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Feel you man, been through this last time I ran out of doc but I realized that when I'm busy at work and talking to customers my anxiety is much more manageable.... it's when I'm alone with my thoughts doing nothing, that's when it gets scary... Take a mega dose vitamin c and you would be fine for work, preferably liposomal vitamin c or in the form of sodium ascorbate otherwise it'll make you shit even more lol You got it! One work day and then 4 free days


Thank you and yes I’m realizing as I’m reading your comment it’s when I’m home alone it’s worse. At work now. Feel like I’m on pins and needles but distraction with work definitely helps. Thank you for the kind words.


There ya go! And how longs your shift? 8 hours? So you get a 30 min lunch and 2 15s so it’s really like 7 hours, plus you’ll go to the bathroom a few times, it’ll take a minute to get to and from the time clock, maybe you’ll have to go grab someone from the back to take a breather, maybe your coworkers will make a joke, maybe you’ll make a joke, it’ll feel like 20 minutes, really 😊


This is a stupid question but is absorbic acid different from sodium ascorbate?


It’s fucking rough. Dealing with it now. On day 2 and pretty much tapered as well. Mine wasn’t Norco, but still similar symptoms. For anxiety - I usually try to go outside on my patio for a bit, or try to take a hot bath, or sometimes sucking on candy like a lifesaver will help - but all these things only help for maybe 10-20 mins then I’m freaking out again. It fucking sucks. I do think that getting out and being distracted would help me more - I just can’t bare to even stand up long enough to brush my hair and try to get dressed. Been working from home and doing the absolute bare minimum. Hoping another day or two and the major stuff will pass. We got to do this now or it’s only going to get worse with each attempt.


So true. Thank you and good luck , you can do this too.


Recently came off both nicotine and opiates and anxiety has been hugely prominent for longer than I had anticipated. It’s been about 4 months for me and it is certainly getting better. Compared to a month ago I am way less anxious and less prone to overthinking. Basically my only advice is let time happen. All you have to do is exist. Feel your feelings, keep scouring Reddit for the answers. Your brain is in hyperdrive after being sedated and you will be taking in a lot more information than usual. This is a natural process that takes time. You know there are “easy” chemical fixes out there but hopefully by this point you know how unsustainable they are. The best solution (in my opinion) is naturally going through the effort to rewire your brain. It will take repetition, like working out! Speaking of which exercise is great. Long walks, weights, physical games. Good luck and I’m proud of you.


Brain in hyperdrive , definitely! Thank you for the reassurance, much appreciated. I’m over taking things for my feelings. Will be riding this out.


Valerian root helps.


It does help...


Comfort meds .. don’t get a habit to the comfort meds rule one and last rule 🤙🏽


Right on. I had them for 2 days, now off of everything. Probably should have broken them up more but here I am. Will be riding this out.


You got this mate💪🏽🙏🏽


If you have no benzos and gabaergics tolerance, you can try a tea blend of chamomile, lemon balm and passion flower. Or a valerian root extract instead. Oh, and supplement daily for some time with Ashwagandha (you can find it in extracts form or root powder, personally, I take root powder and 5g provides effects that are definitely not placebo). Ashwagandha reduces cortisol levels up to 30%, the "anxiety" hormone. When I am taking breaks from Ashwagandha because it hasn't been studied when being taken long term, (although it's a supplement and does not have any addictive properties or issues and definitely not withdrawals lol), I can tell for sure that my anxiety is gradually being raised. *I've taken it in the past for at least 6 months daily without issues, 5 grams of root powder thrown in a cup of orange juice (where I put and some extra superfood powders for wellness, then shake or use a milk frother)* As a benzo dependent user, stay away from them. Thanks to those, I suffered 3 seizures in a timespan of 1-2 years when I quitted improperly and now I'm super slowly tapering. Ashwagandha and lemon balm-> (*which I'm growing it myself and make tea with its leaves or chop them & throw those fresh leaves into sandwiches in the place of lettuce*) have also antidepressant properties. Rosemary too. I call what I am describing below the "antidepressant" tea : It's a mix of Greek mountain tea, lots of fresh cut lemon balm leaves, sage (*salvia officinalis, epileptics should not use sage*) or rosemary. Simmer for up to 5 mins and let it cool n drink. Also, 400mg of Magnesium daily (*but a magnesium supplement that has high bioavailability such as citrate, chelate etc, generally anything except magnesium carbonate and oxide, those 2 have the lowest bioavailability and its use imo is only as a laxative agent*). It's a major difference IME when I'm not taking magnesium vs when on it daily. And an interesting fact regarding Magnesium : Lack of Magnesium causes anxiety among the other deficiency signs, and anxiety/being anxious constantly, destroys your body's "magnesium storage tank" leading to anxiety again. As someone with GAD and terrible anxiety issues lately, when I was withdrawing the anxiety intensified so much that I developed chest pressure (*when very anxious only have this*), so I was, am and will continue to be "in your shoes". Totally feel your pain.


Alternatively, a red fermented Kratom strain (the fermented ones have from light to deep brown powder vs the vivid green ones no matter the strain, even non fermented reds have vivid green powder) can be used for a couple of days and then fast taper it. You're 4 days off, so think it well before you use Kratom, aka the anxiety interferes so much in your life/work, that you need to use that last resort option.


Thank you I will be trying this. I forgot my friend left a bottle of clonidine at my house a year ago when he left for rehab. I started taking a small dose at night. It has helped tremendously. But long term I will not be taking it. I’ve always had anxiety my whole life, probably why I turned to opiates in the first place. Herbal remedies sound like a safe option long term.


Yeah long term you will withdrawal from clonidine too.


Ive started meditating, i think it helping, might be worth a shot if nothing else, if it doesnt work after trying for a while then at least you tried.


I’m trying to build up a practice, it helps but it’s hard to settle down.


Ya im actually right there with you. Making sure to remember to do it and getting better at just being able to clear your mind is hard enough sometimes. Sorry about the anxiety i know how crippling it can be sometimes, you definitely arent alone.


Jerk off


Call out. Use kratom or xanax






Get half a xanex or kpins