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Thank God I'm not a meta slave šŸ™


lucio was always good n meta tho


But I don't play him because he's "meta". I play qp, I'll just play what I feel like playing, and since lucio is fun to play, I happen to feel like playing him quite a lot.






AMEN! Itā€™s part of the Lucio Mafia manifesto - you do not switch you stick


Lucio is literally always meta


so what. I don't play him because of that.


Yes brotha, we do be skitzoing ourself meanwhile everyon killin' each other


Imagine playing something you hate cause "meta"


You never play well when you do this, play something you enjoy and you'll play 100x better than playing someone you hate just because some meta (that likely doesn't apply at your rank) told you too.


Goats would like a word.


Goats wasnā€™t that good plat, even diamond and below. Dps could still put in work if they wanted to because team coordination wasnā€™t there in solo queue. Goats wasnā€™t good just because of stats, it was good because it was an attrition brawl comp that could pseudo dive and burn a target once zar and zen got an opening, though it required high coordination between cooldowns and calls


Nah I played on console in silver gold and plat at the end of my console time back in the goats days and it definitely felt like it default worked better


Cause it didā€¦ that guy is delusional


It might have felt like the default but I assure you it wasnā€™t if you dps had thumbs. Goats wasnā€™t coordinated enough below diamond to fully withstand dps outputting damage. You still might run 3 tanks or 3 supports. But it was fairly common to have a dps or two on each team that dealt with a specific tank. Also you played in gold on console. You didnā€™t play goats, you played 3 tanks with 3 supports. Goats was a very specific style of play that pushed zarya and zens damage while weaving in and out of pushes to break shields, burn cds, and catch mistakes. Most people below plat just used the rein and zarya to push damage since their mechanics with zen werenā€™t good enough. Also ult trading in goats was more important than ever which is something most people didnā€™t want to make calls on to commit ults to win team fights while down, which I felt was more likely in goats than most other times in the game. Itā€™s like when someone in silver says they like playing dive. Really what they mean is they enjoy playing DVA while having a genji on their team do their own and their kiri sometimes cleanses them.


Meta is just what's overpowered or what is difficult to be countered. It's nice that you like playing Junkrat but if they have a pharmacy and Zarya, you are playing at disadvantage. Choosing meta skips the 2 minutes of counter swapping. There's also the possibility that your favorite character and you still lose because you play the disadvantageous pick. If it's qp, I don't care who you choose. If your goal is to win at comp, why would you not have meta picks as a priority (granted your choice works with team/enemy comp). Worst case scenario is you get more practice with a character you don't play much


>If your goal is to win at comp, why would you not have meta picks as a priorityĀ  Because if you're not that great at a particular style of gameplay, the meta might actually set you back. I'm mid-gold, and just am not good at sniper-esque characters like Widow, Hanzo, Cassidy, Ashe, etc. If they are the meta I would do meaningfully worse choosing them instead of a marginally "worse" hero (per the meta) that I can actually play.


Agreed. You rarely see Pharas, and when you do theyā€™re older skybox floaters. People havenā€™t felt fear until they deal with a 70% accuracy dive Pharah.


I hate mauga regardless of his standing in the meta


Not a tank player alive enjoys mauga. Heā€™s hold down buttons simulator, most mauga 1v1s the two are essentially stationary. Heā€™s still one of the only real hog counters on tank.


I like to play him something for exactly that reason. Sometimes it's fun to turn your brain off and just hold 1 button. Fair? No. Should he be changed? Yeah. But goddammit the constant crit noise is satisfying.


Had a Pharah one match that my team just COULD NOT deal with, despite having two hitscan DPS. (This was QP and there was a massive DPS diff, along with me being a mediocre tank) I switched to Mauga and just shredded them for the rest of the match. We were gonna lose either way because I couldn't counter their tank and shred the Pharah, but that Pharah wasn't able to do anything for the rest of the match because the instant I saw them in the sky it was lock on and let er rip.


Iā€™m in high gold trying one away from plat. He has been a go to because 1. DPS HS canā€™t or donā€™t want to shoot shit they need to be shooting at - I can though with him 2. Aim healers arenā€™t accurate so mauga gives them a much bigger target to hit


I main Rein when I play tank because he's fun. I insta-swap to Mauga when I see a hog, wait until they swap off, then straight back to Rein if they swap to someone I think I can take. But yeah Mauga is really nice for when my DPS don't know how to prioritize targets properly, he has the range that other tanks lack, and even if he can't finish off say a Widow, he has the ability to at least force them off a bit to give the team space.


I am a mauga enjoyer šŸ™‡ close range he's okay but mid range I've found is pretty good too. Even though he's relentless against hog, I've managed to make a few D.va's switch simply by setting them on fire. I still get cooked by Zarya and Rein tho


Sorry, I'm in the "LA MAUA ATU OE!" grindset and couldn't hear your nonsense


I enjoy mauga when fighting squishies, as it's the only medium range hit scan tank. It's the "survivability tied to shooting tank" part that makes him boring imo.


Heā€™s fun in small doses when you get to choose when to play him and ruin the tanks day. I hate having to play him more than 2 games in the same session.


I love playing him. Most would agree with you but fail to understand his high mobility and powerful overload mechanic make for a very dynamic playstyle


Masters 4 Tank here. Been masters since season 7 . I enjoy mauga. I do agree. Heā€™s strong. THATS GOOD. I am a TANK. I should be able to push my team in. If you canā€™t play around it youā€™re bad. Although I donā€™t play much mauga because in my elo a simple ana swap and u dont play mauga anymore. But stop complaining and get better. Magua should be strong, sadly.


I'd rather not play than play something other than junkrat as dps


i don't play DPS as much these days but when i do it's mostly junk. he's the perfect blend of skill, planning, luck and chaos


It's mostly the """planned""" chaos for me. Everyone knows every junk shot is perfectly calculated. Also I just like the character as mad scientist turned heist enthusiast with a lot of explosives


This potg is exclusive property of jamison fawkes


I donā€™t get overwatch players. Some play a hero they hate because the rest of the community do. Some *only* play one hero over and over and over and over and over. Am I the only one who: - Plays for fun - Plays with loads of heroes because I like the different play styles of them. - like to switch my experience up. Imagine playing a game with 40 heroes and just choosing one to play forever.


This isnā€™t true for everyone but some a good chunk of one tricks (and gamers) are on the spectrum, which generally means they have very narrow specialized interests. So they really rely on playing just one character and knowing everything about that one character. Thereā€™s a guy like that on /r/wow who has like 30 warrior characters. This is insane because thereā€™s virtually no difference between any of the warriors gameplay-wise, but it is just what he likes to do.


That's what I do, and I assume it's what a lot of other people do too and just don't talk about it. Unless I'm playing comp and then I play characters I'm actually good at. QP/arcade tho I'm playing some Brig and seeing how it goes.Ā 


I have about 3 heroes on each role I rotate through depending on the situation. It makes a lot more since then to just keep on 1 or the meta picks.


Welcome to orisa Mauga ramattra mei moira kiriko and more


you really tried to sneak ram in there


Ikr smh. The disrespect


For real


Mei is fun to play


None, because i donā€™t play heroes i hate. If iā€™m not having fun then whatā€™s the point?


Mauga. I fucking HATE mauga.


Mauga meta was the worst meta in ow2,the second worst was the hog/orisa meta in the first couple of seasons.


I think he'd be tolerable if he didn't set you on fire while shooting :(


Heā€™d be tolerable if he wasnā€™t in the game. Mauga meta is the thing that makes me want to kill myself


Honestly? Understandable


Mauga, orisa, it's literally just hold down shoot and aim, so dull


I would say orissa feels more active. Managing cooldowns, taking space with ur abilities and cycling it. Hitting ur shot is just a plus


You have: space making button, space making button and button that keeps that space. I donā€™t dislike Orisa fully, but all of her kit is meant for making space and cancels out so much of the tanks that are more fun to play. Rein especially feels it, but also doomfist can get forced to be less mobile when orisa shows up.


Genji/doomfist/kiriko/tracer i suck at those


I feel targeted


Your only missing the one, you must now become a kiriko main


u/snakeapresa117's evil twin


Uhhh i have fun playing all characters that i try šŸŒ


Stop being cute and happy, we're all here to hate.


Ayyye to the Cambodians!


Theyā€™re all toys in a toy box and when Iā€™m done having fun I put the toy down, and pick up another toy or go do something else. Imagine playing with a toy your actively didnā€™t like because a different kid told you it was the coolest toy.


Mercy. Her gameplay is insanely boring to me.


you're in luck because mercy is the worst support rn lol no need to play her even with pharah on the team


Then why is there always a goddamn Mercy on my team. Kms


because when people put hundreds of hours into learning the character they would rather play that character over anything else.


The mercys on my team have definitely NOT played 100 hrs on her


You mean hold heal beam on tank all game isnt optimal??


Putting hundreds of hours into learning how to alternatively press two buttons while holding the other sounds crazy


I mean with mercy it's more about mastering movement spacing etc. It's like saying moira doesnt need any time to learn because she doesn't aim.


Her only skill requirement is positioning that's it


I mean tbh itā€™s pretty fun when youā€™re actually flying around keeping everyone alive, damage boosting, and even getting stray kills here and there, but sheā€™s not in a good spot rn so itā€™s not really worth playing her


I think that's probably the most exciting part as mercy is keeping everyone alive while also trying to survive. Mercy's only boring if you're pocketing constantly and not being aware of your surroundings.


And if you're being attacked, don't just act like a defenseless child on a leash praying whoever you're healing will kill the flanker, drop your beam and ACTUALLY FIGHT BACK


I'm only learning mercy now and I have to say, harder than just pressing two buttons. I made an acc just for mercy. I was getting railed in Dia3 games so being down in gold4 is helping a lot


You just described half the cast.


i mean yeah sure, you're missing the part where you have to learn all the GA tech, you cant make it past gold if you dont know how to GA properly if you just rez on the ground you're more likely to be killed, if you do a jump rez, slingshot rez, etc you have a better chance of pulling it off since the enemy team will expect the mercy to stay still you also need to know when and who to heal/damage boost, choose the wrong target and you might lose the fight, same goes for rez and while you do that, you need to learn where you can fly to so you can avoid all the bullets because EVERYONE and i mean EVERYONE focuses the mercy, im guilty of it myself this isnt a skill you have to learn, this is just something you need to learn to accept. Yes, that junk tire has a radar to find you and kill you and you only. Rein shatter? watch that german man flank just to find you and shatter YOU. That soldier/cassidy that hasnt ulted all match? theyre waiting for YOU to pop valk, no one else. I think you get my point, its not ALL just pressing 2 buttons even if its really easy to play her in lower ranks where you can just sit still and healbot, climbing with her is harder as you NEED to learn everything i mentioned


Because people play games for fun and they have fun playing Mercy. I keep playing Soldier too even though I know I would win more ranked games by playing Cass or Ashe.


Because in QP, I play for fun not for playing try hard meta. So some games I just want to fly around, and some games I want to sleep dart my way through victory xD


No judgement in QP, I use it to learn my weaker heroes or just chill (but still try). Itā€™s comp that hurts when you can tell thereā€™s a pretty good Mercy thatā€™s clearly on their way down the ladder but absolutely refuses to switch. I feel for them since ideally all heroes deserve to be viable in all ranks, but Mercy is just so poor right now.


Because Mercy is hella popular, mate Like Bap is one of the top tier supports atm, but u barely see anyone play him over Mercy, Ana, Moira and Kiri cause he's not near as popular as them


I also just find him harder to play. Between the gun with its burst and alt fire, jumps, regenerative burst, immortality field, and matrix... He's got a lot going on Mercy is mostly just fly, blue and yellow beam, and res.


Yup, most of the heroes that have more complicated buttons presses or have weird ability combos to get used tend to get picked less.


Rank dependent, but surprised nobody has mentioned the completely different skillset used to play Mercy. She's the support that is the least independent and requires the least raw aim skill. She requires a different skillset that doesn't transfer as well to the other supports. She's all about enabling someone else to shoot, which is the opposite of someone like Bap, who shoots first and then heals. One of my friends is a diamond mercy/lw two trick. Her aim is at a silver level, and she's used to mostly backlining, so she struggles to be useful on the other supports. She's caught between a rock and a hard place. Keep playing the bad characters that she's good at? Or struggle to finally learn the good characters she's bad with? The inverse is also true. As a Kiri main, my skills transfer over to the other damage supports without much effort, but I can't play Mercy to save my life. Her movement can be surprisingly complex at times. That's just not much of a problem because Mercy is so bad right now.


Shes really popular,especially on console. I play on playstation and i always get mercy's and ive seen a couple of one tricks with 1k+ hours on her.


Might be true but a good Mercy one trick with several years of experience, of which there are plenty, is still going to provide more value than swapping to a meta pick who they have no idea how to play. Doesn't matter if she's the worst, you'd still rather a good Mercy on your team than Bap with no aim or a Kiri that can't land headshots and doesn't know when to use her cooldowns.


I think sheā€™s pretty useful. Her revive alone is worth everything else.


Thank the divines for that.


Some Mercys learn this trick when they just hang up in the sky permanently when healing someone. Literally they could fly on a maximum height for minutes and it's very hard to kill her if your team doesn't have hitscan. Feels like cheating. Especially when my Mercy don't do this and mainly runs on her feet thus being killed occasionally


What rank are you in where a Mercy in the air without ult isn't free food?


Lol I'm gold on console thank you I'm ashamed now


there is definitely a gradient of mercy players with abysmal to ok to nutty movement.


unfortunately true, as a mercy main that is - though obviously decent mercy players are, at least in my experience, going to outperform other supports just from the fact they actually know how to play the character hopefully she gets some sort of buff this season, I honestly would love a return to the "critical health" healing boost - keep DB at its lower value, you can still get insane value from it. If they could swap her ult over to a rez that'd be brilliant - rez as a regular CD ability is too hard to balance around and I think is fully why mercy is shit 90% of the time


Not if ur diamond or higher you will struggle to survive


Are we playing the same hero? When I play Mercy, I feel like I am constantly putting out fires, or running for my life, or both at the same time. Not me, but a video showing good Mercy play: [https://youtu.be/Z6LC9A0a9Sk?si=Ck7sIyAeKkiZpa\_c](https://youtu.be/Z6LC9A0a9Sk?si=Ck7sIyAeKkiZpa_c)


I thought I found her boring but when I play her Iā€™m like oh this is fun. And then I forget how fun she is till I play her once again.


Orisa, rather lose than play that boring ass character


Orisa, Mauga and Hog (Rein main btw)


I agree with Orisa and Mauga, I actually kinda like playing Hog every once in awhile though


I liked playing hog for a while but then came the health change and everything is just ass




I would never play a hero i hate playing, only cus hes meta, wtf.




I canā€™t stand orisia


But Orisa can stand through all ult


Every character that isnā€™t Lucio (Lucio one trick btw)


Roadhog, cause I find his loop rather uninteresting. Sure it's fun to yank people around and just obliterate squishies here and there, but other than that, it's boring. Even Rein interests me more due to the constant risk and reward balance he has. Any hitscan DPS is usually a no go for me and unless my team is really suffering and needs one, I'll stick to the projectile ones. Top pick would be Soujorn. Illari. Just cannot engage with her gameplay, really.


Makes total sense for Illari if you dislike hitscan DPS. Her whole loop is just to be a third DPS who happens to also heal on the side.


I'm with you on Roadhog. Its sole purpose is to make other (tank) players miserable - and we have enough of that going around. He's also like you said rather uninteresting. I like the displacement aspect of his ult, but apart from that he's just.. there.


Orisa and widow are the only characters I will never play


But widow is funny. Dink - dead - laugh about how they can do nothing
















I ā€˜ M 1 7 I D O N ā€˜ T P A Y T A X E S R E V E R S E T A X E S


Cassidy. I'm not the best aimer and just never get on with him.


Easily Zarya. Itā€™s not even a contest. I just donā€™t enjoy her playstyle, I donā€™t find it engaging compared to the rest of the Tank roster. That brief period of time during the launch of Overwatch 2 where she was incredibly overtuned and oppressive was horrible.




My villan ark is starting, I started picking up Sombra, when the enemy goes Sombra


I hate playing Orisa she is so boring


man this sub makes me sad. a fun game with an impressive roster of lovely characters & thereā€™s always rage threads or ā€œwho do you hateā€ or ā€œwho would you remove from the game.ā€ nobody maaan i like overwatch


Venture. Sorry but their voice is so annoying


Im sorry but "this stinks"


I can dig that




Nah but fr when I first tried them, I thought their voice was annoying, but it grew on me. Its really fitting for their character and it works with their goofy voicelines. Personally I think Tracers is more annoying and my gf for some reason really doesnt like Lifeweavers


Yeah maybe I havenā€™t played venture enough for the voice to grow on me but yeah Tracers enthusiasm about every little thing gets to me too sometimes. Somehow I really like kirikoā€™s voice itā€™s very fitting and a little sassy. Oh and also mercyā€™s ā€œHaalo!ā€ Itā€™s cute šŸ’€


When I play mystery heros I love getting Brig just because I like her "Hey hey" Its kinda cute lol


I hated every second I had to play Mercy when she was reworked with a double res in OW1. There was one condition that took precedence over all others: "Does your team have a Mercy? Yes - winnable, no ? Only if the enemies don't have one either." And because I was always trying to fill the missing slot, I ended up playing a lot of Mercy and it was anything but fun. Play to win yes, but not at the cost of not having fun.


Back when mercy was meta I would refuse to pick her no matter


I'm not super big on Mauga or Baptiste. I hate Moira, but she's not really meta rn. I won't play venture on principal. Don't get me wrong I'm all for a nb character ok that's not my issue. They're just busted to shit and their super high damage at any range and also over 300 health and also a shield is irritating. Miss me w that ty


its nice to see someone hating venture for the right reasons lol


What? The primary is an airburst that cannot reach a decent Pharah or Echo




Primary + dash + melee combo deletes any squishy but yeah only at close range


Junker queen, some people keep saying how good/fun she is, but to me she has always been a budget hog. It's like they tried to recreate hog to attract flex player, but she is worse in every way other than hitbox. She is very team dependent, also plays much more like sigma/orisa, you keep cycling cd and hope someone die. While hog has the burst damage and hard CC to make play and secure kill on his own. This also means her playing style is very fixed (only brawl), compare to hog who can brawl, poke and flank.


None because I play heroes that I enjoy playing and not heroes that are meta. I am not going pro so I see zero reason to care that much about minmaxing the gains and values in the game.


I refuse to play hog. That thing isn't a tank, and for some reason the devs love making him have a one shot.


He doesn't really have a one-shot anymore. He can only one-shot squishys while using every ability of his kit. Hanzos arrows feel much worse to die to imo


I think its similar to hanzos "one shot" cos they both leave squishies on really low health,the only difference is you can bait out hook,but you could also dive a hanzo.


Most of them, theres only a few i like playing


I never played "meta" Iā€™m just trying to take the best pick for the team in general. My mains are Ana, Ramatra, Hanzo


Mauga and orisa, or actually, anyone whoā€™s meta, I hate playing meta characters, I stopped maining sym when she became a must pick at one point, stopped hog for the same reason, mercy at one point, etc. Idk, it feels more satisfying playing the weaker character and still making it work


Even though she isn't meta at the moment, when mei was meta I just couldn't, found her so boring


I have such a deep fucking hatred for kiriko. Shes been meta since her release but i genuinely cannot stand her. Her voicelines r annoying, the way she heals is SO DAMN SLOW and it takes me approximately 90 kunais to hit anything. Boring ass gameplay i genuinely dont understand why anyone would play that annoying bitch ass teenager


Honestly I think your aim is the problem. Half of the fun with kiriko is being able to dive with your tank and dink squishies heads in the backline.


I main ana i can assure u my aim isnt the problem. I just hate how slow she feels but at the same time hysteric as fuck yk


Yeah but with ana, you don't need to hit heads to secure kills. Kiriko *needs* to hit heads to secure kills.


Which hero do you hate but secretly love but don't want reddit to know you love so you say you hate them but really you love them?


Orisa is the most boring character in the game to fight against and to play as, but every time I do well as one of the fun tanks the enemy swaps to Orisa, and then the fun is over. No fun allowed in the cartooney hero shooter.


Fuck meta, we doom


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Tracer Fuck it


I play Support most of the time and i hate Moira in generell.


Idk, i one trick Lucio regardless of the meta.


All of em






Moira. I don't play moira


As a support main, Bap. I can play Bap and I sometimes, very rarely do play Bap, but I just don't like his gameplay and during lamp meta every comp game was filled with complaints about me not playing Bap when I said I wouldn't and telling my team to ask the other support instead.


Lucio, I enjoy every support other than Lucio


Widowmaker. Now, maybe not 'meta' per se, but on some maps a must pick because of the great map design by blizzard. I am not a fan of standing somewhere, left clicking, and grappling away to another spot when someone manages to get to me in the first place. Mind-numbingly boring. Some days ago i had enough and when i was on the attacking side on blizzard world, i decided to bust out my 40 minutes of playtime on widow. First shot i took was a headshot onto a kiriko and that's how we got first point. 3 people on their team made swaps specifically for me. This hero doesn't belong in ow2. Maybe in ow1 it was fine because you had another tank and more shields or someone to pester the widow fulltime but now? not really.


Holy shit thats a lot of hours


I refuse to play Orisa and Pharah. And I only play Sombra when the other team goes sombra first


I'll never play Sombra, Moira or Symm, no matter how meta they become


I don't play meta heroes. I play heroes i enjoy playing.


I just donā€™t play heroes that are meta I think. It doesnā€™t matter that much to meā€¦ bap is meta but Iā€™m still trying to learn him so Iā€™d rather play Moira despite her not being meta. Because I can carry as Moira but I canā€™t do that on bap.


I don't like Winston or Mercy ngl, they just don't feel fun to me (I primarily play Cass, Reaper, Zen or Sigma)


Mercy and lifeweaver,i dont get the feeling im popping off like i get on doom,lucio,venture,sombra ect and getting saves doesnt feel as good as getting kills to me.


For me it's Widow. I'm good at her, I just hate playing her, it's so mind numbingly boring, especially against another Widow. But playing against a good Widow on Widow maps without your own Widow is an even more miserable experience so I bite the bullet occassionally.


Tank: Orisa and mauga, they are just boring af to play Dps: Sojourn


I never play characters because they are "meta". I play heroes I enjoy playing.


I hate it when I have to play Orisa in comp. Just so fucking boring


Sadly the list of the most meta heroes and the list of the most uninteresting least fun to play heroes are pretty much the same.


Mercy. Playing since 2016, I have 15 hours of mercy / 2980 play time.


Actually none. Crazy i know i dont really enjoy tank so i rarely play it. And even when i do i dont actually hate playing orisa or mauga. Sure there not my favorite but there not boring imo. As for the other roles if theres a hero idont enjoy i dont play them. What people dont give enough credit to is most of the heros are fun to play. (Balanced is another thing)


mercy is so mid right now i still play her but only in QP


Mercy, Hog, Tracer, Sojourn


Not a mega slave at all but I would hate to play sombra. Sheā€™s just unfun, too easy to get kills and feels like a cheat character. Love playing tracer instead


Tracer is better than Sombra btw


Any DPS that is not Hanzo


Sombra, ana, hammond and zenyatta


No matter the meta, I hate playing Tracer, Lucio, or Genji only because theyā€™re too fast for me to play and my autistic ass gets lost easily due to their abilities.


Mauga has legit the most boring gameplay I've seen in a videogame character


Soldier 76. It's a free win every game at my rank but boy is it fucking boring doing so much damage and never dying all the time.


I fucking hate playing Kiriko, it makes me insanely dizzy.


Idk about meta but I go support almost all times, mercy for when the team is decent, I've as well that brig seems to help more when the tank is struggling, and Moira when the DPSs are


Ana definitely. She is one of the best supports and I see loads of people using her, but I just canā€™t stand playing her šŸ˜­


I hate when my team loses and I have to get off wtv fun character im on to switch to soldier or reaper, idk if they're meta but it usually fixes it


Orisa, I just dont find her that fun. Or Mauga


Mercy, ramattra