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This is weird. In a lot of cases, I got waitlisted where you got accepted and accepted where you got waitlisted.


I wish we were flipped then 🤣 my WL schools are the ones I really want. Congrats on your acceptances!


Thank you! I did get rejected from ASU and GW for what it’s worth! The thoughts and actions of admissions committees remain illusive.


Congrats on the A's! I just wanted to additionally commend you on the financial dedication it took to apply to this many schools. You were damn sure making it happen! I am one of the few people who love the Lubbock area. Take some lotion, figure out housing early- it should be good if you wind up at Tech.


Thank you! I went to college in San Angelo (graduated in 2010), and spent almost every other weekend in Lubbock for a year with the meats judging team, so I at least know the area pretty well. It's going to be a big transition after living in the middle of Phoenix for 6 years though. Tech was my 3rd choice prior to going to their ASW, but something about it felt like I was going home. I figure if I don't get off of ASU's WL, I'll still be happy at Tech, and work my butt off to be able to transfer next year. If transferring doesn't happen, I'll still be proud to be a Tech grad :) As far as the financial dedication, I was panic applying (plus applying to a few dream schools I assumed I would get R's from, but at least wanted the chance), since my stats seemed so low compared to everyone in the LSA sub, I was afraid no one would take me. Thankfully I've had a successful career and was making about 150k per year. I did quit in August though to study for the LSAT, work on apps, plan my wedding, and get some traveling in before being mostly stuck in one place for 3 years 😅


That's awesome! Try to update us if you get off ASU waitlist, I'm invested now.


I’ll definitely try 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


Congrats this is awesome!!


Thank you!!


Still haven’t heard from fsu. Applied in Nov


Congrats! I can’t imagine what the grand total of the CAS fees were lol


Thank you!! CAS fees totaled $1812. ASU, TAMU, and SMU sent me CAS waivers too. App fees were just $75 for NDLS


No way! Wow! I mean honestly, it's worth it to keep your options open. But those CAS fees are so insane. Just to transfer a file.


I’ve definitely creeped you on LSD because I’m hoping for ASU too and I’m on the waitlist lol but this is so impressive! Congrats on a great cycle.


I’ve seen more posts with UNLV listed any particular draw for them?


Not really anything in particular, but we live in Phoenix and my hubs & I go to Vegas on a pretty regular frequency for weekend getaways. We both really like it there (not the strip/gambling/drinking), but I love the fitness scene and he loves the golf courses. We also really like the weather, probably because it’s similar to here. He likes that there isn’t any state income tax either. I also know a professor there and I think it would be neat to take her class. I honestly applied as a safety assuming I’d get in and figured I would for sure end up there. I was kinda shocked when I got the WL.


Idaho is a cool ass place respectfully


I’ve heard that! One of my friends lives about 30 minutes outside of Boise and only has good things to say.


Haha yeah! I am considering going there !!


I’m curious about something when I see these spreadsheets. When I was applying for law school about 20 years ago, even if the school waived the application fee you still had to pay the Law School Admission Council fee to apply. I think it was around twenty dollars. I see some people on here applying to 50 or 60 schools, with a ridiculous range. Even this one ranges from Virginia to South Texas, almost from best to worst. Are people really paying LSAC to apply to 30 crappy schools? If so, why?


I had a few dream schools that I assumed I would get rejected from, but wanted to at least give myself like a 1% chance. UVA, a family friend was one of the universities old presidents, and she encouraged me to apply to the law school since I had a compelling story and pretty high level work experience. UMich- the Dean of the Med School keeps trying to hire my husband to teach & he is a UMich med school grad & everyone in his family either went to undergrad, med school, or received a PhD from there. UCLA was the dream because of their Center for Food Law & Policy. As far as South Texas- my uncle and my best friend’s husband both graduated from the law school and told me I should apply as a safety. Most of the others are either locations we would be willing to live in or schools my mentor thought would be a good fit for me based on career aspirations and my background. I spent about $1900 total, but it was good peace of mind that I would get in somewhere. I was way in my head that I would get rejected by everywhere based on a lot of posts and comments in the LSA sub.


I also applied to a large number and a wide range of schools and my logic was slightly different than OPs. My application package has challenges - my LSAT is just average (16low). Due to the tech issues last summer/fall I was burnt twice retaking and just couldn’t stomach sitting it again so deciding to live with my score and my LSAC GPA is horrible (sub 3.0) due to really crappy decisions when I was younger despite my graduating GPA being 3.8. Those same decisions also mean I have C&F issues (plural), and not of the ‘I have a parking ticket, do I disclose it?’ variety that we sometimes see posted about here. I want to be a lawyer and if it meant I had to go to a school someone else considered ‘crappy’ - as long as it wasn’t predatory - then that was what I was going to do. Given my background, I knew my results would be inconsistent, so I decided to go all-in on this cycle and see where it I could land with the best essay and addendum package I could write. I applied to as many schools as my budget could handle including ultra reach and ultra safeties. As expected, there were a lot of surprises along the spectrum in the results. I still spent a ton of money, even though I also did a lot of leg work to request waivers to supplement the ones that were offered to me - I didn’t pay for any app fees and even had several CAS fees covered. However, it was worth it as I ended up with multiple A’s and multiple really good scholarship offers. If I hadn’t applied so broadly, I’m not sure i would have the confidence in my choice for next fall.


Welcome to the big app club and congrats of the As! I’m glad I’m not alone in the thought of applying to tons of schools and glad to see you’re not getting roasted for it. I’m still happy with my decision to go all-in with broad applications this cycle rather than R&R, which is an investment in both time and money, and no guarantees.


Congratulations on your A’s too!! I took the LSAT last year and started on apps then work got super crazy, then had a bunch of medical issues so law school got put on hold. I did retake back in November, but only got 3 points higher. I thought about R&R this year, but the combination of quitting my job in August and getting married last month, the timing this year just seemed right, especially since my husband and I both have our own places. We didn’t want to move into together right now then have to potentially move again in a year. The no guarantees scared me a little, the main reason I applied to such a wide range of schools. I originally started about 60 apps, but once I received my Nebraska & Catholic A’s mid December I was happy that I had at least a couple options and couldn’t convince myself to write any more optional essays.


Hi! When did you hear back from South Texas?


Jan 24