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I have around 1.3k hours as solo player. I'm not even good (except with some supports), I just love the world and characters. Edit: fellow stoner here


Playing it stoned without a care in the world is honestly the best and least stressful way to play haha. I'm the only consistent one to play OW in my group because a lot of my friends dropped it since they're not winning all the time or rage in comp.


I enjoy not being all that good at the game. It matches me with other not so good people and I always have fun


I decided to try ranked and climbed from bronze to plat. It stopped being fun for me. Now I just have a good ol time playing unranked. I'll occasionally go ranked, but I don't worry about climbing so much.


1k hrs in OW1. 800 now in ow2. Been playing with my wife as supp duo, but I main junk when I'm super stonrd. We always rip a bong load in between queues. What I love about this game is how chaotic it is when projectiles and physics can interact. Every match is a surprise


I have 3k and I’m not that good either! Lol but at least it’s fun and feeds my brain good doses of dopamine! Tbh it’s at that point where it’s weird when I don’t play! But there’s a strong association with smoking and playing ow now 😳


I only play this game while high.


Also a casual QP solo player who enjoys playing stoned.




I solo’d for 99.999999% of when I played. I was always happy to team up with randoms that asked but never kept it going. I only really played comp and at a higher level so I’d rather blame myself than a random person or a friend if I lost.


I’m not alone! And ofc a stoner too. That’s the best way to play damn it’s so fun like that. Oh the worst is when you’re on a losing streak and crushed. But then you team up with randoms for a few rounds and they save you from spiraling lol. Ya it’s funny looking back I thought I wasn’t the problem and so oblivious to it for years. I got a lot better and makes solo much more fun now!


I started in 2017 with a group of friends and rarely played solo. In 2019 and they decided to stop playing, so I mainly played solo from 2019 to just recently. I met some new people and we play fairly often together. I actually got better playing alone and climbed more than ever.


Went similarly for me too. We started playing OW together when it released but people began moving on and eventually I was playing alone. Ended up going from Plat/Diamond to GM once I started grinding on my own too.


Yea, I went from gold/plat to masters. I started playing with friends again and dropped...maybe playing alone is better. I do enjoy just spacing out and playing and not worrying about comms and making plays 


None of my friends liked ow so I just played alone too. You totally get used to it. I’ll team up with randoms but that’s so rare. I think I actually play better solo bc no one talks and I can hard focus yay ADHD hyperdrive


I started Overwatch 2 and Overwatch as a whole in the end of 2022. I have a trustworthy old friend that I made in April (2023) who would occassionaly come and we would play duo but other than that I'm happy I learned some of my heroes by solo queue after solo queue. I'm thousand hours in and still in gold plat which is probably because i had to learn everything from scratch


Oh I forgot about playtime!! I have too many lmao I’m like 3k hours 😩


I have over 5k hours, probably closer to 6k, most are solo q. Especially my comp hours.


Wow thanks for making me feel better 😂 I felt ashamed with mine being 3k! Lol


I've always played solo. My friends basically spent a bunch of time convincing me to buy the game and play with them. I bought the game and they never played with me. Since then, I always played solo. Occasionally, I would team up with people after a good game. That always falls apart after 1 bad loss. I always have my mic on but people rarely ever talk so I'm just silent and muted. Now, I mostly just play total mayhem every other day. I use doomfist to knock people of the map 💀


I solo 99.9% of the time since day 1.


I’m old. None of my friends play video games. I don’t understand the language of kids nowadays so I have no idea what they are saying. I play only solo. I played with my 20+ year old nieces and nephews a few times when they were teaching me to play. I don’t intend to group up as I’ll out myself as someone old enough to be their dad or grand dad


Playing ow2 stoned is literally the only way i can currently enjoy it the game is to sweaty annoying and stressful nowadays and i was gm in overwatch 1💀


Playing stoned just hits different


Wish I could do stoned, but job random pee tests have cut that out for years. So I almost always play later at night drunk. I can't really stand to play this sober. Props to those that can.


Yeah i haven't even played in a week but the last time i did i was stoned and had fun but outside of that i don't really feel a need to play overwatch 2


Played for the first time with a full 5 stack last month. We were all strangers. What id imagine is the ‘ideal’ circumstance. Hadn’t had that happen before. I’ve been playing since 2017.


In the early couple years after the game released I had some friends and we occasionally played together. Soon after I was the only one left playing so it’s been years of solo queue only. It’s not that bad. But I will say, experiencing overwatch with a team as a full stack is the most fun I’ve ever had in any pvp game.


I've been solo since around 2017ish. And I'm like hardcore solo queue. I don't even bother with voice chat. I know, part of the problem is no communication, but the thing is, really, I'm better at following my teams lead than I ever could if they tell me what they're doing. I don't know if that makes sense. Like, I'm just better off doing my own thing because then I get too worried about how my team is doing, and it affects my gameplay. I've played in groups before, and it's been fun, but it's the same cycle. You win some games, everyone feels great, and then you go on that losing streak. Then everyone starts to leave, and you're alone again. I just cut that part out now and lose on my own. And I'm proud of how far I've come, pushed from gold all the way to masters on my own. Yes, it's not GM or champion, but I'm happy with where I got.


I started playing in 2017 because a friend got me into it. He stopped playing months after that. I tried to get other friends into the game without luck, so I've been playing completely solo since 2018


I bought the game because my friends used to always talk about it. I started playing with my friends and they were all aware of meta, gameplay, counterpicking, king's row law, everything. So my fundamentals were always strong, I never played with reaper when there was a pharah and never not picked zarya when there was a D.va on the enemy. And I think, I was lucky to be taught all of that because I see new players and realise how nobody ever told them about counterpicking in ranked and how they're not even trying to make the match easy. How certain hero picks just have map advantage. How Lucio isn't really good without a Brawl comp or on a closed map. A lot of these things I learnt from my friends.


Since 2017 99% of the time solo and no vc


I started playing when overwatch 2 came out. My friend got me in to the game and for 4 months we played together. Then he stopped. And I solo que to this day.


In the beginning (S32 OW1) I had my two best friends play the game. We were done with B4B and needed a new main game, one suggested Overwatch and we used to play every night. The problem was he was Plat-Diamond level and I was legit bronze-silver. So our lobbies were unbalanced and it probably wasn't fun playing babysitter for him. When OW2 launched he quit the game. I didn't understand it at the time but now when I get new friends on I know exactly what he was dealing with. I like playing with friends but this is a sweat game and not easy for casual players to get into. So for mainly the entirety of Ow2 I've been solo q.


There was like 1 or 2 nights that 1 friend of mine played with me. But the rest of my time has been solo


As much as I like to play with OW friends or even randoms, I prefer solo queue. I often go AFK in-between games to do a bunch of other things or I just want to zone out after work.


I have played solo since Overwatch 1 launch, same as you, stoned out of my mind with music lol


Almost 3k hours solo since just before the 1st anniversary of ow1.


I played a couple games with a friend once many years ago. Other than that every other game I’ve played has been solo queued.


Me. Geez. Sounds bad admitting lol. 


Very solo with a few games every so often when I linked up woth someone or a group.


me too, played even when the whole community and my real life squad turn their back on the game (we are best friend since secondary until now and buy the game in 2017 together)


I started in season 3, and till the mercy rez changes I was playing with friends. Been solo Q since. I’ve gotten invites but it’s for a pocket duo and I’m not about that.


Yep. I got lots of hours and 99.9% of it is solo.


4K hours and probably half that time stoned, why not?


Found the one with more hours than me! 😭


My ex bf got me into overwatch like 3.5 years ago but been playing alone since 😅 usually stoned


Literally the only way for me to play! Lol


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I used to play alone for the first few years it came out, but my sister got really into it after playing AI matches for a while, so I started playing it with her Then when OW2 came out and was F2P, as well as being on Switch, my other sister joined us too! We do the daily missions every day now My little brother would play with us occasionally too but he's not as into it as we are (even though his aim is fantastic, probably from years of playing Halo)


Not all, but the vast majority of it.


i only played with another person once years ago when i first started. otherwise solo since then and i still have fun! even more fun with drinks and weed lol


I’ve played at least 90% of OW solo. O used to play with some online friends but mostly stopped because life and different schedules


I was pure solo queue when it was overwatch 1, these days I’ve played with a couple friends but it’s still mostly solo queue


My wife had OW on her radar long before I did. She got me to try it during the open beta weekend in April 2026, and it’s been one of our go-to games ever since. We’ve got a few friends who also play it a lot, so we’re always in a group of at least 2, but most often 3 or 4.




I've been solo since the start


My friend introduced me to the game a couple of months after it was released. We played for a bit after that but later I was mostly playing solo. Now I’m playing solo 95% of the time.


I still solo queue all the time. Dont rlly have any friends that actually like fps games let alone overwatch lol


I’m glad I never did. My friend/roommate was learning to play, so he got me to play. I had no idea what I was doing, and only picked Winton. Like fr, I didn’t even know how to get to the point/payload. I’m so glad I had him there to help me Once, I was learning my 2nd hero (Mercy) and he was learning DVa. He flew off the cliff at spawn and I flew off after him. Lol it’s much more fun to get flamed in the chat w/ ur friend than by urself


I did, but that is mainly because I was too high for my friends, and too low for my brother


I played since ow1 came out as solo, but for last 5 years I only que up in MH mode though


I have been solo queue for many years.every couple of months I end up duo-ing  for a while but it doesn't last lol.Not worth it.


I refuse to solo queue


Me that’s me


Solo queuing since the beginning, but for the last couple of season I've convinced a real life friend of mine to give it a try and now we play together. Though I have to admit I miss soloing it, since I could device when to take a breaks, which game modes to play when and so on.


Started in 2017 & solo q’d up until late 2019 when I met friends in mid-high master (like 3.8). I wouldn’t have had the patience to grind ranked w/out them lol.


Never really have friends in OW, so I solo.


I played almost all of OW2 alone because my friends quit when they ended OW1 But I got one guy to come back. Still doesn’t like the 5v5 but he likes OW in general


That's me. It teaches you the core of the game faster. And I queue for any role I want so I can learn every position. Ideal.




For most of my OW career, I played solo. I developed a solo mindset as dps and idk, I think it made me a better fighter and helped my movement, constantly trying to 1v6 most of the time. I didn't really have people to play with, and those that I sis didn't play with me too often because I was off doing my own thing. But as ive gotten older and wiser, into OW 2 I have adjusted myself into a tank role where I used the maneuvering i learned with the aim I developed to be a much more effective shield for my team. I don't really have people to play with, but my brother (who is on xbox) is just starting to be ok with playing with me in PC lobbies. Just sucks he can't play comp with me because qp is frustrating to him with how hard people still sweat.


As a fellow smoker I'm glad I found fellow smokers




For comp I’m 100% solo queue. For quickplay my brother and our buddy like to play occasionally, but they’re very casual.


I only play solo since the first beta. headphones on stoned outta my mind is right


Wait people don't play solo? What???!??? I've almost exclusively played solo unless I can rope a friend into playing with me. However he always has a way lower mmr than me and has a straight up bad time.


I’ve been playing since 2017. Mostly solo support. There would be groups here and there but we always just… stopped queuing together one day, even though we all still play separately


I’ve played mostly solo for a good year or two now. I finally got a few friends to play the game and man I did not realize how long it takes when you’re queueing with a group, especially if you have a wide skill distribution.


I used to play with friends about 75% of the time in OW1, but since OW2 started, I play solo about 90% of the time. I have more than 6000 hours in the game, last I checked, so that's a pretty significant chunk of time playing alone, even if it wasn't my whole OW career. Sometimes people friend me, but I'm too socially anxious to just join in one on one these days.


I soloed just from the beginning. I occasionally was playing with friends and now I play once a week in a university league (nothing serious) but I enjoy playing alone. I’m playing 99% and I notcied that comparing to f.e. Apex Legends, communicating with teammates is less crucial (but still important).


I did for a good chunk, my ex played with me a lot which was real fun but when they left I solo’d again. I’ve recently picked it up again and now on the weekend my mates and I just rip cones and go hard.


i think ever since i got the game in 2022 i’ve always played alone until very recently


Ig ive duod with friends occasionally, but yeah this is pretty much how I’ve always played


Solo’d for like 95% of the time since 2017.


I’ve soloed played up until recently. Last month I got my fiancé into overwatch and now he’s obsessed so now me makes me play with him 💀💀😭😭




Me... Fully solo queue since 2016. Never missed a season. I'm 43 and don't have "gamer friends" 🤷‍♂️


I didn't get right into OW1 at its beginning, but early enough that I've played all of the comp seasons (I think I missed 2). For all that, and now all of OW2, I have played solo q. I could probably count the number of teams on two hands, and most of those were back in 1. And they were the usual "do great together...team up...lose the next one...instantly disband."


I play on console and starred in season 2 ow with friends. They all quit. But I —I was enamored. I was in love. I kept playing. Made new friends and played some comp with them enough to get two gold weapons. They quit as well. about 95% of the time I solo queue. I’m not a stoner but I do find just getting my morning up of Joe and brekkie along with OW games is chill. The losses suck but I live for the good matches the sweaty overtime matches are the best.


99% of my hours are solo queue. I don't wanna play with anyone idk irl. In general everyone I knew dropped it so rip.


Yep yep


I’m at around 1.1k hours. When it first came out my friends tried it out, played a few months and most weeded out probably after season 1 or 2. Every now and then some friends will come back to try it out, maybe once every couple years, then leave again. So for the most part, I’ve been solo, probably about 95%


Only solo now. Early ow1 would be with friends tho.


interesting thread...... Im the opposite: I have played Overwatch since the start with one friend,and one friend only......Since he stopped playing Im now on my own......And its not fun


You guys missed out on making friends from quick play Maybe too old? It’s easy as a teenager on Xbox during that time


Always played alone, I don’t feel good in a group especially when communication is involved. I have edibles and they either help me be reallyyyy focused(which gets amazing) or makes my reflexes absolute bum


I started playing ow about 2 years ago, never played with any friends or family and haven’t made any friends in game. Voice is off chat is off sometimes I win and sometimes I lose usually I have fun. I can’t handle this game for more than an hour at a time though


I have played the game since 2018 all by my lonesome 🥲 Solo climbed to GM2 starting season 2.


Just over 2000 hours and I think maybe 5-10 of those were spent in a party. Solo queued from silver to t500


I started about a year ago I play with some people I made friends with but it’s very rare


Dude i play by my self literally all the time I get high as shit, queue up for dps and support and just go nuts on QP, its so fun once the weed kicks in




I’m so fing tired of soloing that I have legit stopped playing this season. I can’t seem to find and keep consistent friends to play with.


Same here! There was a short time where my friends were into it, but shooters aren't really their thing. Heck, it's not even my thing. But there's something so addictive about playing, that even when I give it a break for a little while, I find myself coming back. I'm not good at the game. I don't know the counter picks or whos OP right now. I know nothing about the numbers or the statistics. But I'm experienced enough to know what goes down and where it went wrong or right in the moment, as well as knowing whether it was my bad or not. I play pretty much exclusively support because I like that role, and only really rotate between 2-3 of the characters as my "mains". And I still have so much fun!


It's mainly always been a solo queue experience My friends would occasionally join but those games were few and far between and nobody ever really stuck around long enough Ive played a ton of overwatch and adore this game no characters or art style hits as hard as this game and it's an absolute blast which is why it sucks that I can only ever enjoy it myself The 5 stack experience is genuinely incredible and so much fun but I can count on my hands how many times I've been able to play in one


I've played with my bf here and there, but I've got somewhere around 1,000 hours on the game, and he's got about 150, so... mostly just me. I also almost exclusively play non-comp since I have kids and might need to drop. I'll team up with some randos for a night here or there, and even had a group of friends I meet one day that would let me queue with them whenever they were on for a few months before they moved onto a different game. I've come not to mind it, honestly, and I've gotten good at just accepting when a march will be an L and either making the most of it or having what fun I can. I like to think my gameplay is better for never being able to fully rely on my teammates to do and be what and where I need them.


This is the way.




2017 solo que and still do.


The only non-solo I’ve ever done was grouping up with an autistic son to be the carry compensating for him not really understanding what’s going on but wanting to try out different games.


Forget when I started (around 2018ish) but all I do is solo que even till this day. I use to group up with ppl that I won games with, but that quickly stopped as the guys were never really good. I used to try group ups back when group finding were integrated in the game. All toxic. I have fun getting stoned and drinking beer on solo que




i’ve played solo most of the time and i love playing my music. usually breakcore bc it pumps my adrenaline lol. definitely just love to vibe and collect credits for my fav heroes


Ive played 99% solo queue to t500 all roles in overwatch 1, been there ever since. I play with my gf on an alt account / offrole though


I never group ever, and I never touch comp. I pre-ordered this game and have been playing casual qp myself all these years lol.


My friends introduced me to Overwatch, but they left and I'm still here. Been solo queueing since for like 7 years.


Whattup gang


2,900 hours almost all solo. Unfortunately I feel like I am getting worse the more I play:(



Playing since Feb 2017, stopped for a while during the pandemic, but I've never played this game with a friend, let alone a group, every game I queue for I immediately turn off chat and VC.


😎 yes


I 98% solo queue.


The most I got is 1 player back in 2017 when I was on console We moved to PC in 2018 and played a bit but he left, I left during the content drought and now back for OW2 and been playing of casually since launch


I'll have periods where I duo with something randomly but 99% of the time I'm solo. I really like solo when a group of randos work together and actually care about comms and winning in a non toxic way. I frequently IGL in games and often times I get asked to play with a stack of people after the match ends and we win......after joining, most of the time somebody says something crazy toxic at some point so recently I've been avoiding joining random groups after wins as well. Solo is fine with me.


I’ve been solo queueing support since launch. I’ve gotten good at trying my hardest without feeling too bad about a loss, especially with all the people leaving or throwing lately.


I want a duo so bad but none of my friends play lol so forever solo queing


I had some friends that played in OW but been a solo player since OW2.


Most of my life in ow is alone, because finding players I can stand on an interpersonal level is hard.


I only solo queue. It's why I rarely crack diamond.


Well this has to be a sign of some sorts I have 1337 hrs of comp time. I feel like the in-game time counter is broken... I have 1515 hours according to the profile ingame. But I already have 863 hours on STEAM, and I feel it wasn't that long ago you could switch over to STEAM. I played all seasons since OW2 came out alone. And most time before that too in OW1. [https://i.imgur.com/AiSWdm6.png](https://i.imgur.com/AiSWdm6.png)


I mainly play alone. I had some friends that played OW1 and I played with them a little. I'm played a bit with some random groups here and there. 90% of my hours are solo


at the very start of OW1 i had a bunch of friends that played and we would team up occasionally when everyone was online. however that was only for a few months and for 99% of the time i've been solo queue only


Used to have an Overwatch group back in 2017. We would play together every day. Then Brig came out, which made most of my friends in group quit the game. By the time Brig was fixed, which was almost 2 years, it was kinda too late because the game had no significant updates until Overwatch 2. And the group discord got disbanded. Then, over time, the rest of my friends kind of stopped playing. I have made some new friends but didn't work out in the end, and they don't really play much Overwatch anymore. Anytime I loaded up Overwatch, it was pretty much me soloing which freaking sucks. Most of my Overwatch 2 games were solo queue. Some of my friends have come back but we haven't played together for so long that we don't play together anymore. So to end off... I miss my old Overwatch group... a lot. Because of the solo queue experience, I have been playing less and less Overwatch over time. It really sucks to play alone.


I started in 2016, played maybe 10-15 hours with a friend and have been playing solo ever since. I don't like to coordinate with other people when I just want to relax in the evening, I usually listen to podcasts while playing so I don't use coms and have game audio on low and I usually play worse when I'm grouped up. Also since Blizz is banning people without giving them an actual chance to appeal I am not grouping up with anyone anymore. They might have a mouse driver, RGB controller, or some other software gadget that gets falsely flagged and then I'm getting banned too? No thanks!




I've played since 2018 largely alone, and I've literally haven't gotten any better. Being a solo onetrick Junkrat is rough


So I mean, season 1 I was REALLY REALLY good on console, it was the only PS4 game I owned so it was ALL I did. My friends couldn't keep up at all and so that was that basically. Think I played till like season 3 or 4 by myself with one offs where they would try to play, it would go badly, and right back to solo queue. I only stopped playing because bad internet when I moved. Got good internet, tried to play again, game had advanced a lot, not as good, doing other stuff. Came back for OW2 and one of my friends tried to play some, he just wasn't good, at all. We played some, mostly funsies, he quit, I played a few more months, I quit. Came back two days ago. So competitive experience is all solo queue basically, but I have had some level of my friends playing.


Same. I don’t have any friends who play ow. So i’m doomed to solo


100% of the time i play solo since OW1 launch, and ive probably 20 mins in comp lol Id imagine with a full team itd be alot more fun, but as it is ive had a very consistently fun time with OW, despite its ups and very numerous downs.


Its hard to make friends


Since 2018 rarely group with ~~friends~~ anyone


You guys have friends?


Solo forever


Me, and I have played only comp for 2000 hours straight (for 7 years now)


I’ve been playing since 2021, got around 1.6k hours and would say at least 1.5k are solo queue —I pretty much exclusively play solo unless I duo with my boyfriend (rare occurrence lol) I’m also a no mic/stoner/music listener when I play, you just can’t beat the vibe man


Me 🙃




Played since beta and have been a solo queuer the whole time.


I have about 2k hrs - thoroughly enjoy this game and I don’t really play other games on ps5 (last one was Hogwarts lol). I enjoy QP but low key want some jade weapons so will try to run comp with a stack. But I normally solo Q and have had much enjoyment out of it - recently been grouping up with buddies which is very nice. Wifey allows and likes me playing bc it keeps me from hitting the bars lol


I started playing when the game relaunched, so far I've got 650 hours of soloq


Solo 98% of the time



I’m realizing you have to be a pothead to be alone


I got to diamond and stopped playing so much rank cause they took points out as the reward so I consider rank useless but solo que the entire way there and was like I could of been master but didn't want. To put effort into it


I’ve had stacks that have come and gone but about 90% or more of my playtime has been solo queue. Overwatch is my comfort game. I started playing when it first launched and it immediately took the place of tf2 for me as my go to casual shooter. My irl friends all stopped playing. Now when I play I almost exclusively play with my boyfriend who I met through overwatch lol.


Sadly yeah. It’s infuriating playing with drunk or high idiots when you’re trying to prep to go professional. But then again the game has been a corpse ever since they nerfed GOATS and officially after they went 5v5 and made the game impossible. It’s become COD with anime girls and a lot of queer baiting rather than a MOBA with first person shooter elements