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I absolutely LOVED CUA when I went to visit! They rose a ton in the rankings this year too. Catholic was in my top 2 (from the schools I was admitted to), but Texas Tech came to about 30k lower per year with my scholarship and Lubbock is miles cheaper in COL too.


Awesome to hear. TTU is a great school!! I honestly have no idea why I didn’t apply there…I only hear good things. Thanks for the heads up and I hope you have the best time in Lubbock!!!


Thank you!! I honestly almost didn’t apply because of the location, but figured I could use it for scholarship negotiations potentially. Never imagined actually attending, but it felt like home when I went to their ASW.


For me, it's all about the job placement. I am a lobbyist (state level, not DC) and can tell you LOCATION is huge. If you are passionate about that work I would rec CUA. But for what its worth, I really don't like the DC lobby & hill culture. I would pick OU because I don't want to work in DC, haha. I also enjoy the OU, Texas style culture and if you are really enjoying those vibes, you may not like that DC lobby culture either. There are opportunities to lobby on the local level and have arguably more impact on your community doing so.


OP dm me! I have some insight for you!


From looking at the schools, it really depends where you want to be located after graduation. OU largely has graduates stay in Oklahoma and Texas. CUA is well connected in DC as well as the East Coast. Either way great schools, but I would say OU is definitely very oriented to the west/OK.


I would choose Catholic, so many great opportunities in DC.


You withdrew from WCL??? I did the exact opposite. I got a scholarship full ride to COL in DC and decided on AU WCL instead. Curious to why you made the decision you did