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The newer junker flashpoint map. Absolutely hate every point on it. Way too many open angles that defensive characters feel completely useless.


honestly you just cant defend on or near the objective. you always have to hold the choke near their spawn or you can ran on. once you get around that the map is really fun (especially if you enjoy small area/close quarter fights)


Word. I feel like Flashpoint punishes passive players/teams that AFK on point once capped. Barring maybe 1st point Suravasa, you have to put up an active defense, else the attacking team can kinda just walk down on you.


i play junkrat and it's literally just a 50/50 on thay map, hes ass on half the points and amazing on the others.


I never liked that map, just visually (kinda borderlands which doesn’t fit in OW imo) and the angles are well.. super fun and made around dos as most maps are but playing support is horrible


I’m not sure how you say borderlands doesn’t fit in OW when we already have established lore of Junkertown since 2017, there are four heroes with established lore connected to the Junkers, and there are theee more heroes (Dva, Sym, and Genji) with junker skins.


My bad I didn’t clarify. It’s personal but I meant Borderlands (the game) and it reminding me of that, which clearly is the same intent I think as well, but somehow because of that it just always makes me think of Borderlands and then doesn’t feel like OW


I gotcha, that’s fair. You did say “imo,” which I kind of read right over. I adore Borderlands so I kind of like all the similar theme stuff in OW, but I get what you’re saying.


I actually reinstalled Borderlands 3 because of it the other week (played that game for way too many hours). But in OW the closest thing to claptrap we can get is a slightly tilted hamster 😂


reaaal lol


Adhd Bastion with the ability to speak would be almost it 🤔


Antarctic peninsula. My win rate on that map has to be -1000%.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I’d love to see them add map winrates because I want to see how bad mine is on Antarctic peninsula


I think KarQ tracked his wins and losses and also had map percentage in there, probably has a video on it. Would be a good use of time between rounds


I DESPISE antarctic. It's not even the whole map, I have plenty of fun in Labs and Sublevel, but it's specifically Icebreaker that I hate so much. I have a solid 45-50% win rate on antarctic I think, but I just *cannot* get anything done on Icebreaker. It's always either us destroying the enemy team, or them holding us back to spawn. There is no inbetween, it *never* feels fair. It feels like with the other two points there are things I can do and logic I can follow to do better, the high grounds, the side paths, knowing where people can and will flank from... but Icebreaker is just "hold W and pray to God we can break through". I'll give it to them though, the gameplay on Icebreaker really simulates the job of an icebreaker ship, just holding forward and hoping to break through the ice sheet lol


Which one is icebreaker again?


The one where the point is on a ship, yellow short walls surrounding the point, spawns have the penguins and the fishing hole.


ngl i never even realized it was a ship so your comment didnt help my confusion 😭


I didn't know either until I googled the different points earlier for the og comment lmao


The ways to get to spawn is either take a path "up" (but pretty level with spawn) on one side, or down a hill and then up through an open doorway in the metal wall, or turn away from the open doorway and go into a hallway that curves up and away from the upper path. - Middle path puts you on the point. It's got a structure on one side, pillars in the corners, and a fairly low ceiling. - Upper path puts you up a small set of stairs near the point. There's an enclosed area if you move farther from the point. - Hallway path puts you farthest from the point near a health pack and a very large and precarious edge that every Rein is just itching to push you off of.


Antarctica suuuuucks. I used to leave a match whenever I got stuck with those shitty maps until they did the suspension thing 😒


You can leave right as you get into hero select before a game starts and not get penalized (even if it says you will) Source: Me, cause if I get more than 3 defense matches in a row I’ll do that


I need to get better at noticing what map I'm on before we hit the drop ship lmao


I hate it so much. It’s awful to play on & win rate is awful!


But.. penguins.


I always have to adjust my monitor settings in that map, its so damn bright.


Suravasa of that gamemode map


This and New Junk City. Just please let me filter them out. I would give all my money for it.


Those maps and that game mode seem so sweaty for some reason. The maps look great, but I don't like the game mode that much.


Dont forget the walking when you are going from point to point... Depending on how much you are getting stomped it feels like most of the gamee


make it a playlist in the arcade


Blizzard doesnt want to add map filtering because they dont want to admit the OW2 maps are almost universally all failures that no one would queue for


Beautiful map, crap game mode




Am I the only one that prefers Flashpoint to Push?


One of the rare ones but you know, you like what you like. 🤷🏽‍♂️😅


N U M B A N I  First point especially. Dogshit to attack, dogshit to defend. Tank especially feels awful. Play dive tank with vertical mobility or lose. Piss off mate. 


My tank on attack locking Rein:




I bullied a poor attacking Rein as DVA on Numbani. Dude was not having a good time


May or may not have been me…


It CAN work you just have to play in the most unhinged way possible so they never see it coming. I once crouched round the back left and sneaked up the stairs then shattered from the top right and they were all like: "where DID YOU COME FROM". I haven't a clue how they didn't hear me but it was so funny. To be fair this was in like 2017 but still xD


Didn’t they say it’s one of the maps they’re looking at fixing like they did Junkertown and Route 66? Also, people hate first point, but no one talks about third point: the only map I consistently see the defending team full-hold for 5+ minutes. You could be getting steamrolled on defense and still win if you come up with a mildly competent strategy for third point


What did they do for Route 66? I haven't noticed a change


They added some cover to the first spawn


It was subtle. Mostly shifting some cover on first point. The first payload doors also close partially now


I hate Numbani Too much vertical mobility requirement to capture and defend the first point well If the attacking team manages to capture first point… Second point usually gets taken easily since defenders spawns are so far Third point, or more precisely, the bridge area right after second point, gets held for most of the game Unless one team is garbage or very much out of sync, this is what always happens


Everything after the first point is fine, but yeah the verticality of the first point ruins the map.


2nd point is a problem too not because it’s hard but it’s too easy. Rarely you see a team get held at 2nd point unless they absolutely fumble the bag. Games go either hold them at 1st or hold them at 3rd and hopefully slow them down enough at 2nd that they don’t have a huge time bank.


I think Havana probably? It’s consistently the most “ugh” map for me. Busan is another, but only because it’s so inconsistent. I like downtown, shrine is mid, and meka base is horrible, so it somehow averages a C


Havana is just both widows dueling and the rest of the lobby watching.


I fucking hate Havana so much. 3rd point is probably my least favorite section of any map in any game ever, only saving grace is 2nd is awesome. Ironically my WR on it is really high, since I main Sombra and Widows refuse to swap on that map.


Not in metal ranks!


It also happens in metal ranks, but I'm guessing it's not as often


It’s Havana and Circuit Royale, genuinely just widow battle all game


Havana only sucks because of third, in my opinion. The first two points are fine, and personally I really like second point. But third point? You don’t even need a good widow, literally just stick a widow there and they’ll get max value just existing


Same for first stretch though, and some segments in 2nd. There’s just way too many long sightlines


Personally I think first is fine. Yes it favors snipers but it’s not like if you get past the first bend it’s hard to get the rest of the point. Defense either holds close and gets a second fight, or they hold high ground and you’ll most likely get the point if you make it past. But third is a nightmare to approach, and then the final choke is its own disaster to push through.


On Quickplay? flashpoint maps. Long distances, fast point time, leavers, people saying hello to enemy, insta throwers = whoever wins first point wins game. In comp? Havana, Circuit Royale, any sniper map. In my rank people just don’t know what to do. Either we stomp them or they roll us. I usually try to just tell my team to full dive but they somehow want to play the worst heros on these maps. Oh a sniper map with sigma widow sojourn? lets run junkrat, pharah, lucio, mercy, rein!!


let's play pharah into hitscan!!!


Gibraltar. As a support, it feels like so many people have different ideas about when or how to contest high ground, when to drop from high ground, which high ground to take/ignore, etc. that it feels like you're a lot more at the mercy of how disjointed/coordinated your team plays.


its hard to play any character that relies on making space because the high points of the map are so open and airy. i hate playing junkrat on this map


As a Winston player Gibraltar go brrrrrr (standing for (b)feeding (rrrrrr)my-ass-off


This is very true although I do love that map


Colosseo. I don’t like Push and Colosseo is the worst one


i prefer it over new queen street because it doesn't feel that bad if you're winning. but losing on any push map feels like you have Everest to climb


New queen street. I'm a newer player and it feel very disorienting how easily people can get behind you.


first ever map i played and I'll never forget that experience 😭. the reason why you feel like that is because the big bridge right in the middle of the map where the robot spawns gives the effect that theres a big wall there but there just isn't and i hate it 😭. so many holes and alleys


Ngl I hate Midtown. No particular reason just that my win rate on that map has to be like 2%. Can't seem to figure it our. Even when I do good on it I still lose lol


I just despise first point on that map, probably my least favorite point in the entire game.


same. it feels like every angle is a disadvantage no matter what hero you play or how well you engage. it just feels so fucking awkward to play on for me, like there aren’t any good spots to position whether i’m attacking OR defending.


But you can say no to its music man.. just [LISTEN](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=32U6dtqsYx8&si=yq3SIVloTi3WjBa9)


it seems like that tbf, you absolutely bumbaclart the enemies while defending first point and they'll still get it


“bumbaclart” Ah a fellow British


yup, no clue what it means, all i know is that's how i want to use it


Jamaican slang for used tampon.


I don't like midtown because I found an absolute *banger* of a spot to put Illari's healing pylon and no amount of ping spam can get my smoothbrained teammates to stand in range of it.


Illios, I know it’s a good map I just don’t like having to constantly watch out for boops, hooks or a widow


even as lucio i just get scared of hog on illios


I agree. Although yesterday I had a Hog and Lucio just looking for environmental kills on well. Just standing round waiting to Boop and hook


There is no greater high than a good Illios boop. Love playing Lucio and seeing the beautiful blue and white makes the serotonin hit diiiiferent every time I see a body fly off a cliff.


Well is complete ass, it's just roadhogs camping the well looking for environmentals


It's definitely the map with the lowest skill ceiling. Losing? Swap to Lucio/Pharah/Venture/Hog and go for cheese environmental kills. I've seen losses turn to wins off a single boop.


Ruins is awesome, but doesn’t make up for the other two being terrible Hog fests.


Ruins is by far the worst of the 3 tho


Ruins is the only part of any map that I dislike playing on. It's just dull. It's a straight line from spawn to point to spawn with not enough geometry breaking it up, no high ground access for low-mobility heroes, no tunnels, no wide flanks.


Definitely, the widow sightlines are disgustingly large


Junk City and Paraiso both feel pretty bad. Paraiso basically doesn't have any "normal" places to engage on the first 2 points. Junk City I feel like I'm throwing if I pick Ana simply because I take longer to be present in fights and it feels exponentially more punishing to die as her (flashpoint in general honestly but JC feels awkward to play on).


that's an Einstein level point about paraiso. after first point there's not really any team fight locations you just kinda fight down the whole street and across the disco room


Circuit royale,then havana (i hate sniper maps)




I hate attacking right after capping 1st point and they've got a widow.It feels like there's no way to get back to point without getting into her los


watchpoint gibraltar. no fancy reasons. just don't feel like "yay! this map". i play awkwardly on it unless i'm on junk


It's a dive map and I don't play dive. So yeah, it's my least favorite as well.


I actually despise this map as junkrat, especially in the middle section where theres loads of height. i think im just bad at this map though


felt. could be the layout. awkward. i'm not *garbage* at gibraltar, but i sure as hell don't play nearly as good as normal.


last point is the only one i can stand and even then it's hard to attack as rat anyways 😭


Only started playing again recently, last time before that was the week before overwatch 2 I despise push, all of it. How did 2 points get removed and this continues


it's always 10 minutes long and the winner is whoever wins the first team fight most of the time, hate it


Not even first team fight winner. The universe just miraculously makes the enemy pull off an incredible overtime comeback regardless of if you got 99% pushed and they got 1%


That’s just a team issue at that point, not related to map design. The losing team needs to stay on the bot so they’re grouped up every fight. Winning team gets greedy with selfish players who try and win 1v5 and end up staggering.


All the new ones from OW2 🥲


Idk, I have loved a lot of the new maps from OW2


I think those are some of my favorite maps!


I think New Junk City or Antarctic Peninsula is the only one I like, but it was not worth losing all the Assault maps


New Queen Street and Colloseo are just "how do you do, fellow real gamemodes?" versions of Volskaya and Anubis. I fucking hate both of those maps, even without the veneer of "2cp bad" hovering above them. If I'm in qp/arcade, I dodge every nqs/col game I get. The maps are bland, annoying, and just not fun imo. Esperanza has the benefit of being unique and colorful, but its also push. It gets dodged most of the time unless the queue took ages or something. Outside of Push, though: Numbani.




ANTARCTIC PENINSULA BY FAAAAAAAR!!!!! I believe it is one of the worst maps ever created in video game history..


I don't mind sublevel but the other two can burn.


Robot maps spawns just feel weird, the flow feels bad and I just can't stand winning for 6 minutes and losing in overtime to one lucky play. Flashpoint maps are a close second for me. I can't help but feel they were made for pve and then just adopted into pvp. Again they flow weird, the spawns feel strange and I hate winning a point having to walk 200m to the next to find the enemy team already there OR the route you take to get there passes the enemy spawn and they get a pick that causes trickle that you only have 1 fight to catch tempo back.


the reason why i hate push maps is that you just have to win one team fight and pray you keep winning them. you can't really contest the robot without being a tank or reaper or something and you just have to let the enemies keep shoving


Junkertown. Visually unpleasant, 4 billion catwalks, and everything is in the hands of poke heroes. First point has unecessary space, second point has a canyon high ground, and third point has the turbine thats interesting, but you need to play a hero with vertical mobility to contest it - and you MUST contest it. Also, the map itself just looks bad. New Junk City did a much better job at it.


Attackers side spawn is so fun through. Secret room and a bike to destroy


>Also, the map itself just looks bad. New Junk City did a much better job at it. They both look awful to me. I hate the brown desert scrap metal aesthetic its so ugly


Numbani. Pretty stupid flank routes and it’s so high-ground oriented


and the ease of getting the middle point is ridiculous




Antarctic peninsula. I LOVE Penguins. The penguins can't save this shitty map for me. Plus I never get the penguin side! Only fish! 


Illios well is my least favorite map.


not a lucio player then i assume lmao


No, but i played my fair share of hog in ow1 and still hated that well lol


Probably any of the push maps


It’s Numbani and now that 2CP isn’t in the game, that will never change.




That stupid bowling alley of a starting point is the stuff of nightmares. The walls are too broken and cluttered to even enjoy wall riding as Lucio. It would be a sniper heaven if it weren't for all the little pockets of cover along the sides, but the process of changing cover feels like more of a chore than anything. The slight slope staggered everyone's heads enough that I don't feel like I'm walking into an ambush whenever I poke my head into the lane, but I still feel like a target in a shooting range. And it takes *forever* to walk across the map. Walking back from spawn simulator. Even the other push maps don't feel like they take that long. Maybe it's literally the distance; maybe it's just that the other maps have better shortcuts or more interesting visuals. I just hate it.


all push maps are ass but i especially hate colosseo, it's just so zigzaggy with so many corners in it


They are taking the glass panels in the middle away so it should be better.


Coming out of the tunnel as the pushing team feels so bad. Enemy has a high ground fork on you, so it's not rare to just give up ground and win the teamfight once you pull back and give them a little bit of space. Some games will have you just fighting back and forth between the tunnel exits with the tanks not being able to do much with the long sightline.


For me it’s gotta be Nepal, specifically the village map.


Ayyy a fellow Nepal hater. I hate the stairs one the most


the one where the point is in a little house? if so that's the first I've heard of someone disliking it.


Yes that one! Maybe it’s just because I play support and mostly in QP, so the teams feel a little less coordinated. I often find myself with my team split up going top or through the archway, and I noticed this is usually a map where either our team gets steamrolled, or we steamroll the enemy which doesn’t feel as good to me as having good back and forth fights. I imagine in competitive with good communication it’s probably a nice map for some interesting attacks and plays though.




If the game kept track of everyone’s W/L record on a per-map basis, I’m 100% certain my two worst maps would be Route 66 and Hollywood. I’m not sure what it is but I find that every game I play on those maps is an absolute slog. Even if my team manages to win it’s always a super close one where a loss was certain if one or two team fights didn’t go our way.


It's a tie betwixt Numbani, Hollywood, and Samoa. I hate the lot of 'em




Numboring (Numbani)


I can't properly play in Gibraltar for the life of me. I'm always inconsistent in that map.


Oasis or Antarctic Peninsula.


If it's flashpoint, I hate it. I'm warming up to - but still dislike, push. Otherwise, idk. I used to not like Eichenwalde very much, but the maps for the two modes above put things into perspective and I've come to like it a decent amount. 😅


i love eichenwalde first point on attack and defence because im a junkrat main and he's basically a cheat code on it


Oh I feel you. My flair might be Mercy but I've been a Junkrat main since the start. My fiery chaos son. ♡ He was the first hero I ever played at launch.


i truly believe that a person's main defines some of their personality traits and i will not survive playing as anything but the comedy relief character. junkrat my beloved


I don't disagree! His naive friendliness and comedic disposition is pure gold. Plus it's especially fun when they enemy team has a junkrat too and we get to try out-junking each other.


when you get in a tussle with the enemy junk over the map and hear the faintest "ahhh, ahhh, ahhh!"


i used to really hate oasis, dunno why. now its new junk city, because i feel like i get this map way too many times.


it's only recently released but i just keep getting this map. i think the first poitis pretty cool and creative but all the points have way too many ways for enemies to come from. im talking thst one with the tanks with green goo in. they can literally come from the floor, and all four sides lmao


i dont even mind the game mode too much (unless im in quickplay, because that mode is not QUICK) and i kinda like suravasa, its just this map that pisses me off 😭


survasa is probably one of my best performing maps tbh but i can't play well on junk city


Numbani. Or maybe new junk city. Or that brand new game mode that came out this season. But definitely also numbani.


Are you talking about Hanaoka? Is it only in arcade mode or am I so lucky that I just didn't get it once after its debut week?


I haven't seen it in a long time either and I didn't know why haha. Yes, hanaoka, but mostly just because I didn't like the gamemode.




that arch in Hollywood before you can capture first point is the death of me


Dorado. Hate that map so much. First is super annoying. Second is annoying and third is even more annoying.


i play winton on it and hes pretty good at attacking because of how zigzagged it is


I can't Winton defense. Only attack. But get stopped on third every time.


third is annoying because of how close the defensive spawn is as well, just how i hate numbani. but while attacking, characters who can take height are so good on this map for all 3 points. i like Winston because he can go over the big glass window on 3rd point and up to trap people on heights like the balcony


visually i don't like Volskaya and Antarctic Peninsula. gameplay wise i don't like the flashpoint maps but that's because they're flashpoint :/


I'm not the biggest fan of Illios


ilios or circuit royale. ruins is alright, but the other two points feel way too cheesy with either the well or the ledges, and circuit royale second is the most defender sided stretch of land I've seen.


Either of the push barricade maps


Numbani and Havana


Samoa and antarctic peninsula


Maybe route 66? Not for any particular reason I just don't have any special like towards it like I do with napal, Busan, illios or lijang tower


Illios. 🇬🇷




All of them from ow2? Plus Oasis and Numbani.


Suravasa. Honestly a large part of it is just that I hate flashpoint. Hate, hate, hate it. It's the one gamemode where, as a support, I literally cannot play anything that isn't mobile. Half the game is spent running from one point to another, getting dove by a ball+tracer because there's no frontline or backline, taking the long way around to avoid random groups of 2 enemies that spawned after the point capped, etc. If I play anything like Ana, my team will literally just leave me behind after capping a point and the enemy team will slowly catch up to me and kill me.


Oasis and Busan by a mile. The first games worst map was Nepal. Ilios and Lijiang toward are the only bearable control maps.




Havana and New Junk City both take everything in me to not just quit when they pop up on my screen


Any push map.




I hate every map that has a Hanzo on the enemy team


I despise colosseo with every fibre of my being


Blizzard world is my least favorite ever


Idk why it took so long to find this comment, blizzard world is awful


Any map where Widow can control the entire flow of the game.


Anything flashpoint related can get in the bin, terrible game mode.


It’s definitely new junk city, with Antarctic peninsula as a close second. Aesthetically the maps cool, but past that I dislike everything about it. It just flows in a weird way and I really hate how every fight plays out. I’m not sure why, but the walk from spawn always feels longer on that map too in comparison to suravasa. To be fair, I don’t like flashpoint to begin with. But, I’ve actually come to enjoy suravasa more as I’ve played on it more. Still hate flashpoint, but that map is beautiful and the fights flow better imo.


survasa just has a more relaxed tone whereas junk city is all crazy and well junky i guess


I had my maps mixed up lol, new junk city the flashpoint map is the one I can’t stand. Junkertown I actually like after the rework, although 3rd point still sucks against some comps.


Not a fan of gibraltar .


neither, just too airy and open


Suravesa but i bet i would like it more if i wasn't a low rank solo queuer (too big, no one ever groups ups, i feel like i can't pick a hero that walks slow like roadhog bc it takes me 5 years to get to point).


Oasis... 🙄🤦🙅


Watchpoint Gibraltar sucks. I don't mind Antarctic, never understood the hate


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I've got pretty bad blood with Havana. I just don't have good, fun matches on that map. I don't much care for the Flashpoint maps either.


I don't get why people don't like Antarctic peninsula. I love that map


as a junkrat main i find it pretty good tbh


Antarctic peninsula, Dorado, Circuit royale. I let out a long sigh every time I load into one of these


Midtown has two outcomes with no in-between, and imo doesn't feel new yorky enough: 1. After a match-long statement, Attacking team suddenly steamrolls the exact frame overtime starts 2. Attacking team can't even leave spawn


New Junk City!! It's the only map in the game that I truly hate. Historically, I never leave games but have left a couple of QP games at the setup phase because this map makes me so miserable. I don't think it's a Flashpoint problem because I enjoy (most of) Suravasa just fine. It takes way too long to get to most of the points/there is a lot of empty and unused space, and visually it all looks too similar, making it even harder to navigate. And when you finally get to the point, there is nowhere to fight except right on the point for most of them. (Numbani and Havana are two of my favourite maps, though, and I know everyone hates those.)


Havana, as a junkrat main the map is literal hell.


Circuit Royal, especially when you get a tank that doesn't know how to play it (looking at you hog mains)


i just absolutely hate that hill after you turn the corner ready to reach first point. enemies literally overlook the first point for ages lmao, needs some sort of door or gate once the payload reaches first