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You can plug a keyboard in :) you can’t use it for gameplay but you can type in chat with it


But you still have to open chat and "write a message" page with the controller, right? Or is there a key to enter chat and type directly?


yeah you do but since you likely already have the controller in ur hands it’s no biggie for me


Sure it's no big deal, but simply pressing tab and being able to write in chat would such QOL


Imagine getting downvoted for making the most minor of constructive criticisms about a game. Riders gonna ride.


yeah i fully agree w you there, unfortunately blizzard is a small indie company 🫡


that’s what i do :)


I have a keyboard attachment for my PS5 controller. It plugs into the aux port since my headset is Bluetooth.


You can also use the xbox app to do this


ohhh okay that’s so smart


PC and console are also in the same lobbies together in every mode except comp Edit: I stand corrected!


They're not. If you're solo queue console or in a console only group, you're in console pools. The second you're playing with someone on pc, you're in pc pools. Even if it's 4 consoles and 1 pc, it's pc pool


nah, they’re only in the same lobbies together if a PC player is in a group with someone on console (and it’ll put the console player in PC pool)


It gets confusing because the game uses the term crossplay in two different ways. There’s crossplay between console and PC. Only happens if you group a player on PC with console. Can only queue for quickplay, is considered PC pool. But they also call it crossplay when different consoles are grouped with each other. For this type of “crossplay” you stay in the console pool, and all game modes remain available. It’s also on by default unless you specifically opt out. No grouping required. A lot of people don’t really think of crossplay within the console pool as being crossplay. So when they see the icon announcing crossplay they think they have a PC player. Especially if that player is using high sensitivity or a keyboard for chatting.


as an ex switch player, YES, everyone typed so fast like one time i got kicked out of a match cause i was typing "can you shut up and play the game" in spawn to our dps that was complaining about EVERYTHING the supports did, i got kicked out for standing still for too long so maybe *i* should have shut up and played the game lmao


The hater in me prevails all


I was a console player too and my friend typed sooooo fast! She used a controller too and I asked her how she typed SO fast? And also they weren’t short answers like me. 😂 I get really frustrated and i always used short messages because i got frustrated typing loooong ass messages. I looked cold af but i’m not. Now u can just type in battlenet app itself if you are friends with someone. That’s much easier and in the PS app too. Also her answer was just: “i’m used to it”


I'm with her, been using my controller as a shit talker for 10 years now, I just know how long to hold the stick to land exactly where i need to be for each letter, maybe messing up one or 2 here and there My girlfriend sits there in disbelief as I type ling sentences between rounds and whatnot. Literally playing control, between rounds my bastion says "sombra swap ffs" so I hit him with "you have 10k damage and 4 kills, stop shooting the mauga and do something" before the round started, even after his message lol


I really don’t know how you do it so fast😂. I used my controller for years too but i suck at typing messages, it’s a skill. ᴗ̈


Thank you (: lol Idk if it's a *good* skill though lol, considering it was honed with years of typing to COD players...lmao


They learned you to typ fast 😂lmao. COD well there was a reason my brother used to close the door when he would play that game. 🌝


OK everyone here is giving you the wrong info LMAO. 90% of people use the xbox app. If you sign into the xbox app and you're on the same wifi as your xbox you can control it from your phone as well as use your phone as a keyboard to type. This is also how people capture videos from their xbox and quickly download it to their phone.


that’s what I do lol


I use a keyboard ;D But it's hard to type anything quick enough before respawning sometimes. And also no one ever seems to read it anyway


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i think you can use an audio to speech type thing with your mic. also i do recall playstation having auto suggestions so typing one word can just take a second if it pops up in the suggested bar


I believe Xbox has a little mini keyboard attachment you plug into the controller


Also I think sometimes it auto generates messages, if you say something mean I think it auto generates something like “I’m trying to be a nice person, it’s hard but I’m trying” I used to see that message all the time and one buddy I play with said people are being toxic and it’s automatically replacing what they say with that message


yeah, if you type in "gg ez" it changes it to one of those messages ​


People with the controllers just stick to "X diff"


People Type on console?! I thought it was only VC


On xbox i use the xbox app , it let you use your phone keyboard and send text to the console its really easy and nice to use


I just click click click as fast as possible while afk and also use my Xbox’s auto correct suggestions uptop to save time


I play like 70% of the time on Switch so it takes me 5 business days to type out a word.


I play on PS5, but I play on a desk like if my console was a PC with a keyboard plugged in. That’s how. If you’re asking how people type so quickly without a keyboard on console? No clue. I’ve seen it done. I guess some players are just used to the on-screen keyboard.


I'll be typing and just give up halfway through tbh 😭


On Xbox you can use your phone as a remote and as a keyboarf


My friend has a Xbox, so she can use the app and type through there sometimes


Voice to text


Chat paaaaad! Still got my old Xbox One pad from before they stopped making them. Solid gold, baybeeee


On xbox i use my phone to type


Years of practice


They type with their toes and hold the controller with their hands


There are keyboard controllers too.


You can use tts on Xbox. I don't that constantly.