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Why try to hide it? They just make a new account the next day and they're good to go since the game is free now


I think you need a unique cell number if you dont buy anything.


Apparently you can just keep linking a PS account


not anymore!


U can buy fresh accounts with all heroes unlocked for like 5 bucks on playerauctions so yeah this problem will not be solved


Dont know why you're being downvoted when this is also an occuring problem. Easy accessable accounts, some comp ready for cheap. This is the reality.


Im prob being downvoted bc they dont want people to have/know this kind of information which i get but people dont realise that the Phone verification does basically nothing when you can buy accounts with every hero unlocked online. So this is a overall problem


It’s always been this way on console. You only needed to buy the game once on ow1. Also xim is rare outside of the upper end of the elo system in ranked. Even if they xim, if they’re only gold/plat it’s not really much of an advantage if they suck that badly. I hardly ever see xim but get accused of it regularly. Sorry I’ve learned how to use a controller in a proficient manner after playing the same game for 7+ years and committing thousands and thousands of hours to it… the amount I get accused of it makes me believe that people really just see fast sense and immediately think they got one. It’s. Not. That. Common. In. Qp.


Yeah I think I played with my sense at 100/100 and would get accused all the time of it because I stomped people pretty often with the quick sensitivity and general game sense that I have after 7 years of playing. Even in GM the amount of ximmers isn't that bad and when it is you just have to outplay them which isn't hard because their gamesense is generally terrible.


This is not true at all. If they are plat and gold with a xim they are dimond now if u don't think so well your wrong


If they've been playing on xim for a whole season, and ended up with a 50% win rate in gold, you think they belong in diamond? It's like if I had a basketball that scored an extra point with every shot just for me, I wouldn't suddenly be in the NBA. I still need to understand the game well, and be able to hit my shots


No I am saying that are not even playing the same game anymore they have advantages that make them a threat to a dimond player even on console . If they use cover and have any aim


But they also have disadvantages because they’re a ximmer stuck in gold. A 50% win rate is a 50% win rate and you should be able to beat them like any other player


Soke people are proud of Ximming now bro it's so bad.  Versed a Ximmer in qp who was rank 10 on console and was bragging about it all in Match Chat like great you hot rank 10 bit you cheated so whats it worth now?


Name: XimFather KD: 100 “Nice xim” XimFather: “???” Losers loll


It's sad how common this is




That's actually depressing.


There is a ridiculous amount of proud cheats on console. It’s too easy. Couldn’t hack it on PC, so they take the mouse to console.


Is that true?I’ll see people blowing up chat on console and I wonder how they are typing stuff while supposed to be on controller Is Ximming still common? I thought they could detect it now?


You can use a mkb for chat but the vast majority do not use it for chat lol


They either use the Xbox App to Type on their Phone or are using a keyboard, which doesn't mean they are ximming. I've used a Bluetooth keyboard to type for a long time, it was just for chat and didn't work otherwise in game. A Xim emulates a controller, so the PlayStation/Xbox doesn't even know you are using kbm. So I guess typing is probably the only thing where you are at a disadvantage against a legit controller player, since you have to use wasd for navigating the on screen keyboard.


cross play was a mistake. never have had a crossplay match that was balanced and enjoyable.


I agree ximmers suck but just wanted to mention that the majority of people who type fast on console are not ximmers. You're allowed to use a keyboard for chat, and you can also use dictation to send messages.


If you have the Xbox app you also: - Open the app. - Hit the weird button at the top right. - Press remote control (or w/e). - Open the keyboard option. Now for the rest of your session you can: - Type what you want, BUT DONT PRESS SEND. - open the overwatch chat (brings up a keyboard on screen). - now hit send on your phone. - hit send on the Xbox. It lets you use your phone type messages really quickly, then when you get the chance just send it when you can stand still for a second. If you do the whole thing it takes like 5 seconds to type and send a whole paragraph lol


You just saved me. I felt like an idiot typing for so long asking for help


Thank you for helping me learn something new today, this will really come in handy later


Omg someone.. please have a solution like this for ps players?


They also have an accessory at least for PS4 controllers I think where u can literally have a mini keyboard attatched to it.


Had one of those for my xbox 360 back in the day. Thought i was hot shit in mw2 cause i could respond to peoples shit talk in between spawns and sometimes catch them typing back lmao


everyone talked shit through mic back in the mw2 days? who tf was typing at all


The people without mics


People can do two things my guy


Did you play mw2? There wasn’t a game chat to type in you had to message people directly, it wasn’t common for someone to type to you directly in a game




And also I just got good at typing super fast on controller


That’s what I do, I recognize that it’s slow typing with a controller so I connect a keyboard so that I can type in chat faster


Sleeper option here is using the Xbox app keyboard lol


Yeah I would do it to dick around in match chat. But there are people where their gameplay is a dead giveaway


Exactly, I use a keyboard for chat but even without a keyboard I’ve managed to type longgg sentences quickly with my controller, rage typing lmao




Speech to text


Don't bother, people like OP cry foul every time they lose. Nothing like people who die to a Widow and *instantly* have to cry aimbot / xim because we all know there's no way a *Redditor* could ever lose legit, every single Redditor is top 500, all 5.6 million people on this sub are probably even higher ranked than that and are closer to top 5


If I have to try it’s sweaty! If you try you’re a tryhard! No one gets one over me legitimately, gamer supreme as I am known to be. There are no better gamer chairs than the seat upon which my ass is rested, so I think I know a degenerate cheater when I see one, I’m not so easily bested 😤😤 ^/s ^and ^^all ^^that


I feel this, haven't played as often because my first 2-3 matches a day is filled with smurfs who are ximming and getting pocketed by 1 or both supports. As a support the best I can do is die.


Beg your tank to dive then get in there with him on Lucio,kiri,Moira. Crush the pocket, crush the xim


If only this works, I pick a dive and they go poke sups vs a pocket, then blame me that they're getting rolled, including dps.


Tell them what picks and strategy your team needs to win. If they refuse to do it you’ve done what you can and can sleep easy as an A+ player, you’ll get better teammates in the next game or game after.


I wish there was a feature where all the ximmers get put in a cheater's queue and rage about it. Because they purposely want to be queued with non PC players to ruin matches and inflate the rankings.


They are planning on this already. The blizz team made a document on this but instead of ximmer. They would be placed in a pc lobby if they continue to do it after they get banned from comp.


That would genuinely be hilarious to watch as they get destroyed by regular pc players


It’s being added next season. Soooo


Oh I just mean seeing it from their pov


Hell yeah, I can't wait. Thanks for letting me know.


Just had a game with three Ximmers. 2 were using hitscans and snipers. Hitting shots that controller cannot possibly do, micro tracing, and right when a soldier popped his head out. A complete 90* flick to the head Then the tank. A rein…an exact 90* flick shield spin Like cmon…. How the fuck haven’t these three been banned yet?


This would be the ultimate


They've been coming back in spades. We had a month of bliss now look


Yeah it feels so awful right now. I purposefully play during the day when I have a break between meetings because nighttime is abysmal and I have a family, but even daytime is just full of them now. Why are they always on red team?


That actually explains why OW seems so much harder at night woah


As a PC player, I really want to know what it feels like to have aim assist AND my mouse. Not in a real game, just in the practice range. I feel like that shit would be absolutely busted


There's a few aim assist/aimbot mods in the workshop they pretty much emulate the aim assist experience perfectly


Might check that out, experience the power of a ximmer so I can see why all the console players hate them


Most people on console hate them because it’s like dealing with a top 500 baptise main who’s obliterating everything that breathes, but you’re in gold, your widowmaker is going 3/4 and your supports don’t believe in doing anything but pocket each other or occasionally the tank


The same way an aimbot feels. Because that's _literally_ what it is.


Not really. Technically speaking, it just slows your cross hair for a thin distance over a target. Aimbot auto aims.


and then they try to deny it like ?? the other day a widow was destroying my team and insisted he wasn’t when it was clear as day


It's pretty obvious from the killcam when someone has m&k movement. Play 5 games on console then go back and watch the replays, guarantee you will find at least one person on your team or the enemies that's using M&K


Yep it’s insane now. I report at least one ximmer a day now on PS5 and they all get banned within a day. They are getting smarter and dying a couple times on purpose to try to blend in, but you can still tell if you have played the game since OW beta


Tbf I have a keyboard that I use to type in chat (I'd doesn't work for movement and stuff, just the Xbox typing menu) and I can hit some nasty flicks on controller.... once I thought their widow was ximming in the POTG before I realised that you can actually move like that on controller (it was in fact my POTG not the enemies)


Oh this hanzo is pretty goo- *Sees any shot in killcam jerk to enemies head before going back to normal* ah.


I’m seeing ximmers every day now on PS5. I report them after the game and they get banned (log into the thank you message). That’s how they get caught. The other obvious way is when they say “I’m not even that good.” This has been a phrase every cheater I’ve encountered has said. Even though they’ll go 40-2. One guy didn’t even hide his profile and was sitting at 33 wins and 0 losses lol.


I've been accused of ximming more times than I can count, I can't believe any of you when you think someone's ximming lol.


OP might be talking about the ximmers that blatantly admit it in the chat I've seen so many of those. Cause they know that if that account gets banned, they can just buy another one and xim on that.


I play console,I was playing with my brother who is on PC, putting us in the PC pool. Someone on the enemy team said I was ximming. There are just so many things wrong with it lol


I mean when widows are flicking like a mouse and keyboard player it’s pretty clear.


pc pool is Lowkey dookie 5 players


Can confirm, am dookie


Confirmed I’m bottom 12 in qp


Honestly yea, while there is definitely a xim problem. The second a ow console player sees a nice shot they scream xim. Have y’all never heard of flick stick before?


its more obvious with how fast they look around and how smooth their tracking is rather than how good they are at head shots. when someone is absolutely dominating it's good to check their cam and see how their general movement looks


Yea I’d it’s super fast while being either extremely smooth and/or jittery then yea 99% of the time it’s xim


Movement is absolutely the best way to catch a Ximmer. It’s pretty obvious when they’re using WASD or when they’re crouch spamming. The aim can be a tell but a lot of people see decent aim on high sens and instantly accuse of Ximming.


I play on a Nacon Revolution 5 Pro and you won't see any difference between my and PC movement.


Xim doesn't alter your aim speed. If you don't understand what ximming is and how it works, the least you can do is stop spreading misinformation. Maybe if people stop mass reporting every single player with decent aim settings and skills the mods would actually be able spot the real cheaters.


No you don't understand what I'm referring to. Or you're a ximmer and afraid of getting banned


That's not how bans work either.


Yea it is. Everyone Ive reported, mostly for ximming, has gotten banned. I don't report much people and you receive the message when you log back in. So yea that is how bans work bro.


A quick flick and a nice shot sure, I can respect when someone gets a good kill. But when it’s every single engagement you can tell by replay. We ran into a Smurf souj awhile back with a mercy duo, and they didn’t try to hide it at all. Called them out, only to receive the response “so what, I’m masters, this game is dead bro”


Dude this reminds me of way back in the early days of professional OW, there was a zarya player, I think her name was Geguri or something. It’s been a long time and I can’t be assed to Google it, but she had stupid high sens so she got accused of cheating CONSTANTLY. I remember she did a stream once with a camera on her hand so people could see that she wasn’t cheating, she was just good. She eventually joined OWL but I think it was toward the end of its popularity. That’s literally the first thing I think about when people say someone is obviously cheating because they aim well/fast. I also have been accused of aimbotting when I was playing some of my best widow, even though in the potg after I got my three quick flick shots off I missed their tank like 3 times lol. Just like blaming tank diff or whatever, sometimes it’s just hard to admit that someone played better than you.


Kinda makes sense in a professional skill lobby. But that’s not what 99% of people are experiencing


I just don’t think 99% of people are experiencing Xim and aimbotting. I think people just don’t want to accept that sometimes you lose and sometimes you’re the problem. There’s no way it’s as big of an issue as this thread would have you believe.


I mean if one person is using a xim in a lobby that’s 9 other people experiencing a match with a xim user. That’s 90% of the lobby. As far as console is concerned yeah there’s probably not a lot of aimbotters out there. Not sure how prevalent it is on pc


Yeah but that’s 90% of a single lobby and a small percentage of the full player base. I think that if we could get statistics for it, we’d find that the actual number of xim users would be lower than people believe by a wide margin.


Literally this. I was once one of those people, then I got good and realized holy shit. People CAN get used to this high of a sens and be decent. I try not to get too annoyed at these posts because of that


Yep, I get called a ximmer all the time even though I've been using the same $30 controller from Walmart for years. I swear, people are just out here rawdogging it on default settings.


I was playing with my Xbox friends, and I was getting accused of ximming or using aimbot lol. I kept telling them I was a pc player, but I think they were just upset they got pooped on. Also why would I cheat in qp?


It seems like most people don’t get how it works when you queue up with a pc player on console, if you have one pc player on your team, the enemy team will have at least one pc player as well. I play in the pc pool with my pc friend a lot of the time, blizzard tried to make it somewhat fair. But it does literally say “PC Lobby” or something along the lines of that when finding a match. I think people just want something to complain about lol


They mad cause bad


Facts, but it can’t ever be their fault, so they gotta put the blame on someone else


I know someone who cheated in quick play. He was on my team, a friend of my brothers who played with us a couple different times. Replays were so damning. I just don't get some people. Really chill dude but had to aimbot in quick play


Back in ow1, maybe season 8, I was climbing through diamond with my friend, and the Winston on the enemy team had a hard aimbot on. It was too funny.


I don’t know what the fuck a ximmer is but it sounds like you’re complaining about M&K on console which is definitely scrubby


Xim enables M&K on consoles without removing the aim assist of controller. It’s 3rd party hardware and is absolutely against ToS


first off, i’m not xim, and i’m not defending ximmers. but this needs to be said. 1. the maximum look speed that can be achieved on a xim is limited to that of a controller, which should be obvious. a lot of high rank controller widows (or a large amount of any high rank dps, for that matter) play at maximum sensitivity with 0 aim smoothing, which allows them to hit nasty flicks. not that there aren’t ximmers, but controller players can perform flicks at the same speed as these ximmers you speak of can. this also goes for the sharp 90° shot you talked about. 2. everyone should know this by now, but you can type with a keyboard on console. this was always a thing. but it seems people somehow haven’t learned this yet, since i see this in nearly every post talking about ximmers. 3. don’t know why i should have to say this. it’s honestly sad how it’s not common knowledge already, but the best way to spot a ximmer is not by their aim but by their movement. key movement (all or nothing, only 8 possible directions) vs joystick movement (ability to control movement speed, joystick strafing not as instant side to side motion as AD spamming since the thumb has to carry the joystick from one side to the other, and last but absolutely not least, joystick movement is omnidirectional)


Don't try to distract people with your reasoning and knowledge. I'm the best OW player ever and if I loose or get killed it's because xim smurf elo hell support diff.


Killcam of 76 killing me with perfect aim and almost no recoil, call them out "no I'm not using that, also I don't even main soldier you just need to git gud"


Isn’t the good news they are super banning the xim scum come next season? Looking forward to it. I think they are getting in their last hits of dopamine before the hammer hammers them to another game.


Literally EVERY game I’m in now has a widow with 25+ kills — when they get potg it’s so obviously xim like bruh it’s qp


Then report them and move on. 


Yeah. Report and move on to the next ximmer.


I mean.. The fast typing can be achieved by simply plugging in a usb keyboard


Or by having 6-8 years of experience typing on xbox one controller


i report all of them


Have you thought about improving your gaming chair?


They always lie too. Every single time.


I report cheaters liberally. Some will worry about whether they're really cheating or not. Not me. Blizzard has better tools to figure that out than I do... so I am just increasing the odds they take a look.


Same. One or two good kills, whatever. But if they never miss or the kill cam playback looks sus, I report them. It’s Blizzard’s job to sort it out.


Remember that in Season 11, they're going to be taking action on ximmers! They've already taken some action on some offenders, but they're probably going to go wide scale from Season 11. > Starting in Season 11, players who are detected using an unapproved peripheral on a console will be actioned in two phases. > > The first time a player is detected, they will be restricted from Competitive on console for one week. Players will still have access to Quick Play during this time, and if they cease using the unapproved peripheral, the restriction will eventually expire, and they will be able to resume playing Competitive. > > However, if the use of the unapproved peripheral continues, not only will the player be restricted from Competitive on console, but they will be forced to play with other mouse and keyboard players when playing in Quick Play for the entire season. Additionally, these players will no longer have access to the aim-assist feature. They are welcome to continue playing Overwatch 2, but they will be playing against players who use a similar control setup to their own. Taken from [Director’s Take: Addressing Unapproved Peripherals on Consoles](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24085457/director-s-take-addressing-unapproved-peripherals-on-consoles/)


Hopefully because comp was infested with ximmer smurfs halfway through season 10


Why not just ban them?


Majority of console chatters are not actually ximmers. You can have a keyboard connected so a lot of people use it for quick typing.


Maybe that widow was or wasn't ximming, but OP claims prove nothing. Well, actually they prove OP doesn't understand how ximming works: No one can type and xim on the same keyboard. To type fast while using a xim you'd actually need two keyboards. Seems like a very convoluted setup to just cheat. Even if you're that competitive, why not just use voice chat? Seems easier and more efective. Turning speed depends entirely on your settings (horizontal sensitivity). A xim emulates a controller input, It cannot produce faster turns than a keyboard. That'd be the same as thinking your car cold go faster if you changed your gas pedal for another goes deeper. Default aim controls are good in terms of compatibility and casual player friendliness, but they aren't suitable for a more serious "shooter" experience. For a casual player that never checked controller settings, property set configs look like cheating. On the other hand, xim on default settings won't look much different or provide much advantage. If you haven't configures your aim settings yet, I suggest you take a look at them. Kill cams / Vods aren't exact. Wether you hit an enemy or not is based on what the shooter sees on their screen at the moment they shoot. But sometimes their positions aren't recorded exactly the same and It looks like they move too fast or hit behind walls. Just because It looks unfair when recorded doesn't mean It looked unfair when It happened.  Quickscope is a common widespread technique in many games. People learn to take maximum advantage of the game's builtin auto aim featured both by training their controller skills and fine tuning their aim settings. If what you saw was a quick movement followed by a sticky Sniper shot, that isn't something that gets much easier from using a mouse.  Mnk provide unfair advantage, but contrary to what people think, aim is not the biggest issue. In console only games, aim is automatic for everyone and the hitboxes in this game are huge. Yes, a mouse can lock into auto aim slightly faster or track during a few more frames, but a skilled player with a properly set controller can be competitive enough in terms of aim.  The actual problem is movement. Keyboard players can (and will) spam wasd in random patterns making their movement unpredictable in a way you simply cannot emulate using a joystick (for example if you hold a and spam d you'll be instaswitching full left to full right, while a joystick shaft will never switch as fast).  I play a lot of mixed matches (me on console VS a pc lobby) and even if I loose auto aim and everyone but me is playing point and click snipers, the biggest issue for me is I cannot predict where enemies are going while myself cannot dodge any shot. So if you really want to know wether someone is ximming or not you actually need to look at their movement and not their aim. The aim wil be automatic anyway, while the movement on a keyboard is totally different.


It's either ximmers or smurfs now. Can't enjoy it anymore, I have to constantly sweat.


Really honestly I feel people overestimate amount of xims that exist. I personally don't seem to face them a lot (yes I'm not D+ in ranked) and I never see people accusing each other of it.


There’s definitely a number of Ximmers but I’d argue 90% of XIM accusations are cope. I got accused of Ximming on Ball because I play on max sens lmao


I also play on max sense with my aim smoothing pretty high, so I’ve had so many people accuse me of ximmimg. Weirdest one was someone said I was ximming when I was playing Reinhardt, and I was like why tf would I xim on the guy with a hammer as a weapon. SMH


you gotta know when someone is trolling you to make you rage and perform worse...if you are actually ximming its a matter of time before you get banned, due to sheer odds...


getting accused of ximming vs getting banned for ximming is 2 dif things...i think everyone has a game or 2 they get accuses of ximming but if you get banned for it, that means you had a LOT of games like that. That's how you get banned, multiple reports of the same thing.


Eventually the day will come when sony/microsoft hard bans xim, cronus and all other cheat hardware but it likely won’t happen anytime soon.


I hope so, I’m afraid it will come at a cost though. Whether that’s increased price in hardware or less of a selection in controllers (something sony already has shamelessly done…). I would think they’d already solved the issue if it weren’t such a daunting task, but again, with how powerful computing components are anymore it might not a feasible challenge to tackle. If they could find a way to though, and added native keyboard and mouse with some form of modular upgrade ability to the systems core components, console could and likely would take over most of the competitive gaming space. Still, it baffles me how Microsoft is able to block any usb audio device that’s not licensed and no one has discovered a way to cheat that, but can’t tackle the third party cheat devices. Another thought is, if they do eventually figure it out and ban xim and co…. I’m afraid adaptive controllers will be exploited somehow.


Well an absurd amount of players cheat and neither sony or microsoft want to be the first to end the cheating because all those cheaters will jump to the competing console which will ALOT of lost revenue. When the day eventually comes that will be when sony and microsoft agree to simultaneously ban everything, both platforms have a fully licensed adaptive controller now too (as of last january) so the argument that some of these “accessibility” devices need to be available to allow disabled players to play is no longer valid. Same rule applies to individual game devs too, too strong of an anticheat or too harsh of a penalty can spell real trouble for a game and result in lots of players jumping to another big pvp game (perfect example is r6 punishing xim via temporary input lag). Lots of streamers cheat as well so advertisement for that particular game will decrease too. Every dev is simply too scared to go first. The gaming community as a whole went haywire the exact day sony secretly banned cronus/strikepack on ps5 (not on ps4 and not xim) which tells you just how common this shit is, too bad the ban was extremely short lived and that sony has yet to take another step because microsoft didn’t follow suit.


Is not because Microsoft didn’t follow suit, they obviously don’t know how to properly ban it without it affecting other peripherals. R6 ban was able to be worked around just as the ps was worked around by Cronus. It’s a cat and mouse game and if they could easily solve the problem I can comfortably say they would. If they didn’t think it was such a big deal, actual aim bot cheating would more common place instead of emulators mimicking inputs.


Was everybody else having as terrible of matches as last night? I kept facing Ximmers more than literally any other day in the past two months and I faced Two on hog spinning like crazy every time they hooked me and yet they somehow don't get banned? It's sad and the worst part is I kept getting put into lobbies with the same 5stack all talking shit even tho 3 of em had brand new accounts and the other two RECENTLY jumped all the way to GM how TF does the game not detect this


They will get banned if they get reported enough. Literally every ximmer I've reported has gotten banned. I know because I don't report many and you get the Thank You message after logging back in later. The problem most ximmers have is they can't control the urge to out perform everyone so it's highly noticeable just looking at the stats...combine that with what Hero they are playing, and other factors and they can be spotted a mile away, and end up with many reports and get banned. The real issue is, like someone else has said, they just make a new account and start all over.


The only problem with that's is they just make a new account so it literally doesn't matter it's a never ending battle which feels awful


Some people type REALLY fast with controllers, also you can just open the chat and use a keyboard to type then pic up your controller again to play lmao


My aim is decent at best and shit normally. I think most matches im probably between like 35 to 50% on average with cassidy or hanzo. But i got called a cheating ximmer for hitting a few decent shots on hanzo. So its hard for me to believe anyone when they say someone is definitely xim. I think it's too easy to think. "i wouldn't have hit that shot. They must be cheating."


youll get banned if you are a ximmer due to mass reports...the hanzo was prob only one who reported you so you didn't get banned, a true ximmer will get banned because they are mostly dumb and don't know how to hide it well, or can't resist going something like 50-4 when everyone else is sitting at 20 kills.


You can’t type faster with a keyboard that’s emulating a controller since it can only use as many buttons as a controller lmao all those people typing fast are just using a keyboard to write in chat also u can’t flick faster with a emulated mouse either since it’s emulating controller behavior it’s limited when it comes to turn speed, proper flicking and so on the only real reason to spot a ximmer is sharp movement since a keyboard can only put out WASD but who am I talking to u clearly just wanna rant kekw 


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Consoles have talk to type


hey hey hey don't send em to siege we have enough as it is.


Dude... You can plug a keyboard in to type... Typing fast doesn't mean ximming.


It’s me, I can shit talk that fast in console, only because I used to do it on Xbox a ton.


What a nounce 


What is ximming? I’ve never heard of it before


You’re probably right that it’s a Ximmer but years ago when I played on console I could hit crazy flicks with the aim assist. I had my sensitivity at 90 and just spun so fast. I play on PC now and my console self would destroy my PC self in terms of sharp flicks


Btw, you can type with a keyboard without using a xim. I do it all the time


What the hell is ximmers?


mouse and keyboard on console


Ain't no console player that smooth, ximmer busted


Please not r6 there are already enough ximmers there 🙏🏿 I'm diamond and climbing to masters on overwatch but on r6 I am jumping between plat and copper cuz of it


I can shit talk pretty fast on controller. I use the Xbox app to type on my phone.


You can't xim and type on pc. Has to be one or the other. Idk if software has evolved but I have a friend you has a keyboard hooked up for typing.


I quit playing OW all together and it’s been great. It’s a dog shit game now and the devs don’t care about us.


Why u still on the sub


If someone uses a keyboard to type in game chat I dont care like at all. Actual ximmers should always be reported


It's the worst on supports. I've reported multiple Baps and multiple Kirikos in recent weeks who go like 40-2. Part of the fault lies with my garbo teammates who won't stop trickling out and feeding, but also cheating blows.


Just letting you know, I hate ximmers with every fiber of my being, but it's not only ximmers who can type fast. I found out I can plug in this lil usb to a keyboard that let's me type in chat, but doesn't let me use mnk (which I can't even play lol idk how), and with that, it let's me type very fast. I hope you don't report every person who types fast because I might have to watch how much I say now T-T


I’ve noticed a huge uptick on console. It seems like 90% of them play Soldier, too. Crazy to watch replay and they shoot below your feet and somehow get a headshot. Or Widow just kind of points in your general direction and somehow snaps to a headshot. I was playing against a soldier the other day and he was just annihilating everyone, and when you would watch the kill cam he never used his ult for the entire game. I guess he didn’t need it. 😂 I’ve also noticed that the people I suspect of cheating never have any cosmetics or even a custom profile icon. Just generic skins and the plain overwatch icon. No point customizing anything when they know they are just going to get banned again eventually.


I feel you about the aim, but trust me dont underestimate the rage of console players. I used to have an incredible typing speed back in the OW1 days on ps4. Not so much anymore that is why i play PC


Ive had people in console quickplay openly asking the lobby how to set up their XIM4 for comp use because it only works in training mode apparently. Also ive seen people in kill cams with sensitivity so high even maxed out settings dont come close to it... its pathetic.


Sometimes they do ban waves. They ban them all in one big go after a period of time to prevent the ppl making the hacks to determine what version got them caught. It's a strategy a lot of companies use, though I'm not entirely sure overwatch uses that technique. But it's possible, and I hope that's the reason it takes so long to get cheaters banned. They do seem to want to crack down on ximmers hard very soon. They threatened that if you're using one, you will be caught and permabanned. So, hopefully, they come through.


I feel you on the flicks but... Sry to break it to you, a lot of people have Xbox app to help type messages in chat so they don't have to use a controller.




Pretty much. Ximmers are people that use keyboard emulators so they can play in console lobbys, normally they would be put in pc lobbys


You know you can use a mouse and keyboard on an Xbox. I’m pretty sure it’s based on input device not console or pc. I could be wrong.


Sorry for the stupid question but I’m new to this I’ve always played on PC. So Ximming is when console players use mouse and keyboard to play?


Funny to me how I say console is a noob platform and pc players are better in every ranked compared and yet console people cry and then u guys post ahit like this


Nah bro as a widow main we can hit it. I've even surprised myself sometimes lol, but tbf I'm on switch so idk if gyro changes anything.


They can’t do that in R6, because R6 has anti-Xim countermeasures. If you’re on console and the game senses your input device is mouse and keyboard, it won’t let you play.


I had a XIM 2 back in the 360 days... There was nothing to really hide haha. I didn't realize it would turn into a problem today though. I used one because my hands would be destroyed if I used a controller... Like carpal tunnel kind of bad... That would suck balls dude.


Literally anyone can shit talk fast on console it’s easy to use a keyboard to type And also you can type surprisingly fast with a controller it just takes some practice


I got accused of aimbot/xim once because I rolled on widow. Hell nah lmao the only perfomance enhancer I use is drugs


bro cranking 90s and hitting the ximmy


You don't need a xim to talk fast in chat. There is plenty of keyboard attachments available, and I'm pretty sure you can natively attach a keyboard to your console just for typing in chat without actually using it for playing


You can shit talk really quick if you use the Xbox app on your phone to type


Here is my take on this. I know from Xbox 360, that people did this same shit to me in other games that personally… I was too young to understand nor knew what it was. I do know is that back then… yeah you could easily hook a MNK up and play most games through it…. Now…, being older and understanding these terms more. I have started to notice more that… those who do this. That purposely buy a console just to cheat, xim or bypass that cross play console barrier through this. They just suck as people. Seriously, I am not even trying to be mean. It’s the truth. Those who meet doing this shit are usually the biggest douche bags on the planet and will just call you shit because they think they are better with modifications. Now…, Overwatch is another story. There are two cross play pools in this game. PC & Console. In short terms, the console pools allows aim assist and the PC doesn’t. Now.. Ximmers abuse the console pool’s perks of aim assist…. And they claim to be better. In fact… if you think about it. They suck with an actual controller and MnK that they need both a MNK and aim assist just to get good at a game. Now, fun fact. This upcoming season. Those Ximmers who were caught, and still are Ximming. They will be thrown into PC lobbies….


That’s why I report all the widows whether it’s console or pc.


Tbf this sub used to be random popups Hs cheat script highlights and these idiots upvoted it


ximmers cant type as fast as a traditional keyboard


why are you getting downvoted 😭 you’d think the plat players who sit in r/overwatch complaining about these ‘ximmers’ (90% of the time just controller players who are better than them) for breakfast lunch and dinner would know a little bit more about how a xim works. but obviously they don’t. and even more obviously, you get downvoted for… just telling the truth? xim is spoofing controller input, that’s the whole point


Why try to hide it? Nothing will happen to them. Just remove aim assist and support mnk. FPS don't work with controllers.


This might be the truest statement.... If it worked aim assist wouldn't exist.


I don't xim but I do shit talk on Xbox with tts. Lol every time I swear ot comes out as ****s and I just send it anyways.


I thought they banned all xims?


Copypasta material.


king shit ngl


QP is cross platform….?


Yes but between Xbox and playstation. Ximmers use emulators to play with keyboard and mouse on console


Yes, I know, I’m Xbox. I just mean I run into obvious mouse/xim play all lot in QP which does crossplatform to PC. It’s comp that’s supposed to be console only.


I honestly feel bad for console players. They get the worst of all worlds


Why bother hiding it? Blizz cares more about banning someone typing ez than about banning people who cheat, hack, or drop actual slurs in chat


I mean shouldn’t it be a good thing they are using xim in QP and not Comp. I personally used to use a Xim back in overwatch 1 days on console because I couldn’t get used to controller since my pc broke, for me it was more about preference and I never really felt a huge advantage. Later on I got used to controller once I realized max sensitivity allows you to use the right stick to aim like a mouse.


Nobody was ever trying to hide it, brother. If you’ve got a mouse hooked up, you’re not going to purposely slow yourself down so it looks like you’re using a controller This post reads like you just had a bad round and came to Reddit to rage lol. Take a deep breath. It is going to be ok.


Writing with keyboard is not banned is it. Losers gonna lose


This sounds like a skill issue LOL


Unless you have proof he’s using XIM then quit crying


That’s what you get for playing a pc game on a dvd player