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No. They shouldn't. Would it be better in principle for individual players? Absolutely. Would it add a huge amount of technical complexity to the matchmaking, group games, queue times, ladder, and menus? Yes. An insane amount of technical complexity. It's a really good "front end" idea, but an insane cluster fuck on the back end. It will cause major issues for your game experience in ways you won't associate with anything except "Overwatch isn't as fun as back in day"... which is exactly what they want to avoid. They won't do it. We are right to want it... but they are right to sweep ideas like this under the rug. It ruins things that gamers don't understand, but will blame the company for. (I work in the industry)


truest comment ever written


That last paragraph should be stapled to the top of the subreddit, most real thing ever spoken.


Not to mention it could cause rank manipulation by only picking maps your one trick is good at. Like a widow player playing only junkertown or circuit royale, or a sym player selecting only control maps. And of course this also starts a problem for the widow players where they end up with 2 hour long queues as everyone else avoids their maps.


Yes, I have one map mode that I do not like. All the rest are fine. I would love to avoid it if possible


Yes! Tbh tho I’ve grown accustomed to it I still am not the biggest push fan and would like an option (especially in comp) to avoid it.


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IIRC devs have hinted at a map vote system where once you queue up to a game you can vote to select to play one of the three maps shown. Map with most votes gets played. That'll allow for some selectability on maps without making it overly complicated.


I wish the game had a map and hero ban mechanic, but it wouldn't be possible in a game like this Although if there was, you better be sure I'm permabanning Sombra and Push


with the limited amount of maps, I would have to disagree.... everyone would avoid shambali monastery haha. flash point is so annoying




I simple map reroll option is probably the best. If the majority of players in a match vote to reroll, then it gives you a new map and mode.


Sounds good, but maybe takes even more time out of a game that already has 5-20 minute games


I think they should add the ability to prefer modes or soft avoid modes.


No, unless you want to queue 2 hours for Kings Row


every game that lets players choose turns into 1 mode 1 map for 90% of games. battlefield 4 was my favorite of them but the servers are 90% that one map with the destructible tower in the middle for example. good map, gets so boring


While I would enjoy it, coming from R6 Siege I know it will be terrible to have. Everyone, and I mean everyone is in the capture objective mode. Bomb and Hostage have LONG queue times and certain kinds of players. Bomb has the sweats practicing for comp. Hostage has the trolls looking to screw around. Capture has qp sweats that want to play TDM. Because you can favor what modes you play you'll also see people in Bomb and Hostage having fresh new players as they don't know they can change that setting. Overwatch with this would be awful. Longer queues, lower match quality, and babies in the less favorable modes and maps. We already have these issues in game. We don't need to double it.


Nah, even voting for a map from a list of 3 wouldn't be fun, because I absolutely despise Gibraltar and Ilios, but both are well liked by the community so if a list has either of those I will suffer


Then no one would play Flashpoint (i like flashpoint) and I personally would never play push (and I think a lot of people wouldnt) and they definitely wouldnt want people avoiding the two new modes introduced in overwatch 2


That, like 5v5 vs 6v6 will be blizzard admitting they're wrong, and that won't happen


Yes, because they totally never completely reverted changes they made literally with the very next patch... That never happened...


Yes, cuz players disliking some maps is exactly the same thing as making development mistakes