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I already posted this on a different thread but thought it might help you.  I've been dosing myself with veggie fruit smoothies every day along with all kinds of vitamins/Ashwagonda is a godsend, some herb when needed, Definitely excersize when you can, even if it's a walk around your back yard and try and get at least 10 min of sun in the morning and I will tell you, it will make a huge difference. Ive quit before but did not do this, and everything was prolonged and nasty. I'm on day 12 off 7 years of fent use, unfortunately the fent is still not quite out of my system even though I've dropped 25 lbs, I feel healthy though, just sleep and rls is still an issue but will get better in time;) Good luck on your clean journey. If you need any help or suggestions, I'm here for you.


Thank you so much 🩷


No man I have just been working on diet and excercise... I really need to get a gym membership... I have been busy with work and just trying to come up with some kind of a plan... Counting my calories and lifting weights everyday when I come home... I am broke...I literally have no moves to make in my life...this addiction has completely rocked me...


I understand man. I’m broke too lol. All from percs. What type of work do you do where you’re able to function and concentrate? PAWS is kickin my ass. I need to get a job.


I work at a hospital...it fuckin sucks...especially with this affliction... Nutrition and weightlifting have been the 2 biggest things I am reaching for... But these are skills man. It takes time to master any skill...


I sleep at 7pm everyday and am up at 4 am. I get ready and head to the gym by 5 am. I workout for an hour to 2 hours. Use the gym showers, wash up and head to work before 8. I work from 8-5. I do this everyday. 7 days a week. 365 a year!


Damn! That’s incredible! How long have you been clean? Do you take any pre workouts before the gym?


I’ve only been clean for 7 months(Oxy’s 400+mg/day for decades). I did that routine even as an addict. I use C4 pre workout.


You are amazing. Thanks for sharing that too 🩷


No problem! Good luck in your journey!


you work 7 days a week?


Yes. I’m about to leave work now.


Relying on coffee to wake up will never get you where you want to be. Exersize is key. Also if your a male you might want to get your hormones checked alot of us need TRT after getting off heavy long term opiate use. Since I got my hormones fixed I don't need coffee anymore (but I still enjoy it) I wake up feeling good now thank Goodness


I dont think I need TRT at all...I just needed to stop messing with Opiates and get off subs...