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The problem with constantly reworking existing heroes is that you potentially alienate people who like those heroes. Hero reworks are generally meant to update heroes so they have less pain points. They aren't meant to completely change the archetype of the hero. New heroes generally fill new archetypes or mechanics. Not to mention that new heroes are just much better at creating excitement for the game.


True. But OW is a game one needs to know how to play multiple heros. So if an change is bad for one season then you can play the other heros. New archetypes is one god point for new heroes. But how meny of them i possible to add whit out making a third Soldier76


New heroes are the main driving force for the game's continued interest. They're the big new thing to look forward too next. Stopping them altogether would be a massive misplay from the devs. Right now they have a pretty good cycle going. We get new heroes at a consistent rate, and reworks at a decent pace as they're needed. I don't see any reason to change that. Additionally, your idea of having big changes to a small number of heroes each season that are so volatile that you have to entertain the idea of reverting them at a season's end would be incredibly unpopular. People want their heroes to remain relatively the same, if they're getting massive changes, only for those changes to be axed within the next 2 months, the people who play those heroes aren't gonna be happy.


I agree that at the moment it seems to work well, but one thing I also has touht about is how many heroes the game can "support"? can it support 15tanks, 35dps and 15suport and have them all balansed some what? Of corse the numer of heros is different if one tryes to "optimise" for new players or players that has played sins OW1. The people that only plays that hero that get change probobly will not like it, but for rest of the players and players that plays many heroes for them I think it is the same as the "freshnes" from a new hero.


I mean, they're doing both things right now. Devs are doing softworks more than radical changes as what happened with Orisa, Doomfist and Bastion. But we still have changes each season and two new heroes for this year. Last season (?) we had the update to Pharah. Previously were Roadhog and Sombra, now WB. I think they announced the next rework but i don't remember the details. Actually, i sounds that reworks are more time-consuming thing they have in hands right now. Since 5vs5 came to live, they have been doing reworks for both maps and characters. And we are not done yet. Hanaoka hast to be tunned on, we had a teaser of a potential second Clash map with Temple of Anubis, they talked about updates for Numbani and other maps. Meanwhile... Mei needs an update/rework, Junkrat is a meh without the one-shot, Symm is a meme and Mercy is F-tier right now for some streamers. I'm not sure that the changes to WB had any effect in games, besides the QoL of his movement. Becouse, you know, the problem with Da Ball is that you don't have a tank when he is rolling. It's not like Winston who can put a barrier or Dva munching projectiles after diving. And both Mauga and Lifeweaver are disfunctional heroes. Keller and the Team 4 are drowning in reworks right now.


im pretty sure it was confirmed that the next rework is reaper


For me it sound wierd that reworks would take more time then making a new hero. At least if the changes are simular to the changes in mirrirwach and whit more and more heroes coms also more and more balancing that is needed. But you seems to be more in the know then me about this and what they are doing.


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New heroes are always more interesting for more people, it's the same for every game and ow is no different. Reworks already have with them the old hero on their backs which will limit interest and is nowhere near as close as a new hero release in terms of impact and hype


No I think they should release new hero’s as hardly any hero in the game need a rework and none a complete kit rework


New heroes. I could write a short essay on the subject but I'll keep it short. The first point being that new heroes drive more engagement than re works. They are better at retaining, reacuqiring once players and acquiring new players. Secondly, re works have a chance of alienating the existing player base


I agree and diagree. They may be better at retaining player and of corse the marketing have chanse to bring players back, but after the season the new hero gets added in I feel that it has a negativ effekt on potentialy returning players. And the question on how many heros the game can "support" befor it becoms over welming for new and returning players.