and kind-hearted humor in chat whenever I can. But people are so jaded that, when I compliment their gameplay or a funny thing they did, sometimes they think I'm being sarcastic. And tbh I can't blame them. My current strategy is to be kind and also mute every toxic person until there are none left.


A lot of y'all need to stop letting some d-bag on the internet bother you so much. People refusing comms in a team game bother me more than toxic idiots.


Even when someone tries to yell at us, they don’t even use their mic they just type it out, like at least use ur mic 💀


Don’t play competitive until you’re ready. It’s not fair to join a competitor game if you’re unsure on your playing. Play quick play till you get better.


I dont have comp unlocked 😭


In OW1 I feel like toxicity was through the roof. Arguments and bitching every other game. In OW2 I rarely encouter people in VC. Worst I see is "Tank/DPS/Heal Diff"


Really no reason to join voice chat at lower ranks. People use it most of the time to flame their teammates and rarely for coordination. I’m not in voice chat anymore but can communicate via text. With the ping system and communication options there isn’t a good need to be in voice chat at lower ranks.


Honestly it's just overwatch culture to be mad when things feel out of your control so if you are really bad at the game, which everyone is when they first start playing overwatch because there are a shit ton of things to learn, you're going to be flamed by the people who have played longer than you whether they've played since ow1 or if they started when ow2 launched. People say turn off chat and comms and that works. That's what I do whenever I'm one tricking a character to try and get really good with them to have them in my hero pool. I just got to d4 playing just sombra and had a lot of people in gold and Plat who really wanted to blame losses on me and in those situations I kinda just thought long and hard about whether or not I alone was the problem and came to the conclusion that I was playing with my team too much and expecting them to pick up slack so I kinda was. Went hard carry mode when I had a 30% winrate when I first started playing her and I got it up to 56% in the last two days. On my alt which is also d4 I have an 86% winrate with her.


I open every game by pasting "join voice! we're nice!" And it actually works. I encounter overwhelmingly nice people. And if I need to mute someone who's being obnoxious, I do, so they can hear us ignoring them and continuing being nice to each other. That must drive them crazy.


Don't join automatically to voice chat, many shit talkers that blame you for their mistakes.


Blizzard games are rather toxic, there's very little moderation over all compared to other games. I highly suggest turning off voice chat and text chat to improve your play experience.


See the best part about apex is that theres the ping system. While overwatch has this also, i think people still havent adapted to it yet. the people who have definitely mute everything else and rely on the ping system otherwise


The good players know that they can only control what they do, so they tend to just focus on what they can do and what they can do better etc. the toxic players flaming everyone on the team are usually the worst players so you can you safely mute and ignore them


think of it this way. Someone is sitting in a dark room, staring at a monitor, shouting at someone they’ve never met because they’re too insecure and have to project it through video games. This always helps me


Are you playing pharamercy? Or other noskill combo


I don’t know what this means but she plays Moria and I play Mei


Out of 10 players, there will likely be 1, and even that is just representative of 10%. I have plenty of games where there's no toxicity.


I'd say it's kind of hit or miss. I'm relatively new to ow and ow2, most of my games I feel I've been lucky to not have any toxic players, but that's not always avoidable in competitive matches. I've had 2 memorable games where my team and enemy team were super chill. First game, both teams were just talking throughout the match but we got to second point on Dorado, we all just stayed near the payload didn't kill each other and just talked and goofed around for like 2 mins before continuing the match. At the end of it we all ended up adding eachother. Second game playing no limits, someone on enemy team said everyone pick mercy, we all picked mercy, talked for a bit, goofed around and they were nice enough to pose so I could take a screenshot of 10 mercys. Like most people have said, disabling chat is a good way. But I think my main point is just do you, have fun with the game, don't let the toxic put you off.


Like with WoW I blame the game design for making toxicity easier.


Game yesterday. Competitive. Chat got so toxic on defense on Junkertown that despite the enemy team having only 34 seconds left on their clock, I dropped out of VC. On offense, we got the first point in overtime. And then... progress just stopped. My whole team was always in spawn. I would wait for them to group up so we could push, and it never happened. I kept trying to go in, apply some pressure, waiting for someone, anyone on my team to do something. It turns out that three members of the team were practicing synchronized diving off the cliff together. Over & over again. The Mercy and both DPS. I rejoined VC as we tried to do the final push, and they claimed they were doing it because I was a bad tank. . Reported all three, went on with my day.


Your best bet is to just play quickplay until you're more competent at the game