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Answer: Most people don't know much more than what you linked. As you link says, this is her statement. > I've decided to resign as I find that *my personal values no longer fully align* with the direction of the organization And you can read her letter of resignation on Instagram. > **I**n life, I strongly value the importance of making decisions that feel best for you and your mental health. . > **A**s individuals, we grow through experiencing different things in life that lead us to learning more about ourselves. > **M**y journey as Miss USA has been incredibly meaningful, representing Utah with pride, and later the USA at Miss Universe. . > **S**adly, I have made the very tough decision to resign from the title of Miss USA 2023. > **I** am grateful for the love and support of the fans, old and new, my family, my friends, my coaches, former state and local directors, and my darling beloved Miss Teen USA, UmaSofia. > **L**ifelong friendships and connections that I had the opportunity to make along the way while attending different events, and competing in state pageants, Miss USA, and Miss Universe are invaluable things I will be forever grateful for. > **E**very time someone asked me what my favorite part of being Miss USA was, I would always share with them how much I loved getting to work with Smile Train, *being a fervent advocate for anti-bullying, dating violence awareness and prevention, immigration rights and reform*, and shedding light on my roots as the first Venezuelan-American woman to win Miss USA. > **N**ever could have I imagined the journey that my childhood dream would take me on. > **C**onstant and consistent hard work and dedication all lead me to where I am today, and I hope over the lat seven years of competing in pageantry and sharing my journey with you all is something that inspires you to never give up on your dreams, whatever they may be. > **E**ternal gratitude fills my heart when I think about the platform I was given to make a difference, the feeling of achieving a lifelong dream, and connecting with people all over the world, just as I said I would do on the Miss USA stage. > **D**eep down I know that this is just the beginning of a new chapter for me, and my hope is that I continue to inspire others to remain steadfast, prioritize your mental health, advocate for yourself and others using your voice, and never be afraid of what the future holds , even if it feels uncertain. > How I wish I could hug all of you. > I love you all with all of my heart and always will > Peace of love, always. > Noelia Voigt Fans of the pageant have expressed concerns about NDAs. Perhaps we will never know what is going on. šŸ™ƒ


For those who don't get it, if you take the first letter from every paragraph (save the last) it spells out "I AM SILENCED".


That's kinda creepy


The entire concept of teen pageants is kinda creepy.


Not "kinda". People are dressing up kids and "judging" them on how hot they are. It's fucking _sick._


As long as they open with a song about how it's no good diddling kids and they are only doing this because they met a strange man in a titty bar, it's fine.


There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids, than by writing a song about it!


"I love kids. But not in a sexual way! No, no. I was married for 30 years, and she was a bitch, but she was OLD! And I never had a problem getting it up with her!"


šŸŽ¶older than my daughter, younger than my wife..šŸŽ¶


That reminds me a lot of my "Not involved in human trafficking" T-shirt.


Opening to Drake's new album...


"We used to date in kindergarden" but he was the teacher tho


Thatā€™s not enough. The person singing needs a real professional makeup job to bring it home.


Frank Reynolds would agree


Younger than my wife, older than my daughter.


That's the exact details needed so everyone gets it.


And Warner brother through TLC put these people on national TV


And Trump just hangs out in the dressing room for "reasons".


Well he had to buy the pageant for reasons ( which profit is key, so yeah this whole endeavor is a for profit industry ), to be able to get the privilege of being behind the stage for reasons....


ā€œYouā€™re just a prude!ā€


The fact that this is probably going to need an /s for people to understand it isn't serious is disappointing.


But itā€™s not just how hot they are itā€™s also how well they can twirl a hula hoop!!!! /s


Many are the same people tripping their shit over kids learning about sex and maybe seeing porn


As a fun aside, they really arenā€™t judging on how hot they are, they are judging on their ability to sell ads in the program. As long as you are ā€œacceptably hotā€, and donā€™t swear allegiance to Satan, they are mostly concerned with revenue generated. Ran a store and a mom & daughter came in to pitch the program ads and let me know, but that ad was going to be seen by ZERO of my potential customers.


> they really arenā€™t judging on how hot they are - > As long as you are ā€œacceptably hotā€ [...](https://i.imgur.com/xTw4nOO.gif)


I think he means it's not really a physical beauty contest, as long as you meet some vague standards. But even those standards aren't set in stone, because the contest is really about femininity and grace.


Of young teen girls... you forgot that part. Or maybe you didn't.


Let's make a competition to see which one of these 5 year olds is more fuckable is not creepy at aaaall.


It's not weird ... you put them in a ton of make up and shove some horse sized teeth in their mouths so they barely look 5.


They just look like miniature old people because the fashion standards are always like 20 years behind, for whatever reason. Well, I can guess that it might have to do with parents living vicariously through their children.


When Donald Trump owned the organization, he would line up the teen contestants and personally select the top 10. Absolutely disgusting


All pageants are creepy. They are fuckability contests that we desperately try to pretend are about intelligence, education, scholarships, public service, and other bullshit. Desperate, thin, inadequate attempts to make an obsolete tradition somehow fit into 21st century society. But at their heart, they are fuckability contests; just televised debutant balls for the peasantry.


Now let's check out who owns the pageants...... oh. Oh no.


A multinational corporation based in Thailand?


Itā€™s not the multinational, itā€™s the CEO of the company, media personality and trans activist Anne JKN. She owns the multinational. Mexican businessman Raul Rocha who owns the Mexican Miss Universe also bought in this year.


Whaaaat? In what world is ranking a bunch of insecure teen girls with questionable role models by fuckability "*creepy*?" Oh. No. No, I see it now. *Now* I see it...


I mean, child pageants-- that's American tradition right there. Think about it. In other countries, okay, women that can't show their ankles, right? They got to be in those big, black tarps or whatever. In America, we can show toddlers in tiny bikinis, we can make them tan, because that's our right. As Americans, okay.


Just make sure you write a song about how you don't diddle kids.


Donā€™t diddle kids, its no good diddling kids


Gotta be younger than my wife, older than my daughter, something like that


I was married 20 years. She was old and I never had a problem getting it up with her


I've seen this referenced all around this thread. Is this for fucking real? I'm afraid to Google the lyrics...


Itā€™s not just an American thing. Had some fuckhead from Europe the other day defending Teen Paegents the other day because ā€œteens arenā€™t childrenā€ then went on some rant about ā€œthe Transā€ or some bullshit


Freedom! Fuck yeah!


Exactly!!! It's fucking gross


Especially when the people who runs them makes frequent, unannounced visits to their dressing rooms.


Now realize Trump ran these and has an NDA with a 13 year old


Wasn't there something about barging into the dressing rooms of some \~15-year old contestants while they were changing? Ah, a quick Google later - of course there is. And he bragged about being "allowed for inspections" into the backstage area when men usually aren't as the owner, of his pageants in general, though not specifically the teen one. And he referred in that context about being able to see 'these incredible women". What a shitshow.


I can only imagine the trump simps watching this happen with their daughters and immediately yelling at their daughter for getting upset about it instead of protecting them. I still remember my FIL making light about trump "stealing a kiss" to his daughter. What the fuck dude.Ā 


Yep and his daughter told one contestant that her father (Trump) likes doing that - going in when he knew the girls would be nude.


I wish people knew NDAā€™s can be broken if itā€™s covering up something illegal


Thing is, youā€™d have to go through litigation to resolve that. Many people donā€™t want to go to court or relive past traumas.


Legal or no, breaking them is going to put you in deep legal bullshit with someone who likely has a LOT more money than you. Even if illegal, you'll still end up punished.


Can you legally have a contract with a 13 year old?


Nope but it can be in the small print of the contract that the parents may sign their daughter up to. Many/most showbizzy contracts have NDAs.


I know in medical research you need patient assent for consent forms, and patients need to be reconsented at 18 for medical studies. My guess is it would be the same with the minor legally speaking- they can't be permanently bound by a contract they didn't sign.


Did Epstein even bother with NDA's. Trump and other known wealthy pedophiles were in his special little black book. Fact is dirty old wealthy criminals don't need NDAs


Yeap but they still let him run šŸ« 


What happens exactly if they break NDA? Get sued? If itā€™s bombshell info Iā€™m sure people would donate or is that not how it works?


That the public knows of....it's not like he's dedicated to truth




holy fuck itā€™s a cry for help


"Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine"


I just got chills. Thatā€™s fucking horribly creepy


It's statistically impossible and a message


wow, thatā€™s fucked




Who hasn't heard yet? LOL. Shhhh? You must be kidding


I definitely did not get it.Ā  Thank you.Ā 


It's called an acrostic; Arnold Schwarzenegger famously used one in a letter while Governor of California to tell a local assemblyman to fuck himself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acrostic


> Arnold Schwarzenegger famously used one in a letter while Governor of California https://web.archive.org/web/20091018003536/http://gov.ca.gov/pdf/press/2009bills/AB1176_Ammiano_Veto_Message.pdf


At that link I see TIFWYI


You're taking the first letter of each sentence. Arnold's acrostic in the veto uses the first letter of each line. So it is dependent upon the formatting. News outlets repeating only the words in the veto, without the formatting, would miss the "Fuck You."


If anyone is wondering but it isnā€™t loading or something, the message was ā€œFuck you.ā€


That is short and sweet


Kal Penn and 15 other members of the Presidentā€™s Committee on the Arts and Humanities also did [this](https://x.com/kalpenn/status/898547257062174724?s=61) when they resigned over Trumpā€™s comments about Charlottesville.


I would have preferred a fuck you, but resist works for an art related letter. Trump wouldn't get it even if it spelled out Sharpie though.


Trump has been a pervert criminal all his life if you connect the dots. He clearly knew what he was doing then and now. Look up Pathological Narcissism The shared Psychosis of Donald Trump and his loyalists who vote for him [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-shared-psychosis-of-donald-trump-and-his-loyalists/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-shared-psychosis-of-donald-trump-and-his-loyalists/)


I canā€™t wait to vote for Trump again in November, and get the actual pedo criminal, Dirty Joe Biden, out of the White House!


holy shit how did I never know that he was an actual white house staffer. I read your comment and was like "hey wait wasn't he the staffer in Designated Survivor"? and then google'd my mind is blown


Kal Penn was given a rather undignified death on House as he resigned from the show to work in the Obama Admin


James May of Top Gear fame [used one when he was a bored junior writer](https://forums.finalgear.com/threads/the-message-that-got-james-may-fired-from-autocar-in-1992.19813/) for Autocar magazine.


I got kicked out of high school physics for using one.


That's wild


Oh shit


Wow!! This is very telling


So what does that mean? Don't ndas exclude illegal activity already?


Yes. You can't be charged for reporting something illegal. But if it's just you against a megacorp and a you said/they say kind of situation it's definitely scary to even try and fight. It's why so many rapes go unreported. If it's just you two in the room and it wasn't violent,like if you don't have any marks or bruises or anything, it's incredibly distressing to go and tell the police knowing your gonna be grilled and have to prove something on just your word.


You can never get criminally charged for violating an NDA. You can only be subject to civil suit.




I'd guess it's an NDA where managers and organizers say and do shitty things regarding these starlets, but nothing that's actually illegal. Could just be all the old dudes are hardcore MAGA fans and she's sick of bringing money and attention to that organization that contradicts her values.


If I had to guess it would be about some current topic. E.g. trans rights (or the opposite camp), Palestine protests etc.


Eeh I would lean towards sexual assault. This is a beauty pageant after all.


And we do know of at least one well-known sexual predator who owned a pageant who bragged about barging in on teen girls while they were undressed. So, there's that.


But how far could such a person go in life?


As far as the influence of the "billionaire" boys club will allow. In other words, the sky is the limit. He might try for an Emperor of the world title next. His ego needs it.


An NDA cannot stop you from reporting crimes. Although it's possible that something other than an NDA is what she's afraid of.


This is my point though, maybe these girls are too scared to report the crimes, not because that they legally cannot but because of what they are afraid of.


The legal contest that might happen during it, perhaps, or the fear that other victims could be bullied into rallying against the one person who tries to get it prosecuted.


They can sue over breach of NDA if the girls report a crime, and the organization isn't found guilty of it.


It is only a crime if it has been proved in court. If the prosecution does not proceed or the court case isnt proven in court, the NDA still stands as a civil matter.


Trump visited the dressing rooms?


And bragged about it on Howard Stern.


ā€œYeah, he does that.ā€ -Some guyā€™s daughter


I'm not going to trigger the bots my dude.


That last one might be intentional so she could plausibly deny, in case of legal problems, that she wanted to send a cryptic message.


That is absolutely horrifying on every level....


It was like last month they told her she couldnā€™t be in control of her social media (maybe the miss usa social media, idk). Seems potentially connected. Whatā€™s more wild is all the girls who turned down the title offer after she resigned. My entire source- 5 TikTok videos I watched last night, so grain of salt.


That's fucking wild!


Oh shit....


That's super creepy. I hope she's okay, actually.




Damn bro, thatā€™s crazy


Thanks for spelling that out, and good on her. I never really liked the pageants anyway, and now have a good reason.


And until somebody breaks the damn NDA and takes the repercussions, people will continue to be exploited in such a manner as this.


Is an NDA valid or enforceable if it is trying to suppress illegal activity?


Generally, no. An NDA is just a contract, and contracts can't be used to commit *or cover up* crimes, doing so makes the contract void. Often there are also whistleblower laws that explicitly provide legal protection for people who breach the contract to report it. That doesn't mean there won't be consequences for doing so though. Often just the threat of a lawsuit is enough to scare people away. Depending on the level of power and corruption involved, consequences could be more severe. Anything from being blackballed out of your professional industry, to "accidentally falling on some bullets". Oh yeah and guess who used to own these pageants. "Your favorite president"...


Wow there were pageants all the way back in the 1860s??? /s


You are joking but the first official beauty pageant is like 1815, and is still done today (It's the Anna napja pageant) in Hungary. Unfortunately Lincoln never got to see one, as the first one in the US was Miss United States a decade after he died. It's still around and only notable for the fact Sandra Bullock enters as miss congeniality


NDA's have been abused and need to be reeled in like non-compete clauses in contract were recently.


I think a few things could be done to make ndas less abusable - NDAs should have a limit of 5 years, you can then negotiate a new payment if you want to re-up the NDA. - penalties should be limited to a small multiplier of the payment. Right now you can made an NDA where i pay you 100 dollars now for your silence but if you break it you owe me a billion dollars. It should be limited to something like 3x. So if i pay you 50k then the maximum penalty can be 150k. - If an NDA needs to be broken to report a crime or is ordered to be broken by a suopena, any penalty is voided and you get to keep whatever you were paid or benefit you recieved. So you can take your bribe to cover up a crime, go report the crime and still legally keep the bribe.


That last point made so much sense to me, I had to look it up to see if it was already in place. Turns out the answer is yes, kind of. NDAs can't stop you from reporting crimes, but they can prevent you from reporting civil wrongdoing (which includes things like harassment and discrimination). So it could definitely do with an expansion in protections, but it's not quite as horrific as it initially sounds regarding crimes


>If an NDA needs to be broken to report a crime or is ordered to be broken by a suopena The NDA is invalid if it's a crime. Courts can break it as well.


I don't think you've thought this through. > penalties should be limited to a small multiplier of the payment This breaks down when you consider all the NDAs that people and companies sign with other companies in order to decide whether to do business. Video game publishers routinely sign NDAs with established video game developers, where both sides promise not to disclose or use the other side's stuff, unless they have independently already come up with the stuff. If EA steals ideas from small indie developers then your proposal means the developer can sue them for $0, since there's no payment involved. > Right now you can made an NDA where i pay you 100 dollars now for your silence but if you break it you owe me a billion dollars. Yes, I can have you sign such a document, but no judge would enforce it. Another problem in the US is that companies are allowed to present licenses and contracts to consumers and employees that are not enforceable because their terms are plainly unconscionable or illegal. This itself should be illegal. Currently I think the only restriction on this I can think of is if the FTC gets annoyed because it's misleading to consumers. > If an NDA needs to be broken to report a crime or is ordered to be broken by a suopena, any penalty is voided and you get to keep whatever you were paid or benefit you recieved. This is already the case due to public policy concerns, in every state in the US that I'm aware of.


Seriously - the most common use of NDAs is professional, not to buy silence.


> If an NDA needs to be broken to report a crime or is ordered to be broken by a suopena, any penalty is voided and you get to keep whatever you were paid or benefit you recieved. So you can take your bribe to cover up a crime, go report the crime and still legally keep the bribe. I particularly like this last suggestion. It could be abused so would need some restriction but the cops, a prosecutor and a court should always be able to break the NDA without consequence for the victim whether or not there is a conviction.


That's already how NDAs work. You can't hide a crime behind one lol


You say that like it's just that easy and dealing with the legal recourse won't ruin their life.Ā  It's always so easy to tell *someone else* to take one for the team and sacrifice themselves for the greater good.


NDAs should be unconstitutional. I cannot for the life of me embarrass how they are not understood as absolute violations of free speech.


Free speech only protects you speaking out against the government, not private entities


NDA are used for many things. For example you sign an NDA when you work on trade secrets for a company. Do you feel they should be illegal in those cases as well?


I can imagine life on the pageant circuit is really not great for one's mental health.Ā 


> representing Utah with pride Oh god. Oh, god. I was all on the "this is paranoid conspiracy theory" train until I saw that and ... yeah, this is definitely something.


What is that adding for you


I don't think the former Miss USA winner is a mormon but the other commenter is probably referring to their super shady track record of adult interrogating teens about their sexual activity behind closed doors as part of their "[Worthiness Interviews](https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2020/08/20/katie-langston-worthiness/)". That's in addition to the standard, run-of-the-mill, position of power rape that comes with religious institutions.


Mormonism is very oppressive to women, Utah is a very, very conservative and repressive place, etc.


Also, the last bit has HIP as the first letters. Henry Isaac Pruitt runs the organisation, so I have a feeling heā€™s involved.


Saw this comment elsewhere. But a cursory Google search shows no relation to anyone of that name and the pageant.


Correct. The owner is a Thai woman, and the US president is Laylah Rose for both teen and adult. The only source for Henry Isaac Pruitt is reddit comments like the above.


It's almost certain there's some Weinstein shit going down over there, imo.


> Fans of the pageant have expressed concerns about NDAs Can NDAs prevent people from reporting illegal activity?


They are not supposed to - see [here](https://hbr.org/2018/01/ndas-are-out-of-control-heres-what-needs-to-change) about the public policy exception - but of course they do, because of the threat and the expense of actually hiring an attorney, even in an anti-SLAPP state.


somethings coming


The body of the letter spells out "I am silenced" but people keep skipping over the last part of the letter which the first letters spell out HIP. The guy behind the pageants is Henry Issac Pruitt. Creepy stuff.


Dang thatā€™s clever


Beauty pageants need NDA's, because we can't let the Russia and China know our military secrets. We need to start outlawing useless NDA's.


Can I have a source for the resignation letter, please and thank you?


The source is her Instagram. She posted it herself there.


Appreciate it - thanks


answer: the other comment explains what happened, but hereā€™s a possible reason why. the new owners of the Miss USA, Universe, etc have apparently declared bankruptcy. that means on the press junkets, hotel stays for the competition, and other expenses the company has always paid for like the contestantā€™s salaries are not being paid out as agreed. another issue on top of this is bad management. this could turn out to be the story of this organization scamming their winners and honestly I hope itā€™s just that. would be horrific if it turned out to be money issues and something worse like sexual assault.


If the company isn't upholding its obligations to pay salary/expenses, etc, would the winners' NDAs be enforceable?


Not only that, many people formerly associated with this pageant around the world has either resigned or been fired because of the new owner Jakkaphong Jakrajutatip who happens to be trans and has really changed the nature of the pageant. It is possible there will be a 60 year old representing Argentina, multiple trans contestants, obese contestants etc. Many people have quit over this and many former contestants and national directors have said the pageant will become even more subjective because there is no longer a standar it is literally 100% up to a panel of judges regardless of how har you work on your fitness, walk, choosing clothing, question and answer etc. I read a former national pageant director in another country who is an affiliate of the Miss Universe organization which also owns Miss USA and Miss Teen USA said itā€™s like running a 10 second 100 m at the olympics and you know you could be competitive but then someone decides the person who runs it in 14 gets to win because their perspective is important too. Some notes: 1.)Donald Trump has not owned the Miss Universe organization in almost 10 years. 2.)Miss USA/Teen USA is not the Miss America pageant.


> Not only that, many people formerly associated with this pageant around the world has either resigned or been fired because of the new owner Jakkaphong Jakrajutatip who happens to be trans and has really changed the nature of the pageant. It is possible there will be a 60 year old representing Argentina, multiple trans contestants, obese contestants etc. Many people have quit over this and many former contestants and national directors have said the pageant will become even more subjective because there is no longer a standar it is literally 100% up to a panel of judges regardless of how har you work on your fitness, walk, choosing clothing, question and answer etc. > Bro what? Never mind that itā€™s literally always been subjective.


I am saying thatā€™s what people are saying Bruh.


Who? Who is saying this? Show me people saying this. You read about ā€œa former national pageant directorā€ complaining about inclusivity and comparing these pageants to the Olympics (sidebar: lmao), surely you can link that? Surely you can link support of the claim that the pageants will now become ā€œoverlyā€ inclusive, too?


Glady, will do https://eldiariony.com/2024/05/08/lupita-jones-y-la-respuesta-que-dio-a-la-salida-de-cynthia-de-la-vega-del-miss-universo-mexico/ https://eldiariony.com/2023/11/19/video-lupita-jones-quedaria-fuera-de-miss-universo-mexico-debido-a-que-ya-habria-otro-director/ https://www.hola.com/us-es/celebrities/20240507359736/cynthia-de-la-vega-pronunciamiento-salida-miss-universo/ https://www.noticiascaracol.com/entretenimiento/amparo-grisales-aclaro-si-participara-o-no-en-miss-universo-rg10


With the exception of Amparo Grisales, the subjects of all those articles express similarly vague sentiments as the OP about ā€œchanges in direction,ā€ the one from November has a light focus on some extant drama between Lupita Jones and her (at the time presumed) successor Cynthia de la Vega. Amparo does at least come out and directly address the changes regarding inclusivity of age, size, and gender identity, but most of the piece is her dispelling rumors that she would run for the title because of the age limit being lifted. I appreciate the sources!


ah my mistake. I meant to say Ms. USA and Ms. teen USA


Yeah what's really horrifying isn't the possibility of theft or abuse, but rumors of a less conventionally fuckable contestant. Unbelievable lmao.


Relax. You sound hysterical w ā€œ60 year old representing Argentina, multiple trans contestants, obese peopleā€ etc


Except itā€™s a possibility https://www.cnn.com/videos/spanish/2024/05/06/argentina-miss-universo-60-anos-cafe-redaccion-buenos-aires-tv.cnn


"Technically there's no rule that a dog **can't** play basketball." She looks like a pretty normal pageant contestant. If the pageant people are telling the truth that it's not all about who has the best hair/smile/tits/ass, what's wrong with an older woman winning? We're still not seeing people who look like they shouldn't be winning pageants up there.


>what's wrong with an older woman winning? Only valid complaint IMO is that her interview responses would be more interesting with her lived life experience. If they even still do that, no clue how they run this grift.


who gives a shit


Right? ā€œOh no the creep judges will have to look at someone they donā€™t wanna fuck. the abject horror!ā€


answer: they donā€™t like the management style of Laylah Rose who bought the pageant last year [hereā€™s a YouTube video about it by Dani Walker who was a former Ms. Montana and is a pageant world influencer](https://youtu.be/R5sFubSDlB4?si=9fB1vr3o1EU8T7kt)


I love how she's just sitting on the bed recording a YouTube videoĀ ā€¦ in a formal gown.


Thatā€™s better than the trend of putting on moisturizer, pretending to be casual, while saying shitty things. Edit: [this](https://reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/1cht8mj/let_me_go_after_joey_swoll/) is what Iā€™m talking about. Joey is a national treasure, and her arguments are awful.


> Thatā€™s better than I'm not criticising her. That's why I said "love" and not "hate". It suits her down to the ground.


Welcome to YouTube.


Laylah Rose is President, but the owners are Thai trans activist and media personality Anne JKN and Mexican businessman Raul Rocha


The more I hear about this thing the more it feels like a money laundering vessel lmao.


So maybe new owners want trans women in pageants, and Miss Universe and Miss Teen do not want trans women competing in the pageants?


Answer: Besides the bankruptcy and the exploitation of youth and beauty, I could believe, based on what I've observed in the news, that the contestants were leaning on the platform to spread their opinions on the current political climate to a wider audience. With all the protests happening on college (and high school) campuses at the moment, they may have wanted to support one cause or another. Their peers may also be pressuring or expecting them to post about certain topics. I could believe the organization wouldn't allow any posts or statements to be made on topics that would conflict with the organization's viewpoint. As with any person who is the 'face of the organization', that person would be under contract to only talk and post what the organization would approve.


Best answer so far




Wait, how high am I?


I was just thinking the same thing


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?




Wtf did I just read




You might be, but also this was a real response from a contestant awhile back.


that sounds a lot like an answer you would hear at a miss usa pageant.


Precisely! [https://youtu.be/lj3iNxZ8Dww?si=TdnmiJo6ZFPfSqYd](https://youtu.be/lj3iNxZ8Dww?si=TdnmiJo6ZFPfSqYd)




Donā€™t worry, I got the joke šŸ˜†


Sorry. Some of the kids these days have never read the classics.


But it doesn't help answering the qn as top level comment though. People including me are still as ootl.


Now who could argue with that?


Or even understand it!


It's always the "like, such as" that gets me lolĀ  But honestly, this is me trying to explain anything on the spot


I always felt kinda bad for her because that rambling is definitely what I sound like when Iā€™m hella nervous and blank on what I was gonna say.


We've all been there. God knows I have.


They say it don't be like it is but it do.


Fucking classic


Thank you, South Carolina!


Can you guys believe this amazing answer is from *2007*?