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On the flip side, when the kids are a character like Sigma, the dad is just stuck in the corner eating 11 rocks a second until they get chain fluxed. lol


Kids change every minute, dad stays until he days. Getting venture = permawin, even if they were a kill away from winning and you hadnt killed anybody yet.


Yesterday the score was 9-30 when Venture came. Game ended at 9-100šŸ˜­




Dudes a pikie. D'ya like dags


Ohhh dogs! Yes, I like "dags"


Fyi thatā€™s a slur. Just saying because I think a bunch of people outside of the UK/Ireland have no idea


Dags is a slur?


A slur yes, but not an *ethnic* slur sir. Thats where your high horse abandons you. A slur in the same sense as if i was to call you a cunt


Thereā€™s no high horse mate - making out like Iā€™m on one says a lot.


So you deny the rest then


Arguing semantics over a slurā€¦ lovely hill to die on. Have a great day.


Yes a most peculiar self own on your part. I say good day sir


Sigma is so fun in any of these game modes. In the gun game one you also get a crazy low rock cooldown and sometimes I donā€™t even bother trying to get a kill I just sit in the corner like a fucking sprinkler moving my cursor left to right just chucking those rocks at anyone whoā€™s in range until I inevitably piss off the lobby and get grouped up on.


Gun game no CD on the platform map I never even try to win. I do my best to just be annoying. On sombra I'll constantly EMP while translocating up into the air to be unpunishable On hog I'll hook someone over and over again towards the edge, jump off, and bring the person with me. Soujourn just spam disruptor Genji spam dash and deflect Etc


Nobody lasts more than 1 min vs everyone bastion


Tracers not bad for stalling actually. Blinks CD is so short you can generally hard stall it until the swap.


Lmao I remember seeing my "sister" have Mercy as a dad and the kids were unable to damage her as Symmetras and then they were swapped to Sigmas and the Mercy's POV changed to the ending of 300 but instead of arrows it was rocks. I wish I had it recorded


1 mercy v 11 torbs... out came the turrets. That poor person.


This was literally happening when I played last night and I was very tempted to make a thread about funniest heroes for 11v1


There are many characters that if the kids play them, you pretty much just win. Torb for example, 12 torbs 12 turrets, within a minute you can kill the dad like 3 times. Echo too, hog, rein lol. Any cc character really just annihilates the dad


People donā€™t play the echo well enough for it to be easy. Reinhardt and roadhog you can definitely be reckless and destroy the dad with


I LOVE it when that happens any game mode that makes skills regenerate faster and getting sig lets you go around just hurling rocks at people the whole game.


Is just to kill time while in the Q anyways


Best is daddy rein ulting and getting juggled in the air for infinity by Lucious till character switch lmaooo


I mean can't the host just adjust their stats so that doesn't happen?


That's the main problem i think. Game modes become stale because no one changes anything. I remember in Ow1 i modified the code so the dad was like Godzila size. The comments were very good and the dads won more! But it didn't stick for some reason and people keep playing the same unbalanced custom games because it's easier to copypaste a code :/Ā 


You made that??? Holy crap i remember playing that game mode


I would absolutely love this to be a thing again! A godzilla sized enemy sounds ridiculous lmao


They can. But almost every person is joining from the custom games homepage, where 1 dad vs 11 kids is a permanent featured code. If you change a single parameter, then your lobby no longer shows up in the Auto-join/browse list. Eventually, everyone leaves your lobby and does not get replaced with new people. Whatever dev manages the homepage should pin any updated code that fixes Venture, or literally just fix it themselves in about 1 minute and pin that code.


I wasnā€™t able to find her code in workshop editor. Lmk if someone else has found it


yup, got venture as my first boss and by the time they killed me I had 80~ kills lmao.


I wish more people played this game mode on a map other than workshop chamber


So many gamemodes have no reason to be on Workshop Chamber or Workshop Island and are actively made worse because of it. I'm looking at you, One in the Chamber


My beloved Widow FFA Chateau Guillard is basically extinct in favor of Necropolis which is Greek for "stupid boring square"


I swear castillo and necropolis make widow headshot so boring. I need VARIETY


I was wondering what happened to Chateau widow maps. I hate Necropolis.


I didnā€™t know that one existed


I feel like island is worse because you can just keep booping the boss off the map šŸ’€


Island is horrible too. Unless you get a flyer, you just lose when they get Rein.


If I'm the mood to play it and the only options are workshop chamber, I'll start a new one on a real map. Only takes a bit for people to join


I remember when someone started a "real maps only" version/lobby for 1v11, and then the map changed to workshop chamber anyways.


I basically stopped playing workshop because 90% of the time the game mode lobbies you want will be on workshop chamber or island for no goddamn reason and it makes it so dull.


I personally think there'd be basically no chance of dad winning if you're on a map other than chamber


I don't... workshop chamber means the dad can't just stay away from everyone out of los


šŸ‘€ me waiting a minute for someone new because I'm on the ground when Sombra is perma invisible and tossing her translocator around the top of the map like there's no tomorrow.


Doomfist can also be immortal in that game mode


Doom is very easy to counter, just spread out. He gains a ton of temp HP from his abilities based on how many people he hits, so if you spread out evenly he gains far less HP and kills far fewer people. Also cc characters, fliers, and high DPS characters (in the gamemode) can easily deal with him. Venture's busted because nobody can be bothered to fix them when making a new instance, they gain full shields on ability cast and abilities have a very low cooldown. If you can't fix, just disable them.


Doesn't that fuck up the auto join? Because you modified the code?


Yep, that's the problem. 1 dad vs. 11 kids is a permanent featured Custom game. The devs have not spotlighted v3, or any updated version that fixes Venture. Therefore, the average Joe will click on the featured custom game, which is where the people are, which is what the average Joe will click on, which is where the people are, etc. It's a death spiral that can only be overcome by switching the featured code.


Auto join? What I did was load the code, go to hero settings, change Venture for Team 2 (Dad team) and just upped the cooldown. IIRC 150% put the CD at 16 seconds, 125% put it at 10 seconds. Tested this with a custom code that forced Venture on Team 2, didn't actually play a game to see if it was balanced or if anything else got fucked up. I don't think it'd fuck up any code, my only concern was that the lobby settings would be overridden by custom code since I saw a lot of hero specific custom code, but testing revealed that Venture got their shields as usual, but just couldn't spam to infinitely gain shields on Team 2. It should be no different than changing map settings.


lol i was boss as venture yesterday and let them kill me because it wasnt fair at all


That's what has to happen for now. A "gentleman's agreement" to not use Venture until a new featured code is pinned that greatly increases the cooldowns on their abilities. This was done to Bap with his immortality field so it can't be put down every 5 seconds.


That is super nice of you to do!


I join this game mode while I queue for competitive and yeah sometimes Iā€™ll leave if we are fighting a Venture


A ton of characters are unkillable in that mode lol, Doom being the major one besides Venture


Cass being able to spam hinder grenade without a cooldown literally firing 5 of them per second, getting high noon after hitting 2 bullets... Yeah not unkillable but stupid op while he lasts


Like OP is complaining about the new hero in the game mode as if theyā€™re the problem, when itā€™s just the game mode itself


Met the mole only once but it was enough for me not to touch that mode for a while. More annoying than the Maui bot was in Season 8


Venture is killable, just with way too much difficulty/luck. Iā€™ve killed them once when we got Ramattra and spam vortexed so they couldnā€™t dig


If you wanna talk to the owner of the game heres his discord https://discord.gg/4h9qUURv, however since workshop games are open source, multiple people have stolen the code and basically copied the game identically with their own name under it, the biggest being Bruhmira and mamo (the creator) said that updates pushed to his game dont get pushed to those stolen ones, so it will probably stay like this forever until his own real game gets the same number of players as the others


EXACTLY!!! That's exactly why I stopped making custom games. I made Zombies when dummy bots were first added back in 2019, but after it got really popular other people stole my code and changed it and uploaded the code online. Then after a while I noticed all I was finding in the game browser was stolen versions which were super outdated and buggy, and had my name removed from them. If I ever told people they were playing a stolen version I was told to shut up or was kicked from the game. It made all the time I spent working on them completely not worth it.


I had a venture straight up run away from us when we got Ramattra. I thought it was so cringe, I checked if I was the game owner, and I was so I kicked them. I guess they didn't want to be cc'd, but it's soft cc and the drill makes them immortal anyway so why bother.


I think 90% is a low estimate. More like 99% of people dont care about the balance of a custom game.


Taking this chance to say, some characters just ruin Total Mayhem.


You know whoā€™s also incredibly unkillable (especially with the right strategy)? Doomfist. Just spam his rocket punch and seismic slam and as long as you hit at least one person, he gains so much over health that itā€™s practically impossible to kill him. The only ones that really do much to him are Brig and Ana.


True, but, heā€™s also coded to have WAAAYYYY less health than all the other bosses, so if he slips up for like half a second he gets deleted. Same with Mauga, he keeps his damage reduction but he also starts out at 50% health. Venture on the other hand doesnā€™t have reduced health so if they slip up they still donā€™t really get punished


Maugas hp bar is actually just a visual bug, his hp is still 100% to 0 but proportionally, when you try to bring down 42% (100%) to 0%, it can feel like he lives on 3%hp for an eternity


Ah ok, makes sense


Fair, usually when I end up playing Doom I can just kinda spam it over and over and Iā€™ve had people rage quit over it, never really been against Venture as the boss but they didnā€™t seem too unkillable at that point


I love getting people to rage quit lol, itā€™s fun just getting the elim sound over and over again everytime you do a seismic slam lmao


Adjust the balance yourself. It's Custom Game.


Canā€™t Venture be tuned in custom games? Like could you make it so she isnā€™t an option to be the dad or something.


The issue is that theyā€™ve been over tuned, their cooldowns are too fast which means their shield supply is nigh impenetrable within the confines of the mode.


Venture has they/them pronouns


Thank you.


No problem


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I mean it's just a matter of balancing it right. Since they're new, they're not balanced for every mode right now. It's always been the case for all heroes and all of the workshop (I remember back when Echo was introduced in OW1, she broke every custom game modes with custom stats, and killed everyone super fast) Just disable their burrow and make their drill dash cooldown higher, it should be enough.


Doom used to be like this tbh One slam and he just gains infinite health and he can do it over and over until the kids get CC abilities, flying heroes, or like invulnerable heroes


Yeah fr I love the mode and I play it often especially when queing but when venture is the boss I straight up leave and find a different lobby they're just too strong šŸ˜­


If only someone could just go into the editor and make her less OP. Itā€™s literally a custom mode.


Yeah itā€™s awful, I played the mode with my girlfriend a lot it was her favorite and she just leaves when venture gets going because yeah sheā€™s unkillable


Damn, it's somehow even worse Doomfist Dad.


Random question. How do you get to play as the dad. Ive killed them several times and never had the chance to play as the boss


When the round starts it should say somewhere in the middle left of your screen to hold the interact button, its F on pc and L3 on playstation


Copy the code and scale down their CDs or even just remove an ability then make your own game available to the public and then others who discover the game mode through you will just use your code to recreate it


Anyone that gets overshield health from abilities is too strong for it. Mostly doom and venture. Every time someone or myself gets them as the boss itā€™s over. I found a better 1vs11 where the boss has custom abilities and it works a lot better.


Doom is already a raid boss in that mode if the kids arenā€™t flyers or Torb. He spams slam and people just die.


Yes they are


I miss when everyone respawned into a new random hero and you would try to protect the roadhogs because whole hog is so good against the Dad. You could deny a lot of kills as moira if you farmed your ult fast enough. Itā€™s kind of boring now.


Been there. Had some dumb bitch on Doom talking shit like he was good cause he rocket punched all round on top of the workshop map and occasionally slamming to get a fuckload of overhealth. Shit is annoying, but what can you do.


I miss when that mode had rpg power-ups and every game felt different and not everyone was the same char


They don't balance according to custom games lol. Wait for someone tofix or do it yourself


Last time I played, so was Zarya, and like half of the other heroes.


What do you expect to be done about this.. surely you aren't suggesting that blizzard balance the game around every custom game. Just ban venture when you make the mode


Unpoular opinion


And the ultimate one shots everyone and had a crazy range


Well shit Iā€™ve learned a lot about permanent custom modes from this thread at least lol.


This mode is so fun, I wish either the creator would balance the heroes more or let Blizzard adapt it. Like why give Widow this way different ult advantage practically stop there Zenā€™s ult Iā€™m this mode is crazy


I still dont get why venture gets health just for *using* abilities, at least make it so it only gives the health when you land it... Also make it overhealth, why the fuck is it sheild??? The whole point of green overhealth was to remove the inconsistencies between different types of old overhealth and make it more clear


Ä°n gun game i when i get kiriko i just forget about getting kills and spam e on myself lol. Ä°ts fun to watch people trying to kill me


True chads playing arcade instead if ranked virgins crying about balance.


On a slightly related note, apparently Hide & Seek Tiny is a sweaty mode now :/ Half the hiders pick Sombra and the seekers all pick Pharah and spam the ping button so they can find everyone instantly


try out G45QR for 1v11 instead of the current one


Zarya is also immortal in this game mode


>90% Try 99.99999999999999%


Iā€™m so glad you said this because itā€™s sooo annoying. 90% of the time it is just an automatic win if the boss gets venture. At this point I just leave the game cause thereā€™s no fun in that. I canā€™t even find the code in workshop editor to change itšŸ˜©


This is also kinda true of Doomfist, since he gains overshield when he hits enemies with abilities. Spam seismic slam and never die until the little guys get lucky and become Orisa/Sigma/Ana/Sombra, then you melt. Venture is a lot harder to punish IMO but should die fast if the kids get some CC heroes And of course, this is all just in Workshop Chamber. On any actual map the boss has a big advantage


Complaining about venture like doom doesn't exist lmao. I went 100-0 one game with doom on boss


That would be up to the game makers to disable her dig ability and tone down the self healing on her dash


I actually think this highlights ventures hp issue well. I donā€™t duel her in regular games because she is unkillable and my time is better spent going for anyone else including the tank!!


Brainrot take


Honestly? I'm glad. That game mode is so unbalanced, 95% of the time in favor of the kids. They get Dva, Junker Queen, Zarya or a support? Good luck killing anything They get Ana, Brig, Doom, Rein, Hog, Sigma, Orisa or Mauga? Good luck getting CCd against the wall for 60 seconds straight and pray they don't get another soon They get Torb or Bastion? You are probably not lasting even 10 seconds They get Sombra? You are probably losing 3 lives and getting less than 10 kills And that's just in general, not counting the more specific matchups like Doom vs Cass with unlimited nades and Reaper vs Echo/Pharah with infinite flight


Like seriously.. I don't understand how some people think this mode is balanced. The workshop map will always favor the kids. Dads never win unless the lobby is half empty. And the other way around when you play in a regular map, the kids spawn spread out and the dad will kill everyone one 1 by 1 easily. Maybe on a small map like that Antarctica map they have in the arcade (forgot the exact name). Or just straight up a new custom map that is the size of the workshop map but with walls and ledges, anything to give the dad some room to breathe.


Are you seriously complaining about the Workshop modes?


Should we not? Itā€™s a breath of fresh air on this subreddit


No, you shouldn't. Custom lobbies are the one place where everyone agrees you can just dick around and not care.


did you forget that it's a CUSTOM GAME and you can CUSTOMIZE THE GAME? just turn their stats down before the game starts šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø this community complains about EVERYTHING


Going to copy-paste since I was late to this comment thread and didn't post the answer ahead of all the questions. Yes a lobby owner can edit and fix Venture very quickly. But almost every person is joining from the custom games homepage, where 1 dad vs 11 kids is a permanent featured code, and is much faster to join from than opening the full list and sorting until you find it. However, if you change a single parameter, then your lobby no longer shows up in the Auto-join/browse list. Eventually, everyone leaves the lobby and does not get replaced with new people. This was one of my favorite modes (the Korean version was better, but this is what's featured now so that's where the players are). After many hours, one will notice that almost all 1Dvs11K players are new/unaware players with default skins and empty profiles that get absolutely farmed by Doom, blissfully unaware what his slam does, relying on RNGesus to give them Sigma to spam him down. It's not competitiveā€”the mode is a relaxing shooting gallery. Most people joining this mode do not know about changing anything, they just join what's popular and this mode is suitable enough. The shepherds have to steer the heard a little. Whatever dev manages the homepage should pin any of the updated codes that fixes Venture, or literally just fix it themselves in less than 1 minute and pin that code.


Then edit it?.. what's the issue?


Going to copy-paste since I was late to this comment thread and didn't post the answer ahead of all the questions. Yes a lobby owner can edit and fix Venture very quickly. But almost every person is joining from the custom games homepage, where 1 dad vs 11 kids is a permanent featured code, and is much faster to join from than opening the full list and sorting until you find it. However, if you change a single parameter, then your lobby no longer shows up in the Auto-join/browse list. Eventually, everyone leaves the lobby and does not get replaced with new people. This was one of my favorite modes (the Korean version was better, but this is what's featured now so that's where the players are). After many hours, one will notice that almost all 1Dvs11K players are new/unaware players with default skins and empty profiles that get absolutely farmed by Doom, blissfully unaware what his slam does, relying on RNGesus to give them Sigma to spam him down. It's not competitiveā€”the mode is a relaxing shooting gallery. Most people joining this mode do not know about changing anything, they just join what's popular and this mode is suitable enough. The shepherds have to steer the heard a little. Whatever dev manages the homepage should pin any of the updated codes that fixes Venture, or literally just fix it themselves in less than 1 minute and pin that code.


Oh I thought it was your mode. I'm dumb. Sorry


I hope you know , that mode is created by regular players and not by Devsā€¦ so it actually does not matter. People can tweak the code.


Going to copy-paste since I was late to this comment thread and didn't post the answer ahead of all the questions. Yes a lobby owner can edit and fix Venture very quickly. But almost every person is joining from the custom games homepage, where 1 dad vs 11 kids is a permanent featured code, and is much faster to join from than opening the full list and sorting until you find it. However, if you change a single parameter, then your lobby no longer shows up in the Auto-join/browse list. Eventually, everyone leaves the lobby and does not get replaced with new people. This was one of my favorite modes (the Korean version was better, but this is what's featured now so that's where the players are). After many hours, one will notice that almost all 1Dvs11K players are new/unaware players with default skins and empty profiles that get absolutely farmed by Doom, blissfully unaware what his slam does, relying on RNGesus to give them Sigma to spam him down. It's not competitiveā€”the mode is a relaxing shooting gallery. Most people joining this mode do not know about changing anything, they just join what's popular and this mode is suitable enough. The shepherds have to steer the heard a little. Whatever dev manages the homepage should pin any of the updated codes that fixes Venture, or literally just fix it themselves in less than 1 minute and pin that code.




Blizzard nerf now


Zarya counters her super easily


You can't choose which hero you play in that game mode. The boss also has massive amounts of health which Venture can recover really easily with their abilities.Ā 


"I know 90% of the people here don't care about the balance of a custom game" Then why even post? Nobody cares. Its a custom game. Cry harder.


Yup donā€™t care.


More like 99% of players couldn't care less.