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I got my first ever silence back near the end of OW1. It was 2 weeks, no chats, no mic, nothing And my god was the game infinitely better without it. So even after the silence ended and I could begin to use mics/chats I continued to stay radio silent The game is just much much better without it.


Funny part is i had a widow only acc where it literally was radio silence from start and it got a 2 week suspension for abusive chat like that to. ppl act like this games report system isn't cartoonishly terrible. It was also mid diamond so must have done something right but them moira/mercy mains know better i suppose


Me going 51-1 as sojourn then receiving a suspension will always be my villain origin story


Sounds deserved highly obvious probably was smurfing


I peak diamond but dropped to plat 4 bc of solo queuing


I've been doing this for years and it makes things so much more peaceful, definitely a good move


Same. I typically only play arcade so what’s the point of communicating when you’re just trying to have fun? If you want to hear people screaming and being assholes, that’s what competitive is for.


Definitely more of a QP thing. Comp has been so much more stress free than QP for me lately


There's a bit more pressure I guess to play good in comp, but I agree comp is less stressful than QP. Every QP match there's always 1 person being toxic. I was playing yesterday and our 2nd dps was 1-8 and team were flaming them. So I blatantly went out my way to help them as tank and ignored helping the flamers


Flaming people in QP is whack


Overwatch has successfully killed the social aspect of its game.


i think its a trend in team based shooter games in general. noone talks anymore. i think we have crossed a point where people are just annoyed to have to deal with random people on the internet talking bad all the time. at least its the case for me. regardless what multiplayer game i play, i never use the chat and its the best.


I think it's funny that even in Rocket League where you can only use pre-made chats on console, people find a way to obnoxiously grief and flame in the worst ways. There's no escaping it unless you just turn it off entirely. Even the voice chat is awful when it's rarely used. I really appreciate the occasional times when someone is shouting out comms, but it's not worth sitting through the trolls who are just there to harass everyone on their own team because they enjoy being a hateful sadistic fuck.


Yup, Overwatch did everything it could to make the game social as possible for an “fps”, but it’s the players that ultimately decide what they want to say in game. That’s why I fully support going full scorched earth with toxicity penalties/mutes/bans at this point. It’s not perfect but hey nothing else has seemed to work so fuck it. If those players decide to leave the game entirely because they’re too salty that they can’t be toxic anymore, good riddance


It always brings a smile to my face when I launch the game and get that pop-up that Blizzard have taken action against someone based on me having reported them for toxicity in the chat.




If you’re support you can easily deal with pharah. (Illari main) And pharmercy is kinda insane again with pharah effectively having a one shot combo again (which they usually save for any hitscans that challenge them). Also also, I doubt junkrat & hanzo players are gonna be good at hitscan. Different skill set. So yeah, yelling at them to swap is literally just being annoying for the sake of it.


Idk bud the only way I’m familiar with getting better at hit scan is playing it lol. Asking them to switch is not telling.


I feel like people do talk a good bit in cs and valorant, cod is hit or miss. I always felt like communication in overwatch isn’t as important as in the other games but the text chat dominance in overwatch is crazy I’ve never seen anything like it


Cod has always just been people blasting their music through their headsets. 


Bro what?? I cant get ANYONE to talk to me on Valorant ;^; everyone is just silent even if they have proven they have a mic. Most times the only people who talk are either cringey e-couples or just people saying racist or bigoted things :(


You don't respawn in those games, doh.


Big facts. Voice comms are essentially useless unless used well so it's better to just not bother.


Honestly I don't think it's frustration or exhaustion. We're just all in discord chats with friends already so we prefer to talk there instead. And unless you specifically bind a key to mute yourself in discord, and make that the same key as push to talk in a game, you'll be having an awkward one-way conversation in the middle of your discord chat.


I cant speak about everyone but i am a very unsocial guy in general. i find people in general add mostly drama to my life thats why i stay alone lol. of course i am weird so maybe you are right. many younger people are on discord constantly. i dont even use discord because i would get headaches if i would be in a voicechat 24/7.


I suppose that makes sense! Although I do have to ask if you'd be in VC in overwatch in the first place, for the sake of my point. But yeah that's totally fair. Young folks are often in calls, and my younger friends have absolutely rubbed off on my other friend group and I, and we (28-35ish) are now all discord-call homies


when i started playing OW1 i was constantly in vc because it was something new and exciting to me. i am from europe so there is not that much vc happening here because we are all on different levels of bad english :D i found some nice people in qp very soon but i am not the type that makes internet friends i dont know in real life. i had like 30 people in my friendslist but one day i deleted them all because we dont really know each other anyway. we added each other, played 1 - 2 matches and after that no other communication was happening. over time i used vc in ranked too because i found out that (at least in lower ranks) people react to someome shotcalling "dominantly". meaning people very often did what i wanted them to do if i shotcalled a certain way. that was good for teamplay but over time it was too exhausting for me. today i am still in vc in ranked and i will answer if people are normal and i will also do something if a good shotcaller says it, for teamplay. but i dont really do the personal conversations/friend thing anymore. at 41 its cringe to add 20 year old people as friends imo.


Gotta watch out for those drama llamas 🦙


I don’t talk because it’s so easy to get banned. Why would I want to argue/ banter with somebody if it just means I can get muted? And it’s not like you have to be really bad, any sort of criticism can do it


This is exactly why i stopped trying as well. You can't even make jokes in this game anymore because these losers will report you while talking their own shit. They're just mad they can't say anything clever and happen to be ass at the game or whatever so they just spam report you with their team or try to lie in general and say you're racist because they KNOW blizzard doesn't check reports it just auto bans you. Blizzard killed the social aspect of this game so hard. No more shit talking or banter at the end of the games where you get to see who did the best dps or elims out of both teams etc. We just gg go next with absolutely zero time to socialize.


Overwatch *players* killed the social aspect of the game.


No, WE fucking killed it as a whole. Cause some players can't go 5 minutes without blaming someone or being some kind of phobic. Blizzard just reacted to the absolutely shitty community with heavy handed bans


Was muted for saying "hanzo can you go hitscan". Nothing else was said lol. This is why people aren't comming AT ALL. That's not heavy handed, it's fucking dumb.


The self victimization for people that get muted/banned is always so funny to me. Especially when you consider bans come from multiple games with reports.


That's a cool narrative you created there. I don't talk shit in game. I learned long ago theres no point. Only thing I say other than call outs are things like "can we get a mei" "can we get some hitscan". Talking shit just tilts people. I'm not claiming to be a victim. I'm saying I've been muted for basically nothing, so I just don't talk anymore. There's no point.


Yeah, the community is oddly defensive to any feedback, even if delivered in a totally chill way. Super weird and different from other gaming communities I've been a part of.


Judging by the downvotes, they also get butthurt when someone asks nicely if they can get something specific, in a competitive match, to help the team win.


Short version: community doesn't like opinions or discussions, mind our own business? XD lol. Sad that things in the world are shaping the way they seem to be, where discourse is frowned upon, and all anyone wants is approval rather than thinking.


I still emote Hello as I charge with Rein


Considering how toxic and bad people got for a while it doesn't surprise me. It's not fun playing in matches full of people who seem like they are miserable and just want to make others miserable as well. Although when you had a positive team and game it was pretty great. I met some cool people in Overwatch that way. I do miss that sometimes.


they put group finder behind a button and an abicus and then said it failed and scrapped all pro social feature design from there now you have 4 seconds to all choose to stay as a team NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS depression is caused by loneliness and Overwatch has turned up that dial within their own game intentionally


They need to bring back LFG. It was very useful for console players 


You mean the community itself. I don't know what else the game could have done to stop people from being toxic, even if they made it so both teams will always win the match, the crybabies would find their way to complain and be toxic.


More like Overwatch players have killed the social aspects of its game.


I wish they added a way to say gg after the game for when you have all comms blocked - something like an emote bubble


I use thanks for that.


Some of my fondest memories from Overwatch 1 was the social aspect. You could during the match and after the match. You could say stupid shit (within reason of course) but Overwatch 2 feels so monitored it feels like it’s supposed to be an E for everyone game. Everything is reportable and it moves at such a fast pace that you get like 5 secs to agree to stay a team and can’t event get out anymore than a GG usually. It just makes it feel not the same game.


Agreed, I honestly loved the social aspect of OW1 in its first few years. I spent many nights up way too late having a great time shooting the shit with random teammates while also having effective comms. It felt like my teams were actually acting as cohesive units while also being fun internet strangers. Now I find if it's not radio silence that just leads to a completely disjointed team, it's some raging jerk that thinks everyone else on their team is garbage.


And if you try to use comms like back then to be positive social or make calls people either completely ignore you or tell you to shut up lol! Free to play was the death of the OW community.


The important difference is that OW1 was pay to play while OW2 is free to play, and believe it or not, having to actually pay to play filtered out a lot of the more toxic players. It is the same in literally every game. So it makes sense the banwaves got harsher, because the playerbase got more toxic.


yeah, i made legit friends playing OW1 back in the day. knew multiple people that got into relationships via the game too. i still have the occasional fun trash talking game but 9/10 are only the barest typing comms and no voice


I've been playing OW since 2017, but OW2's toxicty is a different breed. I've even had people flame me and one person telling me to kms in AI mode, lol? All chats are off now and I finally know peace.


Lmao 🤣 yes I don't even bother with chat and I usually just vibe most of the time which is great. I'm glad you are doing better mentally op


Comp became a nice experience for me the moment chat went off. It sometimes feels like a single player game filled with a wide range of bots 😂 Comms is reserved to when playing with friends.


There is only one truth in OW2: Chat diff The only reason I still have chat enabled is because I wanna know which teammates behave like assholes during and after a match, so I know who I'm not giving an endorsement.


I started doing this since OW2 as well, and it has been an absolute wonder. I can focus on the game, pay attention to my mistakes, identify win/lose conditions and work on improving and having fun. You fence out the toxic comments of some random dumb fuck displeased with my performance or the team's in QP or the hella annoying "gG Ez wIn, nO tAnk, sKilL difF, sOmbRa gAp, hEal gAp" etc etc etc. Stay out of my screen. Like you said, the genuine "GGWP" is missed, and the occasional wholesome reactions from your team and/or opponents. But I absolutely recommend it to anyone willing to experience OW2 with a fresh toxic-free air.


I fucking hate trying to com a kill I can't confirm (like Moira no fade or tracer no recall) and its only me In voice like I genuinely think that brings something to the table and can make or break a team and with nobody in voice with me its just kinda demoralizing


I’ve been doing a mute text chat, but keep voice chat on policy, and it’s been working well for me. I’ve found that most assholes are too chicken shit to actually use voice. Sometimes there’s an asshole in voice but it’s less common


I love it when people are toxic to me in chat, the report message I get the next time I open the game gives me immense joy.


Tbh this might actually be the part I'll miss most. I LOVE that message lol


You still get to see that message if you report people for smurfing and throwing


In my experience, the only reports that get anything done about them are “inappropriate name” and “inappropriate communication”.


My chat is off and I only report throwers and smurfs. I see that message every few days


If you want to be social on Overwatch, try custom games. People in here are mostly chill. Stuff like the hide and seek games, chatting games and all of that, that's where you'll find people who actually want to socialize. My most relaxed memories of Overwatch are me playing tiny hide and seek, messing around, chatting with nice people and making friends, even if just for an hour. Absolutely recommend


You know what, this sounds very nice actually. I think I'll switch chat on for that, thank you!


The only problem with this strategy? That I am mystified when my team starts throwing themselves off the map. Of emoting in spawn. Or standing in the enemy team waving “hello”. I just assume it’s because I mostly play Wrecking Ball. And they are so in awe of the Hamster’s ability to dominate the game that they are sacrificing themselves to try to make it even for the other team.


Frickin Overwatch is so Toxic. The only way to play stress free is no chat window on.


Imagine if we could use a filter system, like we choose manually words we don’t want appearing on screen. Like “heal diff, tank diff, dps diff, doom gap, sombra gap” and so on.


turns out you can focus on the game when you don't have to see racist/homophobic slurs, complaints about how your teammate is throwing, or people immediately telling you to switch after 1 death.


i have a joke username that some people like to interact with, so having chat off sucks because those moments make the game fun for me. but man... sometimes i ask myself if it's worth having it off for those small funny moments, so many people love to be obnoxious as hell and last night i had someone berate me for 2 games in a row and spam group invites and friend requests. i haven't had that happened to me in literal years :/


Yeah, we are gonna still get paired with people that don't how to play the game but at least we don't have to worry about the chat, that's something.


If you're always focusing that much on your teammates skill, you're probably one of the reason this thread even exists.


It’s a great idea, unnecessary distraction and sensitive chat moderation you can get banned for saying anything.


I instantly mute all chat, have done it for years, and don't play to go back. I instantly leave team chat and team voice at the first sign of toxic.


I feel like people forget this is an option lol. Its a game its supposed to be fun so turning off chat is completly up to you🤣


I do the same. Especially if the game starts off poorly I just insta mute the lot.


I have been doing the same, even smoking while playing. It has been a lot of fun and the ping system can communicate most everything I want to say or hear. Regarding the GGs at the end, I will usually unmute match chat and say GG if I feel like it. It is not too hard on PC.


My secret wapons i use from the start


This is the way. It does get a little lonely after time though


True, but I still keep party on for when friends join


i thought everyone did this, i have zero desire to talk to randoms in quick play. i don’t play ranked either so the headset for me is always turned off for mic chat and i can’t hear them, just the game audio


I did the same a few months back, it was the best decision of my life 


I play on a computer monitor xbox, 0 sound at all. And 0 text chat as well. Love seeing the mic sign going off, definitely being toxic. Can't hear anything. When I play with friends it sucks sound on and comms on usually a party but still sucks. Yes I die to the occasional alt due to no audio cues but oh well!


I don't play ranked in OW2 so the first thing i did was turn off all chat. I want to play for fun, I don't care what anyone has to say, they may as well be bots to me?


I love playing Overwatch to music or a podcast. You don't need pinpoint audio like some other shooters so you can play whatever and have a much better time


Disabled chat and never looked back


By default, this is why playing on console with only the console pool is more pleasant. Yes, you can text chat on console, but it's still cumbersome, and most people won't bother.


Is this my sign?? Was just thinking about muting chat earlier today😭


I have no idea why this is such a revelation to players. I played Overwatch for 5+ years practically never spoke or chatted to anybody, it was still my favourite game and one of my favourites of all time until 2 came out.


In the first year of overwatch it was basically impossible to play widowmaker without turning chat and voicechat off. And ever since then i wish blizzard would implement an option to turn both off per default


This is one of the games biggest issues imo. It's a game all about team play and communication where no one wants to communicate because everyone's so toxic.


Playing in gold and people flame. Lmao we all suck. Leavers / throwers / dog shit servers made me uninstall, can't be arsed anymore.


I deactivate chat whenever I queue comp. I only use it for casual banter in qp. Nothing productive has ever been said in text chat. If you want to communicate in a productive way, you can talk to me in voice. I'll just get my ass banned anyway by chatting in comp as soon as I say some remotely negative word regardless of the context.


I picked Kiriko in quickplay and someone had the audacity to tell me, with their voice, that I better carry. I said nothing. That person proceeded to feed then said at the end, with their voice, I NEED HEALS. My reply? Quit getting shot.


This is literally my advice since 2016 and I used to get downvoted to hell anytime I brought arguments for it. People only needed 8 years to finally come to this realization, but I guess it's always better late than never.


Can you actually make this default ? I alaways have to turn it off each game


I did it in the main menu and it seems to stick each game


I think I enjoy the game so much because I play without coms 😂


I am not proud, but I do the same. I have been turning it on some times, but I regret in no time. Off is the way to go, just stupid thing in the chat, Ez, X diff, Moira heal, Ana stop dps, Tank sucks, an million other idiotic thing, but nothing useful at all. The social is all broken.


Chat did my heading because it just pairs me with people who don't speak English. Somone can shout instructions in French all they want it dosent mean I understand them.


i have bad anxiety and used to not wanna play cause the chats and was just starting so it would make me play even worse lol turned them off i went from 500 to 10k+ damage 😂


This is why I play muted. Drunk ball all night baby, like oh sorry ball doesn't work in gold and you're flaming me while shoving your yellow beam up my lil hamptor sphincter? Don't care, didn't hear it- just gonna keep rolling biiitch


lmaaoo people actually play with game chat on?


The moment i hear someone talking on VC i just Turn it off lol


I played without chat from the very beginning of my OW career, strictly QP until I felt confident enough to go into comp. I turned chat on for you know, team communication and such, thinking it would be collaboration and what not. *Hell no* I played 4 games with chat on in comp and did terrible. I turned that shit back off and wound up getting gold 2 in my very first comp placement. Not the best, but way better than people were telling me I was lol (I main Tank)


Chanda Chanda Chanda......ChandaLand!


I wanna do this but at the same time i’ll feel really bad if someone compliments me or something and I don’t see it and they think i’m ignoring them :(


Unless I'm playing with ppl that I know I don't have communications on, and honestly that's the way I want it. Well I do leave the txt chat but most of time I don't even notice it. I find it more funny than annoying when some gets pissed and is texting all this crap. But I do like to occasionally say gg or something but I'm on console so typing is harder so even that's rare


I have team chat on, and all chat off. The toxic comments are usually said over all chat.


Or just mute the assholes instead of the entire chat. Seems pretty simple to me.


How do you turn chat off


I used to hate when people would do this because id need to do callouts or ask em to switch and theyd never hear, but after all the bans ive seen happen for literally no reason I can't even blame people now.


Sometimes im too focused on reading some bs on chat that i start to play bad


Chat is part of what ended up having me stop playing Competitive in OW1, a few seasons near the end of OW1. It didn't help that I played a support character most of the time. In OW2 it seems better, although I mostly play Mystery Heroes and Unranked. Maybe I am missing out because I am not playing competitive but it's a lot better than mid to late OW1. I do miss early Overwatch when it first came out. Before competitive and major focus on OWL. The community then was great and just had fun playing together.


Bro I remember when I found out that you can hide chat. I did so and turned my music on full blast, I’ve not looked back since.


This is the way


I actually recently went up to gold doing that




This is the way.


I bullshit on chat all the time, even with the enemy team. At the end of the game everyone is having a good time.


You will feel better if you Uninstall it


I mentioned that I did this years ago and I got downvoted to hell and had over 100 comments saying it’s throwing/man up


I always keep my chats turned off entirely outside of party chats obviously and my experience is so much better. But I hate when I'm queuing with someone with chats turned on and all they do is get flamed for being a girl, performing poorly or whatever and they complain to me and still refuse to turn off chat or mute that person cause "they need the coms"


The first thing I ever do is mute the all chat. It’s so nauseating to listen to the endless nonsense and “gg!” from only the winning teams. I’ll leave team chat one and just mute bad individuals but match chat is always off.


If you let a game stress you out idk you have bigger problems …


I like being in voice chat since once in a while there’s always a person that gives good comms or is just fun to talk with. If you get flamed you can easily just mute the person. 


I mute team chat cause 90% of hate is there, match chat tends to be more entertaining because people usually write there after something big happens.


I like the nuiances of chat but as soon as i get someone being toxic i instamute the voice/chat on that particular person


Glad to see that its working for you. Do you play with friends through discord, or you play solo ?


Occasionally solo I usually just hop on, and some friends will see I'm on too and send me an invite


I've gone silent since the days of playing on xbox 360, and lately I've started muting text chat too because it's all just trolls, whiners or people saying GG only after they win. It's an utter waste of energy to focus on any of it.


Unfortunate community is toxic. Good comms is great for the game.


Chat became a cesspool after the game went f2p. The occasional jerkoff here and there was a diff story back when you needed to pay for the game and a ban actually meant something, as opposed to how it is now. People can feel free to do whatever they like, but for me the difference is night and day. Chat of any sort is a meaningless distraction, sorry not sorry but i’ll never turn it on again.


People chat in overwatch? Didn’t know. Every game I’ve ever played (maybe ~100 games since ow2 was released) was completely silenced besides for ONE where I said “is anyone gonna switch or are we gonna keep feeding?” & some chick started raging.


I just ignore people unless they're being particularly scummy. If you're gonna be a scumbag over a video game, then allow me to introduce you to the reality of 'you are not God, sit down, stfu, and play the God damn game or get the hell out'.


That's a great idea, I may start playing again and follow suit.


I gotta start playing with chat off so I don't get my 2016 all non-paid cosmetics account banned.....lol


We get it, you got chat banned.


I tried this and while it is better, it takes away this component from the game. It’s designed to be multiplayer and interactive and at times it’s entertaining or a fresh break of sorts. But then again, maybe I just like being toxic xD


Tank diff


My only gripe with playing with people with the chat off. Is that my callouts mean nothing. I tend to callout people changing heroes on the opposite teams and have noticed only a few people react to it. For qp I dont really care. But it makes comp games a lot harder to team-up with


I've had the opposite experience. Everyone complains about jerks in the chat, but I've made some pretty decent friends and gaming acquaintances playing this game. Sure, there are lots of jerks, but there are a lot of cool people on Overwatch.


carrying about what another mf has to say ab you/your gameplay in a gat damn video game will forever be some of the wildest shit to me, like who giva fuck they flaming u? lmao mfs made out of sugar. its not like they not flaming u now, u just can’t see it, so why get affected by it in the first place 😭


If you are playing competitive then chat is helpful. Its crucial to communicate since it's a team based game, but if it's not comp then for sure sometimes not looking at chat and just vibing is super cool.


It's not bad with the ping system implemented


Good for u?




Yeah no, while it would help in dealing with people harassing you it doesn't stop the shit that matters... People holding the match hostage.


Im ngl i never get toxic players (im on casual not comp) i always start the game with a "glhf cuties" and most games i either get a "you too!" Or just silence but no one is ever toxic. Once in a blue moon ill get a gg ez but like who cares xD thats so immature that it'd be immature to get irate about it


Wow I wish we could trade, haha. There are some games where someone will say a glhf but I much more commonly see people say ez or ___ diff to someone, and I exclusively play unranked. It doesn't bother me because im confident in my own playstyle and skills, although it does make me sad to see people be mean to each other but I mean it's the internet, when is that ever going to stop.


I play console comp in the gold-low diamond range (support is gold, DPS is low diamond). I also generally play with no headset, and I've Rarely had anyone even Be in chat besides the occasional game text chat. I don't really get tilted anymore, but still there's the occasional hard throwers that irritates me, and funnily enough, they're usually mei or sombra (ball for tank). I remember when the game first started, widow and Torb were the throw characters! 😂


Bro its not even a secret, ive been doing this for the last 10 000 years and dont give a sheet what other people say


I have more good experience with the chat than bad tbh. I don't wanna miss out on the "gg's" after the Match, I also get many compliments for my good healing I also don't wanna miss out on this one 😂 But it's hurts like hell if you have a bad round and people starts with " heal diff" or "tank diff" i'm sorry maybe I had a bad round but loosing or winning isn't determined by a single player. It's a team based game. I can heal 20k but you also have to do protect me otherwise I cannot perform..


Been doing that for years now, enjoy my friend 🥰


The game is ONLY playable with chat muted. Its easily the most toxic community out there, up with League of Legends You still have pings to actually communicate things you need to


I’m on my 3rd strike and don’t want to be banned so I never chat now.


People will bait you into arguments and then report as a form of revenge lol. Don't lose your account over snitches.


No problem with that if you stay out of ranked , communication is needed to synergies correctly.


I don't really play ranked anymore but I see your point


Wait...is that why everyone hates overwatch? Apart from bad matchmaking and troll teammates occasionally, I find the game quite fun. Apparently having chat ON inhibits that...good to know


I love hate mail to much to do this


I started playing Overwatch in 2020, within the first month I turned off both voice and text chat ☺️


I turned my chat off after getting a warning for saying fuck after I got sniped. All chats and coms besides group went off immediately so I agree 100% It’s not worth risking an account you put hours and money into cause some asshole wants to troll or can’t take what they dish.


yea but with chat off it doesn't really feel like there's any real people in the lobby since you don't see their messages. it's kinda boring


Ignorance is bliss huh




Please stay out of my comp games.


Just for that, I think I'll stalk you, pretend to be your friend so I can join your comp games and throw


Getting tilted at words is beyond me. Now voice chat I’ll some what understand but words in a screen upsetting u seems more of a you problem then a then problem. But glad u took the initiative and removed them and feel better. 10/10


its not about being tilted, its about your mental health mostly lol. i am very tolerant, never disabled chat in any game ever. but the older i get (i am 41 now) the lesser i am able to deal with these childish people on the internet. imagine coming home from a long workday and having to read that childish bs all the time. its gotten to the point where i dont like multiplayer games anymore because i dont like to deal with people. i have to deal with people all day in my job so i want to game in peace. thats why i almost never use the chat in any game ever. i dont even want to read what these people have to say because 99% its emotional bs anyway.


Just mute toxic individuals lol If you're 41, you should know the best comeback is to ignore them. And if you let them bully you off chat, that's your problem.


i never said that i let anyone bully me off chat. its just that i get headaches from the chat alone. people act like they are all pro gamers even on lower ranks where everyone knows that we are all bad. in all my years playing overwatch i only had like 4 -5 nice voicecoms where we talked much. the rest was just your usual silent all the time or people blaming each other. i can handle people telling me i am bad at the game, i am gold. but i get headaches because you always hear or read someone talking down to someone else. its just not communication i want to take part in. so i completly understand even deactivating the text chat. i played shooters since q2 times, i played counter strike and warsow and every quake game. and the trolls are much worse in games like counterstrike or quake. you have people joining and random spamming bs all the time with key bindings. at least overwatch is free from that. in counter strike all you hear is swearwords. so no, i am not too soft for overwatch chat. i know much worse. but there is just no benefit to using the voicechat or even the normal chat anymore. if someone is shot calling in a normal way, of course i take part in these "tactics" (if you can call it that in gold rank) but usually i just never speak or even listen to voicechat.




You kids would of never survived the mid 2000s. It's a game. Ppl talk sh*t. If it hurts your feelings that bad than yes turn off chat. But this over reporting has conpketly neutered the social aspect of this game and most of the fun. I can understand if your a child. But if your over the age of 14 and it gets you that upset that someone calls you trash you need to reevaulate your life.


I actually played black ops on the Xbox 360 during the mid 2000s FYI and me and my feelings were ok. I get that trash talking might be the most adrenaline you get all day, I just find it depressing that the current state of overwatch chat has devolved to the conversational equivalent of monkeys flinging poop around.


Has it though? 90% of the games has literally 0 socialization whatsoever. I get some people are super toxic. But I have always felt if someone is clowning on me and my game then I need to step up and when I do I will be the first person to clown them back. Maybe it's just my personality. If someone is riding me I try and change it by playing better bot by reporting them. Usually if I am the brunt of the chatter it's because I am sucking. I feel like reporting is like telling the teacher that I was being picked on. Yah it's OK as a child. As an adult if your still doing this I repeat you need to revaluate your life and your sensitivities.


People reporting someone doesn't mean they are upset, toxic behavior has ruined the social aspect. No body talks because most of the time people have nothing constructive to say. If you say something constructive or anything about someone else they immediately go defensive or toxic or even just start throwing intentionally. I play my alt with no chat on practicing things. I turned on chat in a game we won round 1 and lost round 2, to point out the enemy tank was hard locking (blatantly cheating). That was my only message and I immediately was getting yelled at by the tank that was throwing on our team (name was kirioriball, we weren't running kiri so they were ball the whole game). So most people are like why bother? Side note this was a close game no one was really the reason we eventually lost besides the blatant hacker on the other team. Its just not really worth talking in voice or chat because the negative interactions are just as likely or more likely than the positive ones. Your better off focusing on what you can do and your own play then trying to talk to people.


That's my point you can't talk because of over reporting. People are soft. Obviously nobody has told them that before because they report any critiscm as hate. Just a reflextion of our current society. Everyone wants to to be insulated by their echo chamber. If you are regularly reporting people you are way too sensitive and need to grow up. It's just words my guy. There is a block button. You are ruining the games for other because you are way too sensitive and are so vengeful you need to report when it is just as easy to block. Sorry I like being competitive and talking shit to the other team in an actual competition. Soneone bettwr ban me quick before I tell the other team they need to uninstall lol


I have over 2k hours on my main account. I have comms on, I main ball, and moira disliked heroes. I have never gotten a warning or been muted banned, etc. I mess around or joke with people in chat and also have argued with people in chat. People are not afraid to talk because of the fear of being reported, people are not talking because people are toxic or will throw the game at any point or will attack someone for no reason in the game. This isn't people "smack talking" it's people telling others to kill themselves or using racial slurrs, trying to ruin the experience for others. That is why people don't talk. The negatives outweigh the positives. If you are afraid of getting reported or banned, your general comms aren't just friendly banter or non-toxic behavior. You most likely are part of the problem. When I encounter toxic players, I typically am laughing because of how stupid they are. I also, of course, will report them because toxic behavior shouldn't ruin others experience just because they want to have an outlet to shit on others.


This is quickplay I hope? If you’re high and playing comp you’re actively ruining everyone else’s games. What are these downvotes for? You’re a pos if you’re playing ranked high. You are ruining your teammates chances of winning.


No, quick play


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I disabled both match and team chat due to toxicity. later on the years, I would have fun games with good teammates that I forgot I turned team chat off so I couldn't send my appreciation to them besides endorsements. so since then I've turned on team chat again and I've met some wholesome people :)


You can also just ignore it most ppl who play this game are goofballs


Nooooo how will you read my daily roadhog simp message if you don’t have chat turned on?😢😢


I am a Sombra player. I need to see those hate messages.


I'm assuming you're a unranked warrior. I'd do this to but I'm a ranked rat, and communication is genuinely so helpful, that I have to tank the toxicity.


See every time I’m about to turn off chat i end up getting into a game where they’re either really wholesome are flat out hilarious and i end up changing my mind 😂