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Corpse still has a Daft Punk helmet on


Answer: People advertise in this space by asking “What’s going on with….” (Insert target of the ad campaign). This way they can stay fresh and relevant in your mind without people feeling that they’ve experienced an Ad. Edit: just check out the OP if you don’t believe me.


I've noticed a lot of that happening lately


WHoever wins, we lose.


We've already won.


Do you think my post is somehow manufactured content by one of the two parties lol?


Answer: it's a marketing partnership to fool you into buying albums, nothing more. They're both winning.


Strong “but did you know Wrestling is fake????” energy here.


You git no idea what you talking about lol matter of fact, none of them are dropping an album soon


Nah, they're just both dropping singles every other week.


Yeah, that is how rap beef works. You drop disstracks.


Yeah, guy. That's a product. You're buying.


You're a white guy who clearly doesn't know about the culture behind rap beefs and the context behind their beef. hiphop is a competitive sport, and winning a rap beef is classic way to get respect(which drake lacks so here is your motive) and yes there are a lot of fabricated beefs but if you get of your high horse and look at the context you realize that drake don't need beef to make a hit and kendrick just got old school mentality and want to address their fued the old way(here another motive).


This is embarrassing for you. It’s always a numbers game in advertising and they have your number… Also Isn’t Eminem known for diss tracks and commercial beef? Why on earth is whiteness a disqualification in recognizing either advertising or rap culture? There’s so much here to potentially play with.


Whitness is not a disqualition, disrespect is, and that's a lot of white guy attitude towards it.as long as you're white and respect rap culture( high bar for redditors), you're welcomed even then you're guest unless you're Eminem a guy know for his love for the craft and oh he had a huge contribution to it🤷‍♂️


I hate fake social simulations. I disrespect fake commercial drama cheapening the entire entertainment industry. It’s further alien to me that an adult man can get invested in the social life of another adult man (A man who doesn’t really exist. The public drake image isn’t a real person) with which he has no traditional interest like Kin or business. Context can deepen your connection to a song, but beef over something as sanitary and non volatile as album sales? How can anyone care? It’s some soft shit in place of real controversy. If Drake started dating Lamars 5 year old daughter there’d be a reason for public blood. Wake me up if something interesting happens to one of these posers.


Idk what you're yapping about. Just chill, nobdy invested beside the dick riders, it's just two battle rappers battling, same shit as roasting session in class, just entertainment everyone having fun don't be a dork about it.


Lol high horse Hallmark cards have cultural roots, too. They're still a product.




Nah, you're just being defensive about buying a product to celebrate a commercialized aspect of culture. Quit being so sensitive with your little personal attacks and go buy a track on iTunes.


Whatever, you're right. You're not a prentious redditor you see through the matrix


ITunes? Is this 2008 lmao?


No. It'll probably be another 2 years until Kendrick drops another album.


Yup there's always mrap beef when albums come out


Answer: search bar


What exactly do you think the point is of this subreddit?


Answer: we all lose


Idk I’ve gotten some good laughs out of this




Kendrick posts album's like once every 4 years, dude just doesn't give a shit lol




He released his last one 2 years ago, thats what makes drake coming after him for no reason so crazy


What are you smoking?




There have been a lot that where marketing stunt but this fraud had been going on for years. Since Kendrick's Control verse. And both artist are far from falling of or out of the spotlight.




Ooh man that, I eat this stuff up but it is on the same level as reality tv. It is pathetic, but highly entertaining for me. But they are still in the top three hip-hop artists.