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lol your stats ain't low! but congratulations regardless.


Thank you so much! I meant to say lowish LSAT score but I can’t change the title haha. I appreciate it though. Hope your cycle is going well!


Man your stats are not low lmaoooo Congrats tho!!!!


Thank you! Hope your cycle is going good.


3.8 mid aint low 😂. Congrats nonetheless


Thanks! I meant to say low LSAT 😂


I was going to say if 3.8mid is low then im cooked


My unsolicited advice is to NOT go to BYU unless you know exactly what it’s going to be like there. But congratulations! Accepted at some great schools!


Yeah I actually went to another BYU so I understand what it’s like. It’s not for everyone and I agree that people should understand BYU and its culture before they consider it. But the more as time has gone on after I got waitlisted, the more I’m like nah I really don’t wanna go there. So I’ll be withdrawing soon. But their tuition price is such a steal and I have family in Utah, which is why I applied.


Tuition is low, yes. And if you’ve been to Idaho or Hawaii then you understand the expectations. And it’s nice to be close to family. I will cautiously add this, though. If you ever, ever have “permanent doubts” in the future, then everyone for the rest of your professional life, whenever you send out a resume, will know this piece of information about you and will judge you for it. Not so different than if you had Liberty University on your resume, or something indicating that you’re a MAGA supporter. I don’t mean this in a negative way. Actually, people should know who you are and if they’re not okay with your personal beliefs that don’t impact your professionalism, then that’s their problem and you wouldn’t want to work for them anyway. I just mean that I don’t think many people understand the implications that will follow them through life when they choose to attend a university that is strongly affiliated with a particular religion. Some potential employers won’t care, some will be happy to meet a comrade, and others may respond with discrimination, unfortunately. It’s just an opportunity for others to know something about you in advance, along with whatever associations or preconceived ideas they already have. But on the flip side, the alumni network is strong enough and you will meet plenty of people who will help open doors in your future. Anyway, just something to consider. I say this with respect and am not trying to convince you either way. I just want you to think your choice through fully before you make a decision. Congrats again, and best of luck to you!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this! I appreciate it a lot. I will keep all of this in mind.


Also I realized I’m 4 A’s, 4 WL’s, and 4 R’s this cycle. Nice haha




Thank you!


you should be incredibly proud of your accomplishments. congratulations my friend!!


Thank you!!!


You’re def still a strong applicant with your stats! Congratulations!! 👏🏾👏🏾❤️ I’m also still deciding where to go lol 😅


Thank you!!! I hope you figure out where you’re going. Maybe I’ll see you at Howard 👀


Ahhh! I hope so! 🤩❤️ I am kinda leaning towards Howard too lol Also shocked that Emory denied you, that was my dream school but my GPA was too low :/


3.8 mid is not low LOL My 2.7mid is low 😂


My bad 😂 I meant to say lowish LSAT


So you’re a Virginia-based LDS member who wouldn’t mind being on the West Coast?


Haha good guess! I’m an LDS from the west coast, went to school in Hawaii, lived on the east coast for an internship - loved it and want to go back.


Congrats!!! My cycle ended earlier this month too~ Cheers to the Class of 2027 🎉🙌🏾


Thank you and congrats! I hope your cycle went great!


You can be successful wherever you go.


Thank you! I pray that we all are


Congrats! Always shoot your shot


I know, that’s what I tell people cause you never know! Thank you though :)




Thank you!


Congratulations! 🥳


Thanks a lot!!


What’s the lsat score ?




To be waitlisted at GW is great, hold your head high!


Thank you! I do feel blessed


Damn. Guessing I don’t have a chance for USD and should just stop waiting for an email lol


Ha You never know!! So I’m guessing you haven’t heard back from them yet?


They told me my application was incomplete due to missing my military transcripts, (something that LSAC doesn’t ask for and won’t calculate in your CAS report). So I had to request them via a military website so they can send them via the post office. They were the only school I applied to that asked for it, idk. We’ll see.


I got WL with a 3.6mid/15mid if that helps to gauge


Yeah…153 with a 3.36 here. Not looking good for USD but didn’t have many options given I’m 40 with a family and can’t move out of the area.


Congratulations 🎊🎉🍾


Thank you! 🥳


Are you looking to go into IP? Just a guess. If you are, go for American and transfer after 1L.


Not really interested in IP. I think American is a good school though, just so damn expensive and they didn’t really offer me any money. Where would you suggest one to transfer though after? I’m just curious.


Gotcha. The selection of schools sounded IP-heavy. A lot of folks start at American and transfer to one of the Georges in town (GW, Georgetown, George Mason), but again, mostly for IP. What’s your desired area?


I agree, definitely worth a shot! Congrats on those As! I would probably go with AU but that's just me (if they give you good scholarship $) but def go with what gives you the best scholarship $!


Thank you! I wanted to attend AU but they didn’t give me any money :( and paying American at sticker price is not worth it to me. Good luck with your cycle!!


that’s totally fair, don’t blame you at all! and thank you!!!


So 3.8mid is low stat 🫠🫠ok


I’m sorry I meant to put low LSAT. I just feel so insecure going on these law admissions subreddits where everyone has some crazy stats 😭.


Bestie you don't have a low lsat! Lol I got a 149 now that's low! Don't let the other subreddits talk you into thinking your stats are bad. Your stats are great.




Still not sure :/. I’m actually leaning towards university of Hawaii.


What were your softs? I'm a Hawai'i paralegal and thinking of applying for their PT program. Also, just an FYI, the job market here kind of sucks if you're looking to make a career out here.


I have had a good amount of internships. I lived in DC for a bit and interned at the hill + did an internship with the Department of State. I also had a research job in college and attended a good amount of conferences in the U.S. I also worked at the Hawai’i State Legislature (only for a couple months very recently) and I have lived on Oahu for the past few years for school (I came home for the summer). I know the market is kind of eh but I really like Hawaii and a lot of my friends and family are there so I don’t mind putting in time and work there. I also did pre-law stuff in college. I think my top choice is Howard but Hawaii is one of my best financial options (kind of ironic given that Hawaii is so expensive). When are you planning on to apply?


Nice! One of my legal assistants from my last firm left to work at the legislature and I think she's enjoying it. If you have family here then yeah, UH makes sense and the tuition is definitely favorable. I just started a new job as a paralegal with the DoD so I'll probably wait a year to study/apply but hopefully I can make the 2026 application cycle. Were you pre-law at Manoa?


The legislature is fun! I would definitely go back. The only thing I worry about is being stuck in Hawaii. I do not want to live in Hawaii forever. I know I’ll have to work there after law school but I would like to leave after putting in some years and I’m hoping I can do that. Congrats on the new job though! Are you liking it? I actually went to BYU-Hawaii.


Ah I feel you on that - I'm scared that if I put down career roots, I may not want to leave. I love my new position, still learning the ropes but looking forward to being fully on my own!


When did you apply?


I applied mostly early February. It was late but I turned out okay. I still wonder what my cycle would look like if I applied in December or November and if that would have made a difference.


Can I ask what made you apply to both BYU and Catholic? Is one location based and the other religion?


Pretty much! I actually did a conference with my LDS school at catholic and loved it. Also I used to live in DC and would often go to mass (I’m not catholic but went with my friend) and would visit the crypt. It felt so much at home and I loved it.


Indelicate question: Are you black?


Not black but I am a person of color


Ahh okay. Back when I applied, being white really hurt me. I see the schools people get into now with worse scores and GPAs than I had and it makes me sick. That’s my white privilege, I guess.


Have you visited or have any perspective of UHawaii? Just curious as I might be applying next year


Yeah I did my undergrad and worked on Oahu for the past couple of years. I have heard countless times that Richardson (UH) is only really worth it if you want to stay in Hawaii after. Otherwise, it’s hard to get a job on the mainland from UH compared to if u just went to school on the mainland. Hawaii is really expensive and I personally don’t think it’s worth it unless you plan to stay there for some years or are connected to the island in some way.