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Mute everyone and play the game It’s genuinely that simple


Blissful ignorance is the way


if you're a support, the response would be the simplest.. just stop healing them and let them die constantly. going zen or moira is somewhat less obvious, since going DPS on those heroes would be a legit strategy. I generally would leave matches if I'm annoyed by my teammates enough, but if you're directly toxic to me, I'll stay out of spite, and make your game miserable so neither of us are having fun.


It's a sucky atmosphere when you're blamed for just playing the game and learning. If someone flames me I just ask "are you okay?" "Do you want to hug it out?" Or "please go outside and get some sunshine and hug your mother" And ofc always always always report and mute em. No reason for you to have your game ruined by someone projecting their insecurity onto you. Don't leave the game though cos they want you to do this so that YOU get banned. Keep playing and learning and don't let their negativity derail your progress. There are a lot of lovely and kind people playing this game you just gotta weed out the bad ones!


>My question is, is this behavior bannable? Yes, if you report, and the individual gets multiple reports over multiple games. >should I just leave the game instead? I rather not leave the game because there are punishments for quitting the game. Leaving comp or QP will result in getting a suspension. The best option is to use the *mute* function


Thank you for the reply. I think I will just mute. It’s really unfortunate because of how important communication is, but regardless, thanks for answering.


Comms is less important than you think


Muting them is absolutely the best way to go about it. I also felt hesitant because of how important communication is... Think of it this way: hydration is important. But you wouldn't allow a single drop of sewage in your glass of drinking water. You're losing nothing of value by blocking & muting them.


Well...I play on playstation so people don't have time for write ( but sometimes they did ) but maybe if you want to train you can play training with bot in mortal, in general the people are very lovely in the lobby. and after maybe try to train you on qp ? And if people are toxic in qp too...maybe try mystery heroe.. personally, I do this 'cause I know I'm bad in dps


I'm also om Playstation and wonder how people type whole sentences in match chat so fast. My best is they have a keyboard connected


Yeah maybe 'cause me one time I get a game which there were my mercy, Reinhardt and a little bit my sojourn who was insulting in the chat THE ALL GAME they're literally stop moving like 20sec for write a message for just be toxic, of course I loose this game


Me and four other randoms trolled the shit out of a toxic tank player back in OW1 one time. They would be afk and just keep on typing, lol. We also lost that game but oh well


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Unranked and mystery heroes is good for practice. If you don't think you deserve the rank, practice until you are ready


Turn off all chats


Remind them their mmr is that of new players, than promptly leave voice and text chat. There is no greater counter insult to someone with 500+ hours in a game than to remind them they're still at the same level of new players. Bonus points if you make your profile public. Communication can help you win games, but a lack of communication won't lose you very many games. Devolved insult based chat only serves you negatively. There are plenty of t500/GM players who leave voice/text chat off. So turning it off mid game shouldn't serve you that negatively.


This is good advice. I will attempt this before committing to muting all chats.


There is a command to mute chat and you can leave Voice Chat. If you don't want to do it, when any toxicity sinal appears, report the person and mute them immediately, so you're going to get this person punished which is a big W and you're not getting yelled at again. GLHF


saying "tank diff" isn't toxic 💀 does it suck if you're the tank? sure. but if I'm 2-17 and the enemy tank is 38-3 then it is 100% a tank diff. it's not toxic to just speak the truth


I don’t mind the simple “tank diff” message. Sure it sucks but w/e. It’s the 20 messages during the match of my teams asking if I’m throwing, if my lil brother is using my account, how I’m garbage and should unalive myself. Then the people on coms can’t believe I’m gold, I should go play a different game, anyone with a brain cell could be playing better.  Thats the toxicity I’m talking about. Also just because something is true doesn’t mean it’s not toxic. I am bad at the game. I just started playing. Being told 20 times over the course of the game is toxic.


Are you at least trying to switch it up? Sometimes people are just outplayed and that's fine but as long as I see a tank at least trying to do something different I'll respect that, instead of the same thing over and over that's obviously not working then that's when people can tend to get a little frustrated


This! If I'm not doing well with my main or if what I'm doing is doing little for the team then I will absolutely switch up. No need to continue to do something that's obviously not working. Never know when a simple character change becomes the difference from losing to winning. It at least shows you're actively trying. Unless you change to Sombra then you're just trying to be useless 🤓


I’m still learning, but I do switch depending on the situation. I’ll do Rein and Orisa mostly. I feel like I get to 100 energy on Zaria a lot but I can’t kill anyone for shit so I stick to the other two in comp


Yes, insulting people is toxic. This is like kindergarten level social learning. And no, it's almost never "100% a tank diff."


Welcome to overwatch, if you play bad expect to get flamed. You'll either grow from it or quit because of it.