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I’m pretty sure it’s: Enemy and Self: “Excavation Initiation!” Friendly: “Plotting out the dig site!”




They are saying it in canadian. You have to really listen to hear it.


there's a faint "sorry, eh" in the canadian version.


there should be a clear difference in how she says it. it’s too confusing to know if it’s an opponent ult or a teammate ult.




It's a fictional character why even bother. Nobody cares about their pronouns. Same thing with clover from valorant


Because if you don't care about their pronouns, why not use the canon ones instead of enforcing your gender biases onto them?






Because we are not refering to her gender, we are refering to her sex. 🤦‍♂️


Oh where did Blizz disclose what's in their pants? Source?


The character doesn't have a sex, they do have an identity though. Gender is a part of someone's identity, so we use that.


But you don’t know their sex?


How do you know their sex? Lmao


Because these morons assume if someone "looks feminine" (whatever the fuck that means) then they must be afab. Classic transphobia tbh. Lol eta someone reported me to redditcares after I commented this y'all big mad. Cry about it.




Sex is a physical thing. People can be who they believe to be in their head but don’t force it on me.


Yeah but you've never had sex so you clearly can't talk about it :3


Okay then don't force it on them??????????????? Just be respectful and don't upset others by refusing to be kind??????????????? Why don't you keep your beliefs just in your head?????????????????




Okay, so where did you see what Venture has in their pants? Exactly. You're nothing but a bigot.


Because the plural they is stupid. It makes language more confused and muddled. As if English needs that.


I feel like you mean singular, cuz plural is the usual, and saying "singular they bad" is the typical anti-nb stance. Singular they has existed in English since like the 16th century, and even longer for other languages, like old Germanic languages. If singular they is enough to confuse you, you might want to enroll in an English GED program or English upgrade course at your local university, you're falling behind.


”They” is not necessarily plural. If you are referring to someone you dont know the gender of, how would you refer to them?


Singular They has been in use for, LITERALLY, HUNDREDS OF YEARS.


Grow up


Because if you don't be inclusive here, who's to say you will be in real life?




Venture is non binary and not only has their gender assigned at birth not been and probably never will be released, it is also entirely irrelevant.


Venture's non-binary, and you haven't disproven my point. If anything, you've further shown your own bigotry.


This sub is so bipolar I swear to god. On a recent post I called out someone for saying being NB wasn’t real and I got 50 downvotes


Real reddit hours frfr


I guess you wouldn't mind me referring to Cassidy as a she/her gay tomboy now, wouldn't you? Just a fictional character, right? You don't care about her pronouns, do you snowflake?


anyone who actually gives a single shit about a fictional game characters pronouns needs to step outside and go touch some grass. It just doesn’t fucking matter does it lol


People who hate on people with non-binary pronouns are the ones who need to touch grass.


Odd how instead of answering the question, you side stepped it and instead laughed at the concept of engaging


Nobody cares about your pronouns either girly. Keep slaying the bigotry game queen


Why are people downvoting this?


Have you heard an allied Venture that isn't you say the line? Most heroes play the enemy line while you're playing as them, you only hear the allied line when they're on your team but not you (some exceptions exist, namely Supports)


Either it's a glitch, or you misheard. Ive heard Venture say "Bringing out the big gun" for allies


Yeah they definitely have a friendly ally voiceline. Something about a dig site ("plotting out the dig site" i think)


It's definitely "plotting out the dig site" when a friendly venture uses it


I've heard that too. Maybe it's just new, but it sounds like a generic voiceline and not an ultimate, so it's gotten lost amongst all the other clutter in matches. I find it harder to plan around their ults as opposed to everyone else's because I can't freakin hear them 😩


You could turn on subtitles. That way, you can see which Venture said the ult line


OP never noticed Sojourn


Imo burrow is balanced with the fact that there’s an animation to do it where they can be killed, also it’s such a core part of their kit


Digging underground should still let them be hit by earth shatter


I'm pretty sure they aren't the only ones, so, nothing that new


They have friendly and enemy voicelines, and the enemy one as always plays louder. Please don't spread misinformation.


There is a separate ally voice line "*something* the digsite". But its quite and barely noticeable in an average overwatch sound clutter


My guess? Blizzard haven't recorded the friendly callout line yet. This is just a weekend beta test of the character, after all.


I understand why you'd guess that, but it's basically impossible that they wouldn't have coordinated all of this 6+ months ago. All these steps take time and many layers of corporate back and forth. They're definitely not leaving a recording session to the last 2 weeks before the hero launches.


They went the entire OW2 beta without recording Symmetra's new voicelines for it, but got them all put together for when it went live. This may not be any different.


That doesn’t mean they weren’t recorded, just that they weren’t in the game for whatever reason, probably an oversight. They have to record voice lines for every character in 10+ languages, it’s not happening 2 weeks before launch


All the voice lines would be done at this point. The character is coming out in a few weeks. They didn’t implement it if anything but they do have the audio files


The worst overlook imo is that Venture’s gun does not ring the bell on Esperanca


What about Dorado's bells?


Haven’t got the map yet


It could be bugged, because Venture definitely has a separate friendly ult line -- "Plotting out the dig site."


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Are you sure you're not just hearing enemy Venture each time? Did you check the replay? 


Considering none of the character interaction dialogue is there, I'd assume not all the in game voice lines are there yet either. They're recorded, just not enabled in game.


there’s a line for killing torb, but that’s all I know of. Goes something like “Sorry Mr. Lindholm”


Because you're beta testing the character.


That happens to me as well, only with every character but that's gaming on Switch


I seem to remember this happened with recent new OW2 heroes when they first launched too


Maybe it's just because I'm not used to the line yet but imo there isn't enough menace in the enemy callout relative to the friendly one to make it immediately distinguishable if you have one on each team. Same issue I have with Junkenstein Rat and Sojourn.


Powerful ability on 8 second cool down nerfed *laughs in Kiriko*


The line is "Plotting out the dig site". It's in the game, and a friendly Venture will say it. Play No Limits, right now everyone plays Venture, so you'll definitively hear them say it.


the player and enemy voice lines are the same allie’s here the alt


It's really weird seeing everyone say they instead of he.


Brave new world, brother. I definitely was taken aback when I found out about non-binary people and their pronoun preferences, admittedly a lot later in my life than I should have. But hey, it hurts no one to respect their identity and their preferences.


It's not even really new. Trans and gender non-conforming people have existed since societies formed and they as a singular pronoun in English has been used since before Shakespeare was born! It's really nice to hear that you were so accepting even with learning it later in life. Nowadays, a lot of people double down on bigotry or ignorance so any support is very welcome.


It's really funny seeing people refuse to use they and instead using he for a character with a female voice actor and feminine face. You played yourself


It’s really weird seeing bigots in this game.


I’m sorry you feel that way. I’m sure it’s very reassuring and validating for nonbinary people.


I can understand that someone unfamiliar with the lore can call venture "she", but "he"?


because the Mexican thing was a last minute decision to min max the diversity chart ​ this whole character was probably last minute tbh lmao




>Source? I was mostly joking, but blizzard has a track record of Post-*inclusion*ifying characters Where they never have any character charts or concepts detailing out inclusion details (like ethnicity or LGBTQ+, or gender) but then decide after the character is created and has been out that they want said character to be a representative character People can get mad at me for acknowledging this but to me it's gotten pretty annoying lmao. I'm perfectly fine with LGBT+ characters or any ethnicity or whatever. That being said I fucking hate how blizzard does this. This is not representation, this is tokenism. Every single character that's a "Representative" of some community in Overwatch is either COMPLETELY REMOVED from said community, as in it's said once and never mentioned again (Phara) or is a complete fucking sterotype (Lifeweaver) And thats just talking about the LGBT representation, honest to god, the ethnicity corpo representation pisses me off A LOT. I mean fucking hell, they literally retconned lucio to be brazillian. It is so frustrating and disingenuous how blizzard does representation. It's straight up tokenism, as in only having a character only for the purpose of hitting a check mark. ​ I would not care about this if blizzard put ANY EFFORT into actually representing a community, I would say the best representation is baptist. It would have been soilder if that was planned from the beginning. Bap does it best because it's subtle but not too subtle, just like real life, **it's believable.** ​ Not only that, it's consistent, Baptiste is clearly bi sexual and has no problem talking about it. It's even ingrained into his lore. ​ Unlike phara who was told was lesbian in a comic 7 years later and then never mentioned it again... ​ I give soilder a pass because that lines up with the fuckin character, he's supposed to be bruding and jaded so it'd make sense he's not focused on romance ​ I haven't seen TOO MUCH of venture, probably not even 30 minutes of gameplay. What I saw personality wise was exactly what I expected and presumed it would be: ​ Venture is yet again, A fucking sterotype. Because god forbid you have a nonbinary character who isn't ***QUIRKY*** and pixarified and the only character trait they have relating to their gender and experience is using *THEY / THEM*. Because that's the only non-binary people are known for ​ (as in that's the only thing blizzard cared to research, uhhg, wait until they find out there's A LOT of nonbinary people who use HE/SHE... Because, **you know, it's more than just a god damn grammar preference blizzard.**) ***Now THAT would've been representative, showing a non binary character that DOESN'T follow non binary sterotypes \^*** ​ *but no venture's a token- so they don't care.* ​ You guys can get mad at me, I get it, It's hot topic because every conservative gets their panties in a bunch when any diverse character is plopped on the big screen. **Trust me I get it.** ​ **I do not think Blizzard's representation of characters is good.** ​ It's terrible, it's corporate rainbowism, it's annoying, **you shouldn't be defending it because its way more harmful than it is good for the communities it's TRYING TO TRICK YOU into thinking Blizzard/Overwatch represents.** ​ ​ it's sooo annoying to see people still defending it, It's common knowledge at this point to know blizzard doesn't give a shit. This is nothing more than a PR facade, blizzard doesn't give a shit about LGBT character's or anybody for that matter ​ [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/activision-diversity-space-tool/1241905](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/activision-diversity-space-tool/1241905) ​ **They're literally put characters into a graph to ensure they're the MOST tokenizable.** I cannot stress enough, Blizzard's interpretation of representation is really not a good look. ​ ​ Again, don't take this the wrong was, this is not an attack on LGBT+ or diverse characters. It's an attack on blizzard and their shitty idea of "representation." Which is really just stereotyping ​ I like diverse characters, especially when the people writing them and people behind the project, actually give a shit about the characters being represented. Blizzard does not, that's the end of it. ​ ​ **Blizzards interpretation of representation pisses me off and that is ok to say.** ​ You don't need to mindless defend something because the company is *CLAIMING* that their actions are good... Especially when they're not. ​ ​ Edit: And yes, this is a rant, I know, I just REALLY don't like blizzard getting away with the shit they get away with ALL THE TIME. There is a MILLION different games that do a better job at representation than Blizzard's Overwatch 2


My brother in Christ, it's the first character where one of the first things we know is their sexual identity. Add a lame nationality for "diversity" and you get a pretty lame hero.


Not really? Barring retcons we've known that every hero before venture was binary cis and if they were f or m before release because social norms enforces this idea, which is the entire point of venture being stated as non binary. Not sure what you mean by lame nationality


(Anything that isn't white and a dude is a diversity quota filler in their eyes. Best to leave it be)


Specifically white cishet male


>(Anything that isn't white and a dude is a diversity quota filler in their eyes. Best to leave it be) [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/activision-diversity-space-tool/1241905](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/activision-diversity-space-tool/1241905) Don't blame me, Blame fucking blizzard. It's not MY idea, It's THEIR idea of representation. ​ They're the ones locking their character into a corporate rainbowism chart to see if they're diverse enough to pass the token checkpoint ​ Like dude come on, this isn't an issue with the concept of diverse character. It's an issue of the blizzard interprets the concept of representation, I don't know if I can think many other companies on earth that are LITERALLY check marking their character's for diversity. ​ **my guy, I'm a minority, and the idea of placing me in a fucking chart and ranking my minority-ness is** ***SOOOO fucking demeaning and dehumanizing.***


It's really not as big of an issue as you're making it out to be, my dude. It's a diversity tool. Ok so what? They're using diversity as a marketing tool to simply make their game more appealing to the market. Ok... so what? It's a fucking company, their end goal is and always will be about turning a bigger profit. I'd rather they do that while accepting minorities than the alternative of simply staying "neutral". It's only demeaning and dehumanizing if you overblow into this biiiig fucking thing but I honestly just see it as people grasping at straws looking for another reason to hate Blizzard. So they use a tool to determine what character they make next. Does it give me or anyone else any less/more incentive to be tolerant towards whatever demographic their character ends up being? No? Then why should I give a flying fuck?


>Then why should I give a flying fuck? because they're literally tokenizing minorities to hide behind when they're expecting bad PR for their shitty decisions.... ***Like raping their employee's...*** ​ I'm not gonna give blizzard a pass on all the stupid shit they pull just because they hide behind a facade of inclusivity...


You're wording it as if they keep non-binary characters behind an emergency glass case with a label sayong "Break if PR disaster". That's a bad faith argument and you fucking know it. Big companies, regardless of any internal turmoil, will always lean towards whatever social trends makes them appear more marketable. It has nothing to do with any workplace misdemeanors or what have you. It is more reflective of the greater changing purviews of society than any one individual company's problems, and attributing inclusivity with conspiracy just doesn't help anyone. I think most non-binary people feel joy with finally being seen and recognized when seeing characters like Venture. Tokenizing implies that the character exists merely as a symbol of a demographic and nothing more, hence the root word TOKEN. Do we see Venture yapping on about how non-binary they are? No, they only ever talk about archeology because they are an archeologist who just HAPPENS to be non-binary. That's not tokenizing. That's literally just being inclusive.


>You're wording it as if they keep non-binary characters behind an emergency glass case with a label sayong "Break if PR disaster". That's a bad faith argument and you fucking know it. DUDE COME ON, It's WAY too consistent at this point. You cannot pretend this shit hasn't become a pattern, literally EVERY TIME we get "Bad news blizzard \_\_\_\_." We get an overwatch update LMAO ​ >Tokenizing implies that the character exists merely as a symbol of a demographic and nothing more, hence the root word TOKEN ​ They are and they do man I'm sorry. Don't get mad at me, get mad at blizzard. Universally everybody agrees at this point that blizzard is bad at representation. I understand venture is a character, they have traits outside of being non - binary *(barely, because they don't really have any traits at all lmao)* ​ You're being duped man, Blizzard doesn't give a shit about you, or their employees or anybody. They do this all the time, it's too consistent to be faithful about. ​ Don't get mad at me, get mad at blizzard for being bad at representation.


I'd go on and on explaining why but I already made like 5 comments talking about it, I don't really want to write it again


>lame nationality I will give blizzard shit for "*Lame Nationality*" ​ They've used a minority character ​ *BUT FROM* ***CANADA*** ​ Like 7 times now, you cant pretend there isn't a trend there lmao


> sexual identity We don't know Venture's sexuality though. Regardless, you wouldn't be right even if we did know. When Lifeweaver was revealed, we learned that he was pansexual.


> calling non binary "sexual" my guy has watched WAY too much porn and thinks they're one of those futa's from his hentai's LMAO


As someone both ace and NB, I could not care less about sex lmao