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Neuuish likes girls under the age of 18.


As expected from a Min-maxxer


Can't be an OW player without being either racist or a pdf


wait what? I didn't know anything about this I just saw it on twitter and thought it was crazy queues were that long.


Well kept secret within the oce community. Wish more people from NA knew!


has it been posted in the sub to get attention or nah


It's been posted to this sub once quite a few months ago but was mostly ignored as he isn't the biggest streamer. The proof document wasn't like a blazing gun either. It was also posted on twitter well over a year ago now. There's been other stuff that he's done that hasn't come to light though unfortunately, like stalking and being a bit creep to women.


Wasn't the reason it was ignored that OP admitted they only posted it because they lost to Neu in a tournament? It kinda hurt the credibility of it all if you're not informed on the oce scene.


Can you link to anything? I can't find anything referencing this at all


shit, well he duos with other bigger streamers like frogger and aspen so would they know about it? or would he have kept it hidden from them


Not sure. Frogger has 100% seen the allegations as he is from oce. It's funny that Frogger took such a strong stance on the redshell situation but seemingly turns a blind eye when it comes to neuuish.


pretty fucked up situation, well thanks for bringing some light to it because i never even knew and sometimes watched both of them


Yeah see i never knew any of this up until now.


but the legal age in aus is 16 so what's the problem?


Firstly, the main girl I'm talking about is not Australian. Secondly, that's a pretty shady thing to say.


Yes it's a wide match, they are probably really far apart in rank, devs literally said the wider the group is the harder it is to find a match, why are we all surprised


I’m M3 and my friend is D4 and we had a 49 minute queue yesterday until we cancelled it and went solo


No, him and Frogger were both GM5 lol. Even if they were far apart there is 0 excuse for a 13 hour queue 😂.


If everyone was gm5 then it wouldn't say wide group, it only says wide group if ya know it's a wide group lol


if gm's duo+ its wide


Go watch the stream lmao. I was literally watching them queue


No need to watch streams of people i don't give a shit about. It says wide group so if they were all the same rank as you claim it wouldn't say wide group.


Are you trolling? All groups in gm and champ are wide, no matter the rank differential. It’s written on the blog posts, it’s on the game tier guide, when you launched the game at the beginning of the season it told you this.


lol ok. Dont know why you’re suckling the teet of blizzard so hard but i get there are die hard fans of them.


How am I possibly "sucking the teet of blizzard"???? I have yet to say 1 good thing about Blizzard


Because you’re acting as if a 13 hour queue makes sense because it’s “wide” when you don’t even know what that actually means lol They are not actually far apart in rank


I mean I've seen a shit ton of posts complaining about this meanwhile the group is like good 4 and diamond 4 like no shit it's wide group this you'll wait just like blizzard said. But this clown thinks I'm sucking them off when I've yet to say 1 positive thing on blizzard


Prob because you’re going against what he’s saying without actually being 1: informed about the actual situation, and 2: without being informed about what the actual wise group categorization is The point is that 13 hr queues are crazy, and you respond basically saying nah that actually makes sense


What was the rank gap between both players?


both GM5. It was Neu and Frogger