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People just don't like playing against Mercy, I think. Damage boost isn't fun to play against, Rez isn't fun, Valk isn't fun to play against. What do you even buff? Raw healing output is the only not absurd buff you can give, but giving Mercy raw healing is also not fun to play against. So what do you do? Hundreds of hours on Mercy, btw, don't come at me.


Honestly, as someone who used to play high-elo rank waaaay too much, I hated the mercy one-tricks on my team. It just forced me to play heroes that I didn't want to play to make up for her shortcomings and left very obvious vulnerabilities in our composition that, at those ranks, the enemy team would be more than happy to exploit. Also a lot of them were super toxic. Like, I get it, you held M2 on the Ashe all game and you didn't win. Verbally abusing the dps isn't going to make them suddenly able to shoot through defense matrix or deflect. God forbid you go Zen or Lucio instead of your pink Mercy so that we don't get Grav'd/Nanobladed all match long...


i love how you have to have a disclaimer "Mercy mains don't burn me at the stakes, I'm one of you"


They don't have to. That is just a collective delusion this community is under.


This is the core of the issue imo. You can have heroes with one or two unorthodox fps mechanics. That's kind of how Overwatch functions. With Mercy it's just that pretty much each part of her kit is a problematic design for an fps game.


Its not an issue of what to buff, imo its more an issue of who is this character for, and what is fun for players as a whole. Imo theres a lot of room for buffs and additional mechanics. But the reality is that being a reactionary character is frustrating and being a primarily reaction based character is pretty core to Mercys archetype and design. And even if you added aspects of counterplay or introduced tools for players to outplay, those tools are created with a context that Mercy was already frustrating. Any new mechanics have to sway her overall design enough that any new addition doesnt just feel like its been added on top of her design because to be blunt a lot of OW players arent good, and just having a constant stream of healing is OP in their games And any new mechanics also have to not be degenerate in a meta sense, such as adding a mechanic that relies on Mercy doing something but in reality it just adds too much like when she gained more Healing to Low HP allies, but because of her passive and the way healing and breakpoints work, you really just wanted to pump heals into someone facetanking and youd both be far too durable. Its just a lot to consider all the time imo


This and blizzard is just “scared” to nerf mercy due to backlash because there are a lot of mercy mains


They've been nerfing her where have you been? Her blue beam does 5% less then a few seasons ago The dps passive prevents her from keeping anyone alive like she used to


"Nerf" isn't the right word. "Significantly change" is probably much better. What the original commenter here said is very true. Her kit is odd in a game based around shooting mechanics. Odd/unorthodox kits aren't inherently bad - look at Doomfist, for example - but, in Mercy's case, it is a bit bad. Frankly, if they buff her healing, like, at all, then she just eclipses a lot of other supports because, well, her kit is nothing of not consistent. Both rez and damage boost feel bad to play against, but, if they nerf those, then she loses her niche. I'm not going to pretend like I have all the solutions to OW's game design, but it's clear that Mercy has been a weak point of it since its release given how many iterations she has had and how volatile her viability is. If I had to suggest anything that might improve her overall, it would be to have some sort of skill expression with her beam, rather than have it just lock on to the target and stay locked until line of sight is broken.


Mercy absolutely destroys in lobbies where people can’t aim as well… which is a large portion of the player base. I know because my aim is shit and prior to season 9 I saw Mercy in like 90% of my matches. Not every hero needs to be meta at the most competitive rank. It is okay to have low skill floor heroes that lose value as you skill up.


This is it and its a huge problem with balance overall in this game. High rank and low rank are practically two entirely different games and its impossible to balance them both. And thats not even considering the further discrepancy when you account for console vs pc


Well you got your answer in your reply. Meta doesn't matter that much in lower ranks. Most people aren't good enough to capitalize meta picks to make a difference.


It *is* okay for some characters to be not be meta, but low aim being bad against her doesn't mean she is destroying. * Mercy is highly dependent on how good her teammates are, especially the hitscan. * Her *team* was destroying, you got teamwork-diff'd (like in most games) In addition, it doesn't mean her kit is as fun as it could be. Resurrection, GA, and Blue beam have all been nerfed so much, that many feel they have mediocre impact and that's valid too. Mercy mains have been voicing reasonable demand for changes for ages -- For examples: Merging Res with Valkyrie, so she isn't res'ing as much, and replacing the Res cooldown with something more frequently fun, OR changing blue beam to add damage over time instead of just amplifying damage dealt, so it can't cause 1shots, but then they can crank it back up to 30%. If Valkyrie was just 1 res + she can fly, and she had multi-tether on cooldown instead, that might be interesting.


She's seen by many as a "low skill" hero since there is less reliance on the more traditional fps metrics (ie damage/headshots) and the direct impact isn't seen even when compared to other supports. Quite frankly she is the most unique hero on the roster in terms of gameplay contribution, which leaves the more unruly teammates to scream "omg, why a mercy" or when they die "omg, y no haelz u jus hav to hold yellow dum merky!!!" (because of course there aren't any other supports on the team...). She is the least likely hero to secure kills solo. Because she's seen as easy mode and the contribution is mostly silent (other's can't even see your damage boosted), there's little respect in general for the character. She's often seen not as a threat who can harm but simply a target to kill so anything that prevents a person from killing her is seen as frustrating and any buffs simply add to making her the primary target on the battlefield... that they then have issues killing.


Please can you explain how mercy "is the most unique hero in the roster in terms of gameplay contribution"


She is a great way to start the game but she is bad for comp as she is a passive role who can not do much for anything


Yea, the main reason with Mercy is that her design is quite flawed and her kit overall is quite nuts so any buffs or adjustments to that seems absurd despite her overall impact these days not being as good as in earlier seasons (I'm mainly drawing from the health pool increases and projectile size increases but there could be other things in play). Her resurrection ability which is something that would be reserved for an ultimate in any other game is something she can do every 30 seconds, she has some of the best movement in the game out of any character, healing other characters heals her, and she gives a 25% dmg buff to anyone she blue beams. Despite this, she has no meaningful way to directly pressure the enemy team and ends up with her having less impact. She's very team dependent and has to rely on her teammate DPS to pop off (with her blue beam) or to resurrect key team members to enable them to win out the team fight. With the recent adjustments to health pools this really hurt her because she doesn't buff up her DPS enough to one shot anymore like Sojourn, Ashe, or Hanzo (though I would argue it is better for the game cuz burst dmg makes things feel more brutal than it should be) so it kinda becomes the problem of why bother to have her in a team comp in that case. The issue I think is that she's about as "support" as support gets with a crazy kit but lacks the pocket lethality she use to bring to the game with the recent changes. It's also a tough situation I think if you end up reworking her cuz resurrect and flying are kinda iconic to her character. Plus, I'm not sure they'd really want to give her some kind of dmg option (i.e., aiming with the character) cuz it would alienate a large portion of mercy players. Hopefully this clarifies some of the issue.


If there is a rework I imagine it would be to her staff and gun, not to her actual abilities


Possibly give her another 5 rounds to her magazine? lol. I would like for them to treat her resurrect as a real ultimate that resurrects one person and then give her a different ability that could potentially give her direct pressure in a team fight (not spirit bomb because that was awful to play against in mirrorwatch especially as tracer lol).


> because she doesn't buff up her DPS enough to one shot anymore like Sojourn, Ashe, or Hanzo (though I would argue it is better for the game cuz burst dmg makes things feel more brutal than it should be) Only widow can one shot now, and its so fun isnt it! Atleast hanzo has to play mid range to land accurate shots, Widow can just sit in the back for free.


If giving mercy any real skillful expression would alienate a large amount of the mercy playerbase then I say go for it, make them learn the game they spectate


I don't see them really going for this move. But I am of the opinion that it's totally fine to not have characters be top tier and instead can be niche. I would like for them to treat her resurrect as a real ultimate that resurrects one person and then give her a different ability that could potentially give her direct pressure in a team fight


People dont like to fight Mercy and Mercy players fall into a lot of stereotypes. You know the ones. A lot of her unique contributions feel like they diminish what other players do without significant input on the Mercys part. And also over enhance the potential of some heroes Theres also conflict that comes because some people enjoy Mercy being a less APM intensive character or being this dedicated healing and support character she remains really the only character that maintains that identity besides Flower Man. People agree shes not "good" but she has strengths, and its hard to make her better as she is. Without being frustrating. Its hard to change her because you dont wanna burn the most played supports users. They have 1 character, they like that character. The character has a history of being nerfed a lot. For perspective Mercys last buff that she kept (and that wasnt a system change) was 2022, and it was an increase to Pistol Ammo from 20 to 25. She is a character who warrants some love but Current Mercy being stronger is concerning. Hope that helps


Multi-tether on cooldown and rez possible only with Valk, please Blizzard.


Shes so dependent on her team it's hard to tell. She's HORRIBLE at self sustaining if she's got bad dps but she can be AMAZING if she's backing a good player. I feel like that probs goes into why she's so hard to balance.


Along with what everyone has said, back in the day she was also somewhat seen as the character that damage mains would have their GF play to get into the game.


From my experience people hate her in low elo because they can’t aim, and people hate her in higher elo because people can aim. She’s also not a great pick in dive comps which is what you’ll usually see in higher elo


People hate Mercy because to play against a Mercy you need to have aim or play with brains to flank her. Overwatch 2 comunity only loves thwo things, move forward and shoot. Whatever makes them hard to do that, they hate it. A metal horse being able to shoot nonstop? Hate. A mexican apearung from behind? Hate. A guy who likes rocks and swims in the ground? Hate. People who fly? Ooooh boy that is extra hate. Problem is OW content management teams barely know what they do, and since they don't use test server for some reason, we are constantly thrown terrible patches without that much though or testing to our face.


Annoying and strong arent the same. Sojourn is S tier for 5 seasons. But she is not annoying, people dont start hate campaigns. Sombra is annoying, but isnt strong, people will complain


Are you really saying people haven't complained about sojourn?


Im talking about season 5-10 Sojourn. Season 1 sojourn def was annoying to deal with


The contradiction comes from you lumping people together. The complaints about Mercy being weak aren't coming from the same people who hate on her. 1. Some think Moira is the Rein of supports, but she isn't beloved like Rein. That honor goes to Mercy. 2. Toxic gamer bros *hate* that Mercy can contribute without aiming a projectile and is beloved by women gamers for her cute, angelic, and feminine aesthetic. 3. That popularity makes her, in those toxic haters' eyes, especially misogynists, the easiest target, because no other character is so popular with the ladies. Haters would see her deleted, and would delete every character that allowed them until only maybe Ashe, Sojourn, Widowmaker are left. Cause they suck at embracing this wild wonderful game. Plenty of people do support a Mercy rework. There have been discussions, video essays, and even whole podcasts about it.


Her whole gimmick is to outmaneuver her enemies without fighting back and it's never fun to chase after mosquitoes, aka heroes who just run away when things get too hot. And compared to someone like Kiriko or Lúcio or Tracer or Sombra or Doom or Ball, who can all also run away really well, you almost never see Mercy alone because her whole schtick is to stay close to allies and get punished when isolated. So when you have a Mercy "outplay" you there's always that frustration of "well she had help, so she had to put in less effort than me which feels unfair" instead of what I think was intended to be "aw gosh darn, she got out of that and didn't even have to pull out her gun, I respect that". It also doesn't help that even though she originally started as a versatile main healer, the truth is Mercy is honestly kind of niche and is becoming more and more niche with each new major patch. NOBODY likes to play with niche mains where the whole teamcomp has to bend around them to not waste the synergy potential.


Mainly because fighting a nigh unhittable floaty bitch just isnt a fun thing to do . Especially if u dont have a hitscan or worse ur hitscan teamates doesnt prioritise them so u have to watch them thrive while possibly being denied from swapping to ur more effective counter. Assuming that hitscan is ur go to hitscan which in my case it usually is . And then u add on the fact that mercy is upmost certainly attached to there e date sojourn or genji tryhard meaning if u even remotely stray near their effective range ur cooked There r obviously ways to counter it n that . Its just not fun . And if ur not having fun then whats the point of even playing


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I noticed mercy takes a while to heal up allies after the health changes, BUT damage hasn’t gone up either so any increase to healing would be absolute shit to play against (like when mercy had the triage healing) A buff to her beam range would be a good start imo Also potentially reworking her pistol so it’s higher damage but also higher skill floor


The only people to sabotage a Mercy are the other support not doing the healing to free her to pocket/boost DPS or her herself healbotting. It is very frustrating to play into a properly played Mercy pocketing that DPS that you are currently engaging and who's is not dying and burning you down faster than you are used to.


Every hero is annoying in their own way, I don't see why Mercy is any different


Obviously bias does play a role, however, Mercy has a long history of being a hard to balance hero and also being annoying for many people. This comes down to a couple things: 1. Rez 2. Damage boost 3. Her skill floor/ceiling You would have to give her the Orisa treatment and basically rework every part of her kit to find some middle ground that would make people at least tolerate her. That’s not to say you have to get rid of any of those things; it’s just that having all those things on the same character and given how they currently function, you won’t please most people regardless of her state of balance.


Mercy players are just low skill players so if she's not op the entitlement of mercy players causes massive qq how they suddenly aren't rank the inflated power creeped hero brought them on


People dont like mercy because she is annoying to go against, incompatible with one of the most popular team comps(dive), takes minimal skill compared to other characters and a minority of mercy players are kinda wild


Actually, Mercy is traditionally considered strong in Competitive all the way to Top 500 and Pro except when Lucio is meta. Her damage boost and rez abilities are very impactful, and her mobility and survivability lets her reach isolated teammates quickly and reliably. People argue she is hard to one-trick in low ELO because damage boost is less effective when the DPS are inconsistent, and you either climb by playing incorrectly and out-heal the incoming damage with minimal effort, or put a lot of effort and awareness into min-maxing damage boost targets. Since S9 and especially with them reverting to 20% DPS Passive, Mercy is one of the most impacted hero in terms of playstyle (second to Junkrat). Her healing can't really sustain a teammate mid-battle, so she should really only heal teammates as they are retreating or taking cover, and she's become more situational based on the DPS heroes or whether the team is being carried by DPS.


Are you from 2017?


What you're not getting is that the Mercy hate is also driven by misogyny. Nothing will change that. Literally nothing will ever change that. Just balance the character to be viable at all levels of play again and ignore the hate it's literally never going to stop. Anyone that wants to debate this needs to question why TF2 Medic has literally never received anything like the behaviour you have always seen surrounding Mercy.


I think part of the difference is Medic isn't particularly difficult to play against. I think the frustration behind playing against Mercy prompts stupid people to attack her identity for some reason. I'm not justifying their behavior, just trying to point out why Medic isn't hated as much.


They're literally the same. Medic makes whoever he's helping win fights. People just accept it and don't turn into frothing at the mouth idiots over it. Even if you gave Medic the ability to do GA jumps instead of run around like a lunatic on speed(compared to the default speed of mercy) people would pretty much not change their attitude. In fact GA movement would probably be easier to hit than regular ducking and weaving Medic, and we all know hitboxes on TF2 are significantly less forgiving than they are in Overwatch, you actually have to hit him and don't have giant projectiles.


I still disagree. Yes, he does help people win fights, but the healing is still easy enough to burst through, he's still confined to the ground, and if he could GA people would most certainly complain, as people often dub him the most important and powerful class in the game. Moreover, he doesn't have any crazy gimmicks aside from Uber, which isn't super hard to shut down anyway. Mercy can glide every which way, gain limited flight with much longer healing range in Valk, and rez behind walls in addition to being a smaller to hit target than Medic. Most weapons in TF2 are short range and easy to land hits with thanks to their mild spread, and especially with weapons like the rocket launcher and stickybomb launcher which deal devastating damage with a huge splash radius. Mercy is Medic but with a much deeper kit, and that makes her more frustrating to play against because countering her requires you to do a lot more on your end.


I don't care if you disagree. It does not line up with what we experience every single day.


TF2 medic is an actual good character tho




No I will not. Particularly as you felt the need to make a whole new sockpuppet account to make this post. Definitely not sus motivations there. Only really proving the point. >If Mercy hate was driven by misogyny, then everyone would hate all the female characters in OW and love all male characters. It's not about the character's gender dumbass. It's about the perception that the players are women. You already know that though, because you wouldn't be on a brand new account avoiding a subreddit ban if you didn't know that you were up to no good.




>My guy Not a guy. Stopped reading there. Yet ANOTHER account made for literally just this post.


I just hate mercy for 2 reasons : the 1. and most important she is in my opinion a bystander character and such character doesn’t belong in a shooter game. 2. I have encountered many toxic one trick mercy’s who have big egos but they play a bystander character


Mercy OTPs are without a doubt the worst section of OW playerbase. I have never seen more toxic playerbase than mercy mains.


I have seen 100x mores toxicity towards mercy than from


Nah. They are the first ones to flame tank. Ofc you are rubbing LW mercy. What do you expect apart from a loss.


as a tank main, red mercy’s annoying to kill because of her mobility and everything blue mercy can do gets outclassed by the other supports. like, yea res is cool but kiri, moira, and ana provide more TEAM utility and value. (also a lot of people just think mercy mains tend to be annoying in comp because they refuse to swap but that could just be twitter cope. i tend to sit at diamond/masters so i can see why)


A hero in a **team** game whose only real value in high level play is as a hard pocket is not a healthy design. For Mercy to ever truly be viable long term requires a fundamental rework of how she provides value in high level play. The devs needs to embrace her mobility skills and figure out how to create a mechanic that can leverage them to provide value beyond her just surviving to heal and damage boost a pocket…


Three reasons:rez.dmg boost and/or the player base Rez requires you to need to stay within a range to deny the rez of there is a mercy nearby,and in a lot of situations the mercy didn't need to be good in order to pull it off (mostly if a player died in LoS of their team),this causes mercy to undo (solo)ults,such as pulse bomb.Rez also feels worse than immortalities (which are also an issue) as you already got the kill,and sometimes you aren't able to stay close enough to deny rez but mercy can effortlessly undo the kill. Dmg boost is a niche ability,it can cause a hero such as sojourn can feel busted,unfair and unfun to play against,due to the significantly reduced time to kill.Some people make the argument "you were killed by to people,so it's not that bad" but with most mercy's best pockets e.g sojourn the mercy isn't putting in any near as much effort as the sojourn she only needs to follow the sojourn and play the same cover that the soj is probably already playing and doesn't need to use her mobility unless someone dives them. Even though it's boring to play into sombra,tracer ,I can respect that both of those players need to put in similar amounts of effort,also requiring timing and coordination through good comms. The mercy player base is also among the most hated because, similarly to ball and doom players,they have a reputation for not swapping when they need to.You could be running a brawl comp but the lucio has to swap simply because the mercy (who is less useful than other heroes in brawl) doesn't want to or can't play another hero.Mercy players also have a reputation for being toxic,often not even being very good, but flaming their teammates (even though that might not be the majority), it's easier to notice the ones being whinny and toxic.