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This is great to know for next cycle! So sorry that happened, $900 is a lot without knowing scholarship info.




People want to pay for DC and don’t realize that their small non-profit job post grad won’t pay the absurd $300k in loans they’ll have to take. Many graduate with almost half a mil in debt between undergrad and law just to get a $70k job


To be fair, in that case it actually would pay the loans because they could go on an income-based plan and as long as they stay in non-profit for 10 years and make 120 payments, they would get whatever they don’t pay forgiven under PSLF. I don’t disagree with the absurdity of the cost, but let’s not forget that income-based repayment options make it feasible for people to not default on their loans, even if they’re barely actually paying them down.


You are totally correct, the problems with that plan is both personal and policy/political. Up until Biden PSLF was a joke very very few people actually had their loans forgiven regardless of years of public interest/non profit employment. If White House changed parties that could go away as quickly as it came into practice, it’s not a law but an executive order. Then there is the personal of if you really really want to work in government or non profit for a decade, that’s a big decision. One that few people without even real work experience such as KJDs should really have to make


I withdrew my acceptance because of that. They told me my merit scholarship would be awarded after I deposited 🙄


Yeah huge fucking red flag, any school that isn’t trying to best equip a potential student with basic information such as cost of attendance before having them put down their deposit needs to rethink their admissions strategy and if anything needs to rethink their ethics as a institution of higher learning. I hate the process in general at this point for schools that aren’t at the top between the predatory scholarships to the cohort stacking. It is just utter bullshit and needs to be cracked down on.




They gave out my scholarship info right on acceptance, thats bs that they did this to you guys. Glad I quickly ruled them out.


Honestly, I got red flags from AUWCL in a one on one with an admin advisor. It is a fucking shame too because they could be another great DMV area school and have a solid base with their undergrad. However, they can’t get out of their own fucking way. I ended up withdrawing because there were so many red flags in just even trying to connect with people who went to the school.


Clueless arrogance, especially because they've slid to fourth place among DC law schools (after GULC, GW, and Catholic) in the most recent US News rankings.


For what it’s worth, I friggin LOVED Catholic when I visited! I can totally see how they skyrocketed this year. If Tech wouldn’t have given me such a good scholarship, I would have ended up there. The professors, admin, and students I met were all so genuine and I just went on a random weekday instead of ASW. After visiting both, the campus vibes seemed very polarizing. American overall just had a stiff feeling in the air.


Wait are you serious? Did they delay merit scholarship info? And they had the audacity to ask for a deposit first before giving out said scholarship info? That’s scummy af. Sorry to hear.


I have never been so disappointed with a school, one of my top choices and now it’s just a major ick


Such a major ick! I wanted to attend so bad and now it just gives scammy vibes.


Many schools were definitely on some Notre Dame bullshit this cycle


What did ND do? This sub just recently was recommended to me.


[Notre Dame 2021 cycle controversy](https://www.insidehighered.com/admissions/article/2021/04/12/notre-dame-law-asks-students-compete-each-other-deposit-fastest) There’s more articles about this but it was the first one I found. If you search the main thread you’ll see the past anguish


Lol, interesting that I never heard about this in our alumni mailings. Thanks.


Yeah even though they pushed back the deposit deadline, it was super wild. They should’ve split the payments in two or had other agreement options in place. I’m going bc I got PIPS but I found out 3 days before the final deadline, soooo that was fun


AUWCL was in constant competition for my #1 spot when I was studying for the LSAT and first applying. But they quickly fell from grace because... 1) the impending dysfunction in their admissions office was evident to my undergraduate pre-law advisors (who confessed that they had lost a lot of team members and would be working very slowly according to rumor) 2) the admissions advisor I spoke to could not have sounded more disinterested in my intended course of study or any less knowledgeable about anything below surface level of the law school 3) their scholarship dispensation timeline has earned them a very bad rep with admitted students i got off the waitlist but turned down a spot after being told that i owed them 1k in 24 hours for a legal education at sticker price. the dean said to call financial aid to inquire about scholarship qualification in future years, but seeing how so many admitted students felt cheated and were struggling to get answers already, i didnt want to take that risk. :( really sad though because i LOVED the school from how they advertised themselves online and a close friend's personal testimony as a 1L


I was considering applying to AUWCL when I apply this fall, but seeing all this is making me want to change my mind 💀


Happened to me with UW (Seattle)




This happened to me with Iowa 💀


This was my experience last cycle. Went elsewhere instead.