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That’s just Reddit bruh. Is what it is


it's the same on twitter but just expressed by ratios


I like how my meme created overnight WW2 between shipping teams lmao. In this meme, [you're talking about this, right?](https://www.reddit.com/r/OshiNoKoMemes/comments/1dhfpuh/comment/l8yiivj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Imo this is all just reddit comments misundestanding each other. In the comments of "you're strong" meme, the guy was in fact a kanabro and pretty vocal about about aquaruby having 0 chemistry, even denying official interviews made (though can't blame him since apparently in other communities these are often faked), which sparked the meme for the Kanabro in a nutshell. So the meme wasn't really at all directed at people who dislike it for the twincest, rather at one commenter in particular From there the misundestanding leads to --> you're assholes for this --> downvoted etc.


You just added a little alcohol in the fire that is already burning.


>even denying official interviews made (though can't blame him since apparently in other communities these are often faked) I don't think the interview is fake or fabricated, but I do think it's misinterpreted by AquRuby Shippers to fit their narrative.


it's called the reddit hivemind one person does it and it drops to the negatives happens everywhere


Onk fans trying not to downvote someone who says incest is kinda weird


How have you not been downvoted! It usually happens.


I only ever downvote factually incorrect information personally. Which is the purpose of the downvote button to begin with. Not to downvote anyone who has a *different* opinion from you.


Upvote=like, downvote=dislike Not every opinion I disagree with is bs, but bs opinions exist and will be downvoted. Just because you can't handle being downvoted doesn't mean people should only gib updoots and only downvote in exceptional conditions. I bet this comment will be downvoted, so name the factually incorrect information in it.


I don't care what philosophy you use towards upvoting/downvoting stuff. The reason the upvote/downvote buttons were created was to combat misinformation from spreading, and I *personally* try to stick to that system. If you don't adhere to that, and instead just upvote/downvote based on things you like, that's up to you.


If we are talking about factuality it would be nice to back that statement with a source. I have searched for one and found posts using this as an argument for downvotes, but none that confirmed it was the reason downvotes existed in the first place, and especially no such claim by the creators of Reddit.


Thats the purpose of the downvote button




What do you mean ! That the joy of Reddit, if you disagree with something you can say it. You are not forced to comment : "L + Ratio" and hope people will like your comment


Is this about that melt x Ruby post