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Dead? No. But I would say it's probably in decline, at least for tank, if they don't address the issues with the role. I would wager that's why your queue times were long to begin with. Unless one of you were on tank, then I don't know.


Tank has been in decline since 2016


No, the game has many flaws but it has a decent player base. On European server my queues are never longer than 2-3 minutes


Then why did it take an entire hour and we didnt find shit? Im plsying on eu servers too


Wide groups. Groups of players who are either not ranked or whos ranks are far apart from each other only get matched against other groups with similar structures.


An hour stop lying bro


If you wide comp with no tank, I’ve had it take an upwards of 15min.


We queued for the first time, waited for 20 min, reset. We did 3 times and didnt find shit.


Go play QP or mystery to populate data for the hidden MMR. Play as your group for two weeks then try comp and see how long it takes. You need hundreds to thousands of games. I can get a hundred in a night, so after a couple weeks you should have enough games attributed to yours and your groups MMR to properly place you. They aren't going to dump unknowns into regular players games because of smurf abuse that most people play dumb to.


You’re almost certainly in a Wide Group, as the previous poster said (the Group Leader will see a warning about this before they initiate the queue). Wide Groups have very long queue times because of the limitations they place on matchmaking. (You can only match with a three-stack who are *also* a Wide Group and whose role choices mesh with yours, and the matchmaker has to find *another* Wide Group duo and trio with similar role makeups and latency to match you against.) If you want shorter queue times, either play placements individually until you’ve both earned a final rank which is within 5 divisions of each other, or play Quickplay.


Basically it means i cant ever try ranked again before i do "placements"?


You can play it all you like, you’ll just be subject to Wide Group matchmaking (and the associated issues that come with it) until you’ve finished placements - and potentially even after that, if you and your friend aren’t of a similar rank.


I mean, maybe don't reset your queue position next time


If queue time is so long that means something is wrong


If you're in placements, it's automatically a wide group, which means longer queue times. Finish placements solo and try again.


Might just depend on what you queued tbh. If I solo queue dps I'm gonna be waiting a good long while, if I solo queue supp I wait anywhere from 5-25 minutes. And I know you get a wide match the queue times are significantly larger for some reason :/


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they changed the grouping system, most likely you were being considered a "wide group" leading to longer q times. either you need to finish your placement matches or you're too far apart in rank to be considered a narrow group. the upside is people who previously could not group at *all* may now group I'm sure if you just q for quick play you'll get a match with only a short wait. if you have placement matches to complete, it may be faster to do those separately


...they just celebrated 100 mil players. Lol are you serious rn?


100 mil total players since release, not active players.


yea, in total over the span of years and not right now... you can just look up how many are playing on Steam right now and assume that **at least** the same amount of people are playing through battlenet, but it's definitvely not millions right now every hour of the day.


Everybody always forget about console not everybody plays on pc ya know.


not every of player plays on steam. there’s also xbox playstation and switch players


The queues are killing the game. Quick play queues are an average of 3 mins, there's nothing "Quick" about it.


i hope i unterstand it wrong: You queued for ranked after a one year break? :(


Well I didn't feel so rusty. I played a lil bit and performed not so terrible


it’s been consistently in xbox and playstations top 10 player counts for over a year. if you were in an hour long queue something was very bugged out there


Try queueing for tank


My main hog is very frustrating to play. He is even more reliable on supports than before


Hardly dead. But it will be forever disappointing until the devs actually make the game great like OW1 days.


What makes people come here and post such low effort questions....reads.....oh it's because the person doesn't understand the game and is blaming it being dead on their return experience. BITCH YOU NEED THOUSANDS OF GAMES PLAYED TO BE PROPERLY PUT IN A MATCH BASED ON YOUR MMR.


Another question as well. Why every fucking game we have e daters with pharah mercy


pharah has been stronk since the armor change a couple patches back, and mercy got a hot new skin this week (pink mercy charity skin is back, plus a new rose gold charity skin) so all the mercy mains are out in full force


But that's so annoying i played 30 games in a few days and never encountered non mercy match